Af – Revelation in Relation to Genesis

Revelation in Relation to Genesis

The book of Revelation is essentially a sequel to the book of Genesis. They are the two bookends of the Bible. Genesis means beginnings and Revelation is from the Greek word apokalupsis and literally means an unveiling of something previously hidden. Thus, Genesis is the book of the world’s beginnings, while Revelation is the book of the unveiling of the world’s future. The great themes of the Bible start in Genesis and are progressively revealed throughout the Bible and culminate in Revelation.

Genesis describes a sinless world in the garden of Eden, made for man and placed under his care. Even though sin and the curse have interrupted for a time, God’s ultimate purpose cannot be defeated. All that He intended from the beginning will come to pass. The earth will be restored to its original perfection and then continue forever. Sin and the curse will be removed and death will be no more. The first three chapters of Genesis outline the introduction of sin into ADONAI’s perfect creation, and the last three chapters of Revelation outline the cleansing of sin from the LORD’s redeemed creation.

Temporary World (Genesis)                    Eternal World (Revelation)

Division of light and darkness (1:4) will become: No night there (21:25)

Division of land and sea (1:10) will become: No more sea (21:1)

Creation of the sun and the moon (1:16) will become: No need for the sun and the moon (21:23)

First heavens and earth finished (2:1-3) will become: A new heaven and earth forever (21:1)

Mankind in a prepared garden (2:8-9) will become: Mankind in a prepared city (21:2)

River flowing out of the garden (2:10) will become: River flowing from God’s throne (22:1)

Tree of life in the midst of the garden (2:9) will become:The Tree of Life throughout the city (22:2)

Gold in the land (2:12) will become: Gold in the city (21:21)

Aromatic resin and onyx stone (2:12) will become: Every kind of precious stone (21:19)

God walking in the Garden (3:8) will become: God dwelling with His people (21:3)

The Spirit energizing (1:2) will become: The Spirit inviting (22:17)

Bride formed from her husband (2:21-23) will become: The Bride dressed for her husband (21:2)

Command to multiply (1:28) will become: Nations of the saved (21:24)

Garden accessible to the Deceitful one (3:1-5) will become: City is closed to the deceitful (21:27)

Mankind in God’s image (1:27) will become: Mankind in God’s presence (21:3)

Mankind works in the Garden (2:15) will become: Mankind inherits the world (21:7)

Cursed World (Genesis)                          Redeemed World (Revelation)

Cursed ground (3:17) will become: No more curse (22:3)

Daily sorrow (3:17) will become: No more sorrow (21:4)

Sweat of the brow (3:19) will become: No more tears (21:4)

Thorns and thistles (3:18) will become: No more pain (21:4)

Eating the plants of the field (3:18) will become: Twelve crops of fruit (22:2)

Returning to the dust (3:19) will become: No more death (21:4)

Garments of skin (3:21) will become: Fine linen, white and clean (19:14)

Satan opposing (3:15) will become: Satan banished (20:10)

Kept from the tree of life (3:24) will become: Access to the tree of life (22:14)

Banished from the Garden (3:23) will become:Free to enter the city (22:14)

Redeemer promised (3:15) will become: Redemption accomplished (5:9-10)

Only evil all the time (6:5) will become: Nothing impure, shameful or deceitful (21:27)

Seed of the woman (3:15) will become: Root of the Offspring of David (22:16)

Cherubim guarding (3:24) will become: Angels inviting (21:9)

There are other comparisons that could be made between the two worlds revealed in Genesis and Revelation. There are a number of specific themes that began in Genesis that are either elaborated on, or referenced in Revelation. For example, the original creation of the world is specifically mentioned in Revelation four times (4:11; 10:6; 13:8; 14:7). There is an implicit reference to Noah’s Flood in Revelation 14:7, and the rainbow covenant with Noah in Revelation 10:1.

The age-long conflict between the seed of the serpent and the Seed of the woman, first introduced in Genesis 3:15, is discussed at length in Revelation 12:1-17. The old serpent of the Garden of Eden is clearly identified there as Satan (Revelation 12:9), the deceiver of the whole world.

The post-Flood rebellion that began at Babel under Nimrod is developed and analyzed throughout history until its climax under the coming antichrist at Babylon the Great in Revelation 17 and 18. There is a reference to the wickedness of Sodom in Revelation 11:8 and to burning sulfur in Revelation 14:10.

In the letters to the seven churches, the tree of life and paradise are mentioned in Revelation 2:7. The cherubim of Genesis 3:24 are probably the living creatures mentioned in Rev 4:6-8 and throughout the book.

In Revelation 5:5, Christ is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, which is a reference to Jacob’s prophecy in Genesis 49:9. All Jacob’s children are named in his prophecy with the exception of Dan because that tribe fell into spiritual adultery (see my commentary on Genesis, to see link click Lj Dan Will be a Serpent by the Roadside, A Viper Along the Path), and they are all named again, with the exception of Dan, in Rev 7:4-8.

