Ci – The Source and Purpose of Spiritual Gifts 12: 4-7

The Source and Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
12: 4-7

The source and purpose of spiritual gifts DIG: What is the source of our spiritual gifts? What is the purpose of our spiritual gifts? How is the Trinity seen in these verses? Since the Corinthians tended towards spiritual pride, how might these verses surprise them?

REFLECT: What is the source of our spiritual gifts? What do you think is God’s purpose in giving the Church spiritual gifts? How have you seen spiritual gifts abused? What is the position on spiritual gifts where you worship? How can you best use your spiritual gift?

ADONAI is the source, and building up the Body of Messiah is the purpose of spiritual gifts.

After reminding the Corinthians of the pagan and idolatrous lives most of them had once lived, Paul gave two tests, one negative and one positive, for determining if what was being said in public worship was of the Spirit, or of the flesh (to see link click CgThe Source and Testing of Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts). Because the Corinthian believers were behaving in response to the flesh rather than to the Spirit, they quarreled, became divisive, took each other to court, fell back to immoral and idolatrous practices, corrupted marriage relationships, abused their freedom in Messiah, and became self-centered, overconfident, and worldly. Their misunderstanding and misuse of spiritual gifts was a major result of their carnal divisiveness.

The Ruach Ha’Kodesh gives gifts (capacities for spiritual ministry) to believers to express and strengthen the unity they have in the Lord Yeshua Messiah. But misuse of those gifts shatters unity, divides believers, ruins their testimony before the world, and short-circuits their growth and effectiveness in the Lord’s service. There can be no doubt that Paul had fully instructed the Corinthians about spiritual gifts when he ministered among them for a year-and-a-half. But they had forgotten or perverted much of what he had taught. So, he now reiterated and reinforced what they already should have known.354

The word “Trinity” is never used in the B’rit Chadashah, but the elements which led to the early Church fathers to develop such a concept are seen in passages like this one, where Spirit, Lord and God refer respectively to the Ruach, Messiah, and the Father. There seems to be less significance in the three activities seen here – the giving of the Spirit, being served by the Lord, and the working of God (the Father) – than in the oversight of all the activities by the same God.355 Just as there is a unity and a diversity in the Trinity, there is also a unity (source) and a diversity in our spiritual gifts (purpose). Therefore, although we tend to talk only about gifts of the Spirit, they are fundamentally the gifts of the Trinity.

Dear Heavenly Father, Praise You for Your great love! You not only forgive the sins of those who love You (Psalms 103:11-12), You also live within them (Romans 8:9-11), and are preparing an eternal home in heaven (John 14:1-6) for them! Gifts bring joy. What a comforting and joyful thought that the Trinity gives gifts to all believers to build up the community of believers. How thoughtful You are to guide the growth of Your children by giving so many different gifts and also by living within each believer to guide them how to build with that gift. Thank you for Your example of how each member of the Trinity has different functions, yet You all work perfectly together in love. May each believer follow Your example and use His gifts for the benefit of others to build them up. In Yeshua’s holy name and power of His resurrection. Amen

The Corinthians, it seems, had been disputing about the relative value of the different gifts and valued some of them, such as speaking in tongues (languages), more highly than others. In his response to those disputes, Paul deliberately lumps all the gifts together, and to describe them, he uses four different Greek words as though they were synonyms. Each of the words is used to describe all the gifts given by the Ruach for building up the community. Each of the words brings out a different characteristic of one same reality. In this passage, gifts, serving and working are all different synonyms for pneumatikon, the spiritual gifts which build up the Body of Messiah. And Spirit, Lord, and God are the one source of all the gifts.356

Different kinds of gifts: Now concerning spiritual (Greek: pneumatikon) gifts (12:1), there are different kinds of gifts (Greek: charismata, the word is from the same root as charis, or grace), but the same Spirit gives them (12:4). Some in the charismatic movement try to make this word apply to tongues. But this is not the case, as the word refers to all the gifts which the Ruach gives to believers. The Corinthians had evidently regarded the possession of such gifts as a matter of pride and had set one believer against another on the basis of the possession of this gift or that gift. They had created division. Paul insists that this is the wrong attitude. There are different kinds of gifts, but it is the same Spirit that gives them, and the Spirit does not fight against Himself, for God is not a God of confusion (14:33a).

