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The Timeline for the Life of David

The basis for this commentary is taken from MP3 files on First and Second Samuel
from Arnold Fruchtenbaum and Ariel Ministries in San Antonio, Texas.

The Life of David from a Jewish Perspective (Ac)

Reading Isra’el’s History Books (Ad)

The Nature of the Psalms (Ae)

The Problem of Holy War in the TaNaKh (Af)


I.       Young David – First Samuel – 16:1 to 20:42 (Ag) 

A.       Samuel Anoints David – First Samuel 16:1-13 (Ah)

B.       David in Saul’s Service – First Samuel 16:14-23 (Ai)21

C.       David in Saul’s Service – First Samuel 16:14-23 (Ai)

1. Goliath Mocks Isra’el – First Samuel 17:1-16 (Ak)

2. David Kills Goliath – First Samuel 17:17-58 (Al)

D.       Sha’ul’s Growing Fear of David – First Samuel 18:1 to 20:42 (Am)

1. David and Jonathan’s Friendship – First Samuel 18:1-9 (An)

2. Sha’ul’s Jealousy of David – First Samuel 18:10-30 (Ao)

E.      Sha’ul Tries to Kill David – First Samuel 19:1-24 (Ap)

   Sha’ul Sent Men to Kill David – Psalm 59:1-17 (Aq)

F.    David and Y’honatan – First Samuel 20:1-42 (Ar)

1. Y’honatan Helps David Escape – First Samuel 20:1-24a (As)

2. Y’honatan Defends David – First Samuel 20:24b-42 (At)


II.      David on the Run – 1 Samuel 21:1 to 2 Samuel 1:27; 1 Chron 10:1-14; 12:1-22 (Au)

A.  David at Nov – First Samuel 21:1-9 (Av)

B.      David at Gath – First Samuel 21:10-15 (Aw)

1. The Philistines Seized David at Gath – Psalm 56:1-13 (Ax)

2. David Pretended to be Insane Before Abimelek – Psalm 34:1-22 (Ay)

C.      David at Adullam and Mizpah – First Samuel 22:1-23 (Az)

1. David Escapes to the Cave of Adullam – First Samuel 22:1-2 (Ba)

2. David Prayed When He Was in the Cave of Adullam – Psalm 142:1-7 (Bb)

D.      David Went to Mizpah in Mo’av – First Samuel 22:3-5 (Bc)

E.      Sha’ul Kills the Priests of Nov – First Samuel 22:6-23 (Bd)

When Doeg the Edomite Had Gone to Sha’ul – Psalm 52:1-9 (Be)

F.      David Saves Keilah – First Samuel 23:1-6 (Bf)

G.      Sha’ul Pursues David – First Samuel 23:7-29 (Bg)

1. When David Was in the Desert of Y’hudah – Psalm 63:1-11 (Bh)

2. When the Ziphites Had Gone to Sha’ul – Psalm 54:1-7 (Bi)

H.      David Spares Sha’ul’s Life – First Samuel 24:1-22 (Bj)

When David Had Fled From Sha’ul into the Cave – Psalm 57:1-11 (Bk)

