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The Outline of the Book of Revelation
From a Jewish Perspective

The basis for this commentary and outline is taken from Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s book
The Footsteps of the Messiah and Ariel Ministries in San Antonio, Texas.

The Book of Revelation From a Jewish Perspective (Ac)

Apocalyptic Literature (Ad)

The Use of Symbols in the book of Revelation (Ae)

Revelation in Relation to Genesis (Af)

The Importance of the Number Seven in the book of Revelation (Ag)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Which God Gave Him – 1:1-3 (Ah)

Look, He is Coming With the Clouds – 1:4-8 (Ai)

I. Write, Therefore, What You Have Seen – 1:9-20 (Aj)

A. John was On the Island of Patmos because of the Testimony of Jesus – 1:9-11 (Ak)

B. I Turned Around and Saw Someone like a Son of Man – 1:12-16 (Al)

C. I Hold the Keys of Death and Hades – 1:17–20 (Am)

II. The Times of the Gentiles – Luke 21:24 (An)

A. The First Beast of Dani’el: A Lion with a Head of Gold – Dani’el 2:37-38 (Ao)

B. The Second Beast of Dani’el: A Bear with a Chest of Silver – Dani’el 2:33a (Ap)

C. The Third Beast of Dani’el: A Leopard with Thighs of Bronze – Dani’el 2:39b (Aq)

D. Finally, There will be a Fourth Beast That Smashes Everything – Dani’el 2:40-43 (Ar)

1. The Fourth Beast: The Roman Empire Stage – Dani’el 2:40 and 7:23a (As)

2. The Fourth Beast: The Balance of Power Stage – Dani’el 2:41 (At)

3. The Fourth Beast: The One World Government Stage – Dani’el 7:23b and c (Au)

4. The Fourth Beast: The Ten Kingdoms Stage – Dani’el 2:42-43 and 7:24a (Av)

5. The Fourth Beast: The Antichrist Stage – Dani’el 7:24b-26 (Aw)

E. A Rock Not Cut by Human Hands – Dani’el 2:34, 44-45a, 7:18 and 28 (Ax)

III. Write, Therefore, What Is Now – 2:1 to 3:22 (Ay)

A. The Church at Ephesus – 2:1-7 (Az)

B. The Church at Smyrna – 2:8-11 (Ba)

C. The Church at Pergamum – 2:12-17 (Bb)

D. The Church at Thyatira – 2:18-29 (Bc)

E. The Church at Sardis – 3:1-6 (Bd)

F. The Church at Philadelphia – 3:7-13 (Be)

G. The Church at Laodicea – 3:14-22 (Bf)

IV. The Sequence of Pretribulational Events (Bg)

A. The Northern Alliance and the Invasion of Isra’el – Ezeki’el 38:1 to 39:16 (Bh)

1. The Chief Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal – Ezeki’el 38:1-6 (Bi)

2. In Future Years You Will Invade the Land, Advancing Like a Storm – 38:7-9 (Bj)

3. I Will Invade a Land of Unwalled Villages – Ezeki’el 38:10-13 (Bk)

4. You Will Advance Against My People Isra’el – Ezeki’el 38:14-16 (Bl)

5. There Shall be a Great Earthquake in the Land of Isra’el – Ezeki’el 38:17-23 (Bm)

6. I Will Bring You Against the Mountains of Isra’el – Ezeki’el 39:1-6 (Bn)

7. I Will Make Known My Holy Name Among My People – Ezeki’el 39:7-8 (Bo)

8. For Seven Years They Will Use Them for Fuel – Ezeki’el 39:9-10 (Bp)

9. For Seven Months the house of Isra’el Will Bury Them – Ezeki’el 39:11-16 (Bq)

B. It Will Devour the Whole Earth, Trampling It Down – Dani’el 7:23 (Br)

C. The Ten Horns are Ten Kings Who Will Come From This Nation – Dan 7:24a (Bs)

D. The Man of Lawlessness – 2 Thess 2:1-3; Dani’el 7:4-8, and 24b; Rev 13:1-2 (Bt)

E. When People Say Peace and Safety, Destruction Will Come – 1 Thess 5:1-3 (Bu)

F. The Sun Will Be Turned to Darkness and the Moon to Blood – Joel 2:30-31 (Bv)

G. See, I Will Send You the Prophet Elijah Before the LORD Comes – Mal 4:4-5 (Bw)

H. The Tribulation Temple – 11:1-2 (Bx)

I. The Rapture of the Church – First Thessalonians 4:13-18 (By)

J. The Signing of the Seven-Year Covenant with the Antichrist (Bz)

V. Write, Therefore, What Will Take Place Later – 4:1 to 22:5 (Ca)

A. Events in Heaven Preceding the Great Tribulation – 4:1 to 5:14 (Cb)

1. We Must All Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ – 2 Corinthians 5:10 (Cc)

2. And There Before Me was a Throne in Heaven – 4:1-11 (Cd)

3. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David Has Triumphed – 5:1-5 (Ce)

