What people say about Jay Mack Teaching Ministry

March 232, 2025

Thank you Pastor Mack for this explanation of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. So many of my questions were answered within this text. God amazes me in the pages of the Bible where, when seemingly unimportant details, contains such rich revelations.

You all are a blessing to the body of Christ!
Crown Point, Indiana

December 23, 2024

I appreciate all the effort and the hours you put into each chapter. I love learning new things about the Bible and you make it so easy and interesting. Thank you so much for your hard work.

God bless you,
Sarasota, Florida

August 1, 2024

Hi, I really enjoy your writing and knowledge. I pray that God would continue to anoint you for your ministry.

Chicago, Illinois

November 23, 2024

Excellent commentary on Galatians. Thank you for your dedication.

Greenville, Kentucky

August 1, 2024

Hi, I really enjoy your writing and knowledge. I pray that God would continue to anoint you for your ministry.

Chicago, Illinois

July 1, 2024

I happened to be perusing the Internet looking for information concerning Messiah’s return beginning at Bozrah and I came across your terrific site filled with pertinent information. I am over joyed and truly thankful for your website. I thank God for your generosity of making it free because there are many people who desire to learn more about the Word of God, especially from a Messianic standpoint. After all, Israel were the ones who first received the law and the covenants of God, from God. I am just grateful for being grafted into the olive tree.

Memphis, Tennessee

April 9, 2024

Thank you for all the work you and your team have labored over.
I’m blessed, and may God bless you all.

Crown Point, Indiana

March 14, 2024

I love your commentary on the tribe of Issachar in Genesis.
This is the best teaching about a true burden bearer.
Very encouraging for those called to take on the gift and be resting in God’s grace.
Entering into God’s suffering.

Thank you so much,
June, Victoria, Australia

June 19, 2023

Thank you for your teachings, specifically on Revelation. They are all much appreciated!

Greenville, Kentucky

March 28, 2023

Thank you for your introduction to the book of Acts, it is very informative.

Riverside, California

March 23, 2023

This was an amazing read of Genesis 3:24-25! Thank you for your content.

Keller, Texas

January 19, 2023

Lovely to read: He Will Honor Galilee of the Gentiles (Isaiah 9:1-3), thank you! Today I felt sad all day. In part because of what is happening in the world in these dark days. But reading this, right after I did my daily Bible readings, I did indeed feel a little joy begin to dispel the gloom. And if anyone reads this comment, please try and read your Bible each day. It will bring you into God’s presence and empower your spirit to bear up in these difficult times we live in.

Warwickshire, England

December 16, 2022

Thank you for your profound teaching, which opened our minds to a greater depth of understanding of this glorious event in Christ’s fulfillment of several prophesies related to His triumphal entry into God’s beloved holy city, Jerusalem! My wife and I are truly delighted this morning in our study of Mark 11:1-10 along with your commentary and your prayer. We are students of the whole counsel of God’s Word, and we were delighted to find your excellent website. I have a PhD in Biblical studies, and we have found your exegesis of God’s Word, and ministry a great encouragement and powerful resource. We have shared it with others as well. God is richly blessing you, as He is clearly speaking through you. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich!

Praise His glorious Name!
Bill and Carol
Wenatchee, WA

August 9, 2022

I love the way jaymack ministries tells the stories of scripture in such depth and how easily it is to access. I have been following your website for years before some of the current books on your website were available. But thank God they are now.

I appreciate your love for the Lord and your love for people!!!
Danville, Virginia

July 7, 2022

Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Continue to be faithful to Him who has called you and sent you for many may be called but very few are chosen who are blessed like you. Continue the tremendous work you are doing by proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel. It is refreshing to know that your ministry contains accurate truth of the Bible and nothing but the whole truth.

With lots of love,
Zambia, Africa

June 22, 2022

It is wonderful to know that there is someone who can take the time to expound on the Bible. I have read and enjoyed the books of Genesis, Esther, and Ezra-Nehemiah. I am currently reading Exodus. There are insights that I have learned, that have helped me in my life from reading your commentaries. I also enjoy the historical backgrounds of the books.

God bless you,
Kenya, Nadi County

March 26, 2022

I want to thank you for such an amazing study on the Mazzaroth (Zodiac).

May YHVH bless you abundantly,
Maharashtra, Indiana

January 28, 2022

I just wanted to let you know that I daily have been soaking up what you’ve written and find it a tremendous help and even encouragement in my life. Our women’s Bible group is studying the book of Revelation (a book I absolutely love) and your research has really a light to me. It brings a calmness to my heart during these days.

In His Matchless Name,
Concord, California

September 17, 2021


I am a professional writer finishing a novel about the struggle between Jesus and the Sadducees, told from the point of view of the latter. I thought it was done and ready for submission, until I heard a sermon by John MacArthur on the widow’s offering. There was some information in the message about the Temple tax, but I needed more. I looked and looked until I found an invaluable trove of it on your site.

Many thanks!

September 9, 2021

I love the work y’all do. I have your app and use it weekly.
The DIG and REFLECT questions cause me to think in ways I’ve never considered.
Thank you for your dedication to furthering the gospel.

Buda, Texas

July 24, 2021

I have read every commentary on this website over the past few years. I’m looking forward to studying Romans. I always learn so much from the studies. It helps me to view the Bible from a Jewish perspective which gives me a more accurate understanding of the Scriptures. Before I started studying your commentaries, I always read the Bible with a “western” mindset.

Through these studies my relationship with the Lord has grown so much.
Thank you for putting them online.

Gering, Nebraska

April 16, 2021

Thank you for this Jewish perspective of Revelation. I’m expecting to go through this entire book with a group of men, and I believe this commentary ahead of me will be insightful. I’ve been following you for sometime and really enjoy the background information as well as explanations that you give for the Scriptures. Thanks, from this group of believers for all your hard work and attention to detail.