Paul picks up on the problem that the Church faced, created by the seeming disparity in the nature of the gifts. Some of the gifts were quite spectacular, and those who possessed them had a tendency to be proud and show them off. Those gifts that were exercised in the context of public worship give high visibility and prominence to those who possessed them, and it is easy to see, knowing the very human tendency to put self forward, how these people might begin to think that they were more important than the others. On the other hand, some of the members were given gifts that were exercised in less dramatic ways – in a servant role, for example – and it is easy to see how because of the quiet and unseen way in which they did their part that they might wonder if their gift was important and if they were really needed in the church. This continues to be a problem in the Church today.357

Different ways of serving: Also, there are different ways of serving (Greek: diakonia), but it is the same Lord being served (12:5). God gives His gifts to be used in different ways. Even believers with the same basic gift may be led to display it in a variety of ways. One teacher may be especially gifted in teaching young children; another may have special ability with the original biblical languages and be highly qualified to teach in bible colleges and seminaries. One evangelist may be able to powerfully address large crowds, while another’s strength is in one-on-one witnessing. One person’s service of teaching may emphasize exhortation and doctrine, while others may focus on comfort and mercy. The emphasis here is on variety.358

Different modes of working: And there are different modes of working (Greek: energemata, meaning what is worked out, or energized), but it is the same God who inspires them all in everyone (12:6). The One who provides the spiritual gifts also provides the energy and power, as well as the faith (Romans 12:3b), to make them effective. Just as spiritual gifts are given supernaturally, they are also energized supernaturally. Believers, no matter how well trained and experienced, or how unselfishly motivated, cannot exercise their gifts in their own power. We may exercise our talents, skills, intelligence, and other natural abilities in our own power, but only the Giver of spiritual gifts can empower them and make them effective. Just as God gives no commands for which He does not also give the ability to obey, He does not give spiritual gifts for which He does not also give the power to use. A “self-made” believer is a self-contradiction. Such a one harms himself and he harms those to whom he tries to minister. More importantly, he harms the Lord’s work. For the third time, Paul brings out his point that there can be no division among believers on the ground of spiritual gifts because it is the same God who provides the gifts in the first place.359

One source and one purpose: Moreover, to each person is given the particular manifestation of the Spirit, or a spiritual gift, that will be for the common good (12:7). This is the key verse in this section, which contains three main points. First, if you are a child of God, you have a spiritual gift. This does not mean that everyone has recognized his or her gift, but it is there and ready to be used. Nor does it mean that we are limited to only one gift. People normally have one primary spiritual gift and secondly a gift that’s not quite as strong. God has a place in His Church where your specialties can shine and you can make a difference. It’s up to you to find that place.

Second, the gift(s) we have received are not for personal benefit but are for the common good. They have been given for the benefit of others. Those believers who proudly display their gifts for their own glory rather than for the glory of God are misusing their gifts. It is for this reason that Paul will shortly digress into his lengthy section on the Body of Messiah and how it should function (see Cs – Interdependence, Not Independence).

Third, these gifts are given. This is a passive voice, an example of what is known as the divine passive. These gifts are not necessarily innate abilities or occupations that we have, but specifically things that the Ruach Ha’Kodesh has given to us. There are several lists of spiritual gifts in the Bible (see Romans 12:4-8; First Corinthians 12:8-31a; Ephesians 4:8-15; and First Peter 4:10-11).360 They are there to guide us to the gift that has been given to us. No other gifts exist. People do not get to make up their own gifts, and that is exactly what would happen if the gifts were expanded beyond what is in the Bible. For example, a woman might say, “I am a counselor, my spiritual gift is counseling.” But counseling is nowhere to be found in the list of spiritual gifts. Counseling would be her occupation. Spiritual gifts are for the Body of Messiah. Now, it is possible for a teacher in a high school to have the gift of teaching in the church, but not all teachers have the spiritual gift of teaching. The danger of people making up their own spiritual gift outside of what the Bible describes as the gifts of the Spirit, is that they are actually deceiving themselves and are not really ministering to other believers. This cannot be stressed enough; you cannot add more spiritual gifts than are written in Scripture. For the inspired author himself would write: I warn everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book that if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues written in this book (Revelation 22:18).

