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The Proper Place of Security
33: 1-24

This involves the oracles caused by the crisis during the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah. We have gone back and forth between two covenants; the near historical covenant with Egypt against the Assyrians and the far eschatological covenant with the antichrist, both for the purpose of security. The covenant with the antichrist will result in the devastation of the Land. All of Isra’el will be devastated and only Jerusalem will survive. In the end, it will bring about a worldwide devastation after the signing of the seven-year covenant with the antichrist. It is specifically that event that brings about the Great Tribulation (see the commentary on Revelation, to see link click Bz The Signing of the Seven-Year Covenant). In these verses about the covenant with the antichrist, Isaiah teaches Isra’el a lesson to be learned from the covenant that she had made with Egypt.