Crown Point, Indiana

April 4, 2021

Good blog Jay. Please keep writing as we’re closing in on “that day.” There is so much proof of the soon return of our LORD. We servants need to press on to the end. Take a look at the torahcalendar.com for timing. The 6001st year is upon us. The book of truth (mostly Daniel 11) and best described at daniel11truth as best I can find, show us so many verses coming true. The abomination of desolation is very close here in Nissan 2021, it’s so important to watch, repent and be saved while time still allows. If anyone likes wisdom readings in these last days, look at “sabine shares.” Thanks for the blog, and please expand your thoughts.

Boston, Massachusetts

March 27, 2021

I really appreciate your commentary. I have gone through the Isaiah, Jeremiah and the minor prophets and now my wife and I are going through Jeremiah together.

Tacoma, Washington

March 21, 2021

Thanks for sharing our faith in the true Gospel of Yeshua our Meshiach, from the heart of one grafted into our Cultivated Olive Tree.

Shalom, Kenneth,
Shropshire, England

September 14, 2020

Let me take this time to thank you so very much for your ministry. I am a Sunday School teacher, and I teach adults 20 and older. I do notes (mini essays) for my class, and I frequently check out your ministry.
It is truly a blessing.

Temple Hills, Maryland

September 9, 2020

Thank you all for expounding on the scriptures, bringing clear understanding through history, language etc. to us all. Many of us do not have the resources, time, or mental capacity to do what God has allowed you to do.

Blessings to you ALL!
Crown Point, Indiana

July 31, 2020

I love the Jewish perspective of your site. I am part of a small home fellowship, which includes gentiles and messianic Jews. We are currently studying Acts and I have found your commentary useful in preparing for the study each week. I recently shared some of your comments on Acts 14 with the group and everyone found them really useful.

I have been using your website for the past 5 years, dipping in and out, I particularly enjoyed your content on Revelation, which included much of Daniel. I stumbled across your site on google. I was fortunate to find solid material such as your early in my walk.

I pray the Lord keeps you and blesses your ministry!

Blessings in our Lord Yeshua, and shabbat shalom!

Felix, from the UK

June 19, 2020


I want to thank you for everything you do in the name of Jesus. It is helping me a lot in my spiritual growth. A thousand blessings and may the Holy Spirit continue to bless you with wisdom and understanding.

Houston, Texas

May 23, 2020

It is through your help, that I now understand a lot of things that I did not understand in the past, due to the background knowledge that you provided. Once that is clear, the true wisdom of our Lord is even more remarkably and we can only be in awe.

Carletonville, South Africa

May 22, 2020

I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done! I am already sharing your website with my friends. I find your commentary wonderful and it just makes me see the Bible stories in a whole new way. I love studying the Bible, so I really appreciate that you took the time to explain things more deeply.

God bless you! Thank you! I look forward to reading more of your books.
Sarasota, Florida

April 15, 2020


I really loved your commentary on Genesis when you explained how similar the story of Isaac is to the story of Jesus willingly offering Himself to be sacrificed, and also how God started to answer Abraham’s prayer after he dealt with his sin of passing off his wife as his sister.

For me, these insights were profound. Thank you for sharing.
May the Lord bless your ministry abundantly.

The Republic of Botswana, Africa

September 23, 2019

My goodness! I give God all the praises and honor that He has led me to this amazing Teaching Ministry of Jay Mack! It is so deep and profound to learn and study the word of God from the Hebrew perspective! Thank you for doing your awesome part in teaching and reminding us Christians that we need to understand the Jewish roots of our faith in Yeshua.

Starting to study the book of Jeremiah now. So excited already!

God bless you and prosper you and your ministry mightily in all aspects!

Thi Hong
Basel, Switzerland

September 5, 2019


I have recently been reading through your material and have enjoyed the insights on the Scriptures. The material has helped me gain a deeper understanding of the culture and customs of the Jewish people. This type of understanding helps to open up the deeper mysteries hidden in Scripture.

Cow Head, Newfoundland, Canada

September 5, 2019

Thank you so much for your fantastic Bible studies! My husband and I use your site as our daily devotionals. We have learned quite a bit especially the Jewish perspective, which is very helpful in our fully being Bereans of the Word. Right now we are going through the Genesis study and are learning so much – the Holy Spirit has richly blessed us to hear and obey God’s Word. Thank you.

The Lord Jesus Christ bless you!
Will and Faith,
Sarasota, Florida

July 11, 2019

Hi Servant of God!

Greetings from East Africa.

Your teaching has open so much my spiritual eyes to understand deeply the Word of God.

Deodat Joseph
Tanzania, East Africa

June 30, 2019

Hi Pastor,

I have been studying the Jewish Roots of the Bible, and the material you have written is very well thought out and documented. I have already shared your site with a few of my friends. This is outstanding material on the book of Revelation.

It is very well done and very much appreciated.

Warrensburg, Missouri

May 1, 2019


Just wanted to thank you for your excellent thoughts on the Life of David, and specifically David’s conflict with Absalom. I’m prepping a study for the next two weeks and I’ve been chewing this over in my head for some time. It’s a gripping journey.

May God bless you in your efforts!

In hope,
Escondido, CA

April 11, 2019

Good afternoon,

My name is Pablo. I am a third-year seminarian of the Catholic Church. It has always been difficult for me to pray with the Word of God, but especially with the Old Testament. That is why for several months I have been looking for commentaries on the Old Testament online and in several books, until finally I came across this page!

I am tremendously grateful for your work! Although at the moment only Genesis is in Spanish, I can tell you that it has been a revolution in my way of reading and understanding the Word of God. I thank you and I encourage you to continue with your task. God bless you!