2022-04-05T13:43:02+00:000 Comments

Ar – La superioridad del Mesías en el reposo que Él da 3:7 a 4:13

La superioridad del Mesías
en el reposo que Él da
3:7 a 4:13

En su libro Hebrews Through a Hebrew’s Eyes (Hebreos a través de los ojos de un hebreo), Stuart Sacks escribe que en la década de 1970, cuando se estaban haciendo esfuerzos para llegar al pueblo judío de Nueva York con el mensaje del Mesías, aparecieron calcomanías en los parachoques (o paragolpes) que simplemente decían: “Judíos para Moisés”. Este mensaje estaba destinado a contrarrestar la organización judíos por Jesús que evangelizaban en las calles.

Esta situación fue irónica. Moisés definitivamente habló de la venida de un profeta mayor a quien Israel debería escuchar con atención (Deuteronomio 18:15, 18-19). Yeshua llamó la atención de Sus críticos sobre ese hecho, diciendo: Pero si creyerais a Moisés, me creeríais a mí, porque de mí escribió él (Juan 5:46).

Muchos judíos se refieren a Moisés como Moshe rabbenu, “Moisés nuestro maestro”. En los Principios de fe de Maimónides, se dice que Moisés fue el más grande de todos los profetas, el que recibió la Torá para Israel y luego transmitió incansablemente su contenido a la nación a través de cuarenta años de vagar por el desierto. Todas sus palabras se consideran verdaderas sin lugar a dudas. Sin embargo, el pueblo que condujo a través de tierras áridas y deshabitadas fue llamado rebelde y terco, tanto por ADONAI como por el hombre elegido para guiarlos (Deuteronomio 9:7-13).

En el análisis final, el más grande de los profetas no pudo efectuar un cambio en los corazones de su pueblo. Moisés pudo sacar a Israel de Egipto, pero no pudo lograr un cambio en su tendencia básica a rechazar la Torá. A alguien infinitamente más grande que Moisés se le encomendaría esa tarea; alguien eminentemente más calificado para cumplir la promesa de YHVH de circuncidar el corazón obstinado de Su pueblo y de toda la humanidad (Deuteronomio 30:6).

Nada se considera más importante que la enseñanza inspirada de Moisés con respecto al Shabat. En toda la historia de Israel, nada se ha evitado más que chilul Shabat, profanar el Shabat. El Shabat se conoce cariñosamente como una “reina”. Se han establecido regulaciones para cumplir adecuadamente con sus requisitos. La enorme cantidad de leyes orales entre los judíos ortodoxos es asombrosa (vea el comentario sobre La vida de Cristo Ei – La ley oral). Como dijo un rabino, “Las reglas del Shabat… son como montañas colgando de un cabello; porque la Escritura es escasa y las reglas muchas”. Hay treinta y nueve tipos principales de actividades que debían evitar meticulosamente en Shabat, junto con una serie de subtipos que surgieron de las actividades principales.

No solo se rechaza el trabajo físico, sino CUALQUIER actividad mediante la cual un ser humano influye en el medio ambiente. Esto se considera melakhah, trabajo prohibido en Shabat. Si uno iba a ser yotse (un cumplidor de los requisitos religiosos), debía evitar acciones tan comunes como encender un interruptor de luz o encender un fósforo.

