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Week 10: Fellowship

Fellowship means participating with other believers in Messiah through group worship, the study of God’s Word, and witnessing to others. This was always an expectation of the Scriptures: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers [and sisters] to dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1). And again: I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go to the House of ADONAI” (Psalm 122:1). Being in fellowship should be a joy for all children of God. Fellowship is the means that God uses to develop us in His love. Consider the following scripture: Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all ways into Messiah, who is the Head. From Him the whole body is fitted and held together by every supporting ligament (or believer). The proper working for each individual part produces the body’s growth, for building itself up in love (Ephesians 4:15:16).

When you trusted Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, He came to live in you through the Holy Spirit, and by that same Spirit of God, you were made a part of the spiritual Body of Messiah (First Corinthians 12:12-26). The Body of Messiah refers to the eternal and spiritual relationship you now have with every other believer in Yeshua. Messiah is the Head of the Body and believers are the various parts of the Body. Therefore, our fellowship with one another is the expression and experience of functioning as a Body under the direction of Messiah, the Head.

In the Body of Messiah, I may figuratively be merely a little finger, but even so, I have a useful purpose and service for the head. I can scratch, point and hold things. But this can only occur if I am attached to the body and under the direction of the head. I am unable to function spiritually when I am not attached to the body. Apart from the body, a severed little finger, by its erratic movements, may appear to live for a while, but it does so without any useful purpose. A believer who attempts to live without proper fellowship is also useless. He or she may appear alive, but eventually they lose vitality and spiritually wither away and become useless.

According to Ephesians 4:15-16, what and how are we to speak to each other?

Speaking the ______ in _____.

We are to be honest and truthful with each other, but not intentionally hurt one another’s feelings. Rather, we are to have loving concern for one another. Speaking the truth in love brings about a certain desired result: We spiritually grow together.

According to Ephesians 4:15-16, who do we grow up into?

We are to grow up in all ways into ________.

We are to grow up in all ways into Him, who is the Head. As we mature spiritually, His character is revealed through our individual personalities.

How is the body fitted and held together?

From Him the whole body is fitted and held together by ______________________.

Every supporting ligament (or believer) of the whole body is important. Each believer is a member that supplies what the other members need by speaking the truth in love, seen in encouragement, affirmation, instruction and so on. Without fellowship you can neither supply nor be supplied with what we all need for growth.

According to Ephesians 4:15-16 again, what specifically causes growth of the body of Messiah? The proper working for ____________________ produces the body’s growth.

The proper working for each individual part refers to the function of a discipled believer. It refers to each individual part pitching in and helping the body inside and outside of the congregation.

Part of speaking the truth in love means treating each other with respect (see my commentary on The Life of Christ, to see link click GiIf a Brother or Sister Sin, Go and Point Out Their Fault). This seems like it is an easy principle to follow, yet so hard to do. Many friendships and many congregations of God break up over the failure to follow God’s Word.

Finally, what is the result of our growth? For building each believer _______________.

Love is one of the chief attributes of our Lord (First John 4:8). As we spiritually mature to become more like Messiah, we grow in His character. This is one reason why your fellowship with other believers is so vitally important, for your growth is God’s love relationship with you.

Please read Ephesians 4:15-16 in the following personalized format: Speaking the truth in love, I, and the rest of my fellow believers in the faith, grow up in all ways into Messiah, who is the Head. From Him the whole body is fitted and held together by what I supply and what is supplied to me by my fellow believers, according to our effective working together, by which I do my part, and they do theirs, which produces the body’s growth, for building itself up in love.

Right now, you may not be sure what you supply (your specific purpose or spiritual gifts), but as you grow and mature in fellowship your particular spiritual gifts will develop in loving effectiveness. When you trusted in Messiah and were made part of His spiritual body, you were at that time enabled by the Spirit of God to function as a member of His body.

As you spiritually mature, this enablement will become evident and relevant. For now, what is most important is to be regularly active in a fellowship that worships the Lord, studies and applies the Scriptures, and demonstrates love for one another as it exalts Yeshua Messiah.

Please read the following verse: And let us continue to consider how to motivate one another to love (Greek: agape, meaning good will) and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day of the Lord approaching (Hebrews 10:24-25).

In Hebrews 10:24-25 what are you asked to consider? __________________________________.

Since love refers to our attitude toward each other, and good deeds refers to our actions toward each other, why would Hebrews 10:24-25 encourage us to consider both areas of our relationship with one another?__________________________________________________________________

Please notice the relationship between the exhortation to consider how to motivate one another and not give up meeting together. Scripture encourages us to meet together because the biblical expectation is that we will do so. The purpose is to help one other to grow spiritually in love and good deeds.

Hebrews 10:24-25 acknowledges that some have poor fellowship habits because they were neglecting the meeting together with other believers. Look at these scriptures: I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go to the House of ADONAI” (Psalm 122:1), and, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1).

Please read the one another verses from my commentary on Romans Af – The List of “one another” Commands.

Please memorize: Psalm 133:1.

Please write down where you meet for fellowship, and where it is located: __________________________________________________________________

Now, write down how the Lord has ministered in and through you this week in fellowship:
