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The Year of Jubilee
25:8 to 26:2

We are not finished studying the concept of seven. There is a weekly seven, the weekly Shabbat is on the seventh day. There is another seven: the Sabbath Year (the Shemittah) every seventh year. Then, the Year of Jubilee comes at the end of every seven times seven years, or every fifty years. It forms a marvelous climax to the sacred calendar of the Israelites. Although this unusual event is called in English the Year of Jubilee, its Hebrew name is called Shanat ha’Yovel. There are generally three events that stand out as important events in the Year of Jubilee: the release of all slaves, the return of all land to its original ancestral owner within the descendants of Isra’el, and the forgiveness of all debts.490 The ultimate fulfillment of the concepts taught by the Year of Jubilee will be realized when the entire Church, made up of Jewish and Gentile believers (Ephesians 2:14) are intimately connected by faith with the One who will fulfill it all – Yeshua Messiah.