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The Outline of the Book of Exodus
From a Messianic Jewish Perspective

The basis for this commentary and outline is taken from the Exodus Tape Series
by Arnold Fruchtenbaum and Ariel Ministries in San Antonio, Texas.

The Book of Exodus From a Jewish Perspective (Ac)

I. The Slavery in Egypt – 1:1 to 12:51 (Ad)

A. The Descendants of Jacob Numbered Seventy in All – 1:1-7 (Ae)

B. The Oppression of Isra’el – 1:8-22 (Af)

1. Then a New King Who Did Not Know About Joseph Came to Power – 1:8-14 (Ag)

2. So God Was Kind to the Midwives – 1:15-22 (Ah)

C. The Preparation and Call of Moses – 2:1 to 4:31 (Ai)

1. Moses in Egypt – 2:1-15 (Aj)

a. A Man of the House of Levi Married a Levite Woman – 2:1-10 (Ak)

b. Moses Fled from Pharaoh and Went to Live in Midian – 2:11-15 (Al)

2. Moses in Midian – 2:16-25 (Am)

a. Now a Priest in Midian has Seven Daughters – 2:16-22 (An)

b. God Remembered His Covenant With Abraham – 2:23-25 (Ao)

3. The Call of Moses – 3:1 to 4:17 (Ap)

a. Flames of Fire from within a Burning Bush – 3:1-5 (Aq)

b. I Am Sending You to Pharaoh – 3:6-10 (Ar)

c. Who Am I That I Should Go to Pharaoh – 3:11-12 (As)

d. I Am Has Sent Me to You – 3:13-22 (At)

e. Put Your Hand Inside Your Cloak – 4:1-9 (Au)

f. I Am Slow of Speech and Tongue – 4:10-12 (Av)

g. I Know Aaron Can Speak Well – 4:13-17 (Aw)

4. Moses Arrives in Egypt 4:18-31 (Ax)

a. Go Back to Egypt, All Who Wanted to Kill You are Dead – 4:18-23 (Ay)

b. Surely You are a Bridegroom of Blood to Me – 4:24-26 (Az)

c. Moses’ Meeting with Aaron and the Elders of Egypt – 4:27-31 (Ba)

D. God and the Struggle with Pharaoh – 5:1 to 11:10 (Bb)

1. Pharaoh as God and Upholder of Ma’at (Bc)

2. The First Encounter with Pharaoh – 5:1 to 6:27 (Bd)

a. You Are No Longer to Supply the People with Straw – 5:1-9 (Be)

b. You Must Produce Your Full Quota of Bricks – 5:10-21 (Bf)

c. Now You Will See What I Will Do to Pharaoh – 5:22 to 6:13 (Bg)

d. The Heads of the Families of Moses and Aaron – 6:14-27 (Bh)

3. Throw Your Staff Before Pharaoh, It Will Become a Snake – 6:28 to 7:13 (Bi)

4. The Ten Plagues of Egypt– 7:14 to 12:36 (Bj)

a. Strike the Nile and It Will Be Turned into Blood – 7:14-25 (Bk)

b. Stretch Out Your Hand and Make Frogs Come Up – 8:1-15 (Bl)

c. Strike the Ground and the Dust Will Become Gnats – 8:20-32 (Bm)

d. Dense Swarms of Flies Poured throughout Egypt – 8:20-32 (Bn)

e. The LORD Will Bring a Terrible Plague on Your Livestock – 9:1-7 (Bo)

f. Moses Tossed Soot in the Air, Festering Boils Broke Out – 9:8-12 (Bp)

g. So the LORD Rained Down Hail on the Land of Egypt – 9:13-35 (Bq)

h. The Locusts Devoured Everything in Egypt – 10:1-20 (Br)

i. Total Darkness Covered All Egypt for Three Days – 10:21-29 (Bs)

E. The Tenth Plague and the Passover – 11:1 to 12:51 (Bt)

1. I Will Bring One More Plague on Pharaoh – 11:1-10 (Bu)

2. The Egyptian Passover – 12:1-28 (Bv)

a. Christ and the Passover – 12:1-20 (Bw)

b. He Will See the Blood and Pass Over that Doorway – 12:21-28 (Bx)

