Samuel’s First Prophecy
First Samuel 3: 15-18
Samuel’s first prophecy DIG: What was remarkable about Samuel opening the doors to the Tabernacle? Why did God give such a difficult mission to him (2:30)? What was Samuel afraid of? Why? How were his fears alleviated? What did Samuel tell ‘Eli? What did he learn that would help him later?
REFLECT: Who have you “opened doors” to in your life? How do you face the hard, powerful will of God in your life? How do you handle highly private information in your life? Can you be trusted? Are you normally devout and submissive, or do you resist? What calling does ADONAI have on your life?
Samuel told ‘Eli every word and hid nothing.
Samuel had heard the voice of ADONAI and received the message of ADONAI, but he continued to perform his priestly duties. He lay in bed until morning; then he opened the doors of the Tabernacle, doubtless busying himself to avoid telling ‘Eli what he had heard (to see link click Aw – Samuel’s Call: ‘Eli’s judgment). This shows remarkable maturity on the part of a young boy. Most youths would have been proud of their experience with YHVH, rushed around delivering the message, and would not have stooped to such basic tasks as opening doors. It was only when ‘Eli insisted that he speak, that Samuel related the message of judgment that had been given to him. Samuel would have a ministry of “opening doors” for others. He opened doors of kingship to Sha’ul, who failed to use it for God’s glory; and also to David, who used his position to serve God and the people. Samuel established a school of the prophets (First Samuel 19:18-24; First Kings 2 and 4:38-44), and opened doors of ministry to the men Ha’Shem sent him. He also opened the doors to a new beginning for the nation of Isra’el that was at a low ebb both spiritually and politically.99
The aged high priest was not to be denied, however, and demanded a full report. But Samuel was afraid to tell ‘Eli the vision (3:15). Here is another touching glimpse into Samuel’s character. He loved his master and was reluctant to bring him such bad news. Yet, as part of a prophet’s responsibility, he needed to tell others the message ADONAI had given, whether that message was good or bad. This lesson would serve him well in the future (see Ck – God Rejects Sha’ul). Many believers today shy away from telling others the truth about the coming judgment of the Lord, and some even go so far as to deny it is an eternal punishment for those who reject Messiah (see the commentary on Revelation Fo – The Great White Throne Judgment). But the Gospel contains both good news (that eternal life is freely available to all who believe) and bad news (that those who reject Messiah will spend eternity in hell). We do a gross disservice if we water down God’s Word.100
Then ‘Eli called Samuel: “Samuel, my son!” He answered, “Here I am” (3:16). How could he raise the subject with the admired old man to whom he loved? He didn’t have to fear however, for ‘Eli took the initiative and commanded (basically threatened) the boy to tell him the whole message. ‘Eli said, “What did the LORD say to you? Now, don’t hide anything from me. Indeed, ‘Eli swore an oath, calling down Ha’Shem’s judgment on Samuel if the boy refused to tell him everything he knew.101 May God do whatever He said and worse, if you hide from me anything He said to you.” So, Samuel told ‘Eli every word of his judgment and hid nothing (3:17).
Resigned to his fate, ‘Eli replied: It is ADONAI; let him do what seems good to him (3:18). ‘Eli’s response was both devout and submissive (Job 2:10). In that terrible moment, both ‘Eli and Samuel were together in obedience just as much as they had been at the beginning of their relationship (see Am – Dedicated to ADONAI). Both of them accepted the verdict of YHVH. For Samuel, that verdict offered the power and the authority of God; for ‘Eli the same verdict offered only grief and humiliation. But for both, the verdict was unquestioned. The narrative concerns the sure, irresistible power of the LORD’s will, which would soon turn the course of Isra’el’s history. ‘Eli had nurtured Samuel in obedience. Now the two of them stood together to face the hard, powerful will of God.102
Such was Samuel’s introduction to his prophetic calling. Though he had been committed to priestly service from his earliest days, there was now a new dimension to his ministry, for he had received the Word of the LORD, and this united his priestly office with a prophetic task. This brought him favor in the Land at a time when the people needed to know God’s Word for them because they were facing powerful enemies. Samuel was already learning that his words would not always be easy for either him to speak or his listeners to hear; however, he would continue to be God’s spokesman to Isra’el without the fear of consequences, and so establish ADONAI’s rule in the Land.103
Dear Heavenly Father, Praise You for being such a wonderful person to serve. There is such joy in trusting You! You are always watching over me to bless and to protect me. Children feel secure when walking with their daddy, holding tight onto his hand. So also there is security and peace when I walk with You, for though trials and problems will come – You are an almighty Father, always there with me. For God Himself has said: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5c) to help and to guide.
Praise you for your care to instruct young Samuel that the evil that he saw around him by Eli’s sons, You do see and judge. When evil seems to be allowed and prospering, it can be confusing especially to a young mind, but you are all-knowing, and seeing everything, You judge always at exactly the perfect time. You are never late, nor are You early. You know exactly when is the best time to act. Please help me to remember that when I need help, You are watching and will judge in righteousness – at the perfect time. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. Lovingkindness and truth go before You (Psalms 89:14). May I live with my eyes and heart fixed on loving and pleasing You in all I say and do – for this life will soon be over, but life in heaven is forever! In Messiah Yeshua’s holy Name and power of His resurrection. Amen
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