4. You Are Worthy To Take The Scroll – 5:6-14 (Cf)

B. The Great Tribulation – 6:1 to 18:24 (Cg)

1. The Beginning of the Great Tribulation – Dani’el 9:24-27 and Isa 28:14-22 (Ch)

2. The Events in the First Half of the Great Tribulation – 6:1 to 9:21 (Ci)

3. The Number Seven (Cj)

a. The Seven Seals of the Lamb – 6:1-17 (Ck)

1) The First Seal: A White Horse – 6:1-2 (Cl)

2) The Second Seal: A Red Horse – 6:3-4 (Cm)

3) The Third Seal: A Black Horse – 6:5-6 (Cn)

4) The Fourth Seal: A Pale Horse – 6:7-8 (Co)

5) The Fifth Seal: I Saw Those Who Had Been Slain – 6:9-11 (Cp)

6) The Sixth Seal: The Sun Turned Black Like Sackcloth – 6:12-17 (Cq)

b. Then I Heard the Number of Those Who Were Sealed – 7:1-8 (Cr)

c. God Will Wipe Away Every Tear From Their Eyes – 7:9-17 (Cs)

7) The Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven – 8:1 (Ct)

d. The Seven Trumpets – 8:2 to 9:21 (Cu)

1) The Angel Took the Censer and Hurled It On the Earth – 8:2-5 (Cv)

2) The First Trumpet: Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood – 8:6-7 (Cw)

3) Second Trumpet: A Third of the Sea Turned Into Blood – 8:8-9 (Cx)

4) Third Trumpet: The Name of the Star is Wormwood – 8:10-11 (Cy)

5) Fourth Trumpet: The Lights Darkened – 8:12-13 (Cz)

6) The Fifth Trumpet: Locusts Like Scorpions – 9:1-12 (Da)

7) Sixth Trumpet: A Third of Mankind Killed – 9:13-21 (Db)

e. I Will Give Power to My Two Witnesses to Prophesy – 11:1-6 (Dc)

f. I Saw a Woman Holding a Golden Cup – 17:1-6a, 15 and 18 (Dd)

4. The Events in the Middle of the Great Tribulation – 10:1 to 14:20, 17:16 (De)

a. Another Mighty Angel and the Little Scroll – 10:1-11 (Df)

b. The King of the South Will Engage Him in Battle – Dani’el 11:40-45 (Dg)

c. The Antichrist Appears to be Killed – Dan ch 7 vrse 11 and ch 11 verse 45b (Dh)

d. There Was War in Heaven, and Satan was Hurled Down – ch 12 verses 7-12 (Di)

e. The Antichrist Seems to be Resurrected – ch 13 verse 3 (Dj)

f. Three Kings Killed and Seven Submit – Dani’el ch 7 verse 24 (Dk)

g. The Destruction of Religious Babylon – ch 17 verse 16 (Dl)

h. The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses – ch 11 verses 7-13 (Dm)

i. All the Inhabitants of the Earth Worship the Beast – ch 13 verses 3-10 (Dn)

j. The Beast Out of the Earth: False Prophet – ch 13 verses 11-15 (Do)

k. The Mark is the Name of the Beast – ch 13 verses 16-18 (Dp)

l. The Breaking of the Seven Year Covenant – Dani’el 9:27a (Dq)

m. The Abomination That Causes Desolation – Dan 9:27b, 12:11 and Mt 24:15 (Dr)

n. The Woman and the Dragon – Rev ch 12 vers 1-6, 13-17, and Mt 24:15-28 (Ds)

o. And They Sang a New Song Before the Throne – ch 14 verses 1-5 (Dt)

p. The Hour of His Judgment Has Come – ch 14 verses 6-11 (Du)

q. Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord – ch 14 verses 12-13 (Dv)

r. The Blood Flowed as High as the Horses Bridles – ch 14 verses 14-20 (Dw)

8). The Seventh Trumpet: God’s Temple in Heaven – ch 11 verses 14-19 (Dx)

5. The Events in the Second Half of the Great Tribulation – 15:1 to 16:21 (Dy)

a. The Seven Angels With Seven Last Plagues – 15:1-8 (Dz)

b. The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath – 16:1-21 (Ea)

1) Ugly and Painful Sores Broke Out – 16:1-2 (Eb)