En los días de Yeshua, cientos de prohibiciones a menudo equivalían a muchas tonterías. Por ejemplo, no podían “tomar ni hervir” en sábado, ni cargar nada que pesara más que dos higos secos. Estaba prohibido arrastrar un palo por el suelo pues se consideraba arar. A la mujer se le prohibió sacarse las canas. Si uno llegaba a su casa cuando el Shabat comenzaba al atardecer: ¿estaba permitido descargar un burro? ¿Se podía comer un huevo en sábado, ya que es producto del trabajo de una gallina? Los rabinos tuvieron debates interminables sobre lo que estaba permitido y lo que no.

A pesar de las restricciones, el Shabat debía usarse para todo lo que era espiritualmente enriquecedor y todo lo que traía reposo. Es un momento, según un rabino, “para alabar a Dios y disfrutar de la mejor comida y bebida en casa”. En este día santo, los judíos se saludan con las palabras, Shabat Shalom, una expresión que combina la idea de reposo con la de paz o plenitud. El Shabat tenía la intención de ser una delicia en ADONAI (Isaías 58:14). Es una oportunidad para contemplar las grandes cosas que Dios ha hecho, como se expresa en el cántico del Shabat, Oh YHVH, ciertamente me has hecho alegrar en tu obra; Por las obras de tus manos doy gritos de júbilo (Salmo 92:4). Israel consideró el Shabat como una marca que la distinguía de otras naciones y un anticipo de los días futuros del Mesías, un tiempo de paz para un mundo atribulado. No es de extrañar, por lo tanto, que la oración conocida como la havdalá (separación) cierra la adoración del día del Shabat, “Alabado sea Usted, ADONAI nuestro Dios, Rey del universo, que establece una distinción entre lo sagrado y lo profano, entre la luz y la oscuridad, entre Israel y las naciones y entre el séptimo día y los días de trabajo”.

Aunque la oración celebró la creación de Dios del día bendito, los rabinos enseñan que, si todos los judíos guardaran el Shabat rigurosamente, la redención mesiánica de ADONAI vendría rápidamente. En consecuencia, las obras del pueblo judío, en lugar de las obras del Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, pronto ocuparon el centro del escenario.

Nada enfureció más a los fariseos con Yeshua que lo que ellos consideraban Su total desprecio por las leyes orales que gobernaban el Shabat. Jesús nunca violó ninguno de los 613 mandamientos o prohibiciones de la Torá, pero Él no reconoció la Ley Oral, porque Él sabía que era tradición de los hombres (Marcos 7:8b). Aunque Él podía ser encontrado regularmente en la sinagoga donde leía y enseñaba las Escrituras en el Shabat, Sus detractores creían que Él estaba incumpliendo continuamente las leyes orales (que los rabinos consideraron tan sagradas como la Torá de Moisés) de este día sagrado.

Pero la verdad es que la institución del Shabat había llegado a ser exaltada indebidamente, incluso en contra de la advertencia rabínica: “El Shabat es para usted, pero usted no es para el Shabat“. Yeshua declaró la misma verdad en Marcos 2:27 de esta manera: El sábado fue instituido para el hombre, y no el hombre para el sábado (vea el comentario sobre La vida de Cristo Cv – El Hijo del Hombre es Señor del sábado).

La congregación mesiánica de Hebreos a los que se dirigió el autor, recordaba que la principal queja de los fariseos acerca de las ‘violaciones’ de Yeshua del Shabat estaba centrada en Su curación de los enfermos. Aunque el TaNaJ no prohibía la curación en Shabat, los rabinos enseñaban que la curación era un trabajo y, por lo tanto, solo era permisible si la vida de la persona estaba en juego. A menudo se podía ver al Mesías sanando a los enfermos crónicos y discapacitados en Shabat. En una ocasión, el testigo ocular de la curación de un hombre con una mano seca informó que Jesús estaba entristecido por la dureza de sus corazones (vea Marcos 3:4-5).

Pero si la compasión humana no apoyaba los actos de bondad de Jesús, lo haría una Autoridad Superior. El Maestro enseñó que todos Sus actos eran, en verdad, una expresión directa del amor del Padre por Su pueblo. Yeshua sólo hizo lo que Él vio a Su Padre hacer (Juan 5:19).

