Ap – Moshe Remembered the Journey from Kadesh-barnea to Mo’av 2: 1-25

Moshe Remembered the Journey from Kadesh-barnea
to the Plains of Mo’av
2: 1-25

About 40 years after Isra’el’s wilderness wanderings, ADONAI commanded Bnei-Yisrael to begin their journey back to the Promised Land. Therefore, the Israelites left the region surrounding Kadesh-barnea and to pass near the territory held by the Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites. Although the following narrative (2:1 to 3:11) shares the basic details of the parallel account in Numbers 20-24, the present narrative shows a greater interest in theology than in the details of geography and chronology.

With regard to the Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites, YHVH prohibited Isra’el from taking any land from them (2:1-25). Ha’Shem is the Owner of the whole world. He allocates His properties as He pleases. ADONAI was orchestrating all these events for the Israelites. At this point in time in biblical history, the blood relationship of these three peoples with Isra’el protected them from the destruction the LORD promised to bring on the Amorites, Bashanites, and Canaanites. The Amorites had no such relationship with God’s people and therefore faced a different fate.58

2023-09-09T11:45:26+00:000 Comments

Ar – Moshe Remembered the Events in Mo’av 2: 9-15

Moshe Remembered the Events in Mo’av
2: 9-15

Moshe Remembered the events in Mo’av DIG: As the Israelites prepare to enter the Land which ADONAI had given them, what fears might they have about the people who live there? How might the events of this passage and the demonstration of God’s care for the Moabites, Ammonites, and Edomites help the Israelites face their fears? Are editorial notes still part of God’s Word? Why? Did the men of war die a natural death? What was the significance of the nation of Isra’el passing over the Wadi Zered? What did it mark?

REFLECT: How do you feel about unbelievers who are successful? Do you think any of their success is attributable to the LORD? Why or why not? In what sense is God concerned about the welfare of unbelievers today? What examples can you give? How are these similar to this passage? What challenge are you facing in your life today? What provision do you need from God? What have you learned here about the character of YHVH that can help calm and strengthen you for that challenge?

Moshe remembered that as the children of Isra’el approached the boundary of Mo’av, Ha’Shem forbid them to attack and plunder the territory of Mo’ab since He gave this land to the Moabites. Moshe also points out that Isra’el’s crossing over the Wadi Zered represented the official end of God’s punishment of Isra’el for their rebellion at Kadesh-barnea.

Just as the Edomites were not attacked and conquered because they were related to Jacob, so the Moabites and Ammonites were spared because they were the descendants of Lot, the nephew of Abraham (see the commentary on Genesis, to see link click FbLet’s Get Our Father to Drink Wine, and then Lie With Him to Preserve Our Family Line). The Israelites were to pass through the region of Mo’ab (located east of the Dead Sea) without taking any territory.63 ADONAI said to me: Do not harass Mo’ab or engage them in battle. For I will not give you any of his land for a possession, because I have given Ar to the children of Lot for a possession (2:9). YHVH is supreme over all nations and assigns their territories according to His sovereign will (Acts 17:26-28; Second Chronicles 20:6). In fact, the LORD even helped these other nations defeat their enemies and take their land (2:20-23). Ha’Shem is on His throne and deals with the nations according to His perfect will (Dani’el 4:35). Neither the Moabites nor the Ammonites deserved this kindness, but ADONAI sometimes blesses people because of their relationship to other people. Isra’el was certainly blessed because of the LORD’s covenants with Abraham and David, the invisible Church, made up of Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14), is blessed today because of the Father’s eternal covenant with Yeshua Messiah (Hebrews 13:20).64

A parenthetical note: The Emim (meaning terrors or dreaded ones) used to live there – a great and numerous people, as tall as the Anakim (2:10). The Emim, the original inhabitants of Ar (representing the whole region of Mo’ab), are identical with the Rephaim whose territory was promised to Abraham’s descendants (Genesis 15:20). The conquest of this territory, inhabited by such mighty people, by a descendant of Lot, was nothing else but a divine act in fulfillment of YHVH’s promise to Abraham. Therefore, it was Ha’Shem who gave Ar to Mo’ab, Seir to Esau, part of the Rephaim territory to Ammon, just as He gave Canaan to the Israelites.

These people also are considered Rephaim, like the Anakim; but the Moabites call them Emim (2:11). The Anakites, also called the Nephilim in Numbers, belonged to a race of giants known as the Rephaim (2:10-11 and 21). Og of Bashan, an Anakite, had an iron bed that was over thirteen feet long (see AvThe Defeat of Og). The Rephaites and Anakites were also found in Philistia (see the commentary on the Life of David EgDavid’s Heroes).65

Now the Horites (a non-Semitic people) used to live in Seir, but the sons of Esau drove them out and destroyed them from before themselves and settled in their place (2:12a). The Horites were identical with the Hivites who were descended from the sixth son of Canaan (Genesis 10:17), and always mentioned among the seven Canaanite peoples in connection with Isra’el’s inheritance. Seir, the territory of these people promised to Abraham’s descendants, was meant for Esau, and should therefore have been respected by Isra’el. Just as the Edomites dispossessed the Horites, so Isra’el did (past tense) to the land of Canaan, its possession, that ADONAI gave to them (2:12b).

Though it is impossible to determine precisely when verses 10-12 were inserted, verse 12b indicates that it was after the initial conquest of the Land. Editorial notes in the Pentateuch do no harm to the doctrine of biblical inspiration. Inspiration refers to the final product rather than to the manner of writings. The original texts of Scripture are God-breathed (Second Timothy 3:16), and therefore contain no errors, for God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). The Ruach Ha-Kodesh superintended the work of editors just as He did the historical research of Luke (Luke 1:1-4) so that the final words of the text, though obtained by different methods, are the words intended by ADONAI. It was this final text (including editorial insertions) that Yeshua Messiah pronounced to be perfect (Matthew 5:18; John 10:35).66

The story which began at verse 9 and was interrupted by the parenthetical note in verses 10-12 is now resumed: Now rise up, and cross over the Wadi Zered.” Since you are not permitted to pass through the lands of Esau and Mo’ab without their permission, change direction and approach the Jordan through the Wadi Zered, which lies beyond the borders of those two countries. So, we went over the Wadi Zered (2:13).

Moshe reminded his audience of the terrible judgment that his own rebellious generation had suffered. When the Jews crossed over into the Wadi Zered, it marked a turning point in their history. Just as the crossing of the Sea of Reeds had marked a new beginning of freedom from Egyptian bondage, so the crossing of the Wadi Zered marked freedom from the oath of YHVH against the generation of the Exodus.67

Now, however, they had all died in the wilderness . . . all, except for Moses (see the commentary on Jude Aj The LORD Delivered His People Out of Egypt, But Later Destroyed Those Who Did Not Believe). Thus, because of their rebellion against YHVH, this first generation of Israelite warriors actually found themselves objects of God’s holy war! They left the protective care of His hand in their arrogant rebellion only to find that Hand turned against them as they endured painful deaths outside the Promised Land. By reminding the people of this, Moshe said, in effect, that Ha’Shem is faithful to His promises and His threats, and has the power to execute both.68

Moses remarked: The time that we traveled from Kadesh-barnea until we crossed over the Wadi Zered was about 40 years (38 years had elapsed since Isra’el’s departure from Kadesh-barnea the first time) – until all the generation of the men of war, from within the camp came to an end, as ADONAI had sworn to them (see Ao God’s Judgment on Isra’el). These men of war did not die a natural death from old age; it was the direct action of Ha’Shem that hastened their death. Indeed, the hand of ADONAI was against them, to destroy them from within the camp until they came to their end (2:14-15). But, Isra’el’s time of divine discipline had finally ended. Isra’el could now look forward to defeating their enemies and moving into the Land of Promise that the LORD had promised to them.69

Dear Great and Awesome Father, Praise You that in Your love, You Yourself have redeemed us by paying the penalty for our sins.  He made the One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (Second Corinthians 5:21). Someday all our trials will be over. He shall wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more. Nor shall there be mourning or crying or pain any longer, for the former things have passed away. (Revelation 21:4). Please help us to keep our eyes focused on Heaven where we will live in joy with You for all eternity and never more have any sufferings. This time on earth will be over so quickly. May we use it to glorify You and bring You much joy. In Your holy Son’s name and power of His resurrection. Amen.

2024-08-09T18:42:03+00:000 Comments

Aq – Moshe Remembered the Events in Seir 2: 1-8

Moshe Remembered the Events in Seir
2: 1-8

Moshe remembered the events in Seir DIG: Why is there no details of Isra’el’s 40 years of wilderness wanderings? What had happened in the wilderness that allowed the 40-year judgment to end? How were the Israelites and the Edomites related? What grudge did the Edomites continue to carry against the children of Jacob? How did the Edomites treat their brothers centuries later? Why were the Edomites afraid of the Israelites? Why wasn’t it necessary for the Israelites to attack their brothers? What was the end result?

REFLECT: Turned is the key word in this file. When did you turn toward the LORD? When have you turned away from ADONAI? Where are you on your journey today? Are you in the Promised Land, or in the wilderness? How do you feel when YHVH tells you to turn toward the Promised Land? Read 2:7 again and apply it to yourself. Do you believe God has provided you with all you need? We often mistake what we “want” with something we “need.” All we really need is found in Yeshua. What are you seeking?

Moshe remembered that after almost forty years of wilderness wanderings, the LORD commanded His children to pass around the hill country of Mount Seir and then pass north toward the Land of Promise without disturbing the Edomites or their possessions in any way.

Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness. This is one of the saddest statements in the Bible. Dreams are dashed as the people turn their tasks on the Land of Promise.

