Samuel’s Call
First Samuel 3: 1-14
Samuel’s call DIG: What was the time of young Samuel like? What was the major problem at that time? What does it mean that “The lamp of God had not yet gone out?” Describe God’s call on Samuel. What is young Samuel’s attitude toward God? Toward ‘Eli? Why would ADONAI call a young boy to be a prophet?
REFLECT: What do you think about the spiritual condition of your nation? What is similar and dissimilar to Samuel’s day (Judges 21:25)? Were you listening when the Lord called you? Did you respond immediately or did it take time for you to recognize Him? How do you listen to God now? How have you responded?
Hearing God’s voice.
Once again we see the contrast between the wickedness of ‘Eli’s family and the faithfulness of the boy Samuel. He ministered before the LORD under the guidance of ‘Eli at a time when Ha’Shem rarely spoke to His people. The spiritual leaders were corrupt, and God’s people were not obedient to the Torah, so He was pretty much silent. It was a sad day for the nation of Isra’el when the living God no longer sent His people signs and prophetic messages to them (Psalm 74:9; Ezeki’el 7:26; Amos 8:11; and Micah 3:6). The silence of ADONAI was the judgment of ADONAI. But YHVH was about to change the situation and speak His precious word to a young boy who would listen and obey.91
The circumstance of the call (3:1-3): The boy Samuel was still a young apprentice, ministering to ADONAI under ‘Eli’s supervision. According to Josephus, he was twelve years old. Now, in those days ADONAI rarely spoke, and visions were few (3:1). The frequency of divine revelation during the Mosaic, Joshua era had ended. And furthermore, the prophetic era had not begun. So this was a transitional period, in which the appearance of the Word of God was very rare. But with Samuel, all this was about to change. It was night, and there was spiritual darkness in the Land. ‘Eli had gone to bed – his eyes had begun to grow dim, so that it was hard for him to see (3:2). This not only emphasized ‘Eli’s physical condition, but also the spiritual condition of Isra’el (Judges 21:25).92 The Menorah of God had not yet gone out (see the commentary on Exodus, to see link click Fn – The Menorah in the Sanctuary: Christ, the Light of the World). The cups on the Menorah were filled with olive oil and lit at twilight (Exodus 30:8). The priests were to keep the olive oil burning before ADONAI from evening until morning (Exodus 20:21b; Leviticus 24:2-4; 2 Chronicles 13:11). As an apprentice priest, Samuel slept in the Holy Place to make sure the light of the Menorah did not go out.
Samuel’s call (3:4-11): ADONAI called to Samuel four times.
It was early in the morning, when ADONAI called the first time, saying, “Samuel!” and the boy answered, “Here I am” (Hebrew: hinneh). Young Samuel’s response to God’s call gives us some early insight into his character. As he grew into his role as a prophet, he learned to listen for the LORD’s voice and was always quick to respond. Then he ran to ‘Eli, who was sleeping in the Tabernacle compound, just outside of the courtyard (see Ae – The Tabernacle at Shiloh), and said: Here I am – for you called me? Samuel’s quick response and humble attitude demonstrate he had a true servant’s spirit. But he said: I didn’t call you; go back, and lie down. So he went and lay down (3:4-5).
ADONAI called a second time. In this passage, we gain some insight into the character of God as well. YHVH is not an overbearing Master who is quick to punish a servant who does not respond perfectly to His call. He recognized Samuel’s willing spirit and continued to call him even though Samuel misunderstood what was happening.93 The LORD called, “Samuel!” Samuel got up again, went to ‘Eli and said: Here I am – you called me. He answered: I didn’t call, my son; lie down again. Now Samuel didn’t yet know ADONAI; the Word of ADONAI had not yet been revealed to him (3:6-7). The boy didn’t have a relationship with ADONAI and had never heard His voice, so he didn’t recognize it. He wasn’t a prophet yet either. But all that was about to change.
ADONAI called again a third time, “Samuel!” He got up, went to ‘Eli and said: Here I am – you called me. ‘Eli’s failure to teach others about God was probably a result of his own failure to walk closely with Him. ‘Eli was slow to recognize God’s call of Samuel because he had grown unfamiliar with His voice. However, at last ‘Eli realized it was ADONAI who was calling the child. So ‘Eli said to Samuel, “Go, and lie down. If you are called again, say: Speak, ADONAI; your servant hears.” Samuel went and lay down in his place (3:8-9). He wasn’t a prophet yet either. But all that was about to change.