A greeting in Christ Jesus,

April 5, 2019

I have really enjoyed your commentary on the first 11 chapters of Genesis. I just finished teaching a bunch of Baptist women and we all really learned a lot. And oh my gosh, you write so well, and your writing is only surpassed by your knowledge of Scripture. When using your commentaries to teach, you make me look smart!

Birmingham, Alabama

April 4, 2019

Good Evening,

I am currently using your study of the Life Of Christ to study the book of Matthew. I will be going to Hebrews next.

Thank you for using your gift to bless others.

Miami, Florida

February 24, 2019

Dear Pastor:

I was looking for the resource for Jeremiah 33:17 and you folks have done an
excellent job and I would like to thank you. Having the Hebrew perspective is exactly what I am looking for.

Thanks again,

British Columbia, Canada

February 23, 2019


I found your website when looking for help understanding Isaiah. I have been really been impressed with the amount of research and study that has gone into these lessons. They have helped me so much.

I just read through the Life of Christ: The Oral Law. It makes so much sense of the words of rebuke that Jesus had for the Pharisees and their total rejection of Him as Messiah. Religiosity to that kind of minutia is so consuming, it’s no wonder they could not see the truth right in front of them. And it’s no wonder that we do the same thing to ourselves and each other today!

I just wanted to let you know that your hard work is being viewed and appreciated.

Julie, Florida

November 21, 2018

Hi Pastor,

Your commentary on Exodus is one of the finest I have ever read. It is a delight to see God’s heart, love and compassion towards His people. You just kept the story unfolding in front of my eyes just as it happened.

I have been blessed by your commentary.

God Bless You,
New Jersey

November 16, 2018

Dear Brother,
I read about Eliakim in Isaiah 22 this morning, and with verses 20 through 24 jumping off the page, I did a Google search because I want to know more about him and be like him. Heartfelt thanks for your exposition of the text, and the rich context of Scripture you provided, I wept as I read it and it ministered deeply to me this morning. It is really helping me with a crisis I am walking through right now. I just wanted to say great job to you.

May God richly bless you. Shalom!
Houston, Texas

October 27, 2018

Pastor Mack,

Thank you for writing a very in depth study of the Scriptures.
I am totally overwhelmed by the study of Revelation . . . finally, it makes sense.
Joy, hope and peace for believers, yet tears of sadness for those who will
choose to reject Yeshua.

Lima, Ohio

December 1, 2018

Thank you for your teachings. I’m loving them.

Jojo Yoyo
New South Wales, Australia

April 6, 2018

Jay, thank you,

I began by reading about the first seven days of creation in Genesis. It has been sooo long since I have heard anyone else so soundly defend the young earth and demonstrate so thoroughly the fallacies of uniformitarianism and the gap theories! PTL! Then I moved on to Ej – Hagar and the Angel of the LORD, and reading that clarified so many inconsistencies in my understanding of God’s plan beginning with Hagar and Ishmael. It all makes so much more sense!

I am going to look up all those passages in the Koran! Thank you!!! I have not read anything like what you gave me to read in such a long time! How wonderful and encouraging.

Bless you,
Hendersonville, Tennessee

March 29, 2018

Dear Jay,

I have recently found your site and am absolutely in awe of your scriptural knowledge, literary depth, spiritual discernment and invitation to personal transformation through the love of Jesus Christ.  I am greatly indebted.  I have been seeking for such commentary for quite some time.  This has been an immense help for both preaching and my personal quest to follow and love Jesus Christ more.  Thank you immensely.

May Jesus in His resurrection, He who is the resurrection, continue to bless you and your ministry.

Rev Michael,
Indianapolis, Indiana

February 21, 2018


I’m really enjoying this study on Esther and I’m finding that reading scripture that I’ve read before is bringing out new revelation when reading it again.

Thank you for this . . . Blessings
Bundaberg, Australia

January 20, 2018

God bless you and your team for good works you are doing. You are feeding nations with pure word of God. In fact, your teachings are milk, honey and wine to our souls according to Isaiah 55:1-3.

Thanks very much,
Lagos, Nigeria

December 31, 2017


I am loving, loving, loving the exposition of the Life of Christ.  Thank you so much for the diligent work on doing this.

Thanks again for all you’ve done and are doing!

Sincerely, Jim
Utica, Michigan

December 25, 2017

Hi Pastor,

When are we going to get commentaries on the other books of the Bible? I’ve read most of Isaiah but I generally refer to specific chapters of different books when I’m doing my devotions. Your commentary is very informative and whenever there’s a piece of scripture I don’t understand I go to your website to see if you have written about it.

The Caribbean Island of Trinidad and Tobago

September 18, 2017

Very refreshing to read the material that God has blessed you with.  I am completely in agreement with everything I have so far read.  I have a 72 year old pastor and mentor that preaches the full Gospel and reflects the same message you write about as well.  It’s very rare to find brothers in the Lord that stand on the solid truth of His word without tickling our ears.  God bless and thank you so much!

Eagle Point, Oregon

August 28, 2017

Praise God. I was studying the book the CASE FOR CHRIST. I was using it as a teaching tool for the Christian education at my church. My research took me to your site. IT IS THE BEST SITE I HAVE EVER FOUND. My study has been taken to another level. I praise God for your ministry.

Miami, Florida

April 24, 2017

I was preparing a study on Isaiah 34 for tonight and was researching Bozrah. I stumbled on your website concerning this.  You have done very good research on this topic compared to other commentaries I have reviewed.

Isaiah 63 and Revelation 19 fit together like a hand in a glove. It appears that Yeshua  comes to protect the Jewish people in Isaiah 63 that have fled to Petra and fights their enemies. Because of this, blood is now on his garments. As a result He has revealed himself and they then realize He is the Messiah. Yeshua appears out of the sky in Revelation 19 with his robe that has blood on it (I prefer to think it is His tallit, which represents the Word of God) – the same blood as in Isaiah 63. They then go to the mount of olives and chant, bless it as He that comes in the name of the Lord (Matthew 23:19 and Luke 13:35). He then appears. Kingdom begins.