After spending a long, but undermined, amount of time in the oasis of Kadesh-barnea, the Israelites turned and journeyed into the wilderness by the way to the Sea of Reeds (see the commentary on Exodus, to see link click Ce Salvation at the Sea of Reeds). In spite of this 40-year judgment of the ungrateful and rebellious generation, YHVH had not given up on His people, for Moses could still say ADONAI had directed me. We went around the hill country of Seir, the mountain range of Edom located south of the Dead Sea and extended down the eastern flank of the Arabah, for many days (2:1).

The transition from verse 1 and 2 spans almost 40 years! Moshe gave no details of what Isra’el experienced while wandering. During that time, Isra’el was out of God’s covenant favor. It was a death march; an anti-Exodus for the generation of the Exodus. There is no record that the people observed the Passover, or even circumcised their sons. After Joshua led the nation across the Jordan River, he took care of those responsibilities when Isra’el was back in YHVH’s covenantal blessing (Joshua 5:1-12). The people in Moses’ congregation who were nineteen years old when the wandering began were now fifty-seven (19 + 38 when they left Kadesh-barnea) and certainly would remember those difficult years and tell their children and grandchildren about them.59

ADONAI now commands the people, go north, toward your Promised Land. The LORD spoke to Moshe, saying: You have gone around this hill country long enough. And now we have another decisive turn, to the north, towards the Land of Promise (1:2-3). By that time the rebellious generation of the Exodus had died, their corpses being consumed in the wilderness (Numbers 14:33b). No longer will the children bear the sins of their parents, walking in circles and waiting for the old to die. The wandering had finally ended. Now, the LORD pointed the survivors toward Canaan, the Land flowing with milk and honey (6:3).

Throughout this section of Scripture, God is continually guiding His people. Even the wandering has a sense of purpose. The life of a believer is in the hands of ADONAI as a bow and arrow are in the hands of an archer. YHVH is aiming at something that we cannot see; He stretches and we stain, and at times we say, “I cannot stand it anymore!” But the LORD goes on stretching until His purpose is accomplished – then He lets the arrow fly. God has a purpose in every zig-zag in our lives.60

Ha’Shem told Moses, “Command the people saying: You are about to cross into the territory of your relatives, the sons of Esau, who dwell in Seir.” Moshe refers to the inhabitants of the region of Seir as the sons of Esau, rather than the Edomites, in order to highlight the kinship between Isra’el and Edom. And as predicted in Exodus 15:14-16, the Edomites (among others) had heard of YHVH’s great deeds on Isra’el’s behalf and, as a result: They will be afraid of you, so be very careful (2:4).61

Moshe was commanded by the LORD not to declare war on the people of Edom. The LORD had promised to give His own people land; but other peoples, too, had been granted possessions by ADONAI. The Edomites were descended from Jacob’s brother Esau (Genesis 36). Do not provoke them, for I will not give you any of their land – not even a footprint – because I have given the hill country of Seir to Esau as a possession, as an inheritance from Abraham (2:5). Although Esau’s descendents remained hostile, the children of Jacob did not go to war with them. Such good will for Esau’s seed contrasts sharply with the wars against Sichon (see Au The Defeat of Sihon) and Og (Av The Defeat of Og), whose sons embraced idolatry and other abominable practices. YHVH had graciously cared for Isra’el and blessed His people even during their years of wandering, so there was no need for them to attack their brothers and exploit them. For ADONAI your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand – He has known your wanderings through this great wilderness. These 40 years ADONAI your God has been with you – you have lacked nothing (2:7). So it is with us. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more. There is nothing you can do to make God love you less. His love is unconditional, impartial, everlasting, infinite, and perfect!

Moses at first tried the friendly approach, but the Edomites wouldn’t accept their brothers even though the Israelites were prepared to pay for food and water. Even though Isra’el’s powerful army could have raided and taken what was needed, Ha’Shem commanded: You are to buy food from them for money so that you may eat, and you are also to buy water from them for money so that you may drink (Deuteronomy 2:6; (Numbers 20:14-21). So, he led them by another route that bypassed Mount Seir. The Edomites should have shown Isra’el brotherly love, but instead they preferred to continue the ancient feud between Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27). Centuries later, Edom was still angry with Isra’el and rejoiced when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem (Psalm 137:7; Ezeki’el 2:12-14; Amos 1:11; Obediah 10-13).

So, we went on past our relatives, the sons of Esau who dwell in Seir, away from the way of the Arabah from Elath and Ezion-geber. Although nothing of the negotiations are conveyed here, the Edomites prohibited Isra’el from taking the customary route through their region (the King’s Highway) and required them to take the longer route around the borders of Edom. But, in reality, they really didn’t need the short-cut because YHVH was leading them. We turned once again, and passed by the way of the wilderness of Mo’ab, probably traveling on the Transjordanian plateau, near the transition between habitable land and the Arabian desert (2:8).

Of all the problems we face in life, family disagreements are probably the most painful and the hardest to solve, and yet the Bible records so many of them. Cain killed his brother Abel (Genesis 4); Jacob and Esau were rivals; Jacob’s wives competed with one another (Genesis 29-30); Jacob favored Joseph and therefore Joseph’s brothers hated their younger brother (Genesis 37); and David’s father-in-law, King Sha’ul, hounded after him and even tried to kill him (First Samuel 19-20). Even within the local community of believers, brothers and sisters don’t always love each other. The church at Corinth was divided four ways (First Corinthians 1:12); the Galatian believers were biting and devouring one another (Galatians 5:15); and in the Philippian church, two women were at odds with each other (Philippians 4:2-3).62 We must do all we can to love one another, just as Yeshua loves us. By doing this, all will know that we are His disciples (John 13:34-35).

Dear Father God, Praise You for your wonderful example of love! Praise You that you are never selfish, never grumpy, and never unkind. You are always kind and loving with a great, great love. Please help us to bring You joy and return Your love by our loving others. Remind us of the rewards You want to give us when we enter heaven and you discern our heart’s attitude with fire. For no one can lay any other foundation than what is already laid – which is Yeshua the Messiah.  Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear. For the Day will show it, because it is to be revealed by fire; and the fire itself will test each one’s work – what sort it is. If anyone’s work built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward (First Corinthians 3:11-15a).

May we remember that it is not how the act looks outwardly to our friends or family, but the reward is based on our heart attitude of love for You. For He [ADONAI] does not see a man as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but ADONAI looks into the heart. (First Samuel 16:7). You are so worthy of all our love. We will not look with fear to any problem-but we will keep our eyes fixed on You, our big and caring and powerful Daddy – which will make our problem seem small. Praise You that when disagreements happen, we do not need to fear, we only need to look up at You for You are in control, even with world–wide pandemics. We bow in worship of You. We do not need to know the why, for we know how great is the love of our Almighty and All-powerful God who cares so deeply for each of His children. In Your holy Son’s name and power of His resurrection. Amen

2021-07-17T14:06:41+00:000 Comments

Ab1 – मत्ती रचित सुसमाचार में किसी भी गद्धयांश का पता लगा ने के लिए तालिका

मत्ती रचित सुसमाचार में किसी भी गद्धयांश का पता लगाने के लिए तालिका 

अध्याय १ , पद्य १-१७ (Ai)

अध्याय १, पद्य १८-२५ (Ap)

अध्याय २, पद्य १-१२ (Av)

अध्याय २, पद्य १३-१८ (Aw)

अध्याय २, पद्य १९-२३ (Ax)

अध्याय ३, पद्य १-६ (Be)

अध्याय ३, पद्य ७-१० (Bf)

अध्याय ३, पद्य ११-१२ (Bg)

अध्याय ३, पद्य १३-१७ (Bi)

अध्याय ४, पद्य १-११ (Bj)

अध्याय ४, पद्य १२ (By)

अध्याय ४, पद्य १३-१६ (Ci)

अध्याय ४, पद्य १७ (Ce)

अध्याय ४, पद्य १८-२२ (Cj)

अध्याय४, पद्य २३-२५ (Cm)

अध्याय ५, पद्य १-२ (Cz)

अध्याय ५, पद्य ३-१२ (Db)

अध्याय ५, पद्य १३-१६ (Df)

अध्याय ५, पद्य १७-२० (Dg)

अध्याय ५, पद्य २१-२६ (Dh)

अध्याय ५, पद्य २७-३० (Di)

अध्याय ५, पद्य ३१-३२ (Dj)

अध्याय ५, पद्य ३३-३७ (Dk)

अध्याय ५, पद्य ३८-४२ (Dl)

अध्याय ५, पद्य ४३-४८ (Dm)

अध्याय ६, पद्य १-४ (Do)

अध्याय ६, पद्य ५-१५ (Dp)

अध्याय ६, पद्य १६-१८ (Dq)

अध्याय ६ पद्य १९-२४ (Dr)

अध्याय ६, पद्य २५-३४ (Dt)

अध्याय ७, पद्य १-६ (Du)

अध्याय ७, पद्य ७-१२ (Dv)

अध्याय ७, पद्य १३-१४ (Dw)

अध्याय ७, पद्य १५-२३ (Dx)

अध्याय ७, पद्य २४-२७ (Dy)

अध्याय ७, पद्य २८ से अध्याय ८ पद्य १ (Dz)

अध्याय ८, पद्य २-४ (Cn)

अध्याय ८, पद्य ५-१३ (Ea)

अध्याय ८, पद्य १४-१७ (Cl)

अध्याय ८, पद्य १८ और २३-२७ (Ff)

अध्याय ८, पद्य १९-२२ (Gl)

अध्याय ८, पद्य २८-३४ (Fg)

अध्याय ९, पद्य १-८ (Co)

अध्याय ९, पद्य ९-१३ (Cp)

अध्याय ९, पद्य १४-१७ (Cq)

अध्याय ९, पद्य १८-२६ (Fh)

अध्याय ९, पद्य २७-३४ (Fl)

अध्याय ९, पद्य ३५ to अध्याय ११ पद्य १ (Fk)

अध्याय ११, पद्य २-१९ (Ed)