ADONAI came a fourth time as before, but this time He also stood before him (a theophany, a pre-incarnate appearance of Messiah), and called, “Samuel! Samuel!” This time the name is doubled, and was common when God called someone to ministry. This happened only eight times in the Bible: Abraham (Gen 22:11-13); Jacob (Gen 46:1-4); Moses (Ex 3:1-10); Samuel (First Samuel 3:1-10); Martha (Lk 10:38-42); Simon Peter (Lk 22:31-32); the Father (Mt 27:46 and Mk 15:34); and Sha’ul (Acts 9:4).
So, becoming visible as well as speaking, Samuel received both word and vision. The almighty God, Creator of the universe, humbled Himself to come into the presence of His servant – something no earthly king would ever do. What is even more amazing is that He just stood there, patiently waiting for Samuel to recognize His presence.94 Then Samuel, repeating ‘Eli’s words, said: Speak; your servant hears. ADONAI said to Samuel, “Look! I am going to do something in Isra’el that will make both ears of everyone who hears about it tingle” (3:10-11). This is an expression which is used when a specifically severe judgment is pronounced and its effect on those hearing it. It is used in Second Kings 21:12 and Jeremiah 19:3 in reference to the Babylonian Captivity.95
‘Eli’s judgment (3:12-14): Then ADONAI reminded Samuel of the earlier prophecy He had made against ‘Eli. On that day I will do against ‘Eli everything I have said with regard to his family, from beginning to end (see Au – God’s Rejection of ‘Eli’s House). For I have told him that I will execute judgment against his family forever, because of his wickedness in not rebuking his sons, even though he knew that they had brought a curse on themselves. Thus, I have sworn to the family of ‘Eli that the wickedness of ‘Eli’s family will never be atoned for by any sacrifice or offering (3:12-14). Provision was made in the Torah for sacrifice on behalf of the sin of the priests, but such sacrifice only covered unwitting sin (Lev 4:2, 13, 22). But their sins were deliberate and defiant, and for such sins no sacrifice could be offered (Num 15:30). Not only had they defiled themselves, but they had also defiled the priesthood. God had been longsuffering toward the house of ‘Eli, but they hadn’t repented and turned from their sins. Now it was too late.96 When ‘Eli failed to fulfill the duty of the high priest by replacing his wicked sons as priests, he brought that curse on his own head as well.
Because Samuel was obedient to God and to ‘Eli, he heard the message of Ha’Shem’s judgment against the house of ‘Eli. This was certainly a weighty message to give to such a young boy, but in doing so, perhaps ADONAI was rebuking the spiritual laziness of the adults at that time, for to which of them could God give this message? When YHVH can’t find an obedient adult, He sometimes calls a child, “I will make boys their officials; mere children will govern them” (Isaiah 3:4).97 And the boy Samuel, as painful as it might have been for him, was faithful to prophesy against his beloved mentor (see Ax – Samuel’s First Prophecy).
Responding to God’s Word: Some of us may be a little embarrassed by Samuel’s response when God called him because the boy responded so quickly and without any hesitation. In his commentary on 1 and 2 Samuel, Bill Arnold rightly comments that “First Samuel 3 is meant to arouse us out of our lethargy, as it aroused Samuel from his early-morning sleep.” When ADONAI calls us, let us answer in the same way that Samuel spoke to YHVH, “Here I am, for You called me” (3:5). There are callings that every believer shares: the calling to believe in Messiah, to grow in godliness, to study God’s Word, and to speak God’s Word to the world. But the LORD has particular callings for different people: to evangelize, to disciple another, to minister to children, to serve as an elder or deacon, and to make financial sacrifices for the support of a Kingdom cause. Such calling constitutes decisive moments in our lives, and our fruitfulness in life is largely determined by our willingness to repeat Samuel’s answer: Here I am – you called me.98
Dear heavenly Father, praise You that though You who are Almighty and All-Powerful, You knew that Isra’el would need a strong prophet and judge. Samuel was faithful to that calling, and would be bold in judging Isra’el and to always trust in You for his wisdom; rather than following Eli’s wrong example of not discipling his sons. It must have been hard for Samuel to hear that You would punish Eli’s house forever, for the iniquity that he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God (First Samuel 3:13). You use hard times to prepare Your children for the future so they will know how to handle hard situations. You wisely prepared Samuel to know how to judge with discernment so he would understand that spiritual leaders are also accountable to follow Your Word. You give no exemption for them from obeying Your mitzvot (Matthew 23:1-3), in fact you say that teachers will be judged with greater strictness (James 3:1). Thank You for preparing Your servants to be wise leaders by allowing hard times in their lives to draw them closer to you. Thank you for molding Samuel, Moses and David to be great leaders who trusted in You for their strength and their wisdom. In Messiah Yeshua’s holy Name and Power of His Resurrection. Amen
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