Ka – The Plot Against Jesus Matthew 26:1-5; Mark 14:1-2; Luke 22:1-2; John 13:1

The Plot Against Jesus
Matthew 26:1-5; Mark 14:1-2; Luke 22:1-2; John 13:1
Late Wednesday afternoon
on the thirteenth of Nisan

The plot against Jesus DIG: How can we conclude how long Jesus’ ministry lasted in His First Coming? What was ironic about Caiaphas’ statement about it being better that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish? What was ironic when they said: If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation? How is the division among Jews in Christ’s day seen in in Judaism today? When did the Sanhedrin want to have Him executed?

REFLECT: Have you ever resisted the sovereign will of God in your life? Maybe you didn’t realize it at first, but when you became convinced of His sovereign will why did you resist? How long did you resist? What were the consequences of your resistance? What did you learn? How hard is it for you to turn over certain parts of your life to the Lord? Are you clinging to anything He wants you to give up right now?

Three important events took place late Wednesday afternoon the thirteenth of Nisan before sundown, and on Thursday the fourteenth of Nisan after sundown.

First, late Wednesday afternoon before sundown the most important members of the Sanhedrin met at the palace of the high priest to plot against the life of Christ.

Secondly, on Thursday evening after sundown Jesus was invited to the home of Simon, a former a leper, for dinner. There, Mary, the sister of Lazarus, anointed Yeshua with expensive perfume for burial. It was then that the Lord rebuked Judas for wanting to sell the expensive perfume made of pure nard so the money given to the poor (to see link click KbJesus Anointed at Bethany).

And thirdly, after being rebuked by Jesus at the home of Simon the leper during dinner Judas left Bethany, and walked to the palace of Caiaphas the high priest in Jerusalem and agreed to betray the Meshiach (see KcJudas Agrees to Betray Jesus).

It was late in the afternoon on Wednesday, the thirteenth of Nisan, just before the Passover festival. This is the fourth of four Passovers mentioned in the ministry of Christ. The first is mentioned in John 2:13. The second mentioned in John 5:1, the third is referred to in John 6:4, and the fourth in John 11:55, 12:1, here in 13:1, 18:28 and 39, and 19:14. By dating these, we are able to conclude that His public ministry lasted three-and-a-half years.1355 The suffering Servant knew that the hour had come for Him to leave this world and go to the Father. Messiah’s death and resurrection were now imminent. He had come to die in obedience to the Father’s will. His coming was also an act of love for all mankind (John 3:16). But He had a special love for His sheep: His own. Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to completion, all the way to the end (John 13:1).

When Jesus had finished saying all these things, He said to His talmidim: As you know, the Passover is two days away – and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified (Matthew 26:1-2; Luke 22:1). Now the Feast of Passover/Unleavened Bread was only two days away (Wednesday and Thursday because the Passover started Friday after sundown). In subsequent times, these two feasts were considered so connected that to this day they are usually referred to as one feast, the seven-day Passover holiday.

Then Caiaphas, the Torah-teachers, and the elders of the people (see LgThe Great Sanhedrin), assembled in the palace of the high priest (Matthew 26:3; Mark 14:1b). For some time he had been advocating a policy of sacrificing Jesus to supposedly save the whole nation from the Romans: You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish (John 11:50). There was no division of opinion among those gathered. The entire Sanhedrin was not in attendance, but these where the fanatical majority. The fact that they assembled in the place of the high priest speaks volumes about the depth of the opposition to Yeshua.

Earlier they had said: If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation (John 11:48). Those religious leaders had enjoyed a privileged status for almost six centuries. They feared that if a riot broke out in Jerusalem, the Romans would crack down even harder on the Jews living there. The Romans would jump into the fray soon enough, but at this point all the Gospel writers focus on the Jewish side of things. Everyone there agreed and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill Him (Matthew 26:4; Mark 14:1c; Luke 22:2a). Consequently, those self-proclaimed men of God had devised a specific plan for handling the Nazarene: a quiet arrest and trial, followed by a hasty execution.

Far too often, emphasis is put on the “Jewish” rejection of Yeshua while forgetting the fact that it was an area of disagreement within the larger Jewish community. Earlier, Christ had Himself said: Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter against her daughter-in-law. People’s enemies will be the members of their own household (Matthew 10:34-36). The same could be said today as many orthodox, reformed, conservative and Hassidic Jews and Christians seem to forget that there are millions and millions of messianic Jews.

Caiaphas and the member of the Great Sanhedrin were concerned about the imminent Pesach festival and the Jewish community’s tenuous relationship with their Roman occupiers. It is important to point out that this was a relatively small group of Jewish leaders. While it is well known that much of Jewish Supreme Court opposed Jesus and His messianic claims, many thousands of His fellow Jews followed Him as the Meshiach.

The conspirators needed to find a way to arrest Jesus away from the masses, and Judas would make them an offer they couldn’t refuse. They needed to wait until after the festival when the pilgrims had left Jerusalem and gone home. “But not during the festival,” they said, “or there may be a riot among the people” (Mt 26:5; Mk 14:2; Lk 22:2b). If the arrest could be avoided until after Pesach, then many of Jesus’ Galilean supporters would be out of town and traveling back to their homes. With this in mind, they put thoughts into action.1356

But ADONAI was in full control of when Jesus would die, not the Jewish religious leaders. Satan wanted the Lord dead before He went to the cross so there would be no atonement for sin. Christ’s death was not only necessary at the proper time – on the Passover, but also in the proper place – on the cross.

The plotters had their timetable, but God had His, set before the foundations of the world. As a result, Messiah’s death would happen exactly when the schemers didn’t want it to happen. But with the help of Judas, they would succeed in finding a secluded place to arrest Him away from the masses in the garden of Gethsemane.

In 1915 Pastor William Barton started to publish a series articles. Using the archaic language of an ancient storyteller, he wrote his parables under the pen name of Safed the Sage. And for the next fifteen years he shared the wisdom of Safed and his enduring spouse Keturah. It was a genre he enjoyed. By the early 1920s, Safed was said to have a following of at least three million. Turning an ordinary event into an illustration of a spiritual truth was always a keynote of Barton’s ministry.

It has been the custom in our home that the children should put on their Nighties and kneel down at the knees of Keturah and say their Prayers before they went to bed. And this I did also at my mother’s knees, and likewise did Keturah at the knees of her mother.

And our children said each of them, Now I Lay Me, which is a Poem that some silly folk think is unsuited for Modern Children. But if they will bring up any better Children on their milk-and-water stuff than were brought up on Now I Lay Me, I shall be glad. But after they had said Now I Lay Me, each one of our five children would say a Prayer of their Own. And they prayed each one after his or her own heart. And there are few finer memories to Keturah and myself than our Five Children in their Nighties all offering up their Evening Prayers.

And how much their prayers were unlike those of Grown Folk, Keturah did not disapprove. For those folk are wrong who would say to children, Unless you become Stupid and Commonplace as Grown Folk you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; for the dear Lord Jesus said it just the other way around.

Now there was one of our sons who was always finding Lame Dogs and bringing them home, and he prayed ever for the Birdies that get Hurted, and for the Dogs that go lame and none to help them, and for all men and women and children who suffer.

But now and then as he prayed, he remembered that many of the folk who suffer bring their suffering upon themselves by their own folly and sin. And with them in mind, he would end his prayer, saying, And I can’t help the Burglars, and Amen.

The years have come and gone, and I have looked out over the world, and have often found relief in the same Disclaimer of Responsibility. And I say, O Lord, your judgments are true and righteous altogether, but there is much in this world that is Mighty Perplexing. Sin and Folly account for most of the pain in this world, but not all of it; and if You, Lord, should eliminate all of that sin, who should stand in Your sight? I have been Praying and Boosting and Uplifting and Reforming for a Good Long Time, and the job seems as big as ever. Lord, there comes a point where I am not able to Assume Responsibility for all the happens in the Mixed-Up World. Still, I do pray for the needy and the sorrowful and the sinful. Still, I do count a part of my own interest in this life all that has human interest. But, Lord, this Proposition is a Little Too Big for me, and now and then I feel as Doctor Martin Luther felt when he spoke to Philip Melanchthon, saying, Philip, for this day we will leave the Governance of the Universe with God, and you and I will go fishing. And I think of the sins and sorrows of human life, and say, Lord, I will bear on my sympathies all that one Human Heart can stand up under, and continue the March Around Jericho, but I can’t help the Burglars. Amen.1357

2022-12-12T15:17:09+00:000 Comments

Jz – The Preparation for Christ’s Death on the thirteenth of Nisan

The Preparation for Christ’s Death
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

While Jesus was teaching His apostles some parables to help them understand the coming events, the Great Sanhedrin was gathered at the house of Caiaphas. They were in a frenzy. Killing the maverick Rabbi was their only solution, but the time was short. First, the Nazarene needed to be arrested. After that, there needed to be a trial. But they knew that no trials could be held on the Sabbath, and the Sabbath was fast approaching.

If they were going to kill Yeshua they needed to have Him arrested and tried before sundown on Friday, the fifteenth of Nisan. Making matters even worse, they had to deal with their own laws that were restricting them (to see link click LhThe Laws of the Great Sanhedrin Regarding Trials). But Caiaphas knew that all those details could be massaged. The most important thing at that time was to arrest the Galilean Rabbi. All the other problems could be worked out once that happened.

None of the people who had listened to the Lord in the Temple during the week could be alerted about the arrest or there would be a riot. That would mean Pontius Pilate would get involved and Caiaphas would be blamed. So the arrest had to be kept secret.

For that, Joseph Caiaphas needed some help. Little did he know that one of Christ’s own talmidim was making plans to provide it (see KcJudas Agrees to Betray Jesus).

All Judas wanted was money.1354

The times I have associated with the different events of Friday, the fifteenth of Nisan are merely estimates to help the reader understand the sequence of events. There are only three times that we can be sure of. First, Messiah was nailed to the cross at nine o’clock in the morning. Secondly, He died at three o’clock in the afternoon. And third, that He was put in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea before sundown.

2024-05-14T14:33:43+00:000 Comments

Jy – The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25:31-46, Joel 3:1-3, and Luke 21:37-38

The Sheep and the Goats
Matthew 25:31-46, Joel 3:1-3, and Luke 21:37-38
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The sheep and the goats DIG: How will God provide for His people during the Great Tribulation? When will the Gentiles be judged? On what basis? What happens to the sheep? The goats? If someone ends up in hell, how did they get there? How will the sheep reveal their faith?

REFLECT: When have you been hungry, thirsty, a stranger, in need of clothes, sick or imprisoned, and someone reach out to you? When have you reached out to people in those conditions? Do you think you would do it if it might cost you your life?

After answering the third question: What time will the messianic Kingdom be set up? Jesus took some time to warn His talmidim about something that was a mystery to them, namely the Dispensation of Grace ending with the Rapture. He emphasized through a group of parables (to see link click Js The Parables of Watchfulness, Readiness and Labor) emphasizing that no one knows the hour or the day that the Rapture will come, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Mattityahu 24:36). Meshiach’s consistent message was to be on guard! Be alert and keep watch!