Cristo enfatizó cuán apropiado era el acto de curación en Shabat, señalando el significado redentor de ese día. ¿No le había ordenado la Torá a Israel que guardara el Shabat en memoria del hecho de que Dios había roto sus crueles cadenas? Pues recordarás que fuiste esclavo en tierra de Egipto, y que YHVH tu Dios te sacó de allá con mano fuerte y brazo extendido, por lo cual YHVH tu Dios te manda guardar el día del Shabat (Deuteronomio 5:15).

El mismo poderoso YHVH que liberó a los cautivos lo estaba haciendo una vez más, ahora rompiendo el control espiritual del Adversario sobre las almas y liberando a los discapacitados y enfermos físicos. Cuán apropiado es que los enfermos sean sanados en el día de reposo, como lo revelaron las obras y la declaración de Cristo: ¿Y acaso ésta mujer, siendo hija de Abraham, a quien Satanás ató hace dieciocho años, no convenía desatarla de esta cadena en el día del sábado? (vea Lucas 13:10-16). Además, Jesús afirmó Su derecho a liberar a los oprimidos en virtud del hecho de que Él era el Señor del sábado, sin dejar ninguna duda acerca de Su divinidad de Él a través de todas las cosas que fueron hechas (Mateo 12:1-8; Juan 1:3 y Hebreos 1:2).

Hebreos nos recuerda que hay más de una dimensión en nuestro reposo sabático, ya que ni Moisés ni su sucesor, Josué, pudieron proporcionar la medida completa del reposo de Dios para Israel. Entonces Queda, por tanto, un reposo sabático para el pueblo de Dios (4:9).90

PÁGINA SIGUIENTE: Hoy, si oís Su voz, no endurezcan sus corazones. La Segunda Advertencia As

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2022-10-14T21:02:47+00:000 Comments

Ch – Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts 12: 4-26

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts
12: 4-26

ADONAI gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry (Romans 12:4-8; First Corinthians 12:8-31a; Ephesians 4:8-15; and First Peter 4:10-11). These are special God-empowered abilities for serving Him that are given only to believers. The Bible says: Whoever does not have the Spirit cannot receive the gifts that come from God’s Spirit (2:14 TEV).

You can’t earn your spiritual gifts or deserve them – that’s why they are called gifts! They are an expression of God’s grace to you. Messiah has generously divided out his gift to us (Ephesians 4:7 CEV). Neither do you get to choose which gifts you’d like to have; the Ruach Ha’Kodesh determines that. Paul explained: It is the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have (12:11). Most people have one dominant spiritual gift and a lesser, or secondary spiritual gift. Because God loves variety and He wants us to be special, no single gift is given to everyone (12:29-30). Also, no individual receives all the gifts. If you had them all, you’d have no need for anyone else, and that would defeat one of God’s purposes – to teach us to love and depend on each other.

Your spiritual gifts were not given for your own benefit, but the benefit of others, just as other people were given gifts for your benefit. The Bible says: A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the church (12:7 NLT). God planned it this way so we would need each other. When we use our gifts together, we all benefit. If others don’t use their gifts, you get cheated, and if you don’t use your gift, they get cheated. This is why we’re commanded to discover and develop our spiritual gifts. Have you taken the time to discover your spiritual gifts? An unopened gift is worthless!

Whenever we forget these basic truths about gifts, it always causes trouble in the congregation. Two common problems are “gift-envy” and “gift-projection.” The first occurs when we compare our gifts with others’, feel dissatisfied with what God gave us, and become resentful or jealous of how God uses others. The second problem happens when we expect everyone else to have our gifts, do what we are called to do, and feel as passionate about it as we do. The Bible says: There are different kinds of service in the Church, but it is the same Lord we are serving (12:5 NLT).353

2022-04-02T14:02:25+00:000 Comments

Cg – The Source and Testing of Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts 12: 1-3

The Source and Testing
of Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts
12: 1-3

The source and testing of counterfeit spiritual gifts DIG: Why is the content rather than the experience of the speech the most important? How is the diversity of gifts related to the unity of the Father, Son and Spirit? How can you tell if a teaching or practice is from God or a counterfeit? Why is there no new revelation for believers today?

