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The Burial of Sarah
23: 1-20

After the traumatic experience on Mount Moriah, very little is reported concerning the life of Abraham, and nothing more about Sarah, until her death. As noted before, Isaac was thirty-seven years old and Sarah was one hundred-and-twenty-seven years old when she died. These were the years of Sarah’s life. That’s the first verse of Chapter 23 of Genesis. Now, Sarah was the Matriarch. She came with Abraham from Babylon to Assyria, then to the land of Canaan and went through all the ordeals and the tests and the issues together with Abraham and his camp in the land of Canaan. So she is the Matriarch of our faith. Just like Abraham is the father of faith, she’s the mother of faith because she, like Abraham, walked with ADONAI. Even though everybody makes mistakes and Abraham made mistakes and Sarah made mistakes, but they walked with the LORD and they became models of faith, of hospitality, of hope, of tenacity, not giving up, no matter what. And now Abraham was faced with the need to bury his wife.372