Cb – The Armor of God 6: 10-13

The Armor of God
6: 10-13

The armor of God DIG: What is the purpose of a soldier’s armor? Why does Sha’ul advise believers to equip themselves with “the full armor of God?” What does it mean to “stand your ground?” What kind of “deceptive tactics” might the enemy use to try to knock you off course? In what ways will a life of prayer benefit you in spiritual warfare?

REFLECT: In what ways are believers like soldiers seeking to defeat an enemy? How would you define “spiritual victory?” How can truth, righteousness, and peace help you to stand against the enemy’s attacks? What are some of Satan’s tactics that Paul is referring to? Which piece of armor do you need to pay more attention to? Why?

We must make use of every piece of equipment that ADONAI has provided
if we are to be victorious in our spiritual lives.

Rabbi Sha’ul began his letter by talking about the riches, privileges, and benefits that all believers have been given in Messiah (1:3 to 3:21). He went on to explain the believer’s role in pursuing a godly life worthy of this calling (4:1 to 6:9). He now concludes by using a metaphor to remind his readers that a very real spiritual battle is being waged for their souls. By equipping the armor that ADONAI has provided them for this battle, they can be prepared for the onslaught of the enemy and be ready for the life of service that the Lord has for them in His spiritual army.250 Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength (6:10)! The word finally (Greek: loipos) is usually interpreted in the sense of “therefore,” as a conclusion drawn from what was said previously. But the phrase used by Paul in the Greek can also mean from this point forward. The believer will always be in a battle until the day we are taken home to heaven or until the Lord returns.251

As the apostle ends his letter, he feels compelled to address an essential topic for all believers – the spiritual battle. He has already firmly established the point that this current world is often a hostile place for those who seek to walk with God (2:1-2). The environment of this age is often chaotic and destructive since its principle ruler is Satan. There are so many things that transpire in day-to-day life that are not the perfect will of God. It was a dangerous thing for YHVH to give mankind freewill and the tragic fruit is seen in the daily news. It is within this hostile environment that the follower of Yeshua finds himself.

The result is an ongoing spiritual battle between the forces of evil and the power of God. It may seem overwhelming, but Sha’ul is not totally pessimistic about the battle. We are already more than conquerors through the work of Yeshua and the ultimate victory is guaranteed! Yet the battle rages for those who seek to walk in the light of God’s ways. For this reason the apostle reminds his readers to grow strong in their faith-walk. He has already commended the Ephesians on their remarkable spiritual growth and success as followers of Yeshua (1:13-16). But as is often the case, he also encourages them to grow stronger in the Lord. The snares of the fallen world are way beyond their own strength to overcome, but with God’s help, they will find their way to final victory in Messiah. The strength of ADONAI is offered to every believer in the midst of worldly challenges.252

The provision, the armor of God: Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand firm (6:11a). To stand firm (Greek: from histemi), when used in a military sense, had the idea of holding a critical position while under attack. The intent of the encouragement here is not unlike that of our Lord to the embattled church at Thyatira, whom He commended: Hold fast until I come (Rev 2:25).253 Since this battle is in the spiritual realm, by necessity it requires spiritual weapons. While Paul will use the analogy of a soldier, he clearly is referring to the spiritual armor of God. The following details can fit the description of a Roman soldier of the first century, but there are some intriguing modifications from spiritual armor. It is more likely that, as a Rabbi, he is referring to spiritual weapons that would be understood in the context of Judaism. ADONAI has provided these weapons to stand against the spiritual forces that oppose God.

The enemy: against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary (6:11b). The Evil One is Satan. This phrase is even a play on words, as the Hebrew word Satan means opposition or adversary. Although he was originally one of the angels close to the throne of God, he chose to oppose his Creator and even lead a rebellion of other angelic beings. Most commentators agree that the descriptions of a fallen pagan king can only be attributed to a greater spiritual power, the Old Serpent (Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezeki’el 28:11-19; Revelation 12:1-11). Thus, it is not an early king, but Lucifer (a later Latin translation) and his demons that were cast out of heaven to the earth where they continue to cause spiritual havoc (2:2). This is not just Christian teaching but it is also well documented in rabbinic theology as well.

It is said that the work of the Ruler of Darkness falls into three broad categories: he seduces mankind, he accuses them before God, and he inflicts the punishment of death (Tractate Bava Batra 16a). It was the Tempter who was responsible for encouraging Isra’el to make the Golden Calf in the wilderness (Tractate Shabbat 89a). As his name implies, the Adversary is constantly opposing all that God seeks to establish. What makes this spiritual war especially tricky are the deceptive tactics that are employed by him. Satan knows that most people would recognize his destructive ways if he made a direct attack. He is much too deceitful to appear in the obvious red leotards with the pitchfork legend! He is more likely to cause his confusion through guerilla warfare or surprise attacks.

Rabbi Sha’ul warns elsewhere that the Deceiver will even disguise himself as an angel of light (Second Corinthians 1:14). No doubt the Accuser will seek to attack humanity in its areas of greatest weakness, whether it is greed, illicit sex, addictions, or even religion! Tragically, he does a pretty good job of keeping unbelievers distracted and away from the Kingdom of God. Here, however, the Rabbi is addressing the believers in Messiah and warning them to be on the alert. Satan knows he cannot capture the true believers in Yeshua (John 18:28-29). But the Ruler of this world can certainly get believers off the good path of walking with Messiah. It is not a question of losing one’s salvation (see the commentary on The Life of Christ, to see link click MsThe Eternal Security of the Believer) but losing many of God’s intended blessings. For this reason, the apostle warns the believers to stay alert and to keep armed with spiritual weapons.254

The battle against demons: For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm (6:12). With all the craziness of the world, it is tempting to blame external sources. Yet, while all people are accountable to God for their attitudes and actions, those who have some spiritual discernment understand that it is not just an outward battle being fought. All these evils are merely manifestations of the greater spiritual battle that is taking place.