REFLECT: As far as being “led astray” by idols, what are some modern-day idols? Can a man’s job be an idol? Can a woman’s family be an idol? What other seemingly innocent idols lead people astray today? Sports? Money? Hobbies? How is your ability to discern between what is of God and what is of Satan? Have you ever been fooled? What is the remedy?

Satan will try to counterfeit the Spirit’s gifts, and he will try to induce believers to ignore, neglect, misunderstand, abuse, and pervert them, so Paul’s teaching here is critical.

Paul begins with the importance of a clear recognition of the lordship of Messiah. There are many spiritual gifts and they all bring glory to Messiah. They never oppose Him. Paul wanted to make sure the Corinthians had a clear and complete understanding of their spiritual gifts, the special ministry that the Spirit gives in some measure to all believers. The Church, made up of Jewish and Gentile believers, cannot function, and certainly not mature, without properly and faithfully using the gifts the Spirit gives to His people for ministry.

The importance of spiritual gifts: Paul wanted the Corinthians to understand there are also counterfeit gifts, so he wrote to them saying: Now concerning spiritual [gifts], brothers, I do not want you to go on being ignorant (12:1). With the phrase now concerning (Greek: peri de), Paul again cues his readers that he is taking up a new topic. In this case, it signals that the topic comes from the Corinthians’ letter to him (7:1 and 25, 8:1).349 Notice the affectionate address of brothers, introducing a section where there would be much rebuke.350 The Corinthians were not acting very spiritual, but they still belonged to Messiah.

The source of counterfeit spiritual gifts: Paul starts his instruction by reminding the Corinthians of their pagan past, before they had experienced the Spirit’s power in their lives, saying: You know that when you were pagans (see the commentary on Romans, to see link click AnThe Deprived Mind of the Pagan Gentile). Paul has already called them brothers, so we know that he was addressing Gentile believers. However, they were not acting like believers, they were acting like pagans, and one of the chief characteristics of most pagan religions was, and still is, idolatry. No matter how you felt before being saved, you were being led astray (Greek: apago, often used of prisoners being under armed guard to prison or execution). Therefore, some of the Corinthian believers, like drug addicts who can’t kick the habit, were reverting back to idolatry (12:a).

Dear Heavenly Father, Praise You for being our Almighty God! Thank You that You live in Your children. Yeshua answered and said to him: If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our dwelling with him (John 14:23). What a comfort that You always are with Your children, giving us the ability to win battles against sin, by the power of your Ruach Ha’Kodesh living within us. After you heard the message of truth – the Good News of your salvation – and when you put your trust in Him, you were sealed with the promised Ruach Ha’Kodesh (Eph 1:13). Addictions to sin are strong, but You are always stronger!

Thank you for Your powerful Ruach Ha’Kodesh never leaving me but always being the strength needed to win any battle. Thank you that the Ruach Ha’Kodesh cannot be bought with money or with good deeds but You give Him to all who love You.  You chose us in the Messiah. . . You predestined us for adoption as sons and daughters through Messiah Yeshua, in Whom we have redemption (Ephesians 1:4a, 5a, 7a). It is all about You dear Father God. We cannot begin to comprehend Your great power to create the world in the beginning and at the end your awesome power to win the battle against all the evil kings and satanic powers in this world (Revelation 19). Just as Yeshua will come riding in victoriously on a white horse at the last battle – so Your children can be victorious over any sin as long as we rely on Your Ruach Ha’Kodesh to fight the battle. We love You for being such a wonderful Father! In Your holy Son’s name and power of His resurrection. Amen

One of the most common misconceptions about the ungodly lifestyle – a misconception held by many immature believers – is that it is free of boundaries, in contrast to a godly lifestyle, which they believe is hemmed in by rigid restrictions. However, as Paul teaches in this passage, just the opposite is true. It is the unbeliever, or the carnal believer, who is held captive by sin and by Satan. Before conversion, when the Corinthian believers were pagans, they had no choice. But here, Paul skillfully reminds them that now they do have a choice, and he pleads with them to allow the Spirit to lead them rather than their old sin nature (see the commentary on Romans BmThe Consequences of Adam).

