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The Outline of the Book of Acts

The basis for this commentary is taken from:
Arnold Fruchtenbaum and Ariel Ministries in San Antonio, Texas.

Introduction to the Book of Acts from a Messianic Jewish Perspective (Ac)

The Letters of Paul (Ad)

Miracles in the Book of Acts (Ae)

The Sacrificial Offerings, the Isaiah Avenue, and the Romans Road (Af)

Replacement Theology and Acts (Ag)

The Jewish Good News for Gentiles (Ah)

I. Witness in Jerusalem – 1:1 to 8:4 (Ai)

A. When Will Yeshua Restore the Kingdom – 1:1-11 (Aj)

B. Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas – 1:12-26 (Ak)

C. The Ruach Ha’Kodesh Comes at Shavu’ot – 2:1-13 (Al)

D. The Dispensation of Grace (Am)

E. Peter Speaks to the Shavu’ot Crowd – 2:14-41 (An)

F. The New Covenant Community Begins – 2:42-47 (Ao)

G. Peter Heals a Lame Beggar – 3:1-10 (Ap)

H. Peter Speaks at the Temple – 3:11-26 (Aq)

I. Peter and John Stand before the Sanhedrin – 4:1-31 (Ar)

J. Ruach-Filled Community Life – 4:32-37 (As)

K. Ananias and Sapphira Lie to the Ruach – 5:1-16 (At)

L. The Apostles are Persecuted – 5:17-42 (Au)

M. Deacons Anointed for Service – 6:1-7 (Av)

N. Stephen’s Testimony to the Sanhedrin – 6:8 to 7:53 (Aw)

O. The Stoning of Stephen – 7:54-8:4 (Ax)

II. Witness in Judea and Samaria – 8:5 to 11:18 (Ay)

A. The Good News Spreads to Samaria – 8:5-7 (Az)

B. Simon the Sorcerer – 8:8-25 (Ba)

C. An Ethiopian Asks about Isaiah 53 – 8:26-40 (Bb)

D. Sha’ul Turns from Murder to the Messiah – 9:1-31 (Bc)

E. Signs and Wonders Follow Peter – 9:32-43 (Bd)

F. The Centurion’s Vision – 10:1-8 (Be)

G. Peter’s Vision – 10:9-23 (Bf)

H. Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius – 10:24-48 (Bg)

I. Peter Reports to Jerusalem – 11:1-18 (Bh)

III. Witness to the End of the Earth – 11:19 to 28:31 (Bi)

A. The Church in Antioch – 11:19-30 (Bj)

B. Peter’s Persecution and Deliverance – 12:1-19a (Bk)

C. Herod Agrippa Gets His Due – 12:19b-25 (Bl)

D. Paul’s First Missionary Journey – 13:1 to 14:28 (Bm)

1. Barnabas and Saul Sent Out from Syrian Antioch – 13:1-12 (Bn)

2. Paul’s Message in Pisidian Antioch – 13:13-52 (Bo)

3. Paul’s Message in Iconium – 14:1-7 (Bp)

4. Paul’s Message in Lystra – 14:8-20a (Bq)

5. The Return to Syrian Antioch – 14:20b-28 (Br)

E. The Council at Jerusalem – 15:1-21 (Bs)

F. The Council’s Letter to the Gentile Believers – 15:22-35 (Bt)

G. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey – 15:36 to 18:22 (Bu)

1. Disagreement between Paul and Barnabas – 15:36-41 (Bv)

2. Timothy Joins Paul and Silas – 16:1-5 (Bw)

3. Paul’s Vision of the Man of Macedonia – 16:6-10 (Bx)

4. Lydia’s Conversion in Philippi – 16:11-15 (By)

5. Paul and Silas in Prison – 16:16-40 (Bz)

6. Synagogue Responses Vary to Paul’s Visit – 17:1-15 (Ca)

7. An Unknown God in Athens – 17:16-34 (Cb)

8. Many Respond to the Good News in Corinth – 18:1-17 (Cc)

9. Sailing East to Revisit Messianic Communities – 18:18-22 (Cd)

H. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey – 18:23 to 21:16 (Ce)

1. Priscilla and Aquila Teach Apollos – 18:23-28 (Cf)

2. God’s Power Displayed in Ephesus – 19:1-22 (Cg)

3. Idol-Makers Start a Riot in Ephesus – 19:23-41 (Ch)

4. Paul Raised Eutychus from the Dead at Troas – 20:1-12 (Ci)

5. Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders – 20:13-38 (Cj)

6. Paul Went on to Jerusalem Despite Warnings – 21:1-16 (Ck)

I. Paul’s Journey to Rome – 21:17 to 28:31 (Cl)

1. Paul’s Witness before the Jews – 21:17 to 23:35 (Cm)

a. Paul’s Advice from Jacob and the Elders at Tziyon – 21:17-26 (Cn)

b. Paul’s Arrest in Jerusalem – 21:27-36 (Co)

c. Paul’s Witness on the Steps of Fort Antonia – 21:37 to 22:21 (Cp)

d. Paul is Protected by Roman Law – 22:22-29 (Cq)

e. Paul’s Witness before the Great Sanhedrin – 22:30 to 23:11 (Cr)

f. The Conspiracy to Kill Paul – 23:12-22 (Cs)

2. Paul’s Witness before Gentiles and the Children of Israel – 23:23 to 26:32 (Ct)

a. Paul Escorted to Caesarea – 23:23-35 (Cu)

b. Paul’s Witness before Governor Felix – 24:1-27 (Cv)

c. Paul’s Appeal to Caesar – 25:1-12 (Cw)

d. Festus Seeks Agrippa’s Counsel – 25:13-27 (Cx)

e. Paul’s Witness before Agrippa – 26:1-32 (Cy)

3. Paul’s Witness before Caesar – 27:1 to 28:16 (Cz)

a. Paul Sails to Rome – 27:1-11 (Da)

b. The Storm along the Shore of Crete – 27:12-26 (Db)

c. The Shipwreck at Malta – 27:27-44 (Dc)

d. Paul Ashore on Malta – 28:1-10 (Dd)

e. Paul’s Arrival at Rome – 28:11-16 (De)

f. Paul Keeps Spreading the Good News – 28:17-31 (Df)

J. Paul’s Fourth Missionary Journey (Dg)

Glossary – (Dh)

Bibliography – (Di)

End Notes – (Dj)