However, now Messiah returns to the topic of Jm A Time of Trouble for Jacob. Although obviously a horrible prophecy of future events for Isra’elChrist nonetheless tempers this bad news (as He usually does) with some hope in the midst of their time of trouble. Believing Gentiles, or sheep Gentiles, will be sent to help them. The whole world, led by the antichrist will be out to destroy them, and when they refuse to take the mark of the beast (see my commentary on Revelation DpThe Mark is the Name of the Beast or the Number of His Name) they couldn’t buy or sell anything to support themselves. Therefore, just as God sent the ravens to fed Elijah (1 Kings 17:4), God will send the pro-Jewish Gentiles to feed and comfort the Jews.

Though a vast number of Gentiles will be killed during the Great Tribulation, and the great Gentile army will be slaughtered during the Campaign of Armageddon, some will still survive. At that time, and at the very place where the Campaign ended, each individual Gentile will be gathered for judgment described in two passages.

First, the prophet Joel tells us that in those days and at that time, God will restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem. We are told that He will gather all the Gentile nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There He will enter into judgment against them concerning His inheritance concerning the people of Isra’el. The basis for their judgment will be how they treated the Jews during the Great Tribulation. The sins committed against Isra’el are: first, the Gentiles scattered His people among the nations during the middle of the Tribulation; and next, they divided up God’s Land during the Campaign of Armageddon; and last, they sold the Jews into slavery. They cast lots for His people and traded boys for prostitutes and they sold girls for wine that they might drink (Joel 3:1-3). The Gentiles will be judged on the basis of their involvement in these kinds of sins, for whoever touches Isra’el touches the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8).

Secondly, the results of this judgment are given. The Judge, the judgment and those judged are identified. When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne as the Judge in heavenly glory. All the Gentles still living on the earth will be gathered before Him for judgment, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats based on their treatment of the Jewish people during the Great Tribulation. He will put the pro-Jewish sheep on His right and the anti-Jewish goats on His left (Matthew 25:31-33).

There will be Gentiles who will be the pro-Jewish sheep (see my commentary on Revelation FcThe Sheep and the Goats). They will provide help to the Jews during a time when it will be extremely dangerous to do so. The Jews who will have to flee into the wilderness without anything with them will often be provided with food, clothing and shelter by the sheep Gentiles. They will also render help to the Jews living in Jerusalem. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison for not taking the mark of the beast and you came to visit me (Mattityahu 25:35-36).

Because of these acts of kindness, they will be allowed to enter the Messianic Kingdom. Then the King will say to those on His right, “Come, you who are blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). It will be the sheep Gentiles who will also play a part in the destruction of Babylon, the capital city of the antichrist (see my commentary on Revelation EjThey Will Make War Against the Lamb, But the Lamb Will Overcome Them). They will reach the 1,335th day (see my commentary on Revelation Ey – The Seventy-Five Day Interval), and will be the ones who will populate the Gentile nations during the Kingdom.

Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and invite You in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see You sick or in prison and go to visit You?” The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me” (Mt 25:37-40).

As far as the anti-Jewish goats, all who aided the antichrist in the Jewish destruction, hunting them down like animals, will be condemned to hell. Then He will say to those on His left, “Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire (Mattityahu 25:41). Hell is a reality. It was prepared for the devil and his angels (Jude 6; Second Peter 2:4; Revelation 12:7). If eternal fire is merely an image in the conception of hell, the reality is far worse. There are no second chances. People go to hell against the wishes of ADONAI, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (Second Peter 3:9). God does not send anyone to hell; they end up there because of the accumulative decisions they make in their lives. They are pulled down in the abyss by the weight of their own choices. The Holy Spirit woos them throughout their lives. They hear about Him in vacation Bible School, but they say, “No.” Friends in high school witness to them, but they say, “No.” They see an article about the Lord on the Internet, but they don’t click on it, saying “No thanks.” A neighbor invites them to services, but they say, “No.” Over and over again in a thousand different ways Jesus pleads with them, saying: Please come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). But they say, “No.” Although it breaks His heart, He will not violate their freedom of choice. Character is eternal. The wicked character chooses hell, the place of eternal rebellion and endless regret, hopelessness and despair. Children of the King, clothed with the righteousness of Christ, inherit the estate of the blessed. His children would not be an appropriate companion in hell. And there is a hell as eternal as the heavens.1351

“For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite Me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after Me” (Mattityahu 25:42-43). They will fail to reach the 1,335th day and, as a result, will lose out on the blessings of the Messianic Kingdom.

They also will answer, “Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help You?” He will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these Jews during the Great Tribulation, you did not do for Me” (Matthew 25:44-45). To fail to serve Messiah’s chosen people is to fail to serve Him, and to fail to serve Him proves one does not belong to Him.

The basis of judgment will not be salvation or lack of it, but being pro-Jewish or anti-Jewish. Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life (Matthew 25:46). The goats will go to hell, whereas the sheep will inherit eternal life. So, is their eternal destiny based upon works? Not at all. The Bible is clear that salvation equals faith plus nothing. Salvation is totally apart from works. During the Great Tribulation the treatment of the Jews will become a dividing line between those who are believers and those who are not. Only the believers will dare to violate the rules of the antichrist and aid the Jews. As James would say they will show their faith by their works (James 2:14-26 NKJ). But the unbelievers will prove their unbelief by their anti-Jewish acts.

The judgment of the Gentiles, then, will determine who among them will be allowed to enter the messianic Kingdom. Only believing Gentiles will be allowed entrance, and the evidence of their faith will be their pro-Jewish works.1352

Each day Jesus was teaching at the Temple, and each evening He went out to spend the night on the hill called the Mount of Olives, and all the people came early in the morning to hear Him at the Temple (Luke 21:37-38). The imperfect verb teaching emphasizes Messiah’s continual practice of teaching at the Temple. In general the people, especially those from outside Jerusalem, were positive toward the Galilean Rabbi and sought eagerly to hear what He had to say. They, of course, stood in sharp contrast to the religious leaders who were trying to kill Him (Luke 19:47) and to trap him in what He said in public (Luke 20:1-8 and 19-40). But by the end of the week, the Pharisees and Sadducees had persuaded a small minority of locals to rally against the Son of God, and they would cry out: His blood is on us and on our children (Mt 27:25)!1353

2022-12-12T15:07:53+00:000 Comments

Jx – The Parable of the Bags of Gold Matthew 25: 14-30

The Parable of the Bags of Gold
Matthew 25: 14-30
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The one main point of the parable of the bags of gold is to keep on actively serving while watching and waiting until Christ returns.

The theme of wasted opportunity is the theme of this parable, which focuses on readiness for the Rapture as displayed in serving the Lord. The parable of the ten virgins focuses on readiness revealed in waiting, whereas the parable of the bags of gold focuses on readiness demonstrated in serving. The five virgins who had oil for their lamps represent believers who possess the Holy Spirit, and the two faithful servants who invested their bags of gold also represent believers who exhibit a life of service.

Frequently, one or the other of these two principles is either lost or overemphasized. Although believers are to rejoice continually in the prospect of the Rapture, we are not to sit back in idleness and do nothing. Saving faith is serving faith. It was perhaps because they thought Messiah was coming momentarily that some believers at Thessalonica fell into undisciplined, careless living and decided to figuratively sit on their roof tops and wait for Christ to return. Subsequently, they became busybodies who were not productive and even disrupted the body of believers there. Paul rebuked them severely and gave them this rule: The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat (Second Thessalonians 3:6-13). On the other hand, we are not to become so caught up in serving God that we forget to contemplate and rejoice in His coming for His bride the Church.1348

Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. A wealthy man would often have special servants who functioned as overseers of his household and managers of his business. At times they had a virtual free hand within their area of responsibility even when the master was at home. The man in this parable had three such trusted servants to whom he entrusted some of his wealth while he was away on a long journey. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. The master knew his servants intimately, and entrusted each one with only the responsibility he knew they could handle. Then he went on his journey (Matthew 25:14-15).

Because the parable represents the kingdom of God during the Dispensation of Grace (see my commentary on Hebrews, to see link click BpThe Dispensation of Grace), the master represents Christ Himself, and the going on a long journey represents the time He is away from the earth until He returns at the Rapture for His bride the Church to carry her back to His Father’s house in heaven (see JwThe Parable of the Ten Virgins). The servants depict professed believers, members of the Lord’s visible church whom He has entrusted His wealth, or His various resources to use on His behalf until He returns.

The parable pertains to what each slave did with the fairly assessed responsibility he was given. The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money (Mt 25:16-18). It is significant that, although the servants with the five and two bags of gold did not produce equal profits, they did produce equal percentages of profit, doubling what they had been given. In the same way, believers with different capabilities and opportunities may produce different results while working with equal faithfulness and devotion. Thus, the Lord assures His servants that each will be rewarded according to their own labor (First Corinthians 3:8).

The servant who received five bags of gold represents the genuine believer whose number one desire is to serve ADONAI. The second servant was given less than half to work with, but performed just as faithfully as the first. Like his fellow servant, he doubled his master’s money. The behavior of the third servant, however, was radically different. Hiding valuables in the ground was a common practice in the ancient world, but it was hardly a sensible way to earn a profit. That servant had not been given one bag of gold to protect, but to use it wisely for his master’s profit. Although he had been given fewer resources than the other two (apparently for good reason), he had the same obligation to use what he had to his maximum ability.

After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. “Master,” he said, “you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.” The first servant was not bragging but merely stating the truth. There was no hint of pride. His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! The master praised the servant’s attitude and also rewarded him greatly, declaring: You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness” (Matthew 25:19-21)!

The man with two bags of gold also came and gave the same report as the first, the only difference being that he had doubled two bags of gold instead of five.Master,” he said, “you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.” His master’s reply was the same as the first: Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness (Matthew 25:22-23)! He was a believer.

Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. The third servant did not present the master with earnings but with an accusatory and self-serving excuse. Having done nothing with what he had been given, he said: Master, I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you. The other two servants demonstrated their genuine faith in the Messiah. So there is a distinction made between believers and unbelievers. The believers are servants who will keep on laboring while they are watching for Christ’s return; but the unbeliever cannot labor in the work of the Lord, and therefore will demonstrate his lost condition. He will have nothing to show at the time of Yeshua’s return. There were two ways in which the third servant demonstrated himself to be an unbeliever.

First, he produced absolutely nothing with the resources he had been given and did not even attempt to use it for his master’s benefit and profit. This servant does not represent an atheist or even an agnostic because he recognized the master as his legitimate owner and no doubt pretended to honor his master while he was away. He didn’t misuse the bag of gold on immoral or selfish pursuits like the prodigal son. He merely ignored the stewardship he had been given. In much the same way, unbelieving church or messianic synagogue members sit among believers each week and are exposed to God’s Word and associate with God’s people. But in spite of this, they do not respond to the Gospel and therefore will have nothing to show when Jesus returns for His bride.