अध्याय ११, पद्य २०-३० (Ee)

अध्याय १२ पद्य १-८ (Cv)

अध्याय १२, पद्य ९-१४ (Cw)

अध्याय १२, पद्य १५-२१ (Cx)

अध्याय १२, पद्य २२-२४ (Ek)

अध्याय १२, पद्य २५-२९ (El)

अध्याय १२, पद्य ३०-३७ (Em)

अध्याय १२, पद्य ३८-४१ (Eo)

अध्याय १२, पद्य ४२-४५ (Ep)

अध्याय १२, पद्य ४६-५० (Ey)

अध्याय १३, पद्य १-३अ (Es)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ३b-२३ (Et)

अध्याय १३, पद्य २४-३० (Ev)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ३१-३२ (Ew)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ३३-३५ (Ex)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ३६-४३ (Fa)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ४४ (Fb)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ४५-४६ (Fc)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ४७-५० (Fd)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ५१-५३ (Fe)

अध्याय १३, पद्य ५४-५८ (Fj)

अध्याय १४, पद्य १-१२ (Fl)

अध्याय १४, पद्य १३-२१ (Fn)

अध्याय १४, पद्य २२-२३ (Fo)

अध्याय १४, पद्य २४-३३ (Fp)

अध्याय १४, पद्य ३४-३६ (Fq)

अध्याय १५, पद्य १-२० (Fs)

अध्याय १५, पद्य २१-२८ (Ft)

अध्याय १५, पद्य २९-३८ (Fu)

अध्याय १५, पद्य ३९ to अध्याय १६ पद्य ४ (Fv)

अध्याय १६, पद्य ५-१२ (Fw)

अध्याय १६, पद्य १३-२० (Fx)

अध्याय १६, पद्य २१-२६ (Fy)

अध्याय १६, पद्य २७-२८ (Ga)

अध्याय १७, पद्य १-८ (Gb)

अध्याय १७, पद्य ९-१३ (Gc)

अध्याय १७, पद्य १४-२० (Gd)

अध्याय १७, पद्य २२-२३ (Ge)

अध्याय १७, पद्य २४-२७ (Gf)

अध्याय १८, पद्य १-५ (Gg)

अध्याय १८, पद्य ६-१४ (Gh)

अध्याय १८, पद्य १५-३५ (Gi)

अध्याय १९, पद्य १-१२ (Ij)

अध्याय १९, पद्य १३-१५ (Ik)

अध्याय १९, पद्य १६ to अध्याय २० पद्य १६(Il)

अध्याय २०, पद्य १७-२८ (Im)

अध्याय २०, पद्य २९-३४ (In)

अध्याय २१, पद्य १-११ (It)

अध्याय २१, पद्य १२-१७ (Iv)

अध्याय २१, पद्य १८-१९a (Iu)

अध्याय २१, पद्य १९b-४३ (Iy)

अध्याय २२, पद्य १-१४ (Hp)

अध्याय २२, पद्य १५-२२ (Iz)

अध्याय २२, पद्य २३-३३ (Ja)

अध्याय २२, पद्य ३४-४० (Jb)

अध्याय २२, पद्य ४१-४६ (Jc)

अध्याय २३, पद्य १-३९ (Jd)

अध्याय २४, पद्य १-३ (Jh)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ४-६ (Ji)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ७-८ (Jj)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ९-१४ (Jn)

अध्याय २४, पद्य १५-२८ (Jo)

अध्याय २४, पद्य २९-३१ (Jp)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ३२-३५ (Jq)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ३६-४२ (Jr)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ४३-४४ (Ju)

अध्याय २४, पद्य ४५-५१ (Jv)

अध्याय २५, पद्य १-१३ (Jw)

अध्याय २५, पद्य १४-३० (Jx)

अध्याय २५, पद्य ३१-४६ (Jy)

अध्याय २६, पद्य १-५ (Ka)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ६-१३ (Kb)

अध्याय २६, पद्य १४-१६ (Kc)

अध्याय २६, पद्य १७-१९ (Ke)

अध्याय २६, पद्य २० (Kf)

अध्याय २६, पद्य २१-२५ (Ki१)

अध्याय २६ पद्य २६ (Kj)

अध्याय २६, पद्य २७-२९ (Kk)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ३० (Kr)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ३१-३५ (Km)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ३६-४४ (Lb)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ४५-४६ (Ld)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ४७-५६ (Le)

अध्याय २६ पद्य ५७, ५९-६८ (Lj)

अध्याय २६, पद्य ५८, ६९-७५ (Lk)

अध्याय २७, पद्य १ (Ll)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ३-१० (Lm)

अध्याय २७, पद्य २, ११-१४ (Lo)

अध्याय २७, पद्य १५-२६ (Lq)

अध्याय २७, पद्य २७-३० (Lr)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ३१-३४ (Ls)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ३५-४४ (Lu)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ४५-५० (Lv)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ५१-५६ (Lw)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ५७-६० (Lx)

अध्याय २७, पद्य ६१-६६ (Ly)

अध्याय २८, पद्य १ (Ma)

अध्याय २८, पद्य २-४ (Mb)

अध्याय २८, पद्य ५-८ (Mc)

अध्याय २८, पद्य ९-१० (Mf)

अध्याय २८, पद्य ११-१५ (Mg)

अध्याय २८, पद्य १६-२० (Mo)

2024-05-25T03:10:12+00:000 Comments

Ao – Moshe Remembered God’s Judgment on Isra’el 1: 34-46

Moshe Remembered God’s Judgment on Isra’el
1: 34-46

Moshe Remembered God’s judgment of Isra’el DIG: Explain the reason that God judged the older generation and swore that they would not enter the Promised Land. Why is ADONAI so angry, even with Moshe? Why does he make an exception of Caleb and Joshua? What punishment is meted out to everyone else? What about that seems fair? Unfair? Merciful? Harsh? What response does this punishment elicit? Why does the LORD respond as He does? What must Isra’el still learn about YHVH before they re-enter the Land? How would remembering this history lesson from Moshe help them to learn this? What is the difference between unbelief and doubt?

REFLECT: When has obedience led you to receiving the best of what the LORD had for you? How hard is it for you to stand up to what you know is right when you are in the minority? How are you like Caleb and Joshua? How are you different? What “frightening” thing have you attempted for God? Did fear get the best of you? Or did he calm your fears? How? What “miraculous” thing has he done for you? What impact has that had on your faith? On your family’s faith? What is YHVH leading you to do that you are not heeding? What does faithful obedience look like today? Be specific.

Moshe remembered Isra’el’s refusal to obey God’s command to march against Canaan, and their unwillingness to believe ADONAI’s promise of victory caused Him to respond in anger. The entire adult population of the Exodus would be sentenced to death in the wilderness.

Your carcasses will fall in the desert; and your children will wander about in the desert for forty years bearing the consequences of your prostitutions until the desert eats up your carcasses. It will be a year for every day you spent reconnoitering the land that you will bear the consequences of your offenses – forty days, forty years. Then you will know what it means to oppose me (see the commentary on Numbers Cg – The Judgement of Forty Years)!

From the Sea of Reeds to Horeb (1:34-40): Isra’el’s refusal to obey YHVH’s command to march against the pagan nations in Canaan, and her unwillingness to believe the LORD’s promise of victory caused Him to respond in anger. Since Moshe had already delineated the penalties for not listening, or carrying out all of His mitzvot (Leviticus 26:14-39), when He heard the tone of Isra’el’s words (James 3:3-8), He swore that the generation of the Exodus would die in the wilderness. He was angry and swore an oath (1:34) saying: Not one of these men and women of this evil generation will see the good Land that I swore to give your fathers (1:35). The rabbis place the age of accountability at twenty (Shabbat 32b; 1 QS 1:10-11). Disobedience causes us to forfeit the best of what ADONAI has for us.

The only exceptions were Caleb and Joshua. Caleb is mentioned in four other passages (Numbers 14:24; Joshua 14:8-9 and 14), and both Caleb and Joshua are referred to once (Numbers 32:12).52 Both stood firm against a nation of doubters (Numbers 14:6-9). They had complete confidence that YHVH was fully capable of leading Isra’el to victory over the giants of Canaan. As a result, they were exceptions to the death sentence issued upon the entire adult generation of the Exodus. In the book of Numbers, Caleb and Joshua symbolized the new generation that was unmarked by unfaithfulness, and who would receive the Promised Land. The contrast between these two and all the others is the contrast between belief and unbelief, and consequently, between those who receive the Land and those who did not.53 Caleb and Joshua will see it – yet to them and their children I will give the Land that they have walked on, because they have followed ADONAI wholeheartedly (1:36). Obedience allows us to receive the best of what God has for us.

What’s the difference between unbelief and doubt? Unbelief is a matter of the will; it causes people to rebel against YHVH and say, “No matter what the LORD says or does, I will not believe and obey!” Doubt, however, is a matter of the heart and the emotions; it’s what people experience when they waver between fear and faith (Matthew 14:31; James 1:5-8). The doubter says, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24)! ADONAI wants to encourage doubters, and help them believe; but all He can do with rebels is bring judgment. At Kadesh-barnea, Ha’Shem declared that the generation of the Exodus would wander for the next thirty-eight years (they had already been in the wilderness two years) until all the people twenty years and older had died. Then he would take the next generation – the children and teenagers – and lead them into the Promised Land where they would conquer the enemy and claim their inheritance.54

Caleb and Joshua believed God, so He decreed that they would live through the wilderness wanderings and enter the Promised Land. But later, even Aaron and Moses rebelled against YHVH and were kept out of the Land. When the LORD instructed Moshe to provide water by speaking to the rock, he struck the rock instead (Numbers 20:11)! As a result, Moses forfeited the privilege of leading the people into the Land, when God said: You will not enter there, either (1:37).  Leaders are ultimately responsible for the decisions of their people. Moshe’s identification with his people meant that he also accepted with them the penalty for their failure to obey.