Tony, San Diego

March 26, 2017


I want to thank you for the wonderful teaching tool that you have made available online.  Three years ago I started an adult ladies class.  After teaching Philippians I followed the prompting of my heart and the Holy Spirit to teach the book of Revelation.  I have a very strong Bible background, but had no idea that I was truly jumping into the deep end of the pool, if not the ocean!  In my search, I found your site and have used it so extensively.  What a pleasure to find someone I am in doctrinal agreement with and who loves Israel and the Jewish people.  After 2 years, I am now in Revelation 19.  You can see I don’t move very quickly.  We know the time is short and the coming of our Lord is soon.  May the material you have organized and presented draw people to Him.

God’s blessing on your ministry,
Mesa, AZ

January 29, 2017

Hi Jay,

I cannot even tell you how much your commentaries have helped me. I am in a inductive study on Isaiah. Your commentary is the only one that is written in “MY” language. LOL

Thank you so very much for writing it and studying the Word.

Newberg, Oregon

January 9, 2017

Thank you so much, Mr Mack.

I can’t tell you what a blessing this website has been for me.  I have finished Revelation and almost done with the Life of Christ.  I am going to print the rest of the commentaries on your website so I would not loose any of these studies.  Israel is in my prayers daily now and not being Jewish myself, I can’t tell you how much this has added to my bible studies.  May God continue to Bless You and Keep you.

In Christ,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

January 2, 2017


I enjoyed reading the commentaries you gave in this passage. I had someone arguing with me by saying that the Bible has a kind of racist image because of Ham, and his son being  his brothers’ slave. It’s interesting to see how explaining this passage point by point can disprove the Bible as being racist.

Thanks for sharing!
Jojo from Guadeloupe

December 21, 1016

Dear Pastor,

Thank you for explaining the events that take place before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I started studying Revelation more than a year ago to see where I am going, and I found out a lot by reading on the web. But I couldn’t put the events together in the right order. However you explained it all. I am so happy I found your website.

Marja van Hal,
Amsterdam, Netherlands

September 11, 2016

Dear Jay and Team,

Thank you again for your wonderful site. I have been reading daily now for about two years. I have read Genesis, Revelation, Life of Christ, Jude, Exodus, Jonah, and now I am working on Isaiah. The amount of research you must have done is amazing.

Thank you for sharing, you are a blessing.
Lebanon, Oregon

September 1, 2016

Thank you for the hard work that goes into this site. I started studying Isaiah a few weeks ago and your commentaries really help me to dig deep into the Word for a better and broader understanding.

Blessings to you, family and the team of this site.


August 29, 2016

Dear Friends,

I just discovered your website and have been very thrilled with all the articles and helpful pages I have absorbed so far. I really appreciate all the hard work, scholarship and the amount of prayer you and your team must put in to providing such a wonderful resource freely to all who care to read it. My husband and I have been missionaries for years in various places and although we are back in UK we are still very busy. I use the internet a lot in my online mentoring and my own studies and I was really delighted to find your site and shall be sure to share it with others, especially small groups leaders as we have about 30 in our fellowship and I know that like me, they will find much to encourage and share with their various groups. Many blessings and once again. A BIG thank you for all you are doing.

In Him,
Kathryn, UK

August 6, 2016

Hi Jay,

I just found your website as I was researching on the “Gentile brides in the genealogy of Christ.” The few paragraphs I just read on Tamar and Judah are confirmations of how I have been convicted to process the life of Judah. I am looking forward to reading and studying your writings.  The Bible is truly God’s Word, and the parables concealed in these gentile brides are clearly beginning to be understood as the True Church, the five prepared bridesmaids who are filled with the Holy Spirit (oil) and anticipate the return of the Bridegroom.

Peace be with you,
Saskatchewan, Canada

August 2, 2016

Hi to all concerned,

My name is Mike.  I just found your website while searching for information during a study on Revelation — the prostitute riding the beast and the 10 horns in particular.  All of you hard work and study is a blessing to me as well as the others that I will be teaching.  Your studies reaffirm what I have been gleaning from the Scripture.  Thank you so much for freely sharing your gifts.  I am a born again believer in Yeshua haMashiach as well as a songwriter and guitarist.  Several of my songs are on YouTube with more to follow.  Here are links for two of them. I hope these songs bless you:

Yeshua haMashiach hoo Adonai
Saved (by the blood of the Lamb)

May God make His face to shine upon you,

June 21, 2016


I decided to study the Book of Isaiah on my own this summer.  After searching for commentaries, I found your commentary.  I cannot begin to thank you enough for your easy to understand, thorough, and historical notes.  This past year, September through May, I studied Revelation with the Bible Study Fellowship which has classes throughout the entire world.  It was a very deep study, and we all learned so very much about our Heavenly Father, His love, and His grace.

During this study, I did was not aware of your commentary.  Now that I’ve found your website, I can go back and study Revelation by myself using your notes.

Again, thank you so very much for your outstanding commentaries.  They are a blessing to me, and I will share them with others.

Lubbock, Texas

June 16, 2016

Dear Jay:

I had just finished reading the book “More than a Carpenter”, the Spanish translation, by Josh and Sean McDowell and was reviewing the section “Una direccion en la historia” to learn about the chain of prophesies which finally led to the born of Jesus. The first one Genesis 3:15

15 Pondré enemistad entre tú y la mujer,
y entre tu simiente y la de ella;
su simiente te aplastará la cabeza,
pero tú le morderás el talón.»