Second, this servant demonstrated his counterfeit allegiance by questioning his master’s character, accusing him of being a hard manunmerciful and dishonest. That servant represents a wolf in sheep’s clothing (see my commentary on Jude AhGodless People Have Secretly Slipped In Among You), whose limited knowledge of God leads him to conclude that He is distant, uncaring, unjust and undependable. His faulty estimation of his master’s character proves that he has no intimate knowledge of him. This servant’s relationship with him was one of enmity rather than peace, of hatred instead of love, of rejection rather than faith. This is a picture of an unbeliever.1349

In response to the unfaithful servant’s rationalization, His master replied, “You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest” (Matthew 25:24-27). Even if the servant’s accusation against his owner had been valid, it did not excuse his laziness. The truth of the matter was that the servant had no real concern for his master one way or the other, and his excuse seems to have been more off the top of his head than anything thought out. He did not expect his master’s return and did not expect to be held accountable. And when he was finally caught by surprise, he merely threw out an outrageous charge that made no sense at all.

Therefore when Messiah returns, He will figuratively take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. As He had said previously (Matthew 13:12), Jesus now says again: For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them (Matthew 25:28-29). That servant was not simply unfaithful but faithless. Those who demonstrate spiritual fruitfulness will be given even greater opportunity to bear fruit for Him. But those who are spiritually unproductive demonstrate that they do not belong to God and will lose even those benefits that they once had. The divine principle is that those who trust in Christ will gain everything, those who do not trust in Him lose it all.

So, there is a distinction made between believers and unbelievers. The believers are servants who will keep on serving while they are watching for Messiah’s return; but unbelievers have no desire to serve in the work of the Lord, and thus will demonstrate their lost condition. They will have nothing to show at the time of Yeshua’s return.

The third servant was utterly worthless and his fate was to be thrown into the outer darkness. Just like the man who tried to crash the king’s wedding feast without the proper wedding clothes (Matthew 22:11-13), this unproductive, counterfeit servant was doomed for destruction. Outer darkness is a common New Covenant description of hell, which is the opposite of heaven. God is light (First John 1:5) so hell is darkness; heaven is continual comfort so hell is continual pain; God is love (First John 4:8) so hell is the separation from God and all love; heaven is fellowship so hell is loneliness; heaven is joy, while in hell there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever (Matthew 25:30).1350

2022-12-12T15:01:59+00:000 Comments

Jw – The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25: 1-13

The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Matthew 25: 1-13
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The one main point of the parable of the ten virgins is be watching and ready for the Lord because He can return for His bride at any time.

In order to understand this parable, it is first necessary to understand the Jewish wedding system that was common in Jesus’ day and was still used among the majority of Jews until the beginning of the twentieth century. The Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and Jews who remain in some eastern nations, continue to use this system today. The Jewish marriage system had four distinct stages, all of which are to be found in the relationship of the Church as the bride of Christ.

In the first stage, the father of the groom made the arrangement for the bride and paid the bride price. God the Father has already made the arrangement and then paid the bride price. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (John 3:16a). By giving up His Son and shedding His blood, the bride price was paid and the arrangement was sealed.

The second stage will be the carrying of the Bride. Even as a long period of time could transpire between the first and second stages in the Jewish system, so it has been with the Church. About two thousand years has passed since the first stage was accomplished. Some day the second stage will take place and Yeshua will come in order to take His Bride to His home. This carrying of the bride is referred to as the Rapture (see my commentary on Revelation, to see link click ByThe Rapture of the Church). Therefore, the second stage will be completed some time before the beginning of the Great Tribulation. God the Father will determine the timing of the Rapture. For no one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36). And it will only come after Jesus has the place already prepared. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am (John 14:2-3).

This parable contrasts Jewish believers and unbelievers. The ten bridesmaids, or ten virginswere waiting for the groom to return and to start the wedding ceremony. At that time the kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the groom. Five of the virgins were foolish (unbelievers) and five were wise (believers). The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. This would be a serious problem because you need light in the darkness. It would be really foolish to run out of oil at such a critical time.By contrast, however, the wise virgins were prepared and even took extra oil in jars along with their lamps just in case they ran low (Mattityahu 25:1-4). They are the ones who have the oil, a common symbol for the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures. Because the Messiah is already pictured with His bride, the Church has been raptured.

It was not uncommon for the groom to be a long time in coming because it was his father who actually announced the start of the ceremony. The father would pick what he considered to be the most opportune time and with the blast of the shofar, the wedding procession would begin. With great joy the groom would travel to the home of the bride to fetch, or literally carry her to the father’s house (heaven) for the wedding ceremony. In this parable, the late arrival of the groom created a bit of a problem. In fact, the hour was so late that all the virgins became drowsy and fell asleep (Matthew 25:5).

But they were suddenly awakened. At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the groom! Come out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6)! The crisis in the parable is clearly when the groom returns at an unsuspecting moment to carry his bride back to his father’s house. This is seen in the chiastic structure below.

A Ten virgins went out to meet the groom (25:1)

B Five were foolish and took no oil and five were wise (25:2-4)

C They all became drowsy and fell asleep (25:5)

D At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the groom! Come out to meet him” (25:6)

C They all woke up and trimmed their lamps (25:7)

B Five ask for oil and five send them to buy some for themselves (25:8)

A The groom receives only those who were ready (25:9-12)

Epilogue: So keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour (25:13)1346

Since it was dark outside, they needed oil in their lampsThen all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The wise virgins were not caught off guard, as they had prepared extra oil in case of just such an emergency. However, at that moment the foolish virgins realized their dilemma. They had no oil. It was not that they had been unaware of their lack of oil but that they were not concerned enough about it to acquire it before the groom’s arrival. Perhaps they thought they could buy some any time they needed it. Or perhaps they thought they could borrow oil if the shops were closed. So they gave that a try. The foolish ones said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.” “No,” they replied, “there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves” (Matthew 25:7-9). No reason is given for their negligence, no doubt because the reason is irrelevant. Because they had ample opportunity to be totally prepared for the groom’s arrival, nothing could excuse their failure. They are pictured as the unbelievers and, thus, will be neither watching nor ready.

But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the groom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. The tragedy, of course, was that there was then no more opportunity to buy the oil (Matthew 25:10-11). Earlier in His ministry when discussing entrance into the Kingdom, Jesus said: Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, “Sir, open the door for us.” But he will answer, “I don’t know you or where you came from.” Then you will say, “We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets. But he will reply, “I don’t know you or where you came from. Away from me you evildoers” (Luke 13:25-28)!

Later when the foolish virgins returned from their unsuccessful search for oil and came saying, “Lord, Lord, open the door for us!” But the bridegroom replied within the house: Truly I tell you, I don’t know you (Mt 25:12). Those five were not virgins and never belonged to the wedding party to begin with, but managed to dress and act like true virgins. Now the pretense was over, and their sinful, foolish character was exposed.

It will be a moment of sheer terror when unbelievers face a holy God and realize with absolute certainty that they are eternally lost. That must have been the feeling of the people of Noah’s day when they saw the flood waters rise above their heads and knew the door to the ark was unalterably shut.1347

The conclusion of the parable is short but profound. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour of the groom’s appearance. Jesus Christ is the coming groom (Matthew 25:13). On several occasions He had taught that only the Father knows the exact time of His appearance (Matthew 24:36). Therefore, the readiness of His talmidim was paramount. They always needed to be ready. No one would want to be caught unprepared and lacking what was needed to be invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.

Once again, we must remember that there are three rules of biblical interpretation: context, context, context. And the context to this parable is the three questions asked by the talmidim (see Jh The Three Questions). Consequently, Jesus used this parable to help His twelve apostles better understand the coming events. As He is talking about the judgment of Isra’el in the last days, some Jews with Ruach ha-Kodesh will be welcomed into the Kingdom. Yet for other Jews, if they don’t have a personal relationship with Yeshua through the work of the Holy Spirit, then the invitation will be in vain.

The third stage, or the marriage ceremony itself, will take place in heaven just before the Second Coming at the end of the Great Tribulation. The wedding announcement will be made: Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters (Ezeki’el 1:24; 43:2) and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: Hallelujah! ADONAI, God of heaven’s angelic armies, has begun His reign. The Hebrew Scriptures had long prophesied about His future reign (Psalm 93:1, 97:1). Then the Bride will be prepared: Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding [feast] of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready (Revelation 19:6-7 CJB).

After the wedding ceremony will come the fourth stage, the wedding feast. Again Yochanan was told by an angel to write. He said: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb because they will experience everlasting celebration (Revelation 19:9a)! According to the Bible, the righteous of the TaNaKh are not resurrected with the Church before the Great Tribulation, but after it is over (see my commentary on Revelation FdThe Resurrection of the Righteous of the TaNaKh). John the Baptizer, who was the last of the prophets, called himself a friend of the bridegroom, and did not consider himself to be a member of the bride, or the Church (John 3:27-30). Thus, the many who will be invited to attend the wedding feast on the earth will be all the righteous of the TaNaKh (Mattityahu 8:11) and the Tribulation martyrs resurrected after the Second Coming.

To summarize, while the wedding ceremony will take place in heaven just before the Second Coming, the wedding feast of the Lamb will take place on earth just after the Second Coming. So the wedding feast will introduce the Messianic Kingdom (Mt 22:1-14, 25:1-13). And with it, all four stages will be complete.

Parables make one point so one should not press any of the details. In this parable, there is an emphasis on watching and readiness, both of which are accomplished by faith in Jesus Christ. Only the wise ones, the believers, will enter the marriage feast (see my commentary on Revelation FgBlessed Are Those Invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb). The point is clear: Stay alert, as we don’t know the time of Jesus’ return.

2022-12-12T14:52:39+00:000 Comments

Jv – The Parable of the Faithful and Wicked Servants Matthew 24: 45-51

The Parable of the Faithful and Wicked Servants
Matthew 24: 45-51
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The one main point of the parable of the faithful and wicked servants is when the Messiah returns, believers will be found laboring while unbelievers will not.

The coming of the Lord at the rapture will be a test of servants. As the master in Messiah’s story entrusted the care of all his possessions to his servant, so ADONAI has entrusted the care of all things in this earth to His servants. The responses of the servants will indicate their individual spiritual conditions.1345

Christ wants to find His servants, like the first servant, faithfully carrying out His will. Who then is the faithful (saved) and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Such a servant will be rewarded for his faithful service at the Rapture. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions (Mattityahu 24:45-47).

But the servant who fails to carry out his stewardship will be left behind at the Rapture. Suppose that servant is wicked (lost) and says to himself, “My master is staying away a long time,” and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of (Mt 24:48-50). Like those of Noah’s day, he was unaware of the sudden coming judgment, in this case, of the judgment of the Great Tribulation.

The lost will be cut to pieces and assigned a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth apart from the master (Matthew 24:51). All unbelievers – those who completely reject the Lord and those who think one day they will trust in Him, those who are honest in their unbelief and those who are hypocritical in their faith – will suffer the same destiny if they do not repent of their sins during the Great Tribulation (see my commentary on Isaiah, to see link click KqThe Wolf and the Lamb Will Feed Together, and the Lion Will Eat Straw Like the Ox). They will end up separated from the Master, separated from all love, cast into the darkness of eternal pain and punishment called hell, which will eventually be thrown into the lake of fire and tormented forever and ever (Revelation 20:10).

2022-12-12T14:40:12+00:000 Comments

Ju – The Parable of the Owner of the House Matthew 24: 43-44

The Parable of the Owner of the House
Matthew 24: 43-44
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The one main point of the parable of the owner of the house is to accept Yeshua as Messiah and to be raptured with the Church because the Son of Man will come unexpectedly.