3. At Midnight the LORD Struck Down all the Firstborn in Egypt – 12:29-36 (By)

4. Redemption – 12:31-42 and 13:17 to 15:21 (Bz)

5. At the End of the 430 Years, to the Very Day – 12:37-42 (Ca)

6. These are the Regulations for the Passover – 12:43-51 (Cb)

II. The Exodus – 13:1 to 15:21 (Cc)

A. Redemption of the Firstborn – 13:1-16 (Cd)

B. Salvation at the Sea of Reeds – 13:17 to 14:31 (Ce)

1. Moses Took the Bones of Joseph With Him – 13:17-19 (Cf)

2. After Leaving Succoth they Camped at Etham – 13:20-22 (Cg)

3. The LORD Will Fight For You, You Need Only To Be Still – 14:1-14 (Ch)

4. The Waters Were Divided and the Jews Went Through the Sea – 14:15-31 (Ci)

C. Songs of the Sea – 15:1-21 (Cj)

1. Then Moses and the Israelites Sang This Song – 15:1-18 (Ck)

2. Then Miriam the Prophetess Took a Tambourine in Her Hand – 15:19-21 (Cl)

III. The Journey From Egypt to Sinai – 15:22 to 19:2 (Cm)

A. When They Came to Marah the Water was Bitter – 15:22-26 (Cn)

B. Then They Came To Elim – 15:27 (Co)

C. The Wilderness of Sin – 16:1-36 (Cp)

1. If Only We Had Died by the LORD’s Hand in Egypt – 16:1-3 (Cq)

2. I Will Rain Down Manna from Heaven for You – 16:4-12 (Cr)

3. That Evening Quail Came and Covered the Camp – 16:13-36 (Cs)

D. The Preparation of the Israelites for Sinai – 17:1 to 18:27 (Ct)

1. Strike the Rock and Water Will Come Out of It – 17:1-7 (Cu)

2. The Amalekites Attacked the Israelites at Rephidim – 17:8-16 (Cv)

3. Moses and Jethro – 18:1-27 (Cw)

a. Now Jethro Heard Everything God Had Done – 18:1-12 (Cx)

b. Moses Chose Men From All Isra’el – 18:13-26 (Cy)

c. Jethro Returned To His Own Country – 18:27 (Cz)

E. The Dispensation of the Torah – Exodus 19:1 to Acts 1:26 (Da)

IV. The Revelation at Mount Sinai – 19:3 to 40:38 (Db)

A. The Arrival at Sinai – 19:1-2 (Dc)

B. The Mosaic Covenant – 19:3-25 (Dd)

1. The Calling of Isra’el – 19:3-9 (De)

2. Go to the People and Consecrate Them – 19:10-15 (Df)

3. Under the Chupah – 19:16-25 (Dg)

C. ADONAI and the Torah – 20:1-26 (Dh)

1. I Am the LORD, Who Brought You Out of the Land of Slavery – 20:1-2 (Di)

2. The Ten Commandments – 20:3-17 (Dj)

a. You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me – 20:3 (Dk)

b. You Shall Not Make for Yourself an Idol – 20:4-6 (Dl)

c. You Shall Not Misuse the Name of the LORD Your God – 20:7 (Dm)

d. Remember the Sabbath Day by Keeping It Holy – 20:8-11 (Dn)

e. Honor Your Father and Your Mother – 20:12 (Do)

f. You Shall Not Murder – 20:13 (Dp)

g. You Shall Not Commit Adultery – 20:14 (Dq)

h. You Shall Not Steal – 20:15 (Dr)

i. You Shall Not Give False Testimony Against Your Neighbor – 20:16 (Ds)

j. You Shall Not Covet Anything of Your Neighbors – 20:17 (Dt)

D. Do Not Think That I Have Come to Abolish the Torah – Matthew 5:17-20 (Du)

E. The Book of the Covenant – 20:18 to 23:33 (Dv)

1. Do Not Have God Speak to Us or We Will Die – 20:18-21 (Dw)

2. Make an Altar of Earth and Sacrifice on It – 20:22-26 (Dx)

3. Moses and the Torah – 20:22 to 23:19 (Dy)

a. If You Buy a Hebrew Servant – 21:1-11 (Dz)

b. A Life for a Life, an Eye for an Eye – 21:12-32 (Ea)

c. A Thief Must Certainly Make Restitution – 21:33 to 22:15 (Eb)

d. Do Not Allow a Sorceress to Live – 22:16 to 23:9 (Ec)

e. The Festivals of Isra’el – 23:10-17 (Ed)