I was then looking for information to better understand the two final lines, when I ran into your net. The explanation I found was very clearly expressed,  well supported biblically and, more than that guided me to learn more about your objectives. I read then your Statement of Faith, which practically I could accept as mine, and the many testimonials found. This led me to write these short lines to congratulate you and your team on the good work performed for the better understanding of our book, the Bible.

I have included your net in the list of the ones I regularly consult.

God Bless you and your team. Regards,

Puerto La Cruz, Estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela

June 12, 2016


I want to thank you for all the work you’ve put into making your teaching available online and the wonderful amounts of research you’ve done! I’ve been reading through a lot of your lessons on Isaiah (prophecy against the nations passages) and it’s given me a lot of historical insight I was missing.

I have been an avid student of the Bible for 30 years (finally found a definite answer as to the identification of Tarshish the other day) and your lessons are a wealth of information.

Thank you for your faithfulness!

Gwinnett County, GA

May 22, 2016


I am a Bible student from East Africa. Could you please send me information on the resurrection in its fullness?

Have a blessed day in Jesus’ name.

Kampala, Uganda

March 3, 2016


I write a daily devotions blog.  I’ve written every day for over 4 years now and have over 1500 posts.  I only average about 10 page views a day, but they come from all over the world.  Russia has 1/3 as many page views as the USA does.  I was wondering about Isaiah 8:1-10 that I am writhing about.  I have the distinct feeling that it is speaking of us today.  I found your site, and the explanation of this passage was almost exactly what I was thinking, but in a clearer way.  I will bookmark the site, and [use] it for reference from time to time.

Thanks for the help, and keep up the good work.

Goodrich, Michigan

January 6, 2016


I’ve found (and love) your Revelation commentary online, and appreciate its clarity. In the past, I’ve never really been able to dive into the Book too much because it seemed so complicated to understand.

Kevin Shehan
South Carolina

December 22, 2015

Greetings beloved in the Lord,

I am Ernest from Kenya. I am blessed to visit your website, it is so encouraging that I desire to partner with you. Be blessed as I wait to hear from you soon.

Kisii, Kenya

December 11, 2015

Your commentaries on the Bible are a great help for further help and deeper studies. I really enjoy reading them and deepening my knowledge. Your work is a big help in these studies and for that I want to thank you.

Best Regards,
Munich, Germany

December 5, 2015

Shalom and Greetings,

I am a born again Christian believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yeshua ha-Mashiach. I read your statement of faith and some of your website. I like what I see. THANK GOD YOU BELIEVE THAT THE BORN AGAIN PERSON IS ETERNALLY SECURE!

I like your commentary on the New Jerusalem in Revelation and how you speak of the jasper foundation being diamond. I believe this. I am a Christian and I study chemistry and physics and diamond and carbon happen to be the strongest natural materials at normal temperature and pressure.

God is the Great Engineer eh?

November 29, 2015


My name is Paul and I am from India. I happened to read about the book of Jude once when I was going through websites to find a few answers to my questions. I have to say you have really given a wonderful explanation along with historical proofs, which in fact helped me in understanding Jude better. Since then I tend to read most of the what is put up in your website.

I praise GOD that our Lord is using you wonderfully in your ministry . . . I sure will keep you in my prayers.

Bangalore, South India

November 5, 2015

Dear Pastor Mack,

I appreciate your help as regard the work committed to your hand. I thank God for the website the message therein and android application. May God bless you abundantly. Wish to support the ministry in prayer. Amen.

Pastor Fakunle,
New Life Baptist Church
Oshogbo, Nigeria

November 4, 2015

Good day,

I have just finished reading your commentary on Revelation and I must say that I found the Bible highly coded, but your commentary provided me with the necessary key to understand it.

Thank you for your help,
Johannesburg, South Africa

September 21, 2015

Dear Minister Mack

I just wanted to thank you for your ministry based upon the Word of God that is not peppered with unorthodox teaching! How I yearn for deep teachings from the Word of God it’s almost a scarcity and I’m afraid we are living in those times Amos spoke of. I’ve enjoyed your study from Isaiah 34, God’s Word is such a treasure that many have forfeited for the god of this world.

Memphis, Tennessee

August 21, 2015


I have been reading Life of Christ. I have been waiting for it for two years. In the mean time I have been reading many of your books (sometimes twice) . . . Genesis, Exodus, Esther and Jude. I have learned so much through your writing and have really been blessed. This is indeed precious information. It is my wish that more people will read your commentaries and be spiritually blessed as I have been. Thank you so much for your effort.

Blessings to you and your team in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

August 9, 2015

Dear Jay,

Can you send me the article on the camps of Israel as per Numbers 2 in a pdf format please? Also appreciate other teaching articles as well. Very enlightening and helps with understanding scriptures. I have been searching the net on end time events and news on anything that is of interest relating to Israel and prophesy, thus how I came to your site. I hope you do not mind as I would like to share your thoughts to others in our family of believers.

Once again thank you and Praise the Lord!

Sister in Christ, Eka,
From the Fiji Islands

August 3, 2015


Recently my son, Joe Gisbey preached on the three messianic miracles at our church, and I was really stirred and excited by what he had to say. It was only a short message at a family meeting, and today I woke up thinking that I wanted to study this some more. So . . . I just googled ‘three messianic miracles’ and up popped your excellent teaching!

I just want to say thank you so much for writing with great clarity, wisdom and faith. Your heart to communicate truth is obvious and I know it takes dedication and time to study the Word and a faithfulness to trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance and revelation. Maybe you get loads of feedback but, whether or not that’s the case, I’d like to encourage you and say please keep going. Keep sowing seeds of Life!

I believe that because eternity is in the hearts of mankind. Truth revealed awakens the measure of faith that has been given to all mankind. Your faithful teaching will be as water in the desert and a drink to the thirsty.

I’ll definitely be back for more!!