The emphasis here is on readiness. Again, being ready can only be obtained by means of salvation. As everyone knows: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have let his house be broken into. No sane thief would announce his intention of robbing a house, and no sane owner of a house who knew in advance at what time of night the thief was coming would fail to be on the alert in order to prevent his house from being broken into (Matthew 24:43). Obviously, Jesus was not comparing Himself in character to a thief  but comparing His coming to the unexpectedness of a thief’s coming because no one knows when the Rapture will take place.

Although the B’rit Chadashah frequently compares the Second Coming to the coming of a thief (Luke 12:35-40; 1 Thess 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 3:3 and 16:15), the Scriptures also frequently refer to Isra’el as the fig tree (Jeremiah 8:13, 24:1-10; Hosea 9:10; Joel 2:21-25; Nahum 3:12; Zechariah 3:10; Matthew 21:18-21; Mark 11:12-14 and 20-21; Luke 13:6-9;). But just as to see click link JqThe Parable of the Fig Tree does not represent Isra’el, The Parable of the Owner of the House does not represent the Second Coming.

Another reason these verses point to the Rapture rather than the Second Coming, is that Tribulation believers will know exactly when the Second Coming will occur. The Lord will return exactly seven years after signing the covenant with Isra’el and 42 months or 1,260 days after the abomination of desolation (Revelation 11:2-3, 12:6). However, no one knows the hour or the dayof the Rapture, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Mattityahu 24:36). Consequently, this parable states that the owner of the house did not know what time the thief would come. Hence, the Rapture. So you also must be ready, or be saved, being spiritually ready to meet King Messiah, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him (Matthew 24:44). The constant theme of these parables of watchfulness, readiness and labor is for both Jews and Gentiles to be ready when the Rapture comes so they can avoid being left behind to suffer the wrath, the hell on earth, of the Great Tribulation.

2022-12-12T14:35:25+00:000 Comments

Jt – The Parable of the Watchful Porter Mark 13: 32-37

The Parable of the Watchful Porter
Mark 13: 32-37
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The one main point of  the parable of the watchful porter is to be continually ready for the Rapture.

During the night the captain of the Temple made his rounds. On his approach the guards had to rise and salute him in a particular manner. Any guard found sleeping when on duty was beaten, or his clothes set on fire. But there would have been little inclination to sleep within the Temple even if they were tired. True, the chief of each of the twenty-four divisions and the heads of families reclined on couches where it was lawful to sit down, and the older priests might lie on the floor wrapped in their priestly clothes while the younger men kept watch. But then the preparations for the morning burnt offering required each man to be up very early.

The priest whose duty it was to oversee the preparations might knock at the door at any moment and demand entrance. He came suddenly and unexpectedly, no one knew when. The rabbis used almost the same words as the Bible, which describes the unexpected coming of the Master. The rabbis said, “Sometimes he came at the cock-crowing, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. But whatever time he knocked, they had to be ready to open the door and let him in.1343

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (also see Matthew 24:36). Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. The Rapture is imminent for each generation and lends urgency to Yeshua’s imploring us to be on the alert until the Rapture. It’s like a man going away on a far journey: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the porter to keep watch (Mk 13:32-34).

Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back – whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. At the beginning of the Olivet Discourse Christ addressed only four apostles (Mark 13:3), but by this time the others wandered back, and now He addressed them all. What I say to you, I say to everyone: “Keep Watch” (Mark 13:35-37)! In this way the Lord shows His concern not only for the talmidim, but also for the whole messianic community – all believers for whom He was about to die.

We are like those who live in the shadow of eternity. Our readiness should not be fearful or hysterical. But it does mean that day by day our work, our ministry, must be completed. It does not mean that we should live like it doesn’t matter when the Rapture comes. It gives us the great task in life of making every day suitable for Jesus to see, and being at any moment ready to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever (First Thessalonians 4:17b). Then all life becomes a preparation to meet King Messiah.1344

2022-12-12T14:31:55+00:001 Comment

Js – The Parables of Watchfulness and Readiness Mt 24:32 to 25:30 and Mk 13:32-37

The Parables of Watchfulness, Readiness and Labor
Matthew 24:32 to 25:30 and Mark 13:32-37
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

After a lengthy discourse about the end-times upon the Mount of Olives the previous evening, Jesus used some parables to help the talmidim better understand coming events. The general theme of His parables is that the saved, those who love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will be prepared (saved) for the Rapture; but everyone else will be unprepared (lost) for His coming.

Altogether, the Messiah presented five parables: three short parables and two extended parables. All emphasized the need for watchfulness, readiness and labor in the Lord while waiting for the Rapture. I believe all five parables point to the Rapture. Here we see the Messiah teaching the apostles who are clearly having a very hard time grasping what He was saying. In fact, much of what He said to them could not be understood until after Shavu’ot and the indwelling of the Ruach Ha’Kodesh. Jumping back and forth between teachings on the Rapture and the Second Coming would be very confusing. It would be like trying to teach someone math and jumping back and forth between geometry and algebra.Another reason these parables point to the Rapture instead of the Great Tribulation is that daily life similar to days before the Flood will not go on as normal. Especially in its later stages, survival will be the order of the day. So I treat the five parables as a parenthesis in the discussion of the Second Coming that picks up again in Jy The Sheep and the Goats.

2024-05-14T14:32:53+00:000 Comments

Jr – The Day and Hour Unknown Matthew 24:36-42 and Luke 21:34-36

The Day and Hour Unknown
Matthew 24:36-42 and Luke 21:34-36
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The day and the hour unknown DIG: Why is the Greek word peri de important here? Who is the only One who knows the hour or the day of the Rapture? What will life be like before the Rapture? How does it differ from the Second Coming? What will the result of the Rapture be?

REFLECT: What does it mean to be ready for that Day if we do not know when Jesus will come? How can you “prepare” for the Rapture? How would you explain the Rapture to a person seeking God?

While no one knows the specific day or hour in which the Meshiach will return, Yeshua warned His apostles to be ready at all times. Be careful, He said, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life and that Day will close on you suddenly like a trap (Luke 21:34). We might suppose that this consciousness would deliver people from complacency and indifference, but such will not be the case. Jesus likened those future days in which the signs will unfold to the days of Noah.

Mattityahu 24:36 begins with the word, But, which is the Greek word peri de. The peri de construction in Greek introduces a new subject, and is often translated: But concerning (First Corinthians 7:1; 8:1, 12:1, 16:1 and First Thess 5:1). Yes, Christ had been discussing the Second Coming up to this point. However the peri de means that the Lord is now introducing a new subject, and that is the Rapture (see my commentary on Revelation, to see link click ByThe Rapture of the Church). In addition, the word taking away in Matthew 24:40-41 (Greek: paralambanetai) is a different term than the one used in Matthew 24:39 (Greek: haren) and so being taken away in judgment by the Flood can be interpreted as being different than being taken away in righteousness by the Rapture. Concerning the issue of the Rapture, Jesus makes three main points.

First, as to the question of when it will happen, only God the Father knows: But no one knows the hour or the day that Jesus will come, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36). Although the righteous angels enjoy intimacy with ADONAI, hovering around His throne to do His bidding (Isaiah 6:2-7) and continually see the face of [the] Father in heaven (Mattityahu 18:10), they are not aware of this secret. Still more amazing, not even the Son knew at the time He spoke these words or at any other time during His First Coming. Although He was fully God as well as fully man (John 1:1 and 14), Messiah voluntarily restricted His use of certain divine attributes when He became flesh. It was not that Jesus lost any divine attributes but that He voluntarily laid aside the use of some of them and would not reveal those attributes except as directed by His Father (Yochanan 4:34, 5:30 and 6:38).1340

If the timing of the rapture has been hidden from both the angels in heaven and the humanity of Jesus, how much more so is it hidden from mankind in general! For that reason, the only clue given concerning the timing of the Rapture is that it will occur sometime before the signing of the covenant between Isra’el and the antichrist (see my commentary on Revelation BzThe Signing of the Seven Year Covenant with the Antichrist). The Rapture might easily occur ten or twenty years before that time. So as to the question of when the Rapture will occur, the answer is simple. No one knows. This, however, is not true of the Second Coming of the Messiah, which will occur exactly seven years after signing the covenant with Isra’el and 42 months or 1,260 days after the abomination of desolation.

Secondly, there will not be any signs preceding the Rapture as there will be preceding the Second Coming. When the Rapture occurs, it will happen while there are normal conditions on the earth. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man, to all those who live on the face of the whole earth. For in the days before the Flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. None of these things are sinful, but are necessary for human survival and propagation. While normal conditions existed on the earth, they knew nothing about what would happen until the Flood came and took [swept] them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:37-39). In the same way, while there will be normal conditions on the earth, the Rapture will happen suddenly and without notice. This will not be true of the Second Coming. When it occurs, conditions on the earth will be far from normal, as earlier sections of the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation clearly show. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth (Luke 21:35). In other words, no one living on the earth can escape the effects of the Great Tribulation. It will fall upon all earth-dwellers.1341

Compare Dani’el 12:8-10; Acts 1:6-7 and these citations from Tractate Sanhedrin in the Talmud: Rabbi Shmu’el bar-Nachmani said the name of Rabbi Yochanan, “May the bones of those who calculate the end [that is, the time of the Messiah’s coming] be blasted away! As soon as the time [which they have determined] arrives and the Meshiach has not come, they say, ‘He will never come!.’ Rather, wait for Him, as it is written: Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay (Habakkuk 2:3b).” (Sanhedrin 97b; the same phrase from Habakkuk is echoed in Article XII of the Maimonides’ creed).

Whenever Rabbi Zera came upon scholars trying [to calculate when the Messiah would arrive], he would say to them, “It has been taught that three things come when the mind is diverted: the Messiah, finding a lost article, and a scorpion. So don’t postpone His coming by thinking about it” (Sanhedrin 97a).

According to the Zohar, Rabbi Yose and Rabbi Y’hudah were in a cave, where they found a supernatural book and began to study it, but it disappeared in a flame and a gust of wind. When they came and told Rabbi Shim about what happened, he said to them, “Perhaps you were examining the letters that deal with the coming of the Messiah? . . . It is not the will of the Holy One, blessed be He, to reveal too much to the world. But when the days of the Messiah approach, even children will be able to discover secrets of wisdom, and through them be able to calculate the time of the end; then it will be revealed to all” (Zohar 1:117b-188a).1342

Third, when it does come, it will mean a separation. According to the key passages on the Rapture (Jonn 14:1-3 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-58), there will be a separation of the believer from the unbeliever. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken away and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken away and the other left. Unbelievers will be left behind. Therefore, always be on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen. How can you escape? You need to be off the earth by being caught up in the Rapture (1 Thes 4:13-18). Pray that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man (as a result of the Rapture) and escape the judgment of the Tribulation. Therefore, be on the alert because you do not know on what day your Lord will come (Matthew 24:40-42; Luke 21:36).

2022-12-12T14:26:53+00:000 Comments

Jq – The Parable of the Fig Tree Matthew 24:32-35; Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-33

The Parable of the Fig Tree
Matthew 24:32-35; Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-33
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The one main point of the parable of the fig tree is just as the blossoming fig tree means that summer is just around the corner; in the same way, when the abomination that causes desolation occurs, then Messiah’s return will be near.