(1) During the Seventh Year Let the Land Lie Unused – 23:10-11 (Ee)

(2) Six Days Work, but on Seventh Day Do Not Work – 23:12 (Ef)

(3) Be Careful to Do Everything I Have Said to You – 23:13 (Eg)

(4) Three Times a Year Celebrate a Festival to Me – 23:14-17 (Eh)

f. A Holy People – 23:18-19 (Ei)

4. I Am Sending an Angel Ahead of You – 23:20-33 (Ej)

F. The Ratification of the Sinai Covenant – 24:1-18 (Ek)

1. The Sinai Covenant Oath of Allegiance – 24:1-3 (El)

2. Then Moses Read It to the People – 24:4-8 (Em)

3. They Saw the God of Isra’el – 24:9-11 (En)

4. The Sh’khinah Glory Settled on Mount Sinai – 24:12-18 (Eo)

G. The Camp of the Twelve Tribes of Isra’el – Numbers 2:1-34 (Ep)

H. Christ in the Tabernacle – 25:1 to 27:21; 30:1 to 31:18; 35:1 to 38:31 (Eq)

1. Observe the Sabbath Because It is Holy to You – 31:12-18; 35:1-3 (Er)

2. The Offerings of Materials for the Tabernacle (Es)

a. Make Tabernacle Exactly As I Show – 25:1-2, 8-9 and 35:4, 20-21 (Et)

b. The Atonement Money for the Tabernacle – 30:11-16 (Eu)

c. The Materials for the Tabernacle – 25:3-7, 35:5-29; 38:21, 24-31 (Ev)

3. The Appointment of Bezalel and Ohaliab – 31:1-11, 35:30-36:7, 38:22-23 (Ew)

4. Courtyard and Gate of Tabernacle – 26:1-37, 27:9-19, 36:8-38, 38:1-20 (Ex)

a. Make Courtyard for Tabernacle – 27:9-15, 18-19 and 38:9-13, 20 (Ey)

b. The Gate of the Tabernacle: Christ, The Way to God – 27:16-17 and 38:14-19 (Ez)

c. Build Altar of Acacia Wood Overlaid with Bronze – 27:1-8, 38:1-7 (Fa)

d. The Five Offerings of the Tabernacle: Christ, Our Sacrificial Offering – Leviticus 1:1 to 7:38 (Fb)

(1) The Sin Offering – Leviticus 4:1 to 5:13, 6:24-30; Numbers 15:22-31 (Fc)

(2) The Guilt Offering – Leviticus 5:14 to 6:7, 7:1-6 (Fd)

(3) The Burnt Offering – Leviticus 1:1-17 and 6:8-13 (Fe)

(4) The Grain Offering – Leviticus 2:1-16, 6:14-23 (Ff)

(5) The Peace Offering – Leviticus 3:1-17, 7:11-38 (Fg)

e. The Bronze Basin: Christ, Our Cleanser – 30:17-21 and 38:8 (Fh)

5. The Sanctuary in the Tabernacle – Chapters 25, 26, 30, 36, 37 (Fi)

a. The Outer Veil of the Sanctuary – 26:36-37 (Fj)

b. The Linen Curtains: Christ Our Righteousness – 26:1-6, 36:8-13 (Fk)

c. The Goat Hair Curtains on the Sanctuary – 26:7-14, 36:14-19 (Fl)

d. The Structure of the Sanctuary – 26:15-29 and 36:20-29 (Fm)

e. The Menorah in the Sanctuary: Christ, the Light of the World- 25:31-40, 27:20-21; 37:17-24, and Leviticus 24:1-4 (Fn)

f. The Bread of the Presence in the Sanctuary: Christ, the Bread of Life – 25:23-30; 37:10-16 and Lev 24:5-9 (Fo)

g. Altar of Incense in the Sanctuary: Christ, Our Advocate with the Father – 30:1-10, 22-38; 37:25-29 (Fp)

h. The Inner Veil of the Sanctuary: That is Christ, His Body – 26:30-35, 36:35-36 and 40:21 (Fq)

i. The Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place: Christ at the Throne of Grace – 25:10-16 and 37:1-5 (Fr)

j. The Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place: Christ at the Throne of Grace – 25:17-22; 37:6-9 (Fs)