When Moses declared that YHVH was even angry with me on your account, he wasn’t excusing himself by blaming the Israelites. What this means is that the rebellious attitude of the people had provoked him to disobey ADONAI. Moshe had been grieved so often by the people’s complaining and disobeying that it finally got the best of him and he lost the meekness for which he was so well-known.

Even the greatest spiritual leaders are but frail human beings apart from the grace of God, and many of them failed in their strongest points. Moses’ greatest strength was meekness, but he lost his temper. Abraham was known for his great faith, yet in a time of testing he fled to Egypt and lied about his wife. David’s greatest strength was his integrity (Psalm 78:72), but he failed miserably and became a liar and a hypocrite, and Peter’s great strength was his courage, yet three times he became afraid and denied his Lord. Therefore, let the one who thinks he stands watch out that he doesn’t fall (First Corinthians 10:12).55

Because Moshe would not go into the Land with the new generation, a new leader would have to be appointed, namely, Joshua. The LORD said to Moses, “Joshua son of Nun, who stands before you, will enter there – encourage him, for he will enable Isra’el to inherit the Land” (1:38).

What was different about Caleb and Joshua? They saw the same things that the other ten men saw! They interpreted it differently. Why? Because they had faith. And faith gives you a different perspective. The lesson is simple: Not by might, nor by power, but by My Ruach! Says ADONAI-Tzva’ot (Zechariah 4:6b). Joshua said at that time: If ADONAI is pleased with us, He will lead us into that Land and give it to us – a Land flowing with milk and honey. Only don’t rebel against ADONAI, and don’t be afraid of the people of the Land. Like the mana in the wilderness, they will be food for us. The protection over them is gone. ADONAI is with us! Do not fear them (Numbers 14:8-9).

Moses goes on to point out the irony of Isra’el’s rebellion that his present audience will clearly understand. Moreover, your little ones – whom you said would become plunder, and your children who today have no knowledge of good or evil – will enter there. The generation of Israelites who rebelled against God out of a desire to protect themselves and their children from what they thought was certain death would be survived by those very children. They, rather than their parents, would inherit the Land promised by YHVH. They had been innocent in the matter of the rebellion, having no knowledge of good or evil.56 This phrase does not signify innocence, but a lack of ability to discern morally. The LORD said: To them I will give it and they will possess it (1:39).

The reason the covenant between YHVH and His people must be renewed (see Fm Renewal of the Covenant) is that God’s people had become disobedient and had lost His promise for one generation. Moses is reminding a new generation that this renewal is both a warning and a blessing. The warning is that each generation is responsible for obedience to the LORD. The blessing is that each generation has a new hope for God’s best, regardless of the disobedience of previous generations.57

But as for you, turn around and journey back into the wilderness by way of the Sea of Reeds (1:40). The Sea of Reeds Road ran to the east of Kadesh-barnea, extending from Elath in the south to the southern region of the Dead Sea (by Zorah) in the north. YHVH had closed the door of opportunity for them to enter Canaan. It is not always possible or permissible to recoup an opportunity lost by unbelief.

From Horeb to Kadesh-barnea (1:41-46): Then rebellion turned to chutzpah. You answered and said to me, “We have sinned against ADONAI. We will go up and fight ourselves, just as ADONAI our God commanded us.” So, each of you strapped on his weapons of war, figuring it was easy to go up to the hill country. But it was too late! When they had Ha’Shem’s protection, they failed to act; now that He would no longer protect them, they wanted to charge forward. But ADONAI said to me, “Tell them, ‘Do not go up and fight – for I am not with you, and you will be defeated by your enemies’ (1:41-42).” But, once again, the people did not listen. The LORD would not dwell in the midst of such people and their defeat was inevitable.

So, even after a further attempt at correction, the people did not hear the LORD’s immediate instruction. I told you, but you would not listen (Hebrew: shema) – you rebelled against the command of ADONAI and presumptuously went up into the hill country (1:43). The details are not given, but the Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you, and they chased you as bees, who attack and sting anyone who approaches their hive, and scattered you from Seir to Hormah (related to the Hebrew word cherem, meaning devoted to destruction). This demonstrated the fact that not every war in which Isra’el fought was a valid part of the Holy War (1:44).

Tears mean nothing in the face of willful disobedience. Then, you returned and wept before ADONAI, but ADONAI did not listen to your voice or pay attention to you because your repentance was not sincere; in fact, you persisted in your rebellion to the last in spite of continued warning, and only changing your attitude through fear, after the fatal decree had already been proclaimed (1:45).

So, you stayed in Kadesh-barnea for a long, but unspecified period – many days – like the days you had spent before (1:46). It was as if Isra’el hovered between Egypt, the place of deliverance, and the Land of Promise, yet to be fulfilled.

Dear Awesome Father God, How I love and respect You! Every good attitude/ability that I might desire in a friend to have- is in You. You not only have so many wonderful qualities, but You have nothing about you that is not wonderful. I can completely trust You at all times for You see the future with crystal clarity. You love each of Your children and delight in blessing them. Even when a trial happens to Your child, You can turn it into a blessing when they have an attitude of trusting You. These trials are so that the true metal of your faith (far more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire) may come to light in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Messiah Yeshua. (First Peter 1:7). Praise You that when You clearly tell me to do something, even when I don’t understand, I can totally trust You and know that the wisest thing is to follow Your guidance. I love You. In Your holy Son’s name and power of His resurrection. Amen

2021-07-17T13:48:58+00:000 Comments

An – Moshe Remembered Isra’el’s Lack of Faith 1: 26-33

Moshe Remembered Isra’el’s Lack of Faith
1: 26-33

Moshe Remembered Isra’el’s lack of faith DIG: To which generation was Moses speaking? But who was he speaking about? What is the point he was trying to get across? Why was this rebellion the most serious and the costliest of all? When faced with the choice between faith and fear, why did they choose fear? How were they stiff-necked? How did the LORD address the real issue? How does he build his case? With what images? Toward what end?

REFLECT: God carried Isra’el as a father carries a son. What do you recall about your father “carrying you?” Did that help or hinder your learning to trust God’s love? How so? If you had no such human father, were you able to lean on your heavenly Father? No matter how big our obstacles seem to us, the faith that YHVH is willing to give us is much stronger. When have you found it so?

In spite of the LORD’s command that Israel should conquer Canaan, His unconditional divine promise to fulfill the grant of the Land (Genesis 15:18-21), and the recent evidence of the Land’s abundance (1:25), Isra’el lacked the faith to move forward.

In recounting the failure of the Exodus generation thirty-eight years previous, Moses remembered that all agreed the Land was good, and that it had been promised to the Israelites by YHVH. Nevertheless, they failed to act (see the commentary on Numbers, to see link click Cc – The Report of the Spies). Three reasons for the people’s lack of faith are given:

First, grumbling rebellion (1:26-27): Yet you would not go up, but rebelled against the command of ADONAI your God (1:26). In your tents you grumbled (1:27a). This tradition of grumbling dates back to their journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai (see the commentary on Exodus CqIf Only We Had Died by the LORD’s Hand in Egypt). The grumblers looked back to Egypt with an imagined preference for the conditions of slavery; they looked forward to the Promised Land and only saw obstacles. Stiff-necked had become Moshe’s favorite term for them, echoing YHVH’s own opinion (Exodus 32:9, 33:3, 34:9; Deuteronomy 9:6). But this time there is something of a climax. Of all their rebellions this was surely the most serious and the costliest. The bitterness of their disobedience is expressed in their words in which they accused God of absurd motives in what He had done to them.45 Because ADONAI hates us, He has brought us out from the land of Egypt to hand us over to the Amorites, to destroy us (1:27b)! The people’s rebellion had completely perverted their understanding of the nature of the LORD. They said ADONAI hates us, and yet the essence of the covenant was the love of God. They said their God had only brought them out from Egypt only to hand them over to the Amorites, but the truth of the Exodus was that YHVH had brought them out of Egypt and would deliver the Amorites into their hands. They said that Ha’Shem wanted to destroy them, but the purpose of ADONAI was to give them life.46

Secondly, paralyzing fear (1:28): The people’s exclamation: Where are we going? Was a cry of despair in the face of promise. Our brothers (the spies) have discouraged our hearts saying: The people living in the Land are greater and their cities are fortified and very large. We even saw the sons of Anak there. We also saw the Nephilim there, and we seemed like grasshoppers in our eyes as well as theirs (Deuteronomy 1:28; Numbers 13:28 and 33)! The Anakites, also called the Nephilim in Numbers, belonged to a race of giants known as the Rephaim (2:10-11 and 21). Og of Bashan, an Anakite, had an iron bed that was over thirteen feet long (see Av The Conquest of Og). The Rephaites and Anakites were also found in Philistia (see the commentary on the Life of David EgDavid’s Heroes).47

The spies had their eyes open. They had discovered a number of obstacles which they reported to the people:

1. The people living in the Land are powerful (Numbers 13:28a).

2. The cities are fortified and very large (Numbers 13:28b).

3. They would encounter people who had previously given them problems (Numbers 13:29).

4. They saw themselves as weaker than their enemies (Numbers 13:31).

5. They stressed the negative rather than the positive (Numbers 13:32).

6. They saw themselves as inadequate and perceived that their enemies saw them in the same light (Numbers 13:33).

But there was an oasis of encouragement within this discouraging report. Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “We should definitely go up and capture the Land, for we can certainly do it (Numbers 13:30)! Isn’t it interesting that Caleb and Joshua saw the same Land as the other ten spies, yet they wanted to attack the enemy while the others screamed no? Why the difference? We see things not as they are, but as we are. They were focusing on the problems instead of the possibilities.

