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Messiah’s Sacrifice Opens the Way to God
10: 19-39

When people hear the gospel, the good news of salvation from sin through Yeshua Messiah, and understand, believe, and commits themselves to it, then they will either go on to be a true believer or will finally reject the gospel and become apostate. These are the only two possible consequences. Here in this section, we are going to consider both of these.

First, we will consider the positive response – salvation. If we know, understand, and surrender to the truth of the good news, committing our life to Christ, then we have made a positive response to the truth. This particular response begins in 10:19 with the word therefore. The word therefore always points backwards. It is like the writer is saying, “On the basis of what I’ve said up to this point, you must respond.” After ten chapters of basic doctrine about the deity of Messiah, the author finally says to the unbelievers within the Messianic community to whom he was writing, “Here’s the opportunity for you to make a decision for Christ” (to see link click Ch Let Us Draw Near to God).

Second, we will consider the negative response – apostasy (see Ci If We Deliberately Keep On Sinning, No Sacrifice For Sins is Left). When someone knows all there is to know about the gospel, and hears all the truth there is to hear, and does not repent, but continues to walk in the ways of the world, he or she becomes an apostate. Apostasy is a rejection of the Spirit of God, for which there is no forgiveness (see the commentary on The Life of Christ EmWhoever Blasphemes Against the Holy Spirit Will Never Be Forgiven).