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Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
19: 1-29

The nighttime events of Chapter 19 present an obvious contrast with those of Chapter 18, which occurred in the bright noonday sun. The details in this chapter are as disturbing as the other was full of promise. The life of Lot was as fruitless as the life of Avraham was full of promise. The previous chapter ended with Abraham interceding for the righteous of Sodom and Gomorrah, whereas this chapter ends with drunken incest in a cave.

Unfortunately, we have both kinds among believers today, those living a fruitful life and those living a fruitless life. Fruitless believers are those who have really made a mess of their lives; they have gotten entirely out of the will of ADONAI. I would not suggest even for a moment that they have lost their salvation, but they sure have lost everything else. As Rabbi Sha’ul said, they are saved, but, as Lot would discover, only as one escaping through the flames (First Corinthians 3:15).314