After a lengthy discourse about the end times, Jesus used some parables to help the twelve apostles better understand the coming events. Messiah told them this parable: Now learn this lesson from the fig tree and all the trees (Luke 21:29). The fig tree is used here as a simple, uncomplicated illustration – not a symbol for Isra’el. When Luke added the phrase, and all the trees, he probably added this for his Gentile audience, who may not have been as familiar with fig trees as Yeshua’s Jewish audience.1339

As soon as their twigs get tender and their leaves come out, you know for yourselves that summer is near (Matthew 24:32; Mark 13:28; Luke 21:30). The fruit is plentiful in the summer months in Isra’el, so the first sign of flowering in the spring during the week of Passover and Unleavened Bread is an accurate indicator that summer is near.

Even so, when you see all these things happening, you know that He and His Kingdom are near, right at the door (Matthew 24:33; Mark 13:29; Luke 21:31). This should not be taken as a date-setting passage. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have set dates for the return of the Lord several times without success. Harold Camping, and Family Radio out of Oakland, California said that the Second Coming would occur on Saturday May 21, 2011. But what is it that signals the return of the Meshiach is just around the corner? In exactly 1,260 days (Revelation 11:2-3) after the abomination that causes desolation (Matthew 24:15) the Anointed One will return as the lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5).

Truly I tell you, this generation, the Jews at the end of the Great Tribulation, will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened (Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; Luke 21:32). This verse is intended to be a word of comfort in light of the worldwide persecution of the Jews. This will be Satan’s and the antichrist’s final attempt to exterminate Isra’el, Hitler’s “final solution,” if you will. The fact that the Jewish generation will still be here when the Second Coming of Messiah occurs shows that the Adversary’s attempt toward Jewish annihilation will fail.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away (Mt 24:35; Mk 13:31; Lk 21:33). This should comfort all believers in every age. The ancient serpent’s program of Jewish destruction is doomed.

2022-12-12T14:19:23+00:000 Comments

Jp- The Earth Will Mourn Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-28

The Earth Will Mourn When They See
the Son of Man Coming on the Clouds
Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-28
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

The earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds DIG: What will make the appearing of Christ so spectacular? What will be the sign that the messianic Kingdom will be set up? What was the sign of the destruction of the Jewish Temple? When was it given? What was the sign that the end of the age had begun? When was it given? How and when are the Jews gathered from the ends of the earth? How and when are the Jews gathered from the ends of the heavens? Is the Rapture imminent today? 

REFLECT: What do these three questions mean to you today? Why should you be concerned about them? Is replacement theology true? Are you a part of the rich root of the olive tree, or are you grafted in? When should you lift up your head, because your redemption is drawing near?

After the Passover, as they viewed the Temple from across the Kidron Valley on the Mount of Olives, Christ’s apostles asked Him three questions. Jesus did not answer their questions in the order that the four apostles asked them. He answered the third question first, and the first question second. Finally, the Meshiach answered their second question: What will be the sign that the messianic Kingdom will be set up?

Immediately after the distress of those days (to see link click JmA Time of Trouble for Jacob) there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars (Luke 21:25a). There will be a total blackout of the sun. There will be five blackouts in the end times (Joel 2:31; Revelation 6:12, 9:2, 16:10-11; Matthew 24:29-30). No light will penetrate to the earth from the sun, the moon or the stars.

There will be a vast amount of confusion on the earth. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world for “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken (Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Luke 21:25b-26).

Then the Sh’khinah glory will appear as a sign that the Son of Man is coming from heaven. The answer to the second question: What will be the sign that the Messianic Kingdom will be set up? It is the Sh’khinah glo`ry. So immediately after the total blackout of the sun, there will be a glorious light piercing the darkness. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven (see my commentary on Revelation Ai – Look, He is Coming With the Clouds), with power and great glory (Mt 24:30; Mk 13:26; Lk 21:27). The light will be followed by the return of the Messiah Himself. At that point Jesus had answered all three questions.

The sign of the destruction of the Jewish Temple was to be the surrounding of Jerusalem by armies. The sign that the end of the age had begun was to be a worldwide war. And the sign of the Second Coming would be the light of the Sh’khinah glory breaking through a worldwide blackout. The first sign was given in 66 AD; the second sign was given in 1914-1918; and at the end of the Great Tribulation, the third sign will be given as well.

Although Messiah had answered all three questions, He still wished to give more information regarding the last days. Since the Jewish prophets had predicated in great detail the worldwide regathering of Isra’el, Yeshua did not spend much time with this, but only specified that it will occur after His Second Coming.1335

And Jesus will send out His angels with a great shofar, and they will gather IsraelHis chosen people, from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens (Matthew 24:31; Mark 13:27 CJB). It is a well established in both the TaNaKh and in rabbinic sources that a great shofar will be sounded at the coming of Meshiach. A Jewish commentary from the Middle Ages has these intriguing details: Elijah of blessing memory will come and give good tidings to Isra’el, to those who will be alive and to the dead . . . Messiah ben David, Elijah, and Zerubbabel, peace be upon him, will ascend to the Mount of Olives. And Messiah will command Elijah to blow the shofar . . . All will come to the Messiah from the four corners of the earth, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. The children of Isra’el will fly on the wings of eagles and come to the Messiah (Midrash Ma’ase Daniel pages 225-226).

The background to the Matthew passage is Isaiah 27:13, which prophesied that the final restoration of Isra’el will be signaled by the sound of a great shophar. The background to the Mark passage is Deuteronomy 30:4, which also emphasizes that the final restoration will come from two places: earth and Heaven. Those who are gathered from the ends of the earth will be living in Isra’el, the one-third remnant that survives the Great Tribulation. But later, during the seventy-five day interval (see my commentary on Revelation EyThe Seventy-Five Day Interval), the righteous of the TaNaKh will be gathered from the ends of the heavens and resurrected (see my commentary on Revelation FdThe Resurrection of the Righteous of the TaNaKh). This part of the Olivet Discourse summarizes many prophecies of the TaNaKh, specifying that the final worldwide restoration will come after the Second Coming (Isaiah 11:11-12:6; Jeremiah 23:5-8, 31:7-14; Ezeki’el 11:16-21, 20:40-42 and 36:22-31).

The high holy days model for us that the shofar will be sounded two different times. The Feast of Trumpets (Hebrew: Rosh Hashanah) takes place on the first day of the month of Tishrei (September/October) and is followed by a ten-day period of repentance (analogous to the call of repentance of the Great Tribulation period). This period of repentance is culminated on the Day of Atonement, traditionally known as the Day of Judgment (Hebrew: Yom Kippur) on the tenth of Tishrei. The climax of the Day of Judgment is when the last shofar, the one great blast (Hebrew: tekia gedolah) is sounded.

Thus, the first shofar will sound at the resurrection of the righteous of the TaNaKh from the past 2,000 years, who will be called to meet the Lord in the air at the Rapture (First Thessalonians 4:13-18). Then there will be the period of judgment known as the Great Tribulation (see JmA Time of Trouble for Jacob). As the armies of the antichrist tighten the noose around the neck of Bozrah (Habakkuk 3:3), all Isra’el who is left at the end of the Great Tribulation will be saved (Romans 11:26a). Scripture tells us that on that day they will look upon [Messiah], the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a first-born son (Zechariah 12:10b). When the Jews pled for the Lord to come back (see my commentary on Revelation EvThe Basis for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ), the second great shofar will sound for the regathering of the Jewish remnant back to Yerushalayim that will have survived.

We must be reminded again of the total Jewish context of this entire discourse of Yeshua. Replacement theology teaches that the “Church” (usually meaning Gentile believers) will go through the Great Tribulation because they are the new “chosen people.” There are too many scriptures that conflict with this idea of replacement theology in which the Gentile Church highjack’s all the promises previously given to the Jewish people. Rabbi Sha’ul responded strongly to this corrupt interpretation when he said: Did God reject His people? Heaven forbid (Romans 11:1a)! In fact, it is just the opposite, as the Gentiles are invited to share with Jewish believers the blessings of the Olive Tree of faith.

This is a classic picture that he used to show how all believers in Yeshua, whether Jewish or Gentile, are grafted into the same root of biblical faith. It is striking that even in the first-century, Sha’ul had to warn some Gentile believers not to be arrogant toward the natural Jewish branches by thinking that they somehow had replaced the branches of Isra’el.1336 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you – a wild olive – were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, then don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you. So you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of faith. You, however, keep your place only because of your faith. So don’t be arrogant. On the contrary – be terrified (Romans 11:17-20).

Having given an outline of things to come from their own day until the beginning of the messianic Kingdom, Jesus then encouraged His talmidim then and us today. He said: When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28). When we see these things begin to come to pass, we need to look up – raise our heads – because it will mark the imminent redemption for all believers in this world. In Luke’s context, the expression these things refers back to Luke 21:20-24: When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. Once the City of David was destroyed in 70 AD, which fulfilled every prophecy that had to be fulfilled before the Rapture. From that point on, the Rapture became imminent. Imminency does not mean “soon,” only that “it can happen at any moment.”

We should be careful to notice what Messiah did not say. He did not say that only when all these things come to pass, then look up for your redemption is drawing near. He did not say we must wait until the end of the Great Tribulation before looking up. Jesus said: When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. The beginning part was the destruction of Yerushalayim and the Temple. Once that had occurred, the Rapture became imminent.1337

A slim scarlet cord dangling in a window might not trigger thoughts of deliverance. That is, unless you were Rahab a Gentile woman living in a home built into the wall of the ancient city of Jericho over three thousand years ago. Rahab’s scarlet cord was a sign to the approaching Israelite armies to spare her and her family because she did not put her faith in walls, but in the God of Isra’el. When she encountered two Jewish spies who had come to scout out the city, she chose to be on the winning side with God.

That scarlet cord represented redemption for a few Gentiles. Yet, it also symbolized a greater deliverance. Threaded throughout the TaNaKh is a scarlet cord of Scripture, foreshadowing redemption through Yeshua Messiah. Below is just a few of the scriptures that point to Jesus, who came to redeem us, even as that scarlet cord hung from the window on the wall of Jericho. Only through Him can Jews and Gentiles find redemption from sin.

Too many Gentiles who have embraced the scarlet cord of Messiah’s death have forgotten or ignored the scarlet cord in Rahab’s window. They have forgotten the Jewish role in bringing ADONAI’s salvation to the world, and that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has graciously included Gentiles in His redemption plan.

The first messianic promise that the Seed of the woman will bruise the heel of the serpent, is found in Genesis 3:15; further elaborated on the miraculous birth of this future deliverer is seen in Isaiah 7:14; and fulfillment found in Jesus is written in Mt 1:18-21. The scarlet cord continues . . .

The Pesach Lamb described in Exodus 12:1-28 points to Christ as our Passover (First Corinthians 5:7) and also provides a model upon which the breaking of bread: “Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, hamotzi lechem, min ha aretz. Blessed are You, O LORD our God, King of the Universe, Who has brought forth bread from the earth.” And the cup: “Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam borei pri ha-etz. Blessed are you, O God, our Lord, King of the Universe, creator of the fruit of the vine,” are based for messianic Jews. The scarlet cord winds its way . . .