I.      David, Nabal and Abigail – First Samuel 25:1-44 (Bl)

1. David’s Affront from Nabal – First Samuel 25:1-13 (Bm)

2. Abigail Acted Quickly – First Samuel 25:14-35 (Bn)

3. David Married Abigail – First Samuel 25:36-44 (Bo)

J.      David Spares Saul’s Life Again – First Samuel 26:1-25 (Bp)

1. Do Not Lay a Hand on ADONAI’s Anointed – First Samuel 26:1-12 (Bq)

2. Sha’ul Promises Not to Harm David – First Samuel 26:13-25 (Br)

K.      David Among the Philistines – 1 Samuel 27:1 to 28:2; 1 Chron 12:1-22 (Bs)

L.      Achish Sends David Back to Ziklag – First Samuel 29:1-11 (Bt)

M.      The Timeline for David’s Return to Ziklag and Hearing About Sha’ul’s Death (Bu)

N.      Sha’ul and the Medium at Endor – First Samuel 28:3-25 (Bv)

O.      Sha’ul Takes His Own Life – First Samuel 31:1-13; First Chronicles 10:1-14 (Bw)

P.      David Hears of Sha’ul’s Death – Second Samuel 1:1-16 (Bx)

Q.      David’s Lament for Sha’ul and Y’honatan – Second Samuel 1:17-27 (By)

R.      David Destroys the Amalekites – First Samuel 30:1-31 (Bz)

1. David Inquired of the LORD – First Samuel 30:1-8? (Ca)

2. David Defeats the Amalekites – First Samuel 30:9-17 (Cb)

3. David Recovered His Wives – First Samuel 30:18-31 (Cc)


III.      King David – Second Samuel 2:1 to 14:33; First Chronicles 11:1 to 20:3 (Cd)

A.     David Anointed King Over Judah – 2 Sam 2:1-7, 5:1-2 and 1 Chron 11:1-2 (Ce)

B.    Warriors Join David – First Chronicles 12:23-40 (Cf)

C.    War Between the Houses of David and Sha’ul – Second Samuel 2:8 to 3:1 (Cg)

D.    Sons Were Born to David in Hebron – 2 Sam 3:2-5 and First Chron 3:1-4a (Ch)

E.    David’s Accession to Kingship Over Isra’el – Second Samuel 3:6 to 5:25 (Ci)

1.       Abner Goes Over to David – Second Samuel 3:6-21 (Cj)

2.       Joab Murders Abner – Second Samuel 3:22-39 (Ck)

3.       Ish-Bosheth, King of Isra’el, Murdered – Second Samuel 4:1-12 (Cl)

4.       David Anointed King Over All Isra’el – 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3 (Cm)

5.       David Defeats the Philistines – 2 Samuel 5:17-25; 1 Chronicles 14:8-17 (Cn)

6.       David Conquers Yerushalayim – 2 Sam 5:6-12; 1 Chronicles 11:4-9 and 14:1-2 (Co)

7.       Children Born to David in Zion – 2 Samuel 5:13-16; 1 Chronicles 3:5-8 and 14:3-7 (Cp)

F.    David’s Powerful Reign – Second Samuel 6:1 to 8:18 (Cq)

1.       The Ark Brought to Zion – 2 Sam 6:1-23; 1 Chronicles 13:1-14, 15:1-29, 16:1-3 (Cr)

2.       Ministering Before the Ark – First Chronicles 16:4-43 (Cs)

3.       The LORD’s Covenant with David – 2 Samuel 7:1-17; First Chronicles 17:1-15 (Ct)

    ADONAI Swore an Oath to David – Psalm 132:1-18 (Cu)

4.       David’s Prayer to ADONAI – 2 Samuel 7:18-29; First Chronicles 17:16-27 (Cv)

    You Have Rejected Us, God, Now Restore Us – Psalm 60:1-12 (Cw)

5.       David’s Victories – Second Samuel 8:1-14; First Chronicles 18:1-13 (Cx)

6.       David’s Officials – Second Samuel 8:15-18; First Chronicles 18:14-17 (Cy)

G.    The Sword Will Never Depart From Your House – Second Samuel 9:1 to 14:33 (Cz)

1.       David and Mephibosheth – Second Samuel 9:1-13 (Da)

2.       David Defeats the Ammonites – 2 Samuel 10:1-19; 1 Chronicles 19:1-19 (Db)

3.       David and Bathsheba – Second Samuel 11:1-27 (Dc)

4.       Nathan Rebukes David – Second Samuel 12:1-14 (Dd)

5.       David’s Son Dies – Second Samuel 12:15-25 (De)

   O God, A Broken and Contrite Heart You Will Not Despise – Psalm 51:1-19 (Df)

6.       The Capture of Rabbah – Second Samuel 12:26-31; First Chronicles 20:1-3 (Dg)

7.       Amnon and Tamar – Second Samuel 13:1-22 (Dh)

8.       Conflict with Absalom – Second Samuel 13:23 to 14:33 (Di)

a.       Absalom Kills Amnon – Second Samuel 13:23-33 (Dj)

b.       Absalom Flees – Second Samuel 13:34-39 (Dk)

c.       The Wise Woman of Tekoa – Second Samuel 14:1-20 (Dl)

d.       Absalom Returns to Jerusalem – Second Samuel 14:21-33 (Dm)


IV.   David the Ousted King – Second Samuel 15:1 to 19:8 and 20:23-26 (Dn)

A.    Absalom’s Conspiracy – Second Samuel 15:1-12 (Do)

B.    David Flees From Absalom – Second Samuel 15:13-37 (Dp)

ADONAI, You are a Shield Around Me, the Lifter of My Head – Psalm 3:1-8 (Dq)

