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The Eternal State
21:1 to 22:5

While the Messianic Kingdom is the high point of prophecy in the TaNaKh, the Eternal State is the high point of prophecy in the B’rit Chadashah. Whereas much of the information in the first twenty chapters of the book of Revelation can also be found in the TaNaKh, the last two chapters of Revelation contain material that is new and was not revealed to the prophets of the TaNaKh.

Genesis and Revelation mirror each other. Genesis, chapters 1 and 2 depicted a perfect order and Revelation, chapters 21 and 22 once again depict a perfect order.

The Messianic Kingdom itself is only one thousand years long. Yet, according to the promises of God’s Covenant with David (see the commentary on the Life of David, to see link click Ct The LORD’s Covenant with David), there was to be an eternal dynasty, an Eternal State, and an eternal throne. The eternal existence of the dynasty is guaranteed because it ends in the eternal person of Jesus Christ. However, the eternal existence of the throne and the Kingdom must also be assured. The Millennial Kingdom will end after a thousand years. But ADONAI’s Kingdom will continue into the Eternal State because Yeshua will continue to rule on David’s throne.474

Dear Heavenly Father, Praise Your love, wisdom and Almighty power! You know every detail of the future. The final battle of the ages is as good as done and you have won (Revelation 20:7-9). You will reign eternally! We love, and worship You. Heaven’s peace and joy will be wonderful and we look forward to praising Your holy and great name through all eternity! In the holy name of Your Son and His power of resurrection. Amen