This is what happened with the spies. Ten saw the barriers; two saw the blessings. Ten saw giants; two saw ADONAI. Ten saw fortified cities and their faith crumbled; two possessed faith and saw the fortified cities crumble. Two said, “The best is yet to come,” ten said, “The best is not to come.”48

Thirdly, stubborn unbelief (1:29-33): In the face of such cowardice Moses encouraged the people in terms they understood, saying: Don’t tremble or be afraid of them (1:29). One antidote to fear is a good memory. Moshe urged the Israelites to be unafraid in view of what they had already experienced in their own recent past. ADONAI your God, who goes before you, He Himself will fight for you – just as He did for you in Egypt before your own eyes. Not only did they see His works in Egypt, and in the wilderness, where you saw how ADONAI your God carried you as a man carries his son, everywhere you went until you came to this place. What was the response of the people after the many blessings of Ha’Shem? Unfortunately, again, the plea fell on deaf ears (and hard hearts). Moses summed it up when he said: Yet for all this you did not trust in ADONAI your God (1:30-32). In spite of such evidence, however, they would not move forward in faith. And faith was no leap in the dark, but a perfectly reasonable step forward with their eyes opened wide to what YHVH had done in the past and He had promised to do in the future.49

The Israelites should have been full of confidence because Ha’Shem is the One who goes before you, a phrase implying military leadership. He is ADONAI-Tzva’ot, the LORD of heaven’s angelic armies (Second Kings 19:31; Psalm 24:10; Second Corinthians 6:18), on the way to scout out a place for you to camp and to show you the way you should go, in fire by night and in the cloud by day (1:33). Moshe found out that YHVH’s blessings do not automatically produce grateful hearts. As far as the Israelites were concerned, the glorious past was immediately negated by the discouraging present. In their fears, they forgot ADONAI and His blessings.50 Isra’el’s refusal in this case was not prudence or realism, but stubborn unbelief that exhausted ADONAI’s patience and led to judgment.

It is hard to imagine how the apple of His eye (32:10) could have turned against their LORD. Yet, we ought to be warned. The stubborn wavering displayed here is not unique to the generation of the Exodus. We suffer from the same disease of sin. James needed to warn his believing readers – who after the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Yeshua Messiah never had cause to doubt God’s love or power – not to hesitate as they approached ADONAI. “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all without hesitation and without reproach; and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, without any doubting – for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord – he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:5-8).51

Only after Moshe interceded for Isra’el (see the commentary on Numbers Cf – The Intercession of Moses), did ADONAI relent from His anger at the people. However, the decree had already been made: because of their unbelief, Isra’el’s entry into the Promised Land would be delayed for no less than 40 years – a year for each day the spies were in the Land (with two years already served). During this exile, every person 20 years of age and older were destined to die in the wilderness – except for Joshua and Caleb, the two spies who showed faith in the word of the LORD. The other ten spies were immediately killed by a plague send by Ha’Shem (see the commentary on Numbers Cj – The Death of the Evil Spies).

Dear Loving and Gracious Heavenly Father, Praise You that No power or enemy is too much for You. You never are too busy, or too sick, or too tired to care for each of Your children. Bigger than any personal problem is when Satan and all the armies of the world will march out against You. Yet it is as nothing to You, for You defeat them with the sword coming out of your mouth. Also, I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the One who sat on the horse and against His army.  Then the beast was captured, and along with him the false prophet who had performed the signs before him by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast, as well as those who had worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the One riding on the horse. (Revelation 19:19-21a).

Help me to keep my eyes on You and not on the problem. As I choose to meditate on the many times You have shown your gracious love and mighty power, my problem becomes smaller. I will place hard situations into the big and mighty hands of my Sovereign God who is more than able to handle it. I love You, Father, and delight in pleasing You. In the name of Your holy Son and the power of His resurrection. Amen

2021-07-17T16:36:20+00:000 Comments

Ab – मसीह के जीवन की रूप रेखा

मसीह के जीवन की रूपरेखा

इस टिप्पणी और रूपरेखा का आधार “क्राइस्ट बुक लाइफ” से लिया गया है, टेप और डीवीडी सैन एंटोनियो, टेक्सास में अर्नाल्ड फ्रुचेंटेनम और एरियल मंत्रालयों की श्रृंखला है।

एक यहूदी परिप्रेक्ष्य से मसीह का जीवन (एसी)

मसीहा रजा की समीक्षा (Ad.) पैरा १-२

ए. लूका के सुसमाचार का उद्देश्य (Ae) पैरा १

ब. परमेश्वर का ममेर (Af) पैरा २

I. राजा मसीह का परिचय (एजी) पैरा ३-२७

A. राजा मसीहा का आगमन (Ah) पैरा ३-१९

१. यूसुफ और मरियम की वंशावली (Ai) पैरा ३

२. राजा मसीहा का जन्म वाई (Aj) पैरा ४–११

ए. यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता के जन्म की भविष्यवाणी (Ak) पैरा ४

ब. यीशु का जन्म की मरियम को भविष्यवाणी (Al) पैरा ५

स. मरियम का अलिशीबा के यहाँ का दौरा (Am) पैरा ६

द. मरियम का गीत (An) पैरा ७

य. यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता का जन्म (Ao) पैरा ८

र. यूसुफ का मसीह को अपने बेटे के रूप में ग्रहण करना (Ap) पैरा ९

ल. यीशु का जन्म (Aq) पैरा १०

व. स्वर्गदूत और चरवाहे (Ar) पैरा ११

३. यीशु का शिशु और बचपन (As) पैरा १२-१७

अ. आठवे दिन उसका खतना किया गया और उसका नाम येशुआ रखा गया (At) पैरा १२

आ. यीशु को मंदिर में लाया गया (Au) पैरा १३

इ. ज्योतिषियों का आगमन (Av) पैरा १४

ई. हेरोदेस ने बेतलेहेम में सभी लड़कों को मारने का आदेश दिया (Aw) पैरा १५

उ. वह नासरी कहलाएगा (Ax) पैरा १६

ऊ. बालक बढ़ता गया और परमेश्वर की कृपा उस पर थी (Ay) पैरा १७

४. यीशु का बचपन (Az) पैरा १८-१९

a. बालक यीशु मंदिर में (Ba) पैरा १८

b. और यीशु ज्ञान में और परमेश्वर के अनुग्रह में बढ़ता गया (Bb) पैरा १९

B. राजा मसीहा का अग्रदूत (Bc) पैरा २०-२३

१. वह परमेश्वर का वचन जंगल में जकर्याह के पुत्र यूहन्ना के पास आया था (Bd) पैरा २०

२. यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता रास्ता तैयार करता है (Be) पैरा २१

३. ऐ सांप के बच्चो, जिसने आपको आने वाले क्रोध से बचने की चेतावनी दी थी (Bf) पैरा २२

४. मैं आपको पानी से बपतिस्मा देता हूँ, लेकिन वह आत्मा के साथ बपतिस्मा देगा (Bg) पैरा २३

c. राजा मसीहा की स्वीकृति (Bh) पैरा २४-२७

१. यीशु का बपतिस्मा (Bi) पैरा २४

२. यीशु की जंगल में परीक्षा (Bj) पैरा २५

३. यीशु के बारे में यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता की गवाही (Bk) पैरा २६-२७

a. यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता मसीहा होने से इनकार करता है (Bl) पैरा २६

b. यूहन्ना यीशु को परमेश्वर के मेमने के रूप में पहचानता है (Bm) पैरा २७

II. राजा मसीहा का प्रमाणीकरण (Bn) पैरा २८-५६

A. राजा मसीहा की स्वीकृति (Bo) पैरा २८-३६

१. यूहन्ना के शिष्य यीशु के पीछे चलते हैं (Bp) पैरा २८

२. यीशु शराब में पानी बदलता है (Bq) पैरा २९

३. कफरनहूम में यीशु पहली बार ठहरता है (Br) पैरा ३०

४. मंदिर की पहली सफाई (Bs) पैरा ३१

५. यहूदिय में यीशु को ग्रहण करना (Bt) पैरा ३२

a. यीशु के चमत्कारों की प्रारंभिक प्रतिक्रिया (Bu) पैरा ३२a

b. यीशु की नीकुदेमुस को शिक्षा (Bv) पैरा ३२b

c. विश्वास के क्षण में परमेश्वर हमारे लिए क्या करता है? (Bw)

६. यूहन्ना फिर से यीशु के बारे में गवाही देता है (Bx) पैरा ३३

७. हेरोदेस ने यूहन्ना को जेल में बंद कर दिया (By) पैरा ३४

८. सामरिया में यीशु को ग्रहण करना (Bz) पैरा ३५

a. यीशु एक सामरी स्त्री के साथ बात करता है (Ca) यूहन्ना ४:१-२६

b. प्रेरित यीशु के पीछे हो लेते हैं (Cb) यूहन्ना ४:२७-३८

c. बहुत से सामरी यीशु पर विश्वास करते हैं (Cc) यूहन्ना ४:३९-४२

९. गलील में यीशु को ग्रहण करना (Cd) पैरा ३६

B. राजा मसीहा का कार्यक्रम (Ce) पैरा ३७-५६

१. यीशु आत्मा की शक्ति में गलील में लौट आया (Cf) पैरा ३७

२. यीशु एक आधिकारी के पुत्र को ठीक करता है (Cg) पैरा ३८

३. यहोवा का आत्मा मुझ पर है (Ch) पैरा ३९

४. कफरनहूम में यीशु का मुख्यालय (Ci) पैरा ४०

५. आओ, मेरे पीछे होलो, और मैं मनुष्यों के मछवारे बनाऊंगा (Cj) पैरा ४१

६. यीशु एक अशुद्ध आत्मा को बाहर निकालता है (Ck) पैरा ४२

७. साइमन की सास एक उच्च बुखार के साथ बिस्तर में थी (Cl) पैरा ४३

८. यीशु ने सुसमाचार की घोषणा करते हुए गालील के मध्य से यात्रा की (Cm) पैरा ४४

९. मसीहा का पहला चमत्कार: यीशु एक यहूदी कोढ़ी को ठीक करता है (Cn) पैरा ४५

१०. यीशु एक लकवा के मारे आदमी को क्षमा करता है और उसे ठीक भी करता है (Co) पैरा ४६