Paul reminded them: “You were led astray by idols, which can’t speak at all” (see the commentary on Isaiah HyWorship the LORD, Not Idols). Paul is not referring to unintelligent speech, but speechless, literally without voice (12:2b). No idol, primitive or sophisticated, can answer a person’s questions, give any revelation, assure anyone of their faith, forgive sin, or give anyone dignity, meaning, or peace. Whether or not a demon is behind it (see Bs The Truth About Idolatry), an idol is totally helpless to benefit anyone who worships it. Tragically, many of the Corinthian believers had fallen back into some of their old idolatrous practices. They could no longer distinguish the work of God’s Spirit from that of demonic spirits; God’s true spiritual gifts from Satan’s counterfeits, or the true worship of God from the perverted false worship of idols.351

The test of spiritual gifts: Satan spends a lot of time in church. Nowhere is he more anxious to pervert God’s people than where they are worshiping. Some immature, baby believers, apparently became so fleshly and confused, and their worship so trance-like and frenzied, that in a state of ecstasy (see Ce The Pagan Backgrounds of Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts), they even allowed themselves to curse the Lord during public worship. In that hysterical atmosphere anything might happen and be claimed to be the work of the Spirit. Therefore, Paul rebuked the entire congregation for allowing such ungodliness, and for being so confused about what was spiritual and what was demonic. Before Paul begins his discussion of the various spiritual gifts and their use, he gives two principles, one negative and one positive to help the Corinthians and us determine what comes from God and what does not. These are the first of several tests the apostle mentions in Chapters 12-14.

The negative test: The first test of a spiritual gift is doctrinal. If a person holds a derogatory view of Jesus Christ, then what he or she says or does is not of God. Therefore, I want to make it clear to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says, “Jesus is cursed (Greek: anathema)!” The word anathema is similar to the Hebrew word cherem, meaning devoted to destruction. Those who were babbling: Jesus is cursed, claimed to be speaking by the Spirit of God, demonstrating the gift of prophecy or teaching. But Paul told the Corinthians that no such blasphemy could possibly be uttered by the Holy Spirit. Nothing should have been more logical or obvious, but the Corinthians had come to judge that nature and use of spiritual gifts on the basis of experience and feelings of ecstasy. Nowhere in Scripture do we see real gifts of the Spirit operating when someone is out of control or under some sort of supernatural seizure. Nowhere does the B’rit Chadashah teach that the Spirit of God causes believers to fall into a trance, faint, or lapse into ecstatic behavior. On the contrary, the fruit of the Spirit is self-control (see the commentary on Galatians CeThe Fruit of the Ruach is Self-Control). Therefore, get your minds ready for work, keep yourselves under control, and fix your hopes fully on the gift you will receive when Jesus Christ is revealed (First Peter 1:13).352

Even today, new immature believers, coming out of the world (First John 2:15-17), far too often fall back into worldly behaviors we cannot fathom. They sin up a storm. They ask questions like, “Is it OK if I am living with my girlfriend?” What? Of course not! But babies make messes don’t they. And that is what baby believers do when they fall back into the world from which they came. Sanctification takes a lifetime (Romans (8:29b).

The positive test: The second test is also doctrinal, but is simply the reverse side of the negative. Paul declares that the Holy Spirit empowers those who say, “Jesus is Lord” (12:3). Of course, Paul is speaking of a sincere confession. A sneering unbeliever may easily mouth the words, but he is not sincere. Paul reminds the Corinthians that since the confession of our faith is Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9), anything contrary to this could not possibly be motivated by the Spirit of God, and thus, counterfeit. Paul is simply using this dramatic example of cursing Jesus to emphasize that those who are inspired by the Spirit will speak and act in ways that glorify the lordship of Jesus.

2022-04-02T14:07:40+00:000 Comments
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