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Timeline for Ezra-Nehemiah

Ezra-Nehemiah from a Jewish Perspective (Ac)

Glossary (Ad)

The Identification of Ezra’s Book of the Torah (Ae)

Ezra-Nehemiah Chronology (Af)

I. First Return in 538-515 BC – Ezra 1:1 to 6:22 (Ag)

A. Cyrus Decrees: Rebuild the Temple – Ezra 1:1-11 (Ah)

1.  The Decree of Cyrus – Ezra 1:1-4 (Ai)

2. The Return to Isra’el Under Sheshbazzar – Ezra 1:5-11 (Aj)

B. Numbering the Exiles Who Returned Under Zerubbabel – Ezra 2:1-70 (Ak)

1.  The Clans Who Returned from Captivity in Babylon – Ezra 2:1-19 (Al)

2.  The Geographical Place-Names who Returned – Ezra 2:20-35 (Am)

3.  Priests, Levites and Temple servants – Ezra 2:36-60 (An)

4.  The Generosity of the People of God – Ezra 2:61-70 (Ao)

C. The Revival of Temple Worship – Ezra 3:1-13 (Ap)

1.  Rebuilding the Bronze Altar and the Festival of Sukkot – Ezra 3:1-6 (Aq)

2.  The Start of Rebuilding the Temple – Ezra 3:7-13 (Ar)

D. Opposition to Rebuilding the Temple – Ezra 4:1-24 (As)

1.  Opposition during the Reign of Cyrus – Ezra 4:1-5 (At)

2.  Opposition during the Reigns of Ahasuerus and Artakh’shasta – Ezra 4:6-24 (Au)

a.  Letters to Ahasuerus and Artakh’shasta – Ezra 4:6-16 (Av)

b.  The Resumption of Work Under King Darius – Ezra 4:17-24 (Aw)

3.  Preaching that Produces Repentance – Ez 5:1-2; Hag 1:1-2:9; Zech 7:1-8:23 (Ax)

a.  Haggai: The Strait Talker – Ezra 5:1-2 and Haggai 1:1 to 2:9 (Ay)

b.  Zechariah: the Visionary – Ezra 5:1-2 and Zechariah 7:1 to 8:23 (Az)

E. The Completion of the Temple – Ezra 5:1 to 6:22 (Ba)

1.  The Prophets Restart the Building of the Temple – Ezra 5:1-17 (Bb)

2.  King Darius Endorses Rebuilding the Temple – Ezra 6:1-12 (Bc)

3.  The Completion and Dedication of the Temple – Ezra 6:13-22 (Bd)

57 year gap between Zerubbabel and Ezra

Esther Queen of Persia (Be)

II. The Second Return in 458-457 BC – Ezra 7:1-10:44 and Neh 7:73b-11:36 (Bf)

A. Ezra’s Return to Jerusalem – Ezra 7:1 to 8:36 (Bg)

1.  Ezra Returns from Babylon – Ezra 7:1-10 (Bh)

2.  King Artakh’shasta’s Letter to Ezra – Ezra 7:11-7:28a (Bi)

3.  The List of Exiles who Returned with Ezra – Ezra 7:28b-8:14 (Bj)

4.  Ezra’s Arrival in Jerusalem – Ezra 8:15-36 (Bk)

B. Ezra’s Reforms – 9:1 to 10:44; Nehemiah 7:73b-9:37 (Bl)

1.  Ezra Reads the Torah Scroll of Moses – Nehemiah 7:73b-8:1-12 (Bm)

2.  The Feast of Sukkot Celebrated – Nehemiah 8:13-18 (Bn)

3.  Ezra’s Prayer about Intermarriage – Ezra 9:1-15 (Bo)

4.  The Israelites Confess Their Sins – Ezra 10:1-6 and Nehemiah 9:1-37 (Bp)

5.  A Binding Agreement – Nehemiah 9:38 to 10:39 (Bq)

6.  The Calling of a Public Assembly – Ezra 10:7-15 (Br)

7.  Those Guilty of Intermarriage – Ezra 10:16-44 (Bs)

12 year gap between Ezra and Nehemiah

III. The Third Return 445-432 BC – Nehemiah 1:1 to 7:73a and 12:1 to 13:31 (Bt)

A. Nehemiah Intercedes for Jerusalem – Nehemiah 1:1-11 (Bu)

B. Favor with King Artakhshasta – Nehemiah 2:1-20 (Bv)

1. The Response of King Artakhshasta – Nehemiah 2:1-10 (Bw)

2. Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem’s Walls – Nehemiah 2:11-20 (Bx)

C. The List of the Builders of the Wall – Nehemiah 3:1-32 (By)

1. Repairing the Northern and Western Walls – Nehemiah 3:1-15 (Bz)

2. The Construction of the Eastern Wall – Nehemiah 3:16-32 (Ca)

D. Renewed Opposition to the Rebuilding of the Walls – Nehemiah 4:1-23 (Cb)

1. Samaritan Opposition to the Building of the Walls – Nehemiah 4:1-15 (Cc)

2. The Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem – Nehemiah 4:16-23 (Cd)

E. Nehemiah Helps the Poor Israelites– Nehemiah 5:1-19 (Ce)

1. The Complaints of the Poor Israelites – Nehemiah 5:1-13 (Cf)

2. Nehemiah’s Unselfish Leadership – Nehemiah 5:14-19 (Cg)

F. The Completion of the Walls Despite Opposition – Nehemiah 6:1-19 (Ch)

1. Attempts to Snare Nehemiah – Nehemiah 6:1-9 (Ci)

2. The Hiring of False Prophets – Nehemiah 6:10-14 (Cj)

3. The Completion of the Walls – Nehemiah 6:15-19 (Ck)

G. The Dedication of the Walls of Jerusalem – Nehemiah 12:27-47 (Cl)

H. The Inspired List of Ezra 2 and the Human Register of Nehemiah 7 (Cm)

I. Hanani, Hananiah and the Returning Exiles – Nehemiah 7:1-73a (Cn)

J. The New Residents of Jerusalem – Nehemiah 11:1-36 (Co)

K. Identifying the Priests and Levites – Nehemiah 12:1-26 (Cp)

L. Malachi: The Pollution of the Priesthood – Malachi 1:1 to 2:17 (Cq)

M. Nehemiah’s Final Reforms – 13:1-31 (Cr)

400 Years of Silence (The Intertestamental Period)

End Notes (Cs)

Bibliography (Ct)