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The Concluding Blessing
Jude 24-25

Jude’s closing words form an appropriate conclusion of his letter to believers, for it ends very much like it began, with comforting words of assurance for God’s people living in days of mounting apostasy. Having called us to duty against the inevitable falling away (Second Thessalonians 2:3 NKJV), Jude commends us to the God of all grace who is able to keep us, as he has already pointed in Jude 1e. From his stern and somber warnings, to his charge of caring for the lost, Jude now turns in closing to say that only the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can make all this possible. Having set before us the facts of apostasy, and having encouraged us to be aware of it and not to be repulsed by it any less while mercifully rescuing others from it, Jude offers the highest praise to ADONAI who will not fail to keep and bless us as we sincerely and steadfastly contend for the faith that was once for all passed on to God’s people (Jude 3).126