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Percentage of Quotes Per Author

MacArthur, John (231) 13%

Kasdan, Barney (162) 9%

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold (125) 7%

Swindoll, Charles (100) 6%

Stern, David (98) 6%

All others under 1% (106) 6%

Edersheim, Alfred (94) 5%

Lucado, Max (94) 5%

Bishop, Jim (58) 3%

Shephard, J.W. (49) 3%

Stein, Robert (48) 3%

Pentecost, Dwight (48) 3%

Barclay, William (47) 3%

O’Rilley, Bill (45) 3%

Walvoord and Zuck (43) 3%

Zanchettin, Leo (40) 2%

Liebi, Roger (33) 2%

Wuest, Kenneth (31) 2%

Barton, William (29) 2%

France, RT (28) 2%

Boettner, Loraine (27) 2%

Bailey, Kenneth (22) 1%

McGee, J. Vernon (21) 1%

Josephus, Flavius (19) 1%

Wessell, Walter (17) 1%

James, Carolyn (17) 1%

Morris, Leon (17) 1%

Anderson, Neil (14) 1%

Gustafson, Tim (13) 1%

Pink, Arthur W. (13) 1%

Laney, J. Carl (13) 1%

Keener, Craig (12) 1%

Strauss, Mark (11) 1%

Edwards, William (9) 1%