The book of Revelation contains concepts, not only from Genesis, but also from the entire Bible. Some writers have estimated that more than two-thirds of the verses in Revelation contain quotations or allusions from the TaNaKh. The apostle John clearly took for granted that his readers would already be familiar with the rest of the Bible and thus prepared to accept and understand ADONAI’s last climatic written revelation as His completed Word.

The Word of the LORD is eternal and it stands firm in the heavens (Psalm 119:89). Gradually, however, God fulfilled what He had foretold through the prophets (Acts 3:18). YHVH had been revealing His Word from His heart, through His prophets, from heaven to mankind on earth. When Messiah came, His Word became flesh and was transmitted into writing through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and others. Finally, almost a hundred years after Christ was born, Yochanan, the last surviving apostle, was chosen to finish the Bible. Then God’s Word was complete.6

2023-05-05T12:04:54+00:000 Comments

Ae – The Use of Symbols in the book of Revelation

The Use of Symbols in the book of Revelation

Just because I believe that the book of Revelation should be interpreted literally, it does not mean that many symbols are not used. A literal view takes words as they are, unless there is something in the text indicating that it should be taken some way other than literally. And there is symbolic language in this book. The existence of these symbols has led to two extremes. One extreme states that these symbols show that this book cannot be understood and must simply be interpreted in terms of a general conflict between good and evil, the good winning out in the end. Beyond this, they say the book is not to be understood in any great detail. Thus, this view has opened the book up to a wide range of criticism and attacks from the enemies of the faithful.

The second extreme states that the symbols are used for unchecked speculation, sensationalism and all kinds of guesswork in trying to interpret them in terms of current events. Such speculation has resulted in far-fetched interpretations, and changes are made as current events unfold. This view has also led to the setting of dates. In this area, the book of Revelation has suffered at the hands of its friends.

But there is a balance between these two extremes. While the Bible does use many symbols, it is consistent in its usage of those symbols. A specific symbol will mean the same thing throughout the TaNaKh and the B’rit Chadashah in the vast majority of cases. For example, Revelation has no direct quotes from the TaNaKh, but it has about 550 references to it. Only the last two chapters of Revelation regarding the Eternal State have information that is entirely new.

For this study, the symbols will be examined in accordance with the Golden Rule of Interpretation. While recognizing the existence of the symbols, there will be no resorting to guesswork. Rather, we will study Revelation on the premise that all the symbols in it are explained elsewhere, either in a different part of Revelation itself, or somewhere else in the Bible. In other words, we will let Scripture interpret Scripture. Their meanings will not be determined by speculation.5

2020-09-14T13:25:30+00:000 Comments

Ad – Apocalyptic Literature

Apocalyptic Literature

The book of Revelation is a genre that is very different from any other in the New Covenant. It is a unique blend of three distinct literary types: apocalypse, prophecy and letter. Furthermore, the basic type, apocalypse, is a literary form that does not exist today. We have a basic understanding of what an epistle or a narrative, a psalm, or a proverb is. But we simply have nothing quite like this. Therefore, it is especially important that we have a clear picture of the literary type we are dealing with.

The Revelation is primarily an apocalypse. The word apocalyptic comes from a Greek word apokalupsis. It is a noun and means an uncovering or revealing of the future. And although it is only one of the literary forms – it is a very special one, because there were dozens of apocalypses that were well known to both Jews and Christians from about 200 BC to AD 200. These other apocalypses, which are not part of the Bible, were all very different, yet they all, including Revelation, have some common characteristics.

1. The basis of apocalyptic is the prophetic literature of the TaNaKh, especially as it is found in Ezekiel, Dani’el and Zechariah, and parts of Isaiah. As is the case in some prophetic literature, apocalyptic was concerned about coming judgment and salvation. But apocalyptic was born either in persecution or in a time of great opposition. Therefore, its great concern was not the LORD’s activity within history. The apocalyptists looked exclusively toward the time when God would bring a violent, radical end to history. It would be an end that would mean the triumph of good and the final judgment of evil.

2. Unlike most of the prophetic books, apocalypses are literary works from the beginning. The prophets were basically spokesmen for ADONAI, whose spoken prophecies were later written down and collected in a book. But an apocalypse is a form of literature. It has a particular written structure and form. John, for example, was told to write what he had seen (1:19), whereas the prophets, for the most part, were commanded to speak what they were told.

3. Most frequently the stuff of apocalyptic is presented in the form of visions and dreams, and its language is cryptic (having hidden meanings) and symbolic. Therefore, most of the apocalypses contained literary devices that were intended to give the book a sense of antiquity. The most important of these devices was pseudonymity, that is, they were given the appearance of having been written by ancient fathers of the faith, who were told to seal it up for a later day. The later day, of course, being the age in which the book was then being written.

