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The Outline of the Book of Hebrews

The basis for this commentary and outline
is taken from the MacArthur
New Testament Commentary on Hebrews

Introduction to Hebrews from a Jewish Perspective (Ac)

Background of the Torah and the Outdated Sacrifices (Ad)

Difficulties for Jewish Believers (Ae)

Background of the B’rit Chadashah and the New Sacrifice (Af)

The Audience of the book of Hebrews (Ag)

I. The Superiority of the Son in His Person and Work – 1:1 to 10:18 (Ah)

A. The Superiority of Messiah to the Prophets – 1:1-3 (Ai)

B. The Superiority of Messiah to Angels – 1:4 to 2:18 (Aj)

1. The Proof of Messiah’s Superiority to Angels from the Scriptures – 1:4-14 (Ak)

2. The Danger of Neglect: Intellectually Convinced Jews – 2:1-4 (Al)

3. The Proof of Messiah’s Sovereignty – 2:5-9 (Am)

4. The Proof of Messiah’s Salvation – 2:10-18 (An)

C. The Superiority of Messiah to Moses – 3:1-6 (Ao)

1. The Superiority of Messiah to Moshe in His Person and Work – 3:1-4 (Ap)

2. The Superiority of Messiah to Moshe in His Position – 3:5-6 (Aq)

D. The Superiority of Messiah in the Rest He Gives – 3:7 to 4:13 (Ar)

1. The Danger of a Hardened Heart: Unconvinced Jews – 3:7-19 (As)

2. A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God – 4:1-13 (At)

E. The Superiority of the Messiah to the Levitical Priesthood – 4:14 to 10:18 (Au)

1. Messiah is in a Better Position Than Aaron – 4:14-16 (Av)

2. Messiah is a Better Priest Than Aaron – 5:1 – 7:28 (Aw)

a. Qualifications for the Great High Priest – 5:1-4 (Ax)

b. Messiah’s Qualifications as our Great High Priest – 5:5-10 (Ay)

c. Unbelievers and Believers in Messiah – 5:11 – 6:20 (Az)

(1) The Danger of Dullness of Hearing: Unbelieving Jews – 5:11-14 (Ba)

(2) The Danger of Falling Away: Hesitating Jews – 6:1-8 (Bb)

(3) We Have This Hope as an Anchor for the Soul – 6:9-20 (Bc)

d. The Priesthood of Melchizedek – 7:1-28 (Bd)

(1) Melchizedek Was a Type of Christ – 7:1-3 (Be)

(2) The Order of Melchizedek and the Order of Aaron – 7:4-10 (Bf)

(3) The Levitical Priesthood and the Priesthood of Jesus – 7:11-25 (Bg)

(a) The Former Priesthood Has Changed – 7:11-14 (Bh)

(b) The Former Priesthood Was Temporary – 7:15-19 (Bi)

(c) The New Priesthood Is Unchangeable – 7:20-22 (Bj)

(d) The New Priesthood Lasts Forever – 7:23-25 (Bk)

(4) Yeshua the Melchizedek Priest – 7:26-28 (Bl)

3. A Better Covenant – 8:1-13 (Bm)

a. The Superiority of the New Covenant – 8:1-6 (Bn)

b. Proof of the Superiority of the New Covenant – 8:7-13 (Bo)

c. The Dispensation of Grace (Bp)

4. A Better Sanctuary – 9:1-10 (Bq)

a. The Insufficiency of the Former Sanctuary – 9:1-5 (Br)

b. The Insufficiency of the Former Priestly Service – 9:6-7 (Bs)

c. The Insufficiency of the Former Sacrifices – 9:8-10 (Bt)

5. A Better Sacrifice – 9:11 to 10:18 (Bu)

a. The Superiority of Messiah’s Sacrifice – 9:11-12 (Bv)

b. The Results of Messiah’s Sacrifice – 9:13-28 (Bw)

(1) The Insufficiency of the Blood of Bulls and Goats – 9:13-14 (Bx)

(2) Forgiveness Demands Blood – 9:15-22 (By)

(3) The Better Tabernacle Purified with Better Blood – 9:23-28 (Bz)

c. Messiah, the Perfect Sacrifice – 10:1-18 (Ca)

(1) The Insufficiency of the Levitical Sacrifices – 10:1- 4 (Cb)

(2) The Sufficiency of Messiah’s Sacrifice – 10:5-10 (Cc)

(3) Messiah’s Sacrifice Was Once For All Time – 10:11-14 (Cd)

(4) I Will Put My Torah in Their Hearts – 10:15-18 (Ce)

II. The Practical Application of the Supremacy of the Son – 10:19 to 13:25 (Cf)

A. Messiah’s Sacrifice Opens the Way to God – 10:19-39 (Cg)

1. Let Us Draw Near to God – 10:19-25 (Ch)

2. The Danger of Apostasy: Apostate Jews – 10:26-39 (Ci)

B. Faith in Action – 11:1-40 (Cj)

1. Now Faith is the Assurance of Things Hoped For – 11:1-3 (Ck)

2. The Hall of Faith – 11:4-40 (Cl)

a. The Faith of Abel – 11:4 (Cm)

b. The Faith of Enoch – 11:5-6 (Cn)

c. The Faith of Noah – 11:7 (Co)

d. The Faith of Abraham – 11:8-19 (Cp)

e. The Faith of Isaac – 11:20 (Cq)

f. The Faith of Jacob – 11:21 (Cr)

g. The Faith of Joseph – 11:22 (Cs)

h. The Faith of Moshe – 11:23-29 (Ct)

i. The Faith of Rahab at Jericho – 11:30-31 (Cu)

j. Faith Through Trials – 11:32-40 (Cv)

C. Faith to Run the Believer’s Marathon – 12:1 to 13:25 (Cw)

1. Faith and Discipline – 12:1-11 (Cx)

a. We Are Surrounded by a Great Cloud of Witnesses – 12:1-3 (Cy)

b. God Disciplines His Children – 12:4-11 (Cz)

2. Warning and Encouragement to Believers – 12:12-29 (Da)

a. Falling Short of God’s Grace – 12:12-17 (Db)

b. The Earthy Mount Sinai and the Heavenly Mount Tziyon – 12:18-29 (Dc)

3. Believer’s Behavior in Relation to Others – 13:1-3 (Dd)

4. Believer’s Behavior in Relation to Ourselves – 13:4-9 (De)

5. Messiah’s Sacrifice Has Cleansed Us – 13:10-19 (Df)

6. Benediction and Final Greetings – 13:20-25 (Dg)

Glossary (Dh)

Endnotes (Di)

Bibliography (Dj)