११. मत्ती (लेवी) की बुलाहट (Cp) पैरा ४७

१२. यीशु के उपवास के बारे में सवाल (Cq) पैरा ४८

१३. सब्त के दिन पर मसीह की शक्ति (Cr) पैरा ४९-५१

a. यीशु बैतहसदा के कुण्ड पर एक आदमी को ठीक करता है (Cs) पैरा ४९

b. पुत्र का अधिकार (Ct) पैरा ४९

c. यदि आप मूसा से भरोसा करते हैं, तो आप मेरा भी विश्वास करो (Cu) पैरा ४९

d. मनुष्य का पुत्र सब्त का मालिक है (Cv) पैरा ५०

e. यीशु सूखे हाथ वाले एक आदमी को ठीक करता है (Cw) पैरा ५१

१४. परमेश्वर का चुना गया सेवक (Cx) पैरा ५२

१५. बारह प्रेरितों के नाम ये हैं (Cy) पैरा ५३

१६. पहाड़ी उपदेश का परिचय (Cz) पैरा ५४

a. पहाड़ी उपदेश (Da) मत्ती ५:३-१६

(१) धन्य हैं वे जो आत्मा में दीं हैं स्वर्ग का राज्य उन ही का है (Db) मत्ती ५:३-१२

(२) लेकिन तुम पर हाय जो धनी हैं (De) लूका ६:२४-२६

(३) तुम पृथ्वी का नमक और दुनिया का प्रकाश हैं (Df) मत्ती ५:१३-१६

b. तोराह का समापन (Dg) मत्ती ५:१७-२०

(१) आपने सुना है कि यह कहा गया था: हत्या मत करना (Dh) मत्ती ५:२१-२६

(२) आपने सुना है कि यह कहा गया है: व्यभिचार मत करना (Di) मत्ती ५:२७-३०

(३) यह कहा गया है: तलाक मत देना (Dj) मत्ती ५:३१-३२

(४) आपने सुना है कि आपने कहा है: अपनी शपथ मत तोडना (Dk) मत्ती ५:३३-३७

(५) आपने सुना है यह कहा: एक आँख के लिए एक आँख (Dl) मत्ती ५:३८-४२

(६) तुमने सुना है यह कहा: अपने दुश्मनों से प्यार करो (Dm) मत्ती ५:४३-४८

c. सही धार्मिकता कैसी दिखती है (Dn) मत्ती ६:१-१८

(१) जब आप देते हैं, तो दूसरों द्वारा सम्मान प्राप्त न करें (Do) मत्ती ६:१-४

(२) जब आप प्रार्थना करते हैं, तो अपने कमरे में जाएं और दरवाजा बंद करें (Dp) मत्ती ६:५-१५

(३) जब आप उपवास करते हैं, अपने सिर पर तेल डालते हैं और अपना चेहरा धोएं (Dq) मत्ती ६:१६-१८

(४) स्वर्ग में खजाने को जमा करें (Dr) मत्ती ६:१९-२४

d. सच्ची धार्मिकता के बारे में चेतावनी (Ds) मत्ती ६:२५-७:२७

(१) अपने जीवन के बारे में चिंता मत करो(Dt) मत्ती ६:२५-३४

(२) न्यायी मत बनो और आप पर न्याय नहीं किया जाएगा (Du) मत्ती ७:१-६

(३) मांगोगे तो आपको दिया जाएगा; खोजेंगे तो आप पाएंगे (Dv) मत्ती ७:७-१२

(४) संकीर्ण और चौड़ा मार्ग (Dw) मत्ती ७:१३-१४

(५) झूठे भविष्यवक्ताओं का ध्यान रखें (Dx) मत्ती ७:१५-२३

(६) बुद्धिमान और मूर्ख घर बनाने वाले (Dy) मत्ती ७:२४-२७

e. जब यीशु ने खत्म कर चूका, तो भीड़ को अजीब लगा (Dz) मत्ती ७:२८-८:१

१७. सूबेदार का विश्वास (Ea) पैरा ५५

१८. यीशु ने विधवा के पुत्र को जीवित किया (Eb) पैरा ५६

III. राजा मसीह पर विवाद (Ec) पैरा ५७-७१

A. यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता का यीशु के लिए प्रश्न (Ed) पैरा ५७

B. सब थके हुए मेरे पास आओ, और मैं तुम्हें आराम दूंगा (Ee) पैरा ५८

C. मसीह का एक ऐसी स्त्री द्वारा अभिषेक किया गया जो एक पापी जीवन जीती थी (Ef) पैरा ५९

D. मरियम मगदलिनी ने यीशु को अपने स्वयं के साधनों से समर्थन दिया (Eg) पैरा ६०

E. यीशु को आधिकारिक तौर पर महासभा द्वारा अस्वीकार कर दिया गया (Eh) पैरा ६१-६२

१. मौखिक व्यवस्था (Ei)२. इज़राइल की वापसी का कोई केन्द्रीय बिंदु नहीं (Ej) पैरा ६१

a. मसीह का दूसरा मसीह चमत्कार: यीशु एक अंधे-गूंगे को ठीक करता है (Ek) मत्ती १२:२२-२४

b. अपने आप के खिलाफ विभाजित हर राज्य को बर्बाद कर दिया जाएगा (El) मत्ती १२:२५-२९

c. जो भी पवित्र आत्मा के खिलाफ निंदा करता है (Em) मत्ती १२:३०-३७

३. मसीह की सेवा में चार कठोर परिवर्तन (En) पैरा ६२

a. योना भविष्यवक्ता का संकेत (Eo) मत्ती १२:३८-४१

b. दक्षिण की रानी इस दुष्ट पीढ़ी की निंदा करेगी (Ep) मत्ती १२:४२-४५

F. राजा मसीहा के अस्वीकृति के बाद का प्रकाशन (Eq) पैरा ६३-६८

१. उसी दिन वह दृष्टांतों में उनसे बातें की (Er)

२. सागर द्वारा राज्य के सार्वजनिक दृष्टांत (Es) पैरा ६४a

a. मिट्टी के दृष्टांत (Et) मत्ती १३:३-२३

b. बीज द्वारा पारित बीज का दृष्टांत (Eu) मत्ती ४:२६-२९

c. गेहूं और खरपतवार का दृष्टांत (Ev) मत्ती १३:२४-३०

d. सरसों के बीज का दृष्टांत (Ew) मत्ती १३:३१-३२

e. खमीर का दृष्टांत (Ex) मत्ती १३:३३-३५

३. यीशु की मां और भाई (Ey) पैरा ६३

४. घर में राज्य का निजी दृष्टांत (Ez) पैरा ६४b

a. खरपतवारों के दृष्टांत समझाया (Fa) मत्ती १३:३६-४३

b. छिपे खजाने का दृष्टांत (Fb) मत्ती १३:४४

c. अनमोल मोती का दृष्टांत (Fc) मत्ती १३:४५-४६

d. जाल का दृष्टांत (Fd) मत्ती १३:४७-५०

e. घर के मालिक का दृष्टांत (Fe) मत्ती १३:५१-५३

५. यीशु तूफान को शांत करता है (Ff) पैरा ६५

६. यीशु दो दुष्टात्माओं के कब्जे वाले पुरुषों को ठीक करता है (Fg) पैरा ६६

७. यीशु एक मृत लड़की जीवित करता है और एक बीमार महिला को ठीक करता है (Fh) पैरा ६७

८. यीशु एक अंधे और गूंगे को ठीक करता है (Fi) पैरा ६८

G. क्या यह बढ़ई का बेटा नहीं है? क्या उसके ये भाई नहीं हैं? (Fj) पैरा ६९

H. यीशु बारह प्रेरितों को भेजता है (Fk) पैरा ७०

I. यूहन्ना बप्तिस्मादाता का सर कटा जाने की सज़ा (Fl) पैरा ७१

IV. राजा मसीह द्वारा उन बाढ़ को दोबारा प्रशिक्षण (Fm) पैरा ७२-९५

A. यीशु ५,००० खिलाता है (Fn) पैरा ७२

B. यीशु ने राजनीतिक मसीहा के विचार को अस्वीकार कर दिया (Fo) पैरा ७३

C. यीशु पानी पर चलता है (Fp) पैरा ७४

D. गन्नेसरत में यीशु का स्वागत (Fq) पैरा ७५

E. यीशु जीवन की रोटी (Fr) पैरा ७६

F. उनके शिष्य क्यों बुजुर्गों की परंपरा तोड़ते हैं?(Fs) पैरा ७७

G. एक कनानी महिला की विश्वास (Ft) पैरा ७८

H. यीशु एक बहरे और गूंगे को ठीक करता है और चार हजार को खिलाता है (Fu) पैरा ७९

I. फरीसियों और सदूकियों ने एक चिन्ह माँगा (Fv) पैरा ८०

J. फरीसियों और सदूकियों का खमीर (Fw) पैरा ८१

K. इस चट्टान पर मैं अपना चर्च बनाउंगा (Fx) पैरा ८२

L. यीशु ने अपनी मृत्यु की भविष्यवाणीकी (Fy) पैरा ८३

M. परमेश्वर के राज्य के बारे में निर्देश (Fz) पैरा ८४-८५

१. यदि कोई यीशु के नाम से लजाता है, तो वह भी आपसे लजाएगा (Ga) पैरा ८४

२. यीशु एक ऊंचे पर्वत के ऊपर गया और वहां उसका रूप बदल गया था (Gb) पैरा ८५

N. एलियाह पहले ही आ चुका है, और उन्होंने उसे नहीं पहचाना (Gc) पैरा ८६

O. यीशु एक दुष्टात्मा के कब्जे वाले लड़के को ठीक करता है(Gd) पैरा ८७

P. यीशु ने दूसरी बार अपनी मृत्यु की भविष्यवाणी की (Ge) पैरा ८८

Q. यीशु और मंदिर कर (Gf) पैरा ८९

R. स्वर्ग के राज्य में सबसे महान (Gg) पैरा ९०

S. अगर कोई इन छोटे लोगों में से एक को ठोकर का कारण बनता है (Gh) पैरा ९१

T. अगर एक भाई या बहन पाप करे, तो जाओ और उसके दोष को उस को बताओ lt (Gi) पैरा ९२

लूका एकमात्र सुसमाचार लेखक है, जिसने दावा किया है कि उसने अपना

लेखा कालक्रमबद्ध लिखा है: इसलिए, चूंकि मैंने स्वयं शुरुआत से सब कुछ

सावधानीपूर्वक जांच की है, मेरे लिए एक व्यवस्थित खाता लिखना मेरे लिए

अच्छा लगा, सबसे बढ़िया थियुफिलुस, ताकि आप उन चीजों की निश्चितता

को जान सकें जिन्हें आपको सिखाया गया है (लूका १:३-४)। वाक्यांश

व्यवस्थित लेख ग्रीक शब्द क्रोनोस है, जिसका अर्थ कालक्रम है। ए. टी.

