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Messianic Prophecies in The Book of Isaiah

1.  He will be born of a virgin (7:14).

2.  He will bring joy to Isra’el (9:2).

3.  He will govern the world (9:6).

4.  He will reign on David’s throne (9:7).

5.  He will be a descendant of Jesse and thus in the Davidic line (49:1).

6.  He will be empowered by the Holy Spirit (11:2; 42:1).

7.  He will restore the nations (11:10).

8.  He will judge in righteousness, justice, and faithfulness (11:3-5; 42:1,4).

9.  He will be gentle toward the weak (42:3).

10. He will make a New Covenant with Isra’el (42:6; 49:8-9).

11. He will be a light to the Gentiles (42:6; 49:6).

12. He will be called before His birth to be God’s Servant (49:1).

13. He will manifest God’s glory (49:3).

14. He will restore Isra’el spiritually to God (49:5) and physically to the land (49:8).

15. He will be worshiped by Gentiles (49:7, 52:15).

16. He will be rejected by Isra’el (49:7; 53:1, 3).

17. He will be obedient to the LORD in His mission (50:6; 53:7-8).

18. He will voluntarily submit to suffering (50:6; 53:7-8).

19. He will be exalted (52:13; 53:12).

20. He will take on Himself the sins of the world (53:4-6, 10-12).

21. He will triumph over death (53:10).

22. He will come to comfort Isra’el and bring vengeance on the wicked (61:1-3).