C.    David and Ziba – Second Samuel 16:1-4 (Dr)

D.    Shim’i Curses David – Second Samuel 16:5-14 (Ds)

ADONAI My God, In You I Take Refuge – Psalm 7:1-17 (Dt)

E.    The Advice of Ahithophel and Hushai – Second Samuel 16:15 to 17:29 (Du)

1.       Ahithophel is Described in Glowing Terms – Second Samuel 16:15 to 17:4 (Dv)

2.       Hushai’s Advice is Declared Better Than Ahithophel’s – 2 Samuel 17:5-16 (Dw)

3.       Ahithophel Commits Suicide – Second Samuel 17:17-23: (Dx)

F.    David Battles Absalom – Second Samuel 17:24 to 19:8a (Dy)

1.       Joab Kills Absalom – Second Samuel 17:24 to 18:18 (Dz)

2.       David Mourns Absalom – Second Samuel 18:19 to 19:8a (Ea)

G.    David’s Officials – Second Samuel 20:23-26 (Eb)


V.    David the Comeback King – Second Samuel 19:8b to 24:25; First Chronicles 11:10-47 and 20:4 to 29:30; First Kings 1:1-53 and 2:10-11 (Ec)

A.    David Returns to Yerushalayim – Second Samuel 19:8b-43 (Ed)

B.    Sheba Rebels Against David – Second Samuel 20:1-22 (Ee)

C.    The LORD’s Wrath Against Isra’el – Second Samuel 21:1-14 (Ef)

D.    David’s Heroes – Second Samuel 21:15-22; First Chronicles 20:4-8 (Eg)

E.    David’s Song of Praise – Second Samuel 22:1-51 and Psalm 18:1-50 (Eh)

My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? – Psalm 22:1-31 (Ei)

F.    David’s Mighty Warriors – Second Samuel 23:8-39; First Chronicles 11:10-47 (Ej)

G.    David Counts the Fighting Men – Second Samuel 24:1-17; First Chronicles 21:1-17 (Ek)

H.    David Builds an Altar – Second Samuel 24:18-25; First Chronicles 21:18-30 (El)

His Anger is For a Moment, But Joy Comes in the Morning – Psalm 30:1-12 (Em)

I.     Adonijah Sets Himself Up as King – First Kings 1:1-27 (En)

J.    David Makes Solomon King – First Kings 1:28-53 (Eo)

K.    David Makes Preparations for the Temple – First Chronicles 22:1-19 (Ep)

L.     David Makes Arrangements for Temple Services – 1 Chron 23:1 to 26:32 (Eq)

1.       The Levites – First Chronicles 23:1-6 (Er)

2.       The Gershonites – First Chronicles 23:7-11 (Es)

3.       The Kohathites – First Chronicles 23:12-20 (Et)

4.       The Merarites – First Chronicles 23:21-32 (Eu)

5.       The Divisions of Priests – First Chronicles 24:1-19 (Ev)

6.       The Rest of the Levites – First Chronicles 24:20-31 (Ew)

7.       The Musicians for Ministry in the Temple – First Chronicles 25:1-31 (Ex)

8.       The Levitical Gatekeepers for the Temple – First Chronicles 26:1-19 (Ey)

9.       Treasurers and Judges of the Temple – First Chron 26:20-32 (Ez)

    M.    The Appointment of Military and Tribal Leaders – First Chronicles 27:1-34 (Fa)

   N.    David’s Plans for the Temple – First Chronicles 28:1-8 (Fb)

   O.    David’s Charge to Solomon Regarding the Temple – First Chronicles 28:9-21 (Fc)

    P.     David Provided Resources for Building the Temple – First Chronicles 29:1-9 (Fd)

   Q.    David’s Prayer – First Chronicles 29:10-20 (Fe)

   R.    Solomon Acknowledged as King a Third Time – First Chronicles 29:21-25 (Ff)

   S.    David’s Last Charge to Solomon – First Kings 2:1-9 (Fg)

   T.    David’s Last Words – Second Samuel 23:1-7 (Fh)

   U.    David’s Death – First Kings 2:10-12 and First Chronicles 29:26-30  (Fi)

Glossary (Fj)

End Notes (Fk)

Bibliography (Fl)