Most of the world scoffs at the idea of the existence of the Devil, but the fact remains that someone is doing a very good imitation of him! In fact it is evil spiritual rulers, authorities and cosmic powers that are stirring up most of the trouble. Even if most of the world is in denial, the Scriptures, as well as the ancient rabbis, confirm that there are spiritual forces that are manipulating the events of world history. As the apostle says, it is a spiritual struggle of epic proportions.

The victory, standing firm: So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing firm (6:13). The Rabbi has informed the believers to use the right spiritual equipment for this battle. Here is a more specific encouragement for them to take up every piece of battle gear God has already provided. But what good does it do if it stays in the storage locker? This is precisely the point where too many believers of today fail. Many feel defeated and beat up by the Adversary because they have not taken up their battle gear. It must be an active choice combined with exerted effort on our part. We are called to resist and to stand firm. This is the difference between a defeated, confused believer and a believer who is walking in strength and victory! No soldier would think of going into battle without his armor. As with the Ephesian believers, we too must make use of every piece of equipment that ADONAI has provided if we are to be victorious in our spiritual lives.

Paul was probably chained to a Roman soldier when he wrote the letter of Ephesians, and looking at the soldier’s armor, he was inspired by the Ruach Ha’Kodesh to see in it the analogy of God’s spiritual provision for our battle with Satan and his demons. As the apostle explains, the believer’s armor equips him beyond the initial facts of the Gospel. It is living the obedient, Scripture-dominated, Spirit-empowered life that enables us to stand firm. However, there was another good analogy. Sha’ul will also quote a number of references in the Torah to back up his teaching, the bulk of which deal with the garments of the High Priest. These garments have a great application to the battle in the spiritual world.255

Dear Heavenly Father, Praise You that You are Almighty and have the power to conquer all that come against You. Your omniscience sees the future as though it has already happened and you have already won all future battles! Your children can totally trust their future to You for You have already conquered all enemies. When Satan gathers all the armies of the world against you, you wipe him out without even a fight for the sword from your mouth strikes them all down. From His mouth comes a sharp sword – so that with it He may strike down the nations – and He shall rule them with an iron rod, and He treads the winepress of the furious wrath of Elohei-Tzva’ot.  On His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “King of kings, and Lord of lords.” . . .Then the beast was captured, and along with him the false prophet who had performed the signs before him by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast, as well as those who had worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. (Revelation 19:15-16, 20).

I can also be victorious, as I wear the armor that You have provided for me. How great that You live within me to strength me and to guide me in spiritual battles. Yeshua answered and said to him: If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our dwelling with him (John 14:23). Thank You that You also give me powerful armor to help me handle all temptations. No temptation has taken hold of you except what is common to mankind. But God is faithful – He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle. But with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape, so you will be able to endure it (First Corinthians 10:13).

The victory that comes after a battle is a reward and joy that I rejoice in laying at Your feet in thanks and appreciation for Your help by the power of the indwelling Ruach Ha’Kodesh and the armor which you give me. Though fighting is not a joy, when I wear Your armor, then victory is assured and there is joy in pleasing You by my obedience! In Messiah Yeshua’s holy Name and power of His resurrection. Amen

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Ca – The Spiritual Battle 6: 10-18

The Spiritual Battle
6: 10-18

The faithful believer’s life is a battle; it is warfare on a grand scale – because when ADONAI begins to bless, the Adversary begins to attack. The Bible tells us to take your stand against the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). If we are walking worthy of our calling, in humility rather than pride, in unity rather than divisiveness, in the new self rather than the old, in love rather than in lust, in light rather than in darkness, in wisdom rather than foolishness, in the fullness of the Spirit rather than in the drunkenness of wine, and in mutual submission rather than self-serving independence, then we can be absolutely certain that we will have opposition and conflict.

Yeshua’s ministry began in a great battle with the Adversary that lasted forty days (Luke 4:2). As Messiah’s ministry ended, Satan attacked Him again in the Garden of Gethsemane with such force that He sweated great drops of blood (22:44). Among many other instructive truths, those two accounts teach us that the battle may not become easier as we grow in obedience to ADONAI. If anything, the Evil One will intensify his efforts against those who continue to effectively serve the Lord. As believers grow strong, so do the dragon’s attacks.

The believer who continually seeks to grow in his knowledge and obedience to the Word and to serve the Lord more faithfully will not find ministry becoming easier. As the Lord gives mastery over certain temptations and weaknesses, the Tempter will attack elsewhere. Faithful witnessing, preaching, teaching, visiting, and every other service for the Lord will not only bring victories, but will also bring their own special difficulties and opposition. A believer who no longer has to struggle against the world, the flesh, and the devil (Ephesians 2:2-3a) is a believer who has either fallen into sin or into complacency. A believer who has no conflict is a believer who has retreated from the front lines of service.

However, in the ultimate sense, the Church’s battles with the Old Serpent are already won. In His crucifixion and resurrection Yeshua destroyed the Father of Lies and his power of sin and death (Romans 5:18-21; First Corinthians 15:56-57; Hebrews 2:14). Trust in Yeshua Messiah sets that victory in motion. Not only is our salvation guaranteed (see the commentary on The Life of Christ, to see link click MsThe Eternal Security of the Believer), but to the extent that we are strong in the Lord, our victory over the worst that the Ruler of this world has to offer is also guaranteed. Availing ourselves of that strength comes by means of grace, prayer, knowledge of and obedience to the Word, and faith in the promises of God.249

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