The Day of Atonement with the scapegoat and the ram described in Leviticus 16, pictures a messianic promise further elaborated upon in Psalm 103:12 and fulfilled by Jesus Christ as described in Romans 5:11Next the scarlet cord is seen . . .

Rahab’s scarlet cord (Joshua 2:17-18, 6:17, 22-23) is a picture of how redemption will also come to believing Gentiles. Rahab’s faith was rewarded with the astounding honor of being placed in the genealogy of Messiah (Matthew 1:5); and she is honored once again when mentioned in the “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11:31. Hundreds of years later, the scarlet cord was seen in the person of . . .

The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12, also detailed in Psalm 22, foretells the suffering of the Lamb of God described in Luke 23. Winding its way down through history, the scarlet cord is also seen in the prophet . . .

Jonah’s experience in the whale (Jonah 1:17) is seen as a “type” for the coming resurrection. Prophecy also points to the resurrected Meshiach (Psalm 16:10). The link between Jonah and Jesus is revealed in Mattityahu 12:40. Centuries later . . .

The scarlet cord ends at the cross. The slain shepherd described in Zechariah 13:7 foretells what will happen to the Messiah, the shepherdYeshua claims to be that shepherd in Matthew 26:31. Revelation 7:17 shows the Lamb and the Shepherd as One. The Savior of Sinners has redeemed us, or paid for our debt of sin in full, so we are adopted into the family of God and have nothing to fear when our redemption is drawing near.1338

2024-05-14T14:31:59+00:000 Comments

Jo – Events During the Second Half of the Great Trib Mt 24:15-28; Mk 13:14-23

Events During the Second Half of the Great Tribulation
Matthew 24:15-28 and Mark 13:14-23
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Events during the second half of the Great Tribulation DIG:What event will mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation? What will change for the Jews half way through the Great Tribulation? Why would Jesus ask the Jews to pray that their persecution would not take place in the winter or on the Sabbath? What is Satan’s plan? Who will be able to see Christ’s return? Where does Yeshua return to?

REFLECT: When you read the terrible (but necessary) things that Isra’el will go through it breaks your heart. But for Jewish and Gentile believers the Bible teaches that God has not intended that we should suffer wrath, but that we should gain deliverance through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah (First Thess 5:9)? Can you share the Gospel with someone this week and help them escape the wrath of Ha’Shem?

The first event tied to the breaking of the seven-year covenant (see my commentary on Revelation, to see link click BzThe Signing of the Seven-Year Covenant with the Antichrist), is the abomination that causes desolation (see my commentary on Revelation DrThe Abomination That Causes Desolation) that will mark the beginning of the second half of the Great Tribulation. Even though the first half of the time of trouble for Jacob (Jeremiah 30:4-7) will see a great deal of chaos, it will seem somewhat tame compared to the second half as the birth pains get more and more intense. Isra’el will be duped by the antichrist into thinking that he is protecting her and her people with the signing of the seven-year covenant. That will all change 42 months later.

Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14, finds Jesus referring to Dani’el’s prophecy, saying: So when you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the Most Holy Place spoken of through the prophet Dani’el, let the reader understand. This abomination will involve two stages. The first stage is when the antichrist claims the Tribulation Temple as his own (see my commentary on Revelation BxThe Tribulation Temple), sits down in the most holy place and declares himself to be God. The second stage is when the false prophet makes an image of the antichrist and places it inside the most holy place to be worshiped (see my commentary on Revelation DoThe Beast Out of the Earth: The False Prophet). At that point the spiritual scales will fall from the eyes of the Jews and they will finally recognize the true identity of the antichrist. He is the one spoken of through the prophet Dani’el (Matthew 24:15b).

Up to the mid-point in the Tribulation, Isra’el will consider the antichrist an ally. But the abomination will cause an additional 42 months of desolation, as two thirds of the Jews will be killed. The abomination that causes desolation will be the signal for the Jews to escape to Bozrah (see my commentary on Revelation DsThe Woman and the Dragon). Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains (Matthew 24:16; Mark 13:14). That will start the second half of the Great Tribulation where Satan and the rest of the Gentile world will attempt to hunt down and destroy Isra’el for the last time. Satan will try to accomplish what Hitler only dreamed about – final solution to “the Jewish problem.”

There was something that the Jewish people called “the road of the roofs.” It was flat and usually paved with brick, stone or other hard surface, surrounded by a banister, which according to Jewish law, had to be strong enough to bear the weight of a person. Thus, people could make their escape, passing from one roof to another, until at the last house, then descending down the stairs that led down its outside without having to enter a house. Our Lord spoke of this “road of the roofs” when He said: Let no one on the housetop go down or enter the house to take anything out. Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers (Matthew 24:17-19; Mark 13:15-17)!1332

Pray that your flight will not take place in winter (Matthew 24:20a; Mark 13:18)Why not in the winter? After all, it seldom snows in Isra’el anyway. The reason for this prayer is that the Jews will be escaping toward the mountains in the east. Most of the escape routes will force them to use wadis, which are dry riverbeds that only fill up with flash floods when it rains during the winter months. Isra’el receives no rain between April and October. From October through the winter months up until April, Isra’el receives all its rain for the year. But when it does rain, many of these wadis instantly become filled and are very dangerous to cross. Many have drowned because they are caught in these riverbeds during a flash flood. If the abomination that causes desolation happens during the winter months, it would make their escape to the east much more difficult. So prayer is encouraged that it would not happen during the winter.

Pray that your flight will not take place on the Sabbath (Matthew 24:20b). Why not on the Sabbath? There is no public transportation in Isra’el on the Sabbath. The buses are all locked up and the trains do not run. Unless an Israeli has his or her own transportation, he or she will find it very difficult to escape. An example of this problem was seen during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. The Arabs attacked on a holy day when there was no public transportation. This made it extremely difficult for the Israelis to mobilize their forces and get them to the front lines. So prayer was urged that it would not happen on the Sabbath.1333

At this point, worldwide anti-Semitism will break out. The Adversary’s plan to annihilate the Jews once-and-for-all will have begun in earnest. For those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now – and never to be equaled again (quoting from Dani’el 12:1). Here we have evidence that these warnings are primarily to the last Jewish generation. Yeshua quotes passages from the TaNaKh that emphasize that this will be a time of extreme distress for Isra’el (Jeremiah 30:7). But Isra’el will survive this terrible period, though greatly reduced in number. If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened (Matthew 24:21-22; Mark 13:19-20). Certainly Isra’el and the Jewish people are the original chosen people and the object of His teaching here. While there is always some wider application to the Gentile nations, the immediate application is to Israel’s part within the Great Tribulation.1334

A counterfeit messiah will characterize the second half of the Great Tribulation. At that time if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah!” or, “There He is!” do not believe it. There will be many counterfeit signs and wonders performed by both the antichrist (Second Thessalonians 2:8-10) and the false prophet. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. At that time, even believers will not ultimately be able to trust in signs and wonders that they hear and see. The true measurement of a God-given sign or miracle must be the entire Word of God. It is too easy to be deceived by man-made (or satanic) false signs. Jesus warns that the last Jewish generation will need to be discerning in the midst of the false signs and wonders of the last days. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time. So if anyone tells you, “There He is, out in the wilderness,” do not go out; or, “Here He is, in the inner rooms,” do not believe it (Matthew 24:23-26; Mark 13:21-23). They are to be discerning and not to believe the lies.

Then, in the greatest darkness of Jewish history, the greatest light breaks through. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Jesus Christ will not be hiding from Isra’el and the world, but will return in such obvious fashion that it will be like a dramatic flash of lightning. This will no doubt be the Sh’khinah glory (see my commentary on Isaiah JuThe Glory of the LORD Rises Upon You) that is often seen at crucial times in the revelation of ADONAI. You won’t have to guess if He has come back or not (Matthew 24:27). Everyone will be able to see Him.

Then Jesus gave a hint as to the place of His Second Coming. He said: Wherever there’s a body, that’s where you find the vultures (Matthew 24:28 CJB). The body refers to Isra’el, while the vultures refer to the Gentile nations coming against her. The exact place is known as Bozrah (in Hebrew) or Petra (in Greek). That is where the body will be (Micah 2:12-13); that is where the vultures will be gathered (see my commentary on Isaiah KgThe Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Bozrah); and that will be the place of the Second Coming (Habakkuk 3:3).

2024-05-14T15:09:55+00:000 Comments

Jn – Events During the First Half of the Great Tribulation Matthew 24: 9-14

Events During the First Half  of the Great Tribulation
Matthew 24: 9-14
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Events during the first half of the Great Tribulation. DIG: How does this file and Jj Nation Will Rise Against Nation, differ? When will the righteous of the TaNaKh be delivered, killed and hated by all nations? How will anyone hear the Gospel at that time? Who will be doing the persecuting? When will the Jews finally see the truth about the antichrist? What will be the extent of the apostasy? Who will appear? Nevertheless, what will be the end result?

REFLECT: Understanding these coming events, how does that knowledge change your life? How does it shape your worldview? Do you view those alienated from Messiah in a different way? How so? Why? Does it create a certain sense of urgency in you? Why?

Although these verses are very similar to those seen in JjNation Will Rise Against Nation, there are differences that show that Matthew is not dealing with the same time period here. The events described in Jj take place before the beginning of the age, or before World War I. But here the passage begins with the word then, pointing out that Christ was then answering the third question: What will be the sign that the end of the age has begun? While the words are similar they do not prove sameness.

Here Yeshua gives a far eschatological prophecy about the persecution of the righteous of the TaNaKh who will be saved after the Rapture (see my commentary on Revelation, to see link click ByThe Rapture of the Church). Many will be saved by the preaching of the two witnesses (see my commentary on Revelation DcI Will Give Power to My Two Witnesses and They Will Prophesy for 1,260 Days) and the 144,000 (see my commentary on Revelation CrThen I Heard the Number of Those Who Were Sealed, from all the Tribes of Isra’el). This persecution will not be directed so much against believers as against ADONAI, whom they serve and represent.

Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me (Matthew 24:9 NASB). The one-world religious system known as Mystery Babylon the prostitute will be doing the persecuting (see my commentary on Revelation DdI Saw the Woman Holding a Golden Cup in Her Hand, Filled with the Filth of Her Adulteries). The prostitute will be responsible for death of some of the most spiritually perceptive Jews, and multitudes of Gentile believers during the first half of the Great Tribulation. This answers the question as to who murdered the Tribulation martyrs that are seen under the golden altar in heaven (Revelation 6:9-11).

However the vast majority of Jews will remain blinded to the Gospel until the very end of the Great Tribulation. The spiritual scales will only fall off of their eyes when they see the desecration of the Tribulation Temple (see my commentary on Revelation DrThe Abomination That Causes Desolation) at the end of the first half of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 11:2-3). Therefore, it will be in the second half of the Great Tribulation that Jews will be hunted down like animals and executed by the antichrist and his deceived disciples throughout the entire world. This would be the ancient Serpent’s and the antichrists’ hoped for final solution to the “Jewish problem” in the world.

There will be an unparalleled apostasy, or a falling away from the faith. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other (Matthew 24:10; also see Zechariah 13:2-6). As persecution intensifies and the righteous of the TaNaKh begin to be arrested, hated and martyred for Messiah’s sake, many will fall away from the faith. Yochanan declares that such counterfeit believers’ leave because they never really stepped over the line from knowledge to faith: They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us (1 John 2:19; also see Hebrews 3:12 and 2 Timothy 2:11-12).