With love in Jesus,
Chrissy Gisbey

PS: My son has just written a book – it’s called ‘Follow – Walking In The Dust of the Rabbi’ by Joseph Gisbey. Of course I highly recommend it! It’s his first, but not his last! Available all over . . . including Amazon

July 30, 2105

Good day,

Thank you so much for simplifying many of Bible scriptures I had difficulty understanding.

Johannesburg, South Africa

July 15, 2015

This is wonderful material my brother. It is highly recommended for any Christian seeking truths.

Mauricio Gallardo,
Mendoza Argentina

July 1, 2015

Studying Revelation through this app. I have read Revelation completely twice before, and have studied it under other teachers. Jay Mack’s study is incredibly in depth. My Bible pages are covered with small print penned notes just so I can get it all down. It is obvious that this teacher has done a great deal of study and research, both Biblical and historical.

Amazon review

June 22, 2015


I have been writing my first commentary on Jude and I stumbled across your website after searching for “Midrash on Jude” on Google.

I wanted to give you some encouragement; it’s such a refreshing change to see the Hebraic view of Scripture being taught. I am looking forward to going through your other material. It is absolutely fantastic! I urge you to keep writing, God has given you a gift.

God bless you, I will pray for your ministry to keep changing lives.

Felix, a brother in Christ 🙂
Preston, United Kingdom

June 15, 2015


I find your teachings excellent and exciting!  I am preparing a study of Revelation for my Sunday school class, and the in-depth Hebrew approach seems very accurate.  I’ve studied Hebrew from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and taken “Jewish Background of the New Testament,” and there is precious little accurate commentary from the Greek and Hebrew perspective.

I simply want to thank you for your excellent website and teaching.  I, for one, am blessed by it.

Thank you!

From Missouri, USA

March 23, 2015

Hello Sir,

I am currently a theological student for my Bachelor of Religious Education. For my current research paper I was considering using one of your lessons. Would that be all right? You have a swell writing style, and I look forward to reading some of your other commentaries.

Collingwood, Ontario

March 20, 2015

Hello my name is Rich Cantrell and I am the pastor of Paradise Springs Community Church. I recently found your website (studying the Tabernacle and the sacrifices.) Thank you so much for making these resources available. They are an incredible blessing.

Pastor Rich Cantrell

March 14, 2015


I have just come across this website and am lapping up the teaching which I believe to be wholly scriptural. I am so grateful that God led me to find it and I can’t wait to read every single section. It is confirming what the Lord is showing me and teaching me through godly teachers whom the Lord has graciously brought my way. Thank you for the blessing of this wonderful teaching.


January 20, 2015

Dear Jay

I just found your website and I was amazed how the Holy Spirit reveals such a very important understanding. God is really working in you, thank you very much. I am a member of a local church in Bandung, Indonesia. I have no degree in theology, but I love learning and sometimes share the Bible and teach Bible classes in our Sunday service. Can I use you writings as a source of my messages, deliver them orally, and sometimes use them as a power point presentation?

May God keep His wonderful work in you and your team. God bless.

Bandung, Indonesia

January 3, 2015

Dear Jay Mack

Thank you so much for this site! I have learned so much and I am only halfway through Genesis! Keep up the good work, you and your team are so appreciated!

Lebanon, Oregon

December 6, 2014


Yesterday, I was goggling for how much water did Rebekah need to fully water the camels (Genesis 24) when I came across your website. What caught my eye and kept me reading on was Gen 27 — Isaac giving his blessings.

All along I had the idea that Jacob was deceitful and tricky but still God loved him. Esau was rash, quick tempered. And I thought Jacob wronged Esau in stealing his blessing (and it was ok to lay a trap to trick Esau out of his birthright). But your commentaries give me a totally different perspective where Isaac attempted to commit a greater sin by choosing to bless Esau DESPITE knowing full well that God’s plan that the younger should serve the older. In other words, Isaac openly rebelled against God. And you painted in no uncertain terms how unsuitable Esau is to receive the blessing.

Your arguments were very reasonable and prompted me to continue reading the commentaries on other parts of Genesis. I have learned a lot from your commentaries. I didn’t know there were TWO family burial caves, that Abraham had later purchased one at Ramah until you wrote about it. A big thank you to you.

Thank you and your team for your hard work. I have learnt a lot and I will continue to read your commentaries to learn more.

Gek Woo

December 5, 2014


I just wanted to write and try to encourage you to keep up the great work on the Life of Christ series.  I know it’s been a lot of work and you’re diligently still at it, and I can’t wait to read it!

Thank you in advance for what you’re doing!

Sincerely, Jim
New Jersey

October 19, 2014

Dear Jay,

May God be praised forever! Your commentaries show the touch of the Holy Spirit! Many hours of work and much time and energy has gone into this. Thank you for your love for the Lord and for your persevering in this long and hard task. The commentaries are done so very carefully.

Praise the Lord for your love for Israel, your solid stand on the creation being 6 days of 24 hours, and your emphasis on salvation by faith and not by works. God is Almighty and wonderful!

Arlington Heights, IL

October 1, 2014


Just wanted to encourage you, I know you probably get a lot of visitors and emails.  I am a former Seventh Day Adventist and while studying the history of the calendar and reading how prophecy declared times would be changed I understood more fully the purpose and joy of the coming Kingdom.  I, like many Christians, believed in a messianic Kingdom of 1000 years and no replacement theology.  Love the messianic truths found on your site and how in line they are with prophesy.  I have been studying the pictographic meanings of Hebrew words and found so many key concepts that are good and wise counsel for my life today.  I sometimes feel so alone in this universe. But to know how close our Savior is to us and the hope of his Kingdom has set my heart aflame.  Thank you for your time and willingness to let God lead you.  My prayers to your ministry for tremendous growth in spreading the word that helps silence our adversary. I wish I had the knowledge and courage to do as you do.

