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Joseph Sold into Slavery by His Brothers
37: 1-36

The fact that Jacob favored Joseph above all his other sons caused major problems in his family. He had experienced this favoritism shown by his own parents. Isaac had favored Esau and Rebekah had favored Jacob; now Jacob was repeating the same mistake. Not that Yosef wasn’t special. Early in life, children exhibit personality and character traits that set them apart from other members of the family. Ya’akov certainly recognized Joseph’s heart as being especially open to the LORD. Nevertheless, when Joseph told his brothers about two dreams he had had, the feelings of resentment escalated. His brothers resented him, and their hatred grew until they cruelly sold him to slave traders going to Egypt. The name of God does not appear in this entire chapter. Its absence is to encourage the reader to ask the question, “Why is God’s name not found here?” It is a teaching technique that, in reality, highlights the sovereignty of God (see my commentary on Esther, to see link click AzCalamity Averted by Esther). We know that ADONAI is working behind the scenes for the good of Joseph and for the good of His people. So, although the LORD is not mentioned, His sovereignty is the central theme of the story!552