रॉबिन्सन यहां लूका के अनुक्रम से विचलित हुए, लेकिन हम अनुच्छेद ९४,

९५ और फिर ९३ में लूका के कालक्रम के आदेश के साथ जारी रखेंगे।

U. यहां तक कि यीशु के भाइयों ने भी उस पर विश्वास नहीं किया था (Gj) पैरा ९४

V. समय के दृष्टिकोण के रूप में, यीशु यरूशलेम के लिए बाहर निकले (Gk) पैरा ९५

W. मनुष्यों के पुत्र के पास उसके सिर को रखने का कोई स्थान नहीं था (Gl) पैरा ९३

V. मसीह राजा को चुनने का विरोध पैरा ९६-१११

A. झोपड़ियों के पर्व पर संघर्ष (Gn) पैरा ९६

१. यीशु झोपड़ियों के पर्व पर शिक्षा देता है (Go) युहोन्ना ७:११-३६

२. पर्व के अंतिम और महानतम दिन पर (Gp) युहोन्ना ७:३७-५२

B. व्यभिचार में पकड़ी गई महिला (Gq) पैरा ९७

C. जगत की ज्योति मैं हूँ (Gr) पैरा ९८

D. इब्राहम से पहले, मैं हूँ (Gs) पैरा ९९

E. तीसरा मसीहाई चमत्कार: यीशु ने जन्म के अंधे एक आदमी को ठीक किया (Gt) पैरा १००

F. अच्छा चरवाहा और उसकी भेडें (Gu) पैरा १०१

G. यीशु सत्तर को भेजता है (Gv) पैरा १०२

H. अच्छे सामरी का दृष्टांत (Gw) पैरा १०३

I. मार्था और मरियम के घर में यीशु (Gx) पैरा १०४

J. प्रभु, हमें प्रार्थना करनी सिखाओ (Gy) पैरा १०५

K. यीशु एक और गूंगी दुष्टात्मा को बाहर निकालता है (Gz) पैरा १०६

L. छह हाय (Ha) पैरा १०७

M. यीशु को अस्वीकृति करने पर उसके निर्देश (Hb) पैरा १०८-११०

१. चेतावनी और प्रोत्साहन (Hc) पैरा १०८

२. अमीर मूर्ख का दृष्टांत (Hd) लूका १२:१३-३४

३. सतर्क सेवकों का दृष्टांत (He) लूका १२:३५-४८

४. शांति नहीं बल्कि विभाजन (Hf) लूका १२:४९-५३

५. आप मौसम की व्याख्या करना जानते हैं, लेकिन वर्तमान समय नहीं बताते हैं (Hg) लूका १२:५४-५९

६. जब तक आप पश्चाताप नहीं करेंगे, आप नष्ट हो जाएंगे (Hh) पैरा १०९

७. यीशु सब्त के दिन एक अपंग महिला को ठीक करता है (Hi) पैरा ११०

N. तब यरूशलेम में हनुकाह आया, और यह शीतकालीन था (Hj) पैरा १११

VI. राजा मसीह द्वारा तैयारी (Hk) पैरा ११२-१२७

A. तब यीशु यरदन पार करके वापस चला गया (Hl) पैरा ११२

B. राज्य में प्रवेश के बारे में निर्देश (Hm) पैरा ११३

१. संकीर्ण द्वार के माध्यम से प्रवेश करना (Hn) लूका १३:२२-३०

२. कोई पैगंबर यरूशलेम के बाहर नहीं मर सकता है (Ho) लूका १३:३१-३५

C. महान भोज के दृष्टांत (Hp) पैरा १४

D. अगर कोई अपने पिता और माता से नफरत नहीं करता है (Hq) पैरा ११५

E. लूका १५ के दृष्टांत (Hr) पैरा ११६

१. खोयी हुई भेड़ का दृष्टांत (Hs) लूका १५:१-७

२. खोये हुए सिक्का का दृष्टांत (Ht) लूका १५:८-१०

३. खोया हुआ पुत्र और उसका ईर्ष्याई भाई (Hu) लूका १५:११-३२

F. लूका १६ के दृष्टांत (Hv) पैरा ११७

१. चतुर प्रबंधक का दृष्टांत (Hw) लूका १६:१-१५

२. धनवान व्यक्ति और लाजर का दृष्टांत (Hx) लूका १६:१९-३१

G. चीजें जो लोगों को पाप करने का कारण बनती हैं वे सीमित हैं (Hy) लूका १७:१-६

H. आज्ञाकारी नौकर का दृष्टांत (Hz) लूका १७:७-१०

I. लाज़र का पुनरुत्थान: योना का पहला संकेत (Ia) पैरा ११८

J. यीशु को मारने के योजना (Ib) पैरा ११९

K. पहले संकेत की अस्वीकृति की रोशनी में निर्देश(Ic) पैरा १२०

१. यीशु कुष्ठ रोग के दस पुरुषों को ठीक करता है (Id) लूका १७:११-१९

२. आने वाका परमेश्वर का राज्य (Ie) लूका १७:२०-२१

३. मनुष्य के पुत्र के लिए उसका का दिन बिजली की तरह होगा (If) लूका १७:२२-३७

L. लूका १८ के दृष्टांत (Ig) पैरा १२१

१. ज़िद्दी विधवा के दृष्टांत (Ih) लूका १८:१-८

२. फरीसी और कर लेने वाले का दृष्टांत (Ii) लूका १८:९-१४

M. क्या एक आदमी के लिए अपनी पत्नी को तलाक देना वैध है? (Ij) पैरा १२२

N. छोटे बच्चे और मसीह (Ik) पैरा १२३

O. एक जवान धनि शासक (Il) पैरा १२४

P. मनुष्य के पुत्र ने अपने जीवन को कई लोगों के लिए छुड़ौती के रूप में दे दिया (Im) पैरा १२५

Q. बरतिमाई का उनकी दृष्टि प्राप्त करता है (In) पैरा १२६

R. राज्य के बारे में निर्देश (Io) पैरा १२७

१. ज़काई क्र वसूल करने वाला (Ip) लूका १९:१-१०

२. दस मुहरों का दृष्टांत (Iq) लूका १९:११-२८

VII. राजा मसीह की आधिकारिक प्रस्तुति (Ir) पैरा १२८-१३८

A. यीशु बेथानी में आया, जहां लाजर रहता था (Is) पैरा १२८a

B. यरूशलेम में फसह के मेमने के रूप में यीशु का विजय प्रवेश (It) पैरा १२८b

D. यीशु एक अंजीर का पेड़ शापित करता है (Iu) पैरा १२९

C. यीशु ने उन सभी को निकाल दिया जो ख़रीद और बेच रहे थे (Iv) पैरा १३०

E. यीशु ने अपनी मृत्यु का भविष्यवाणी की (Iw) पैरा १३१

F. मेम्ने की परीक्षा (Ix) पैरा १३२-१३५

१. आप इन चीजों को किसके अधिकार से कर रहे हैं?(Iy) पैरा १३२

२. क्या हमारे लिए कैसर को कर चुकाना सही है या नहीं? (Iz) पैरा १३३

३. वह पुनरुत्थान पर किसकी पत्नी होगी? (Ja) पैरा १३४

४. सबसे महान आदेश कौन सा है? (Jb) पैरा १३५

G. मसीहा किसका पुत्र है? (Jc) पैरा १३६

H. तोराह-शिक्षकों और फरीसियों पर सात विपत्तियां (Jd) पैरा १३७

I. विधवा का दान (Je) पैरा १३८

VIII. राजा मसीह की मृत्यु के लिए तैयारी (Jf) पैरा १३९-१५२

A. राजा मसीहा की भविष्यवाणियां (Jg) पैरा १३९

१. तीन प्रश्न (Jh) लूका २१:५-७

२. चौकस रहे कि आप को धोखा तो नहीं दिया जा रहा है (Ji) लूका २१:८-९

३. राष्ट्र राष्ट्र के खिलाफ उठेगा (Jj) लूका २१:१०-११

४. मेरे कारण हर कोई आपसे नफरत करेगा (Jk) लूका २१:१२-१९

५. यरूशलेम को गैर-यहूदी राष्ट्रों के समय तक तंग किया जाएगा (Jl) लूका २१:२०-२४

६. याक़ूब के लिए परेशानी का समय (Jm) मत्ती २४:९-२८

a. महान संकट के पहले आधे के दौरान घटनाक्रम (Jn) मत्ती २४:९-१४

b. महान संकट के दुसरे आधे के दौरान घटनाक्रम (Jo) मत्ती २४:१५-२८

७.धरती पर विलाप होगा जब वे मनुष्य के पुत्र को आते हुए देखेंगे (Jp) लूका २१:२५-२८

८. अंजीर के पेड़ का दृष्टांत (Jq) लूका २१:२९-३३

९. दिन और समय अज्ञात है (Jr) लूका २१:३४-३६

१०. दृष्टांत उदारता और जागरूकता का दृष्टांत, तैयारी और श्रम (Js) मत्ती २४:४३ to २५:३०