Bless you,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

August 19, 2014


I have enjoyed reading your commentaries. I googled “the two witnesses” and that’s how I found your site. I like what you wrote about them and so I thought you might have a clearer understanding of what’s to come than most.

San Diego, California

August 11, 2014


I just installed the app and I have been very impressed. Not only is your commentary full of valuable knowledge, but your writing style is attractive and fluid. I really appreciate your effort and willingness to share your talent and knowledge.

Charleston, South Carolina

August 9, 2014


Thanks for everyone’s hard work, especially it being voluntary. Much appreciated.

Springfield, MA

June 2, 2014


Thank you so much for your ministry. I am currently studying both Isaiah and Revelation and I appreciate your input on both.

Camino, California

May, 2014


I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your commentaries. I have been teaching a Bible Study in the Old Testament and have found your resources to be among the best on the internet. I use several dozen commentaries to help me prepare weekly lessons but always seem to gravitate back to your website for the “meat” of the message. Thanks again for your commitment and diligence to the Word of God and the Cross of Christ!

Clermont, Florida

March 17, 2014


Thank you so much for making this information available. Please be encouraged as you continue with this great work and help others to grow richly, in Christ Jesus.

Philadelphia, PA

March 10, 2014

Hi Jay,

I am new to your web site, and am thrilled to be reading your insightful material. The question I have is, do you have your material in other sources besides on line ?

Bob Hansen
Omaha, Nebraska

January 25, 2014


Wonderful book, may God bless you. I live in Nigeria.


January 22, 2014

Hello Jay!

I just felt moved in my spirit to let you know how much I am praising God for the work you have done (and are doing) for the Lord on this website.  Particularly in Isaiah because that is the book my small group is studying.  I praise God that He has enabled you to speak forth such enlightened words so that the rest of us can appreciate new gleanings from this ageless book!

Thank you, Jay, and praise the Lord!

Tonasket, Washington

January 9, 2014


I hope things are going well and the New Year has found you encouraged in the Lord!   I just wanted to write you a quick note to tell you that there are many of us out there who are eagerly, yet patiently, awaiting your completion of the Life of Christ series!   Please keep at it.  We know it will take a while, and it’s hard work, but it will be worth it!

Northern Virginia

January, 2014


I have read quite a few books on Revelation and only your commentary ties both testaments together in such a way that gives a full prophetic and Jewish historical view of the Bible.

Thanks again for your work, looking forward to the “Life of Christ” commentary.


January, 2014

Dear Jay,

I am so happy that there are people out there like you to help spread the Word to people around the world. I pray that God richly blesses your ministry according to His riches in heaven. I read a part of Genesis and thoroughly enjoyed it as part of teaching in Sunday school. I particularly liked how you explained Hebrew words and their meanings. Keep up the good work. I will definitely be checking back often.

With love & prayers

December, 2013

I have read many commentaries over the years and there are none better in my opinion. He gives excellent background and original languages information.

Amazon Review

December 11, 2013

Dear Jay,

Since September I have felt led by the Lord to begin studying in Genesis.  I have approached my studies by asking the Holy Spirit to grant understanding and insight.  My focus would be reading/meditating on just enough of the Scripture for God to give me a nugget – for me to journal it and then “chew” on it throughout the day, and then the next day I would read further in Genesis until the Lord revealed another “nugget”.

I am now in Genesis 27 and I found myself seriously searching out the difference between birthright and blessing, and desiring to know/understand the dynamics, faulty as they were, between in interactions of Isaac, Esau, Jacob and Rebekah.  I have PC Study Bible software and gleaned what I could from there…but it was not enough…there still seemed to be a lot of my questions unanswered . . . so I turned to the internet and God led me to your website.

What a treasure trove of wisdom!  I found a lot of information that the Spirit used to speak “yes” to my spirit about.  I look very much forward to using your site as a tool to give me more insights into the culture of the patriarchs that I am unable to find in the resources I have available to me at my home.  Thank you for this very wonderful website.

I pray God’s blessing upon you, your family, your co-workers.

May God richly shine His favor upon you.

Columbia, Missouri

December 7, 2013


I came across your site in my Sabbath studies this morning. I am a Christian, looking and praying for others in my life who seek the Lord’s Word, not just go by the teachings we have had passed down. Thank you for what you are doing. I imagine your site can grow to very large very quickly, if you can protect it. I pray you will be able to, as I ask God to watch over you all. There is a huge need and I believe the time is now for those in the shadows to start emerging. I believe we are many, even though we may be apart from each other.

Thank you again.

Shabbat Shalom,
Annette, Texas

September 16, 2013

Dear Jay,

Grace to you and peace! Stumbled across your site as I was doing some research for a project I am working on. I’m very impressed. I’ve been in vocational ministry for almost 30 years (evangelism and apologetics using the medium of video/documentary films/live seminars) and have interacted with a lot of scholars and teachers – and I’m just very touched by what I’ve seen on your site.

Let earth receive her King!

July 10, 2013


I am enjoying Isaiah tremendously. I’ve never studied it as a book in its entirety, only parts of it as is referenced in the New Testament. I appreciate the depth of history that you bring to it. Hope you’re enjoying your retirement.


March, 2013

Useful, well-written material. Information found here that I had not yet been exposed to. Author is writing more material and I can hardly wait to read it.

Dee White
Amazon Review

January 3, 2013


Good morning, my sister and her family are currently working through on a few of your studies.  We heard you were posting the study on the book of Revelation, I just noticed that is now available.  I am excited to get started on it.  I wanted to find out if we need previous study on other books or can we start on this.  We’ve studied Revelation in the past but still have not had a good grasp of things.  So my question is does your study stand on its own are do we need a prerequisite?

Thank you very much for taking time to answering my questions.

