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The Official Presentation of King Messiah

The Life of Christ now turns the corner toward His final days and the destiny of the cross. About seven hundred years earlier, Isaiah said it this way: Because Adonai ELOHIM will help Me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I will set My face like a flint towards the cross, and I know I will not be put to shame (Isaiah 50:7). The time had come for Yeshua to openly declare His messiahship. All this parallels the most holy week of Passover, which was the busiest time of the year in ancient Jerusalem. And, as we shall see, the Pesach season is also an amazing prophetic picture of the significance of Messiah’s ministry to Isra’el and to the Gentile Nations as well.1236

Every single event of the Passion Week is not recorded in the Bible. John tells us that Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (John 21:25). Therefore, the Holy Spirit has selected the following events which are representative of His five days of examination until He is confirmed as the Passover Lamb without defect or blemish. There are not a lot of details regarding what events took place on which five days of testing. We know the Triumphal Entry took place on Sunday, the tenth of Nisan (It), and we know that when the Pharisees refused to ask Yeshua any more questions (Jc), it was Thursday, the fourteenth of Nisan and the testing was over, so most of the other confrontations in between those days are approximations.