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The Levitical Priesthood
the Priesthood of Yeshua
7: 11-25

The third comparison is between the Levitical priesthood and the new priesthood of Yeshua. The writer’s point is to explain why the Levitical priesthood could not mature the worshiper and therefore had to be superseded by something else. In discussing the office of priest, he says two things about the Levitical priesthood (to see link click BhThe Former Priesthood Has Changed and Bi The Former Priesthood Was Temporary), and two things about the new priesthood of Yeshua (see BjThe New Priesthood is Unchangeable and BkThe New Priesthood Lasts Forever). The emphasis here is on the Psalm 110:4 passage.174

The priesthood in the B’rit Chadashah is centered on Messiah. This is a revolutionary departure from the Torah, thus calling for a special, detailed explanation by the writer of Hebrews. His readers, steeped in the Torah of Moshe concerning the priesthood, would wonder on what legal grounds Yeshua could possibly be a priest. But priest He is, and such a real and sufficient priest that all the privileges and responsibilities of the Levitical priesthood are completely abolished and swept away by Him. They are now completely unnecessary.175