I. The Levitical Priesthood – Ex 28:1 to 29:46; 39:1-31; Levi 8:1 to 9:24 (Ft)

1. The Introduction to the Levitical Priesthood – 39:1-2 (Fu)

2. The Selection of Aaron and His Sons as Priests – 28:1-5 (Fv)

3. The Clothing of the Levitical Priesthood – 28:6-43; 39:1-31 (Fw)

a. The Linen Undergarments of Aaron and His Sons – 28:42-43 (Fx)

b. Make the Robe of the Ephod – 28:31-35; 39:22-26 (Fy)

c. Make the Ephod of Gold, Blue and Purple Yarn – 28:6-14; 39:3-7 (Fz)

d. Fashion a Breastpiece for Making Decisions – 28:15-29; 39:8-21 (Ga)

e. The Urim and Thummim: The Means of Making Decisions – 28:30 (Gb)

f. Make an Engraved Plate: Holy to the LORD– 28:36-38; 39:30-31 (Gc)

g. Make Tunics, Sashes and Headbands for Aaron’s Sons – 28:39-41 (Gd)

4. The Dedication of Aaron and His Family – Ex 29:1-37 and Lev 8:1-36 (Ge)

a. Dedicate Aaron and His Sons So They May Serve Me as Priests – Exodus 29:1-9, 30:22-33, 40:9-16; Leviticus 8:1-13 (Gf)

b. Take Seven Days to Dedicate Aaron and His Sons – 29:35-37 (Gg)

c. Bring a Bull to the Front of the Tabernacle and Slaughter It There – Exodus 29:10-14; Leviticus 8:14-17 (Gh)

d. Take One of the Rams and Aaron and His Sons Will Slaughter It – Exodus 29:15-18; Leviticus 8:18-21 (Gi)

e. Take the Other Ram as Peace Offering – Ex 29:19-28; Lev 8:22-30 (Gj)

f. Aaron’s Sacred Garments Will Belong to His Descendants So They Can Be Ordained – 29:29-30 (Gk)

g. Take the Ram for the Dedication and Cook the Meat in a Sacred Place – Exodus 29:31-34 and Leviticus 8:31-32 (Gl)

5. The Priests Begin Their Ministry – Leviticus 9:1-24 (Gm)

6. I Will Dwell Among the Israelites and Be Their God – 29:42b-46 (Gn)

7. The Day of Atonement – Leviticus 16:1-34, 23:26-32; Numbers 29:7-11 (Go)

J. The Renewal of the Nation of Isra’el – 32:1 to 34:35; 39:32 to 40:38 (Gp)

1. The Golden Calf Incident – 32:1 to 34:35 (Gq)

a. Aaron Made an Idol in the Shape of a Calf – 32:1-6 (Gr)

b. Now Leave Me Alone So That My Anger May Burn – 32:7-14 (Gs)

c. It is the Sound of Singing That I Hear – 32:15-20 (Gt)

d. They Gave Me This Gold, I Threw It into a Fire 32:21-24 (Gu)

e. And All the Levites Rallied to Moses – 32:25-29 (Gv)

f. Please Forgive Their Sin, but if not, Blot Me Out of the Book You Have Written – 32:30-35 (Gw)

g. The People Began to Mourn, No One Put On any Ornaments – 33:1-6 (Gx)

h. Moses and the Tent of Meeting – 33:7-11 (Gy)

i. When My Glory Passes By I Will Put You in the Cleft – 33:12-23 (Gz)

2. Two New Stone Tablets – 34:1-35 (Ha)

a. The LORD said to Moses, Chisel Out Two Stone Tablets – 34:1-9 (Hb)

b. Moses Was There With The LORD For Forty Days – 34:10-28 (Hc)

c. The Radiant Face of Moses – 34:29-35 (Hd)

3. Moses Inspected the Work on the Tabernacle – 39:32-43 (He)

4. The LORD said to Moses: Set Up the Tabernacle – 40:1-16 (Hf)

5. The Tabernacle was Set Up on First Day of the First Month – 40:17-33 (Hg)

6. The Glory of the LORD Filled the Tabernacle – 40:34-38 (Hh)