a. सतर्क बोझ ढोनेवाले का दृष्टांत (Jt) मरकुस १३:३२-३७

b. घर के मालिक का दृष्टांत (Ju) मत्ती २४:४३-४४

c. वफादार और दुष्ट नौकर का दृष्टांत (Jv) मत्ती २४:४५-५१

d. दस कुंवारी के दृष्टांत (Jw) मत्ती २५:१-१३

e. सोने के तोड़ों का दृष्टांत (Jx) मत्ती २५:१४-३०

११. भेड़ और बकरियां (Jy) मत्ती २५:३१-४६

B. राजा मसीहा की मृत्यु के लिए तैयारी (Jz) पैरा १४०-१४८

१. यीशु के खिलाफ गुप्त योजन (Ka) पैरा १४०

२. यीशु बेथानी में अभिषेक किया जाना (Kb) पैरा १४१

३. यहूदा यीशु को धोखा देने के लिए सहमत हैं (Kc) पैरा १४२

४. ऊपरी कमरे में अंतिम फसह का पर्व (Kd) पैरा १४३-१४८

a. जाओ और फसह के लिए तैयारी करो (Ke) पैरा १४३

b. मैं पीड़ा सहने से पहले तुम्हारे साथ फसह का खाना चाहता हूं (Kf) पैरा १४४a

c. पवित्रीकरण का पहला प्याला (Kg) पैरा १४८a

d. यीशु ने अपने शिष्यों के पैरों को धोया (Kh) पैरा १४५

e. मैं आपको सत्य बताता हूं, आप में से एक मुझ से विश्वासघात करने जा रहा है (Ki१) पैरा १४६

f. मनुष्य का पुत्र मर जाएगा जैसे तनख़ कहती है कि वह मरेगा (Ki२)

g. मध्य मटके का तोड़ना (Kj) पैरा १४८b

h. छुटकारे का तीसरा कप (Kk) पैरा १४८c

i. मैं सेवक के रूप में आप में से एक हूँ (Kl) पैरा १४४b

j. तीन बार आप इनकार करेंगे कि आप मुझे जानते हैं (Km) पैरा १४७

C. राजा मसीहा के वादे और चेतावनी (Kn) पैरा १४९-१५०

१. ऊपरी कक्ष का प्रवचन (Ko) पैरा १४९

a. मेरे पिता के घर में कई रहने वाले स्थान हैं (Kp) यूहन्ना १४:१-४

b. मुझे छोड़कर पिता के पास कोई नहीं जा सकता (Kq) यूहन्ना १४:५-१४

c. पवित्र आत्मा आपको सभी चीजें सिखाएगी (Kr) यूहन्ना १४:१५-३१

२. गतसमनी के बाग़ में जाना (Ks) पैरा १५०

a. सच्ची दाखलता मैं हूँ (Kt) यूहन्ना १५:१-१७

b. अगर दुनिया ने मुझे सताया, तो वे तुम्हें सतायेंगे (Ku) यूहन्ना १५:१८ to १६:४

c. आत्मा आपको सच्चाई में मार्गदर्शन करेगीh(Kv) यूहन्ना १६:५-१५

d. आपका दुख खुशी के लिए बदल जाएगा (Kw) यूहन्ना १६:१६-३३

D. महायाजकीय प्रार्थना (Kx) पैरा १५१

१. पिता, समय आ गया है (Ky) यूहन्ना १७:१-५

२. आपका वचन सत्य है (Kz) यूहन्ना १७:६-१९

३. यीशु सभी विश्वासियों के लिए प्रार्थना करता है (La) यूहन्ना १७:२०-२६

E. गतसमनी का बगीचा (Lb) पैरा १५२

IX. राजा मसीह का त्रास्कार (Lc) पैरा १५३-१६८

A. उठो! चलें! यहाँ मेरा विश्वासघाती आता है! (Ld) मत्ती २६:४५-४६

B. यीशु का पकड़वाया जाना, गिरफ्तार किया जाना और भुलायाजाना (Le) पैरा १५३

C. धार्मिक परीक्षण (Lf) पैरा १५४-१५८

१. महान महासंघ (Lg)

२. परीक्षणों के बारे में महान महासंघ के कानून (Lh)

३. हन्ना जीसस प्रश्न (Li) पैरा १५४

४. यीशु महासभा के सामने कैफा के घर की ऊपरी कोठरी में (Lj) पैरा १५५

५. पीटर ने यीशु का तीन बार इनकार किया(Lk) पैरा १५६

६. यीशु की औपचारिक रूप से शाही विशाल कक्ष में महासभा द्वारा निंदा की (Ll) पैरा १५७

७. यहूदा ने खुद को लटकाया (Lm) पैरा १५८

D. नागरिक परीक्षण (Ln) पैरा १५९-१६२

१. पीलातुस के सामने यीशु (Lo) पैरा १५९

२. जब हेरोदेस ने यीशु को देखा तो वह बहुत खुश था (Lp) पैरा १६०

३. यीशु को क्रूस पर चढ़ाया जाने की सजा (Lq) पैरा १६१

४. सैनिकों ने यीशु का ठट्टा उड़ाया (Lr) पैरा १६२

E. तब वे यीशु को खोपड़ी के स्थान गुलगुता को लाया (Ls) पैरा १६३

F. क्रूस पर चढ़ाया जाना (Lt) पैरा १६४-१६६

१. क्रूस पर यीशु के पहले तीन घंटे: मनुष्य का क्रोध (Lu) पैरा १६४

२. क्रूस पर यीशु के दुसरे तीन घंटे: मनुष्य का क्रो (Lv) पैरा १६५

३. यीशु की मृत्यु के साबुत के चिन्ह (Lw) पैरा १६६

४. अरिमतिया के यूसुफ की क़ब्र में यीशु का दफन (Lx पैरा १६७

G. यीशु के मकबरे पर पहरेदार (Ly) पैरा १६८

X. राजा मसीह का पुनरुत्थान (Lz) पैरा १६९-१८४

A. मरियम मगदलीनी मसालों को यीशु के शरीर को अभिषेक करने के लिए लायी (Ma) पैरा १६९

B. यहोवा के दूत ने पत्थर को हटाया (Mb) पैरा १७०

C. यीशु का पुनरुत्थान: योना का दूसरा संकेत (Mc) पैरा १७१

D. खाली क़ब्र (Md) पैरा १७२

E. यीशु मरियम मगदलीनी पर प्रकट होता है (Me) पैरा १७३

F. यीशु अन्य महिलाओं पर प्रकट होता है (Mf) पैरा १७४

G. कुछ पहरेदार यहूदी शासकों को सूचित करते हैं(Mg) पैरा १७५

H. इम्माउस की सड़क पर (Mh) पैरा १७६

I. यह सत्य है! प्रभु जी उठा है (Mi) पैरा १७७

J. यीशु अपने प्रेरितों पर प्रकट होता है (Mj) पैरा १७८

K. यीशु थोमा पर प्रकट होता है (Mk) पैरा १७९

L. मसीह अपने आप को प्रकट करता है (Ml) पैरा १८०

१. यीशु और मछलियों की चमत्कारी पकड़ (Mm) यूहन्ना २१:१-१४

२. यीशु पतरस को बहाल करता है (Mn) यूहन्ना २१:१५-२५

M. महान आयोग (Mo) पैरा १८१

N. तब यीशु ने याकूब को देखा (Mp) पैरा १८२

O. यीशु ने उनके दिमाग खोल दिए ताकि वे शास्त्रों को समझ सकें (Mq) पैरा १८३

P. यीशु का स्वर्ग में उठाया जाना (Mr) पैरा १८४

विश्वास करने वालों के लिए अनन्त सुरक्षा (Ms)

यरूशलेम का विनाश और मंदिर तशा बाव में याद किया गया

३६५ मसीहा द्वारा परिपूर्ण भविष्यवाणियां (Mu)

दो मसीहा की यहूदी अवधारणा (Mv)

दूसरे मंदिर का रेखा चित्र (Mw)

दूसरे मंदिर और किले एंटोनिया का अवलोकन (Mx)

शाही विशाल कक्ष (My)

शाही विशाल कक्ष की अंदरूनी झलक (Mz)

रॉबिन्सन के मेहराब की भूमि का नज़ारा (Na१)

रॉबिन्सन के मेहराब की भूमि का चौतरफ़ा नज़ारा (Na२)

निकोनर गेट (Nb१)

पूर्वी गेट और महिलाओं का न्यायालय (Nc१)

महिलाओं का न्यायालय (Nc२)

सुलैमान के खंभों की पंक्ति (Nd – artist’s rendering)

सिलोम का तालाब (Ne – artist’s rendering)

बेथसेदा के तालाब का अवलोकन (Nf१)

बेथसेदा का तालाब (Nf२)

दक्षिणी दोहरे फाटक के माध्यम से प्रवेश (Ng१)

दोहरे फाटक मार्ग का मुंह (Ng२)

विल्सन मेहराब के तहत (Nh१)Wilson’s Arch (Nh२)

आठ मसीहाई भविष्यवाणियों का अंतर सच हो रहा है (Ni)

टिप्पणियों का अंत (Nj)

ग्रन्थसूची (Nk)

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