2) The Sea Turned into Blood – 16:3 (Ec)

3) The Rivers and Springs of Water Became Blood – 16:4-7 (Ed)

4) The Sun, Scorching People with Fire – 16:8-9 (Ee)

5) The Throne of the Beast, Plunged into Darkness – 16:10-11 (Ef)

6) I Saw Three Evil Spirits That Looked Like Frogs – 16:12-16 (Eg)

7) God said, “It is Done!” – 16:17-21 (Eh)

6. The Woman Who Sits On the Beast – 17:6b to 18:24 (Ei)

a. They Will Make War Against the Lamb, But He Will Overcome – 17:6b-14 (Ej)

b. The Beast Will Hate the Prostitute and Bring Her to Ruin – 17:16-17 (Ek)

c. The Fall of Commercial and Political Babylon – 18:1-24 (El)

1) Fallen is Babylon! She Has Become a Home for Demons – 18:1-3 (Em)

2) Come Out Of Her, So That You Will Not Share in Her Sins – 18:4-5 (En)

3) In One Day Her Plagues Will Overtake Her – 18:6-8 (Eo)

4) Woe! In One Hour She Has Been Brought to Ruin – 18:9-19 (Ep)

5) God Has Judged Her for the Way She Treated You – 18:20 (Eq)

6) Babylon Will Never Be Found Again – 18:21-23a (Er)

7) By Your Magic Spell All Nations Were Led Astray – 18:23b-24 (Es)

C. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – 19:1-19 (Et)

1. Hallelujah! The Smoke From Her Goes Up Forever and Ever – 19:1-5 (Eu)

2. The Basis of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Zechariah 12:10 (Ev)

3. He is Dressed in a Robe Dipped in Blood – 19:11-18 and 21 (Ew)

4. The Eight Stage Campaign of Armageddon – 19:19 (Ex)

D. The Seventy-five Day Interval – Dani’el 12:11-12 (Ey)

1. The Removal of the Abomination That Causes Desolation – Dani’el 12:11 (Ez)

2. The Beast was Captured, and with Him the False Prophet – 19:20 (Fa)

3. He Seized the Dragon, or Satan, and Bound Him for a Thousand Years – 20:1-3 (Fb)

4. The Sheep and the Goats – 19:21 (Fc)

5. The Resurrection of the Righteous of the TaNaKh – Dani’el 12:2 (Fd)

6. I Saw Those Who Had Been Beheaded for the Testimony of Jesus – 20:4 (Fe)

7. Blessed and Holy are Those Who Have Part in the First Resurrection – 20:5-6 (Ff)

8. Blessed Are Those Invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb – 19:6-10 (Fg)

E. The Dispensation of the Messianic Kingdom – 20:1-10 (Fh)

1. The Government of the Messianic Kingdom – Isaiah 9:6-7 (Fi)

2. My Chosen People Will Inherit My Mountains – Isaiah 65:9 (Fj)

3. Gentiles in the Messianic Kingdom – Isaiah 11:10 (Fk)

F. When The Thousand Years Are Over – 20:7-15 (Fl)

1. Satan Will Be Released from His Prison and Deceive the Nations – 20:7-10 (Fm)

2. The Second Resurrection – 20:13 (Fn)

3. The Great White Throne Judgment – 20:11-12 (Fo)

4. The Lake of Fire is the Second Death – 20:14-15 (Fp)

G. The Eternal State – 21:1 to 22:5 (Fq)

1. Then I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth – 21:1-8 (Fr)

2. The Eternal New Jerusalem – 21:9 to 22:5 (Fs)

a. Come, I Will Show You the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb – 21:9-10 (Ft)

b. A Great High Wall with Twelve Gates – 21:11-21 (Fu)

c. Nothing Impure Will Enter New Jerusalem – 21:22-27 (Fv)

d. Then the Angel Showed Me the River of the Water of Life – 22:1-2 (Fw)

e. They Will See His Face, His Name Will Be On Their Foreheads – 22:3-5 (Fx)

H. Pay Attention! I am Coming Soon – 22:6-21 (Fy)

I. These Words Are Trustworthy and True – 22:6-9 (Fz)

J. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last – 22:10-15 (Ga)

K. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright Morning Star – 22:16 (Gb)

L. Whoever is Thirsty, Let Them Take the Free Gift of the Water of Life – 22:17 (Gc)

M. If Anyone Adds to the Words of This Book, God Will Add to Them – 22:18-19 (Gd)

N. He Who Testifies to These Things Says: Yes, I Am Coming Soon – 22:20 (Ge)

O. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Be With God’s People – 22:21 (Gf)