And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people (Matthew 24:11). Just as some false prophets will reveal their true spiritual identity because the cost is too high, others will align with the antichrist because they are deceived about the Gospel. During the Great Tribulation false prophets will join the counterfeit messiah’s and will deceive many (Matthew 24:5). They will teach doctrines that seem true and godly but are, in fact, false and satanic. The end time will be filled not only with overt evil such as the world has never seen before, but also with spiritual deception as never seen before. Until the very end, Satan will continue to use the guise of an angel of light (Second Corinthians 11:14).1331

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Love fulfills the Torah, so it is logical that love will decrease as many turn away from Ha’Shem at that time. The Holy Spirit will no longer restrain evil (Second Thessalonians 2:6-7), and as the enemy of souls is given greater freedom, believers will suffer as never before. Unbelievers, however, will continue to harden their hearts toward ADONAI. The same sun that melts wax also hardens clay. But those Jews who believe in Yeshua Messiah after the Rapture, who survive and stand firm to the end of the Great Tribulation will be saved (Matthew 24:12-13) when the Jewish leadership at Bozrah pleads with Him to come back (see my commentary on Revelation EvThe Basis for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ).

The seven years before Christ’s return will be the darkest in the history of the world. But in the midst of the increasing darkness will be a ray of light. And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world by 144,000 Spirit filled Jews and the two witnesses as a testimony to all nations. And then the end of the Great Tribulation will come when the Messiah returns (Mattityahu 24:14). Therefore, a great multitude of Jews and Gentiles will be saved as a result of their ministry.

2022-12-12T13:19:13+00:000 Comments

Jm – A Time of Trouble for Jacob Matthew 24:9-28 and Mark 13:14-23

A Time of Trouble for Jacob
Matthew 24:9-28 and Mark 13:14-23
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

In preparation for answering the talmidim’s second question: What will be the sign that the messianic Kingdom will be set up, Christ gave a far eschatological prophecy about the Great Tribulation. There are many names for the time of trouble for Jacob (see my commentary on Revelation, to see link click CgThe Great Tribulation), including the 70th week of Dani’el (see my commentary on Revelation ChThe Beginning of the Great Tribulation).

The fact that there would be a time of turmoil just before the coming of Jesus is well documented both in the TaNaKh as well as the Talmudic commentaries. Among the many passages in the Hebrew Scriptures that describe this turbulent time, the weeping prophet offers perhaps the most concise summary: These are the words ADONAI spoke concerning Isra’el and Judah. This is what the LORD says: Cries of fear are heard – terror, not peace. Ask and see. Can a man bear children? Then why do I see every strong man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, every face turned deathly pale? How awful that day will be! No other will be like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but all Isra’el will be saved (Jeremiah 30:4-7 and Romans 11:26a).

The rabbis noted that the prophet is predicting a unique time in Jewish history. It is said to be a time of trouble for Jacob (tzarah hee l’Yaakov) that at first glance may not seem so unusual. Isra’el has known plenty of tzuris (Yiddish for troubles) in its tumultuous history! But this is said to be a time like no other in history. The rabbis teach that before the day of Messiah, there must come a time of extreme darkness and tribulation.

So unique is this description by Jeremiah that the rabbis titled those days “the birth pains of the Messiah (Tractate Sanhedrin 98b; Tractate Ketuvot 111a). In this graphic description, the events immediately preceding the coming of Meshiach will be reminiscent of a woman in her final days of labor. The birth pains become more intense as well as closer together before that moment of new birth (see my commentary on Revelation BgThe Sequence of Pretribulational Events). So, too, will it be with the world events just prior to Christ’s arrival. It will be an increasingly intense time but will culminate with the glorious birth of the messianic Kingdom.1330

2022-12-12T13:13:12+00:000 Comments

Jl – Jerusalem Will Be Trampled on by the Gentiles Luke 21: 20-24

Jerusalem Will Be Trampled on by the Gentiles
Until the Times of the Gentiles are Fulfilled
Luke 21: 20-24
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled DIG: The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. Why would Jesus warn of this forty years before it happened? Why will the City of David be devastated (see Luke 11:49-51, 13:34-35 and 19:41-44)? How does Messiah describe this time? What does He tell the people to do? Why?

REFLECT: What does this tell you about the accuracy of God’s Word? Even though the TaNaKh teaches us: Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will observe your righteous rulings (Psalm 119:105-106 CJB), does it still take faith to live it out?

After the Passover Seder, the Lord and His talmidim walked past the Temple, across the Kidron Valley with the intention of going to their familiar spot retreat on the Mount of Olives. On the way Peter, James John and Andrew came to Him privately (Mark 13:3) and asked Messiah three questions (to see link click JhThe Three Questions). Jesus did not answer their questions in the order that the apostles asked them. He answered the third question first; then after describing how both the Jews and the Gentiles will reject them, Christ answered the first question: When would the Temple be destroyed and what will be the sign that this is about to happen?

Christ then gave a near historical prophecy that would signal Jerusalem’s destruction. When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near (Luke 21:20). In 66 AD the first Jewish revolt broke out against the Romans. When it started, Cestius Gallus, the Roman general in the land of Syria, came with his armies and surrounded Yerushalayim with the Twelfth Roman Legion. That was the sign Jesus had spoken of and the Jewish believers knew that Tziyon would soon be destroyed. But they couldn’t leave the City while the Romans were surrounding it. After a short time his supply lines were cut and he withdrew his army back towards the coast. Because he was inexperienced in military tactics, he did not take the high ground and was ambushed and killed in the pass of Beth Horon. So temporarily, Jerusalem was no longer surrounded.

The Jewish believers were told that when they saw that sign, they were to leave Jerusalem and Judea and escape outside the Land. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the City get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written (Luke 21:21-22). They crossed the Jordan River and set up a new community of Jewish believers in the town of Pella in the Transjordan. Jewish believers from Judea, Galilee and the Golan joined them. They waited there for the fulfillment of that prophecy.

Emperor Nero appointed general Vespasian instead of Gallus to crush the rebellion. Vespasian, along with the fifth and tenth legions landed at Ptolemaist in April 67. There he was joined by his son Titus, who arrived from Alexandria, Egypt at the head of fifteenth legion as well as by the armies of various local allies including that of king Agrippa II. Fielding more than 60,000 soldiers, Vespasian began operations by subjugating Galilee. Many towns gave up without a fight, although others had to be taken by force. Of these, Josephus provides detailed accounts. By the year 68 AD Jewish resistance in the north had been crushed, and Vespasian made Caesarea Maritima his headquarters and proceeded to methodically clear the coast and once again the Roman armies surrounded the Holy City.

In 70 AD, after Vespasian had ascended to emperor of Rome, his son Titus took over as general and destroyed the Temple and the Sacred City. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people (Luke 21:23). Upon such people “total war” is always more severe. Whether their condition hindered their fleeing Jerusalem is uncertain, but ultimately it didn’t make any difference if they didn’t listen to Yeshua’s warning forty years earlier. What was normally seen as a blessing and joy was now a curse because of defiance.

They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. All together, 1,100,000 Jews – according to Josephus – were killed in this final onslaught (see MtThe Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple on Tisha B’Av in 70 AD). It was another three years until the last of the fortresses, Machaerus and Massada, were conquered. From that point on, the Gentiles will continually trample on Jerusalem until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luke 21:24) (see my commentary on Revelation AnThe Times of the Gentiles). But not one messianic Jew died because they trusted in, and obeyed the words of Jesus. Tziyon will not be free from Gentile nations trampling on her until Yeshua Ha’Meshiach returns. With these words, Christ answered the four apostle’s first question, the sign of the coming destruction of the Sacred City. That left one more question to be answered.1329

2024-05-14T14:30:44+00:000 Comments

Jk – Everyone Will Hate You Because of Me Mark 13:9-13 and Luke 21:12-19

Everyone Will Hate You Because of Me,
But Not a Hair of Your Head Will Perish
Mark 13:9-13 and Luke 21:12-19
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Everyone will hate you because of Me, but not a hair of your head will perish DIG: Who would first reject the apostles? But before they died, what must happen first? How were they to act when they were arrested? Why? How would their families and friends act? But what assurance did they receive?

REFLECT: When was the last time you were persecuted for the sake of the Lord? If you have never suffered persecution, what could that be saying about you? Are you on your guard? Are you helping the Gospel to be preached to all nations? That you know of, does anyone hate you because of your stand for Christ?

Having provided an answer to the third question regarding the sign of the end of the age, Jesus then gave a near historical prophecy to describe some personal experiences that His talmidim would encounter. So here, Luke clearly states that before all this worldwide persecution will occur, the apostles themselves will undergo persecution after Messiah had left them and returned to the Father.

First, the Jews will reject them. Yeshua said: They will seize you and persecute you. This turns the attention of the Twelve from the worldwide events just described to themselves. You must be on your guard. Must means to take precaution, lest persecution cause you to disavow Christ. John said it like this: Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; but whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son (Second John 1:8-9). The talmidim would be rejected by both Jews and Gentiles. The Jews will hand you over to the [Lesser] Sanhedrins (to see link click LgThe Great Sanhedrin) and put you in prison, and secondly, the Gentiles will bring you before kings and governors on account of My name. This will result in an opportunity for ministry, for you will be witnesses to them and bear testimony to Me (Mark 13:9; Luke 21:12-13).

And the Gospel must first be preached to all nations (Mark 13:10). Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world (Romans 10:18; Colossians 1:6 and 23). All over the world this Gospel is bearing fruit and growing. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven (Colossians 1:6a and 23b).

Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say or how you will defend yourselves. For [the Holy Spirit] will reveal to you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. It will not be you speaking, but the Holy Spirit (Mark 13:11; Luke 21:14-15).

The breaking of the ties of natural affection will be another trial the apostles will have to face. They will be rejected by their families because of the Messiah. You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death (Mark 13:12; Luke 21:16). Only a fanatical hatred of the Gospel could bring about unnatural behavior such as these verses describe. We do not like to think that persecution is a major vehicle for proclaiming the gospel, but it is. Peter, James, John and Andrew proved the point themselves in the book of Acts and in the unwritten history of their missionary ventures and martyrdom.1328

Everyone will hate you because of Me. These words are distinctively Jewish. Only the Jews have been or ever will be the global object of hatred. But not a hair of your head will perish during their earthly ministry. When their earthly ministry was completed, however, all were martyred except John who died a natural death around 98 AD and Judas who hung himself (see LmJudas Hangs Himself). By standing firm, their salvation is assured (see MsThe Eternal Security of the Believer). Because of their faithfulness Jesus promises that they will gain eternal life (Mark 13:13; Luke 21:17-19).

2024-05-14T14:30:13+00:000 Comments

Jj – Nation Will Rise Against Nation Matthew 24:7-8; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:10-11

Nation Will Rise Against Nation
Matthew 24:7-8; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:10-11
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Nation will rise against nation DIG: What are meant by birth pains? What are some examples? Why will they be important? Are there going to be local wars or a worldwide war? What difference does it make? What would a world war signal? What did World War I simulate? WW II?