Blessings in our Messiah Yeshua
Scottsdale, Arizona

January 1, 2013


I just wanted to say thank you for listening to ADONAI’s calling. My family and I are all working our way through Isaiah, we love it! It is a breathe of fresh air to us, my dear brother. All praise to our Father and King! No pressure, but I am just wondering when do you think you will be posting “The Life of Christ”?

With an everlasting love,
Stanford, North Carolina


Dear Jay,

My name is Linda, and I have the privilege of leading a large women’s bible study in the nation’s Capital. I love your commentary on the book of Genesis and I’m wondering if I may use some of your points in my teaching? I will not use it word for word but would like your permission before doing so. I pray God continues to bless your ministry as you reach the world with the message of the Good News.




I read the message “Joseph in the Pit”  this morning – very blessed. May I share a printed copy with the men in our Bible Study?



November 14, 2012

Hello Jay,

I am enjoying the website and the way that the rabbinical teachings are used to help in understanding the scripture. I have found that there are many differing schools of rabbinical thought and some can appear so “out there.” Would you please point me to a good resource(s) either that I could get from the library or access online? I would so like to supplement my own Christian study of the Old Testament with a Jewish wisdom resource. Do you have, if not a direct recommendation, at least a suggested source that I could consider as a reference book?

Thank you,
Troy Lee,
North Carolina

November 4, 2012


I am using your notes on Isaiah at Bible Study, and appreciate it greatly. I am a 79 year-old pastor, preacher, teacher and missionary. I see that you have not commenced Jonah yet, but do you have any notes, or can recommend some as I am teaching on Jonah during a trip to India in a few weeks time.

I appreciate any help.

Perth, Australia



I am staying in South Africa but I am a Zimbabwean who is currently studying in the University of Limpopo (Bachelor of Social Work Honors Degree). I call myself Chief Nyahunda because I am from a royal family back home. I am born again and I love the Lord with all my heart.

In Christ,
Louis Nyahunda,
South Africa

September, 2012

Hello Jay,

I have been studying Genesis with your commentary and l just love the way you approach the word of God. I was wondering is there a way I can learn to study the word as you do? Will I have to attend Hebrew seminary school? I would love some tips on how to properly study the word. Thank you very much.

Sheneka Gaiters,
Lakeland Florida

September, 2012

Hi Jay,

I am a new reader on the devotional web site may the Lord bless and protect you and your family as well as the team God is able to do anything but fail

Audrey Searcy, from Facebook

October, 2012

A powerful study for those who are serious about learning God’s Word. I have only studied in Genesis but the depth of this work will have me occupied for a very long time.

Amazon Review

September, 2012

Hi Jay,

Just wanted to say your website has been a real blessing to me in my study of Genesis.  Keep up the great work it is bearing fruit for the Kingdom.

God bless,

July 20, 2012

God bless you,

I don’ t really know how I find myself on the page of your Great Commentary Work. I have not really done anything much there; I’ve only glanced over, but I cannot continue without stopping to pray for you and your this divine assignment. You and all the members of your theme shall receive divinely fresh annointing on a daily basis to do greater exploits for the Lord. From generation to generation, the Lord shall bless you.

I want to assure you of my prayers for this great work. Divinely Jehovah God will meet all your needs. All resources (Spiritual, Material, Human and financial) shall be divine released unto you. The Lord will raise for you great partners that will only obey God. Your wisdom will be on the increase, your health will not fail. You and your generation shall not lack in knowledge and understanding.

I praise God for you! I promise our prayer support.

More elbows greased?

Oluranti A., Africa

July 14, 2012


Just a quick note to say I am reading through the Genesis materials your prepared. Praise God for your diligence in doing this work!! It is scholarly yet easy to approach and read. The lessons are outstanding! I hope you don’t mind, I do use a lot of your material in a bible study I teach on occasion. It is very, very good. I look forward to the work on Jude. Such a small book but so important today!

God bless!

Your friend,

Justin M.
El Paso, TX

July 11, 2012

Hello Jay,

I found your site by accident and have found it to be very informative. I printed off “The Creation of the Woman” and I am going to print the rest of your commentaries for my personal use. “the Creation of the Woman” I already knew, it is very well written and explained. The way you have written it is very valuable to Christians. I can’t wait to read more of your commentaries Keep up the good work as God is working in you.

I am an Australian, married and am 66 yrs old. I have been a Christian for nearly 4 years and I am learning all the time. There is so much to learn about our precious Jesus Christ. God called me late in life but I am ever so grateful and thankful to Him for my salvation.

God’s blessings be upon you, your Family and team.

Pamela M.


Just a note to say I am really enjoying your commentary site, particularly Genesis! I found it while doing a study on the life of Abraham and it is perfectly tailored to what I was desiring to study. Thank you so much for your efforts in preparing such a comprehensive study!

God bless!

El Paso, TX


Hi Jay,

Since I’m preaching a series from Genesis I decided to check out your website today. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier but I wanted to let you know that I think the content is GREAT. It is very, very helpful.



October 18, 2010

Dear Jay,

Your site is absolutely wonderful.  I read through both Genesis and Isaiah and used them to help me understand the Word of God.  The site is great.  I love all the references and explanations and how you separate each chapter.  I used the book of Genesis to lead a Bible study with two ladies in my neighborhood who don’t know the Lord yet— and it has been eye opening to say the least.  We are almost done with Genesis and were looking for a verse by verse commentary on Exodus.  If know of any good one that would be great.  I live in Queens, NY and have been a believer for about 15 years now.   Your site helped me to fall in love with the Word of God and understand it more fully.  How awesome it is.

Thank you so much for all the hard work you do.  Please keep at it.  I can’t believe you have not gotten any feedback on your site.  It truly has been such a blessing for me.  Keep up the great work God has for you.

May you be richly blessed.

In Him,
New York

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