4. The images of apocalyptic are often forms of fantasy, rather than of reality. By way of contrast, the nonapocalyptic prophets and Jesus also regularly used symbolic language, but most often it involved real images. For example, they used salt (Matthew 5:13), vultures and carcasses (Luke 17:37), doves (Hosea 7:11), and half-baked cakes (Hosea 7:8), and so on. But most of the images of apocalyptic belong to fantasy, for example, a beast with seven heads and ten horns (13:1), a woman clothed with the sun (12:1), locusts with scorpions’ tails (9:10), and so on. The fantasy may not necessarily appear in the items themselves (we understand beasts, heads and horns), but in their unnatural combination.

5. Because they were literary, most of the apocalypses were very formally stylized. There was a strong tendency to divide time and events into nice, neat packages. There was also a great fondness for the symbolic use of numbers. In the case of the Bible, all impressed upon the human writer by the Holy Spirit without violating his own freedom to write. As a consequence, the book usually has the visions carefully strung together.

The Revelation of John fits all these characteristics of apocalyptic but one. And that one difference is so important that in some ways it becomes a world of its own. Revelation is not pseudonymous. Yochanan felt no need to follow the regular formula here. He made himself known to his readers and, through the seven letters in chapters 2 and 3, spoke to known churches in Asia Minor, who were contemporaries and companions in suffering. Moreover, he was told not to seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near (22:10). What makes Yochanan so different than his earlier Jewish predecessors, is that he was not merely anticipating the end. He knew that it had already begun with the coming of Jesus Christ.

What makes John’s Apocalypse different is, first of all, its combination of apocalyptic and prophetic elements. On the other hand, the book is cast in the apocalyptic mold and has most of the literary characteristics of apocalyptic. It is born in persecution and intends to speak about the end with the triumph of Christ and His Bride. It is carefully constructed, using cryptic language and rich symbolism of fantasy and numbers.

On the other hand, John clearly intends this apocalypse to be a prophetic word to seven local churches. His book was not to be sealed for the future. It was a word from the LORD for their present situation. Prophecy does not primarily mean to foretell the future, but rather to speak forth God’s Word for the present, usually coming in judgment or salvation. In the Revelation, even the seven letters bear this prophetic imprint. Here then is God’s prophetic Word to seven local churches in the latter part of the first century who were undergoing persecution from without and decay from within.4

2022-09-05T02:19:54+00:000 Comments

Ac – Revelation From a Messianic Jewish Perspective

The Book of Revelation
From a Messianic Jewish Perspective

To Dr. Walter Wessel, my New Covenant professor of Greek and Revelation at Bethel Seminary West, who taught me the valuable use of Greek while interpreting the Scriptures.
How he loved the New Covenant in its original language.

The book of Revelation is important because it is the last inspired book of the Bible. The New Covenant opens with the four gospels relating to the First Coming of Christ and the book of Revelation closes the B’rit Chadashah with the general theme of the Second Coming of Christ. This book is also the climax of many lines of revelation running through both the TaNaKh and the B’rit Chadashah, and it also brings to conclusion the revelation of many prophecies yet to be fulfilled. The Second Coming of Messiah and the years immediately preceding it are revealed more graphically in Revelation than in any other book of the Bible. The book of Dani’el describes in detail the period from Dani’el’s time to Christ’s First Coming and speaks briefly of the Tribulation and the Messianic Kingdom. But the book of Revelation amplifies the Great Tribulation with many additional details, culminating in the new heaven and the new earth and the eternal New Jerusalem.1


The apostle Yochanan was caught in a tangled web of emperor worship and banished to the island of Patmos, an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of Asia Minor or modern day Turkey. The name John occurs four times in the book (1:1, 1:4, 1:9, 22:8). From the second century on, it was held by the Church that John the apostle, the author of the gospel of John, wrote the book of Revelation. By that time, he was a very old man, probably in his eighties. Earlier Jesus had said to him: In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (Yochanan 16:33). It was from this exile that Yochanan wrote his letters to the seven churches who were facing this kind of conflict.


Most evangelical scholars believe that Revelation was written in AD 95 or 96. This is based on accounts of the early righteous fathers of the faith, who said that the Apostle John had been exiled on Patmos Island during the end of the reign of the Roman Emperor Titus Flavius Domitianus, commonly known as Dimitian. Following the death of Dimitian in AD 96, Yochanan was reportedly allowed to return to Ephesus.

Original Context

During the rule of Domitian, emperor worship, which had been a kind of off and on thing during the history of the Roman Empire, came to a climax. Emperor worship began after the death of Julius Caesar. Cesar Augustus succeeded him and he allowed emperor worship along with the worship of the goddess of Rