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The Reign of Immanuel
11:1 to 12:6

The Assyrian Empire would fall, but another empire will arise. This section is about the Messianic Kingdom. The final segment of the Book of Immanuel is a development of 9:7. There are three lines of messianic development; a messianic person (to see link click DcA Shoot Will Come Up From The House of Jesse), a messianic program (see DdThe Wolf Will Live With The Lamb), and a messianic people (see DeGod Is My Salvation, I Will Trust and Not Be Afraid). Besides contrasting God’s Kingdom with the Assyrian kingdom, Isaiah also contrasts it with the sinful actions of Judah in his day. The sages teach that the prophecy belongs to the reign of Ahaz or, according to others, to the latter days of Isaiah’s life, thus, stealing the future hope of a literal return and reign of Yeshua Messiah from Jerusalem. Rabbi Sha’ul was right when he wrote: The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (Second Corinthians 4:4). Before we proceed, it is important to understand where the Messianic Kingdom fits into the dispensations of God.