REFLECT: When you realize that the end of the age has begun, how should that affect how you live? Does it give you more peace or cause you more fear? Why?

After hearing Jesus describe the end of the age, three questions were asked (to see link click JhThe Three Questions). He answered the third question first. What will be the sign that the end of the age has begun? The Lord said that there would be a series of birth pains. As a pregnant woman’s birth pains indicate that her child will soon be born, so these universal conflicts and crisis will mean that the end of the age had begun.

Then the Lord said to them: The first sign will be that nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. This is a Jewish idiom used in rabbinical literature for a world war. This would be accompanied with famines, great earthquakes and pestilences in place after place, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Luke’s version has a combination of earthly and heavenly signsYeshua had been very clear that mere local wars would not be apocalyptic signs of the end of the age.1325 But when nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, this meant that the end of the age had begun. So World War I was a sign that the birth pains had begun. All these, He said, are the beginning of birth pains (Matthew 24:7-8; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:10-11).

This is consistent with Jewish writings of the first century. One Jewish source known as the Zohar Chadash states: At that time wars shall be stirred up in the world. Nation shall be against nation and city against city; much distress shall be renewed against the enemies of the Israelites. Another Jewish source known as the Bereshit Rabbah states: If you shall see the kingdoms rising against each other in turn, then give heed and note the footsteps of the Messiah (XLII:4).

The rabbis clearly taught that a worldwide conflict would signal the coming of the Messiah. Yet Yeshua tweaked their thoughts slightly, because He said that when the world war happens, while it would not signal the coming of Christ, it would signal the beginning of the end of the age. The birth pains that Jesus talked about are the same as the footsteps that the rabbis talked about. The footsteps of the Messiah had to do with the series of pretribulational events that would lead to the Second Coming of Christ (see my commentary on Revelation BgThe Sequence of Pretribulation Events). Matthew reflected this Jewish concept when he wrote that nation would rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. 1326

So World War I was a sign that the birth pains had begun. And nearly all historians agree that World War II was merely a continuation of World I. Not only that, both world wars turned out to be a turning point in Jewish history. World War I stimulated the growth of the Zionist movement, and World War II led to the reestablishment of the Jewish state of Isra’el by the United Nations after the holocaust. Thus, the sign that the end of the age had begun was the worldwide conflict fulfilled by World Wars I and II.1327

2022-12-12T13:04:41+00:000 Comments

Ji – Watch Out That You Are Not Deceived Matthew 24:4-6; Mark 13:5-7; Luke 21:8-9

Watch Out That You Are Not Deceived
Matthew 24:4-6; Mark 13:5-7; Luke 21:8-9
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Watch out that you are not deceived DIG: Why would Yeshua warn His talmidim to be on guard and not be deceived? What did He say must happen before the end would come?

REFLECT: The underlying principle of all the Adversary’s tactics is deception. He is a liar, a crafty and clever camouflager. What is your defense against his schemes (Galatians 5:13-26)?

Before Messiah began to answer all three questions (to see link click JhThe Three Questions), He decided first to give some general characteristics of the Church Age (Matthew 24:3b), none of which meant the end had begun. Yeshua wanted to make sure that His apostles would not jump to conclusions and misinterpret what He was saying. So He chose to tell them of things that would not mean the end had begun. There were two general characteristics in the near historical prophecy of the Church Age.1323

The first general characteristic would be the rise of false messiahs. Jesus replied: Watch out (Greek: blepo), literally see to it, that you are not deceived. For many will come in My name, claiming, “I am He,” or “I am the Messiah,” and, “The time is near.” They will deceive many, but do not follow them (Mt 24:4-5; Mk 13:6; Lk 21:8). Historically, Yeshua of Nazareth was the first person that claimed to be the Messiah. Before Him, there were some minor political rebels but none that unequivocally claimed to be the messianic Deliverer. After Him, however, there were many more. From Christ’s time until the 1850s there were imposters, from Simon Bar Kokhba to Shabbetai Tzvi and Jacob Frank, who have claimed to be the Meshiach. Sadly, many have been deceived. But the mere existence of these false messiahs did not mean the end had come. Since God promised Isra’el a coming Messiah, He would also give 354 prophecies on how to recognize Him (see Mu354 Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ).

There is a great counterfeiter who adapts himself to every culture, even deceiving true believers at times. He doesn’t charge on the scene clothed in red and wearing a hideous mask, but charms his way as an angel of light (Second Corinthians 11:14). That’s how Satan operates.1324

The second general characteristic of the Church Age would be local wars. The Lord stated that when the Twelve would continually hear of local wars and rumors of wars, but they didn’t need to be frightened because these things would not be signs of the end of the age. No local war, even in the Near East, will point to the end.

In conclusion, Jesus said that both false messiahs and local wars and rumors of wars must happen first, but the end is still to come (Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:7; Luke 21:9). In other words, the rise of false messiah’s and long periods of local wars will come first. But neither of these things would be signs that the end had come.

2022-12-12T13:00:13+00:000 Comments

Jh – The Three Questions Matthew 24:1-3; Mark 13:1-4; Luke 21:5-7

The Three Questions
Matthew 24:1-3; Mark 13:1-4; Luke 21:5-7
Late in the afternoon
on Wednesday the thirteenth of Nisan

Our Lord had just left the Temple in judgment, saying: Look, God is abandoning your house to you, leaving it desolate (Matthew 23:38 CJB). ADONAI was not announcing the destruction of the personal homes of the Torah-teachers and the Pharisees, but upon the great house of Jerusalem, the Holy TempleJesus and His apostles then left the Temple Mount and crossed back across the Kidron Valley and slowly climbed the Mount of Olives going back to Bethany for the evening. From the Temple Mount to the western base of the Mount of Olives, it was not more than 200 yards straight across, though, of course, the distance to the summit was much greater – about half a mile away.1319 They were on their way to the house of Simon, a leper (whom Jesus had healed). Simon had invited Yeshua to a dinner in His honor (to see link click KbJesus Anointed at Bethany).

A sudden turn in the road and the Sacred Building was once more in full view. From where they paused, they could see over the closed Beautiful Gate, and right to the entrance of the Holy Place, glittering with gold.  It was Wednesday, the thirteenth of Nisan (see Ix The Examination of the Lamb) in the late afternoon, just then the western sun was pouring its golden beams of light on the roof of the Holy Place. It was glorious. The Temple renovation had been underway for about 50 years but would not be completed until 64 AD. By all accounts, it was one of the most splendid and impressive projects in the ancient world. The rabbis said that “He who has not seen the Temple of Herod has never seen a beautiful building (b. B. Bat. 4a; b. Sukkah 41b).

Across the black valley and up the slopes of Olivet, lay the dark shadows of the enormous walls built of massive stones (called Herodian stones), some nearly twenty to forty feet long and weighing more than one hundred tons. The Beautiful Gate itself was made of dazzling Corinthian brass, most richly ornamented; and so massive were its double doors that it needed the united strength of twenty men to open and close them. It was probable as the Twelve gazed on such grandeur and strength that they thought of the gloomy picture of Jerusalem that the Lord had just predicted (Matthew 23:37-39).1320

The contrast between what they saw before them and the desolation that Jesus had just predicted probably shocked them.The apostles’ thought to themselves, how could this be? In silence they pursued their way up the Mount of Olives and Jesus sat down. A week that began at that very spot with Messiah weeping while sitting on a colt then found Him reflective. As they were sitting there together directly across from the Temple, one of the talmidim called His attention to it, saying: Look, Rabbi, what massive stones! What magnificent buildings with gifts dedicated to God (Matthew 24:1; Mark 13:1; Luke 21:5).

Before the destruction of the First Temple, Jeremiah had famously prophesied: For God said: For at the completion of seventy years of Babylon I will remember you, and I will fulfill My good word toward you, to restore you to this place (Jeremiah 29:10). And indeed, that is what happened. A little more than fifty years after the destruction of the First Temple, the Babylonians, who had destroyed it, were vanquished by the rising Persian Empire. The Persian king, Cyrus the Great, soon authorized the Jews to rebuild the Temple, but construction ground to a halt due to interference by the Samaritans. In 353 BC, exactly seventy years after the destruction of the First Temple, the Jews began building again – at first independently, but King Darius soon ratified their effort. Enough of the Second Temple completed that in 349 BC and under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, the community in Judea became vibrant and secure. The Second Temple era spanned 420 years until this prophecy of Messiah was literally fulfilled in 70 AD.

Do you see all these great buildings? replied Jesus. As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down (Matthew 24:2; Mark 13:2; Luke 21:6). This must have seemed incomprehensible. Yet that is exactly what happened. When the Temple was set on fire by orders of the Roman general Titus, the gold melted down between the cracks of the Herodian stones. Later, when it cooled down, Titus and his soldiers had to remove stone upon stone to get to the gold that had melted between the cracks of those very stones (see Mt The Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD). In this way, the prophecy of Yeshua was fulfilled down to the finest detail.

The recent archaeological excavation of the south side of the Temple Mount provides a modern validation of the truth of Yeshua’s word. At that current site lays an impressive pile of stones that once stood on the Temple. This is not to be confused with the retaining wall of the Temple Mount known as the former Wailing Wall, still standing on the west side. Jews continue to gather at the western wall for prayer and celebration, as this is the surviving part of the entire compound but not part of the Temple building itself. Sadly, the magnificent Holy Temple was completely destroyed and literally torn apart by the Romans. There are no coincidences in God’s world. The events of 70 AD would be a sign from ADONAI to that unbelieving generation and to the Jews and Gentiles to this very day. It is another strong proof that Jesus is the true Meshiach of Isra’el.1321

Whether or not the others had gone farther up ahead, or simply that Peter, James, John and Andrew came to Him privately (Mark 13:3), they asked Him what must have weighed so heavily on their hearts; not in doubt, but rather trying to understand. They asked three questions. But the Master teacher did not answer them in order. Because of what Jesus had just said about the Temple, the talmidim asked three questions: (1) When would the Temple be destroyed and what will be the sign that this is about to happen? (2) What will be the sign that the messianic Kingdom will be set up? And (3) what will be the sign that the end of the age has begun? To the Gentile mind the apostles asked three questions, but to the Jewish mind they only asked one question. Having read TaNaKh they believed that the Messiah’s coming would terminate the present age and initiate the age to come (or the messianic Kingdom).

“Tell us,” they said, “when will this (1) happen, and (2) what will be the sign of your coming and (3) of the end of the age” (Matthew 24:3b)?

“Tell us, when will these things (1) happen? And what will be the sign that they (2 and 3) are all about to be fulfilled” (Mark 13:4)?

“Rabbi,” they asked, “when will these things (1) happen? And what will be the sign that they (2 and 3) are about to take place” (Luke 21:7)?

Jesus answered all three questions, but not in the same order as they were asked. He answered the third question first, the first question second and the second question last.1322

It is important to remember that these near historical prophecies like the Dispensation of Grace, and far eschatological prophecies like the Great Tribulation and Second Coming were a mystery to the apostles. Obviously being confusing to them at the time, the talmidim would eventually understand these prophecies with the indwelling of the Ruach Ha’Kodesh. Therefore, the words that Yeshua spoke were for their benefit later on and for us today.

2022-12-12T12:53:35+00:000 Comments
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