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The Present Paradox of Isra’el
10: 1-21

The truth of the Good News in Isra’el has often been voiced by the minority, like the twelve spies. Only Joshua and Caleb said to go ahead and conquer the Land. Present day Isra’el failed because they have sought a righteousness that depends on their own works.

There are times when our hearts feel like they are going to break. A divorce, the death of a loved one, or a child who is molested by a neighbor – events like these make our hearts heavy and our spirits downcast. Paul was going through such a time. When loved ones do not embrace the truth of the gospel and turn away from the Truth (John 14:6), it hurts. Paul felt the rejection of his Jewish brothers and sisters very deeply; nevertheless, he remained faithful to the Messiah that brought him the message of God’s mercy and grace.261 And that is the condition of Isra’el today. They are lost just like the Gentiles are lost, because they seek a righteousness that depends on their own works.