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The Tribe of Reuben
26: 5-11

The tribe of Reuben DIG: What does the Second Census tell us about Reuben’s historical roots? Why did the tribe of Reuben decline from the First Census? Why would the wilderness generation want to know they had common historical roots from their parents, but a completely separate identity from them?

REFLECT: What meaningful group are you a member of? How does being a part of that group help to support you and make you grow spiritually? How does being a part of it enable you to help others? What can you do to make sure that the positive parts of your past are accentuated in your relationship with God?

The reason for Reuben’s numerical decrease
was the challenge of the Aaronic priesthood by Dathan and Abiram.

1. The First Census in the past found the tribe of Reuben being numbered at 46,500 (to see link click AkNumbering the Tribes). When Jacob was giving his blessings to his sons (see the commentary on Genesis LdThe Blessing and Cursing of Jacob’s Sons), Reuben, the eldest, naturally took his place closest to his father on the side of the bed. Jacob looked up to him and said: You are my firstborn, literally, my chosen one, the first sign of my strength, superior in vigor and power (49:3). The firstborn is often called the first sign of his father’s strength in the Scriptures (Deuteronomy 21:7; Psalm 78:51). He was supposed to be the leader of the twelve tribes of Jacob. Always wanting his father’s favor, yet realizing he had forfeited his right to it, Reuben was a pathetic person and son. Originally, he had a claim to the natural birthright of the firstborn son, which meant a double portion of the inheritance, the claim to the priesthood, and the leadership of the nation. Unfortunately, Reuben did not live up to his promise, or his father’s hopes (see Genesis LeReuben, You are My Firstborn, Turbulent as the Waters, You Will No Longer Excel).

In the near historical future, Reuben would be as turbulent, or as unstable as water. The Hebrew word for unstable is pahaz. It is from the root that describes the lawless mob of Judges 9:4 and the defiant prophets of Zephaniah 3:4. It suggests wildness as much as weakness. It is this aspect of water, so quickly becoming an undisciplined torrent, as pictured in Proverbs 17:14, which is the point of the comparison.573 He was passionate, but lacked self-control. Unfortunately, Reuben turned out to be weak and lustful.

2. The Second Census in the present: The census results begin with Reuben, the firstborn of Isra’el, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn were given to the sons of Joseph so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright. Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a Ruler came from him; however, the rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph. The four clans of Reuben (Hebrew: meaning I see a son) were: of Hanoch, the Hanochite clan; through Pallu, the Palluite clan; through Hezron, the Hetzronite clan; and of Carmi, the Carmite clan. These were four the clans of Reuben, who numbered 43,730, a decrease of 2,770 from the First Census (see AiThe First Census: The Old Generation of Rebellion) or six percent (Numbers 26:5-10 and First Chronicles 5:1-10). The reason for this decrease was the challenge of the Aaronic priesthood by Dathan and Abiram below. The territorial inheritance of the tribe of Reuben is found in Joshua 13:15-23, 20:8, 22:25. The western border of the Reubenite territory is the Jordan River as seen in this map.

This listing of the clans of Reuben becomes an occasion to remind the reader of those who played a part in the rebellion of Korah (see CnKorah’s Rebellion). The son of Pallu was Eliab; and the sons of Eliab were Nemu’el, Dathan and Abiram (see CqThe Rebellion of Dathan and Abiram). Then The Ruach Ha’Kodesh deviates and reminds us of the sin of Dathan and Abiram. These were the same Dathan and Abiram, men of reputation in the community, who rebelled against Moshe and Aaron in Korah’s followers, when they rebelled against ADONAI; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up along with Korah, whose followers died when fire consumed 250 men. Some names of unbelievers and rascals are to be forgotten. They are to be treated as though they never existed. But others acted so shamefully that their names are to be preserved as a warning sign (26:8-10) to others not to be like them.574 In Isaiah 11:10 the root of Jesse stands as a banner for the nations to seek. But like Sodom and Gomorrah, or Nadab and Abihu, Dathan and Abiram serve as historical bywords for how Ha’Shem deals with revolutionaries.

However, the sons of Korah did not die (26:11). It is important that we know that the sons of Korah survived their father’s folly. Evidently, they had nothing to do with their father’s foolishness. They went on to father some impressive offspring. They survived as the family of the Korahites (26:58) and occupied an important place in the service of the Temple under David and Solomon by becoming the Korahite singers in the Temple (First Chronicles 6:31-38) and they were responsible for writing several of our psalms (Psalms 42, 44-49, 84-85, and 87-88). So by the grace of ADONAI, the sons of Korah did not perish in this judgment. And according to First Chronicles 6:27-28, the prophet Samuel actually descended from Korah. How ironic that Samuel actually did enter the functions of the priesthood. The very desire that had been the undoing of his forbearer was given to Samuel.575

Opposed to the First Census, the Second Census is more interested in the clans and families rather than the founders of the clans (who were long dead), for families are the basis of society (see the commentary on Ephesians BuThe Necessary Foundation). The list of Jacob’s sons in Genesis 46:6-26 forms the basis of this clan list, with the names of the sons transformed into names of the clans. In the list of the clans in Deuteronomy (see the commentary on Deuteronomy FyThis is the Blessing), Moses starts, of course, with Reuben, saying: Let [the clan of] Reuben live and not die, though his people become few (33:6). Why did he say that? When Jacob prophesied about Rueben, he did not show him in a favorable light because of the great sin he had committed, and lost the blessing attached to the firstborn. Throughout the history of this tribe, they showed instability because of their refusal to fight (Judges 5:16). They also showed a lack of restraint, being the first to request a place to settle in the Promised Land (Numbers 32). Not only that, the tribe of Reuben showed a lack of faith by erecting a pagan place of worship (Joshua 22). No leaders of Isra’el ever came from this tribe, and as time went on, it became smaller and smaller. This would make it appear that the tribe, at the time of Moses’s blessing, was in danger of extinction. But this was the past.

3. The Messianic Kingdom in the future: The lists of names and numbers are the tangible signs of God’s blessing, God’s faithfulness to past covenants, and the surety of God’s future promises (see Ae Stars of Heaven, Grains of Sand, and the Promises of God). In the far eschatological future, the tribe of Reuben will be included in the 144,000 during the Great Tribulation (see the commentary on Revelation CrThen I Heard the Number of Those Who Were Sealed, 144,000 from all the Tribes of Isra’el), and the allocation of land during the Messianic Kingdom (Ezeki’el 48:6-7). During the Eternal State (see Revelation FqThe Eternal State), Reuben’s name will also be etched into one of the great pearls that will serve as gates to the New Jerusalem (see Revelation FuA Great High Wall with Twelve Gates). We will remember him for all eternity. Like Reuben, our sins can have a long range, tragic consequences. Sin takes us further than we want to go, and costs us more than we want to pay. However, like Reuben, all of our sins will be forgotten when we enter the future Messianic Kingdom and Eternal State.

On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Isra’el (21:12). Those who believe in “Replacement Theology,” (who believe that all of ADONAI’s promises to Isra’el have been forfeited by her and given to the Church) have a tough time with this verse. For all eternity the twelve tribes of Isra’el will be remembered. The LORD has not replaced Isra’el with the Church. These gates will be an eternal reminder that it was through the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with the twelve sons of Isra’el that the Gentiles first entered into the great family and City of God.

Dear Heavenly Father, Praise You for Your great love and mercy! Thank You for Your great love that never replaces Isra’el as Your firstborn (Exodus 4:22). Though Isra’el sinned many times, when they came back to You in repentance, You always forgave and rescued them. Remember these things, Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant. I formed you, you are My servant. Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me!  I have blotted out your transgressions like a thick cloud and your sins like a mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you (Isaiah 44:21-21). Thank You also that when the fathers sinned and died, as did Rueben’s descendants in the rebellion of Korah, the sons did not die (Numbers 26:11).  The soul that sins, he will die. The son will not bear the iniquity of the father with him, nor will the father bear the iniquity of the son with him (Ezeki’el 18:20a-b). You judge each person’s own heart. For man looks at the outward appearance, but ADONAI looks into the heart (First Samuel 16:7).

Sometimes life is very unfair and people can be selfish and mean. When that happens your people have a choice to make. They can complain and try to get even or they can pray to you our Almighty loving Heavenly Father and ask you to work in the situation to Your honor. Leading so many rebellious people was a hard job. When Korah rebelled Moses and Aaron did not respond quickly out of anger, but they spoke to You, LORD, and listened to You. As we put tough times into your hands, we can be confident that you care and will always be there to help. Sometimes your timing is not our timing, but your ways are best and are always done with omniscient wisdom and great love.

The trials of this earth will soon be over, so let us remember to live for all eternity and for our Promised Land of heaven (John 14:1-3). For I consider the sufferings of this present time not worthy to be compared with the coming glory to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18). May we keep our hearts focused on eternity in heaven and the great joy that those who love You will have with You, their Heaven Father, in Your holy home of heaven. I also heard a loud voice from the throne, saying: Behold, the dwelling of God is among men, and He shall tabernacle among them. They shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them and be their God. He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Nor shall there be mourning or crying or pain any longer, for the former things have passed away (Revelation 21:3-4). We love you and look forward to praising you forever! In Messiah Yeshua’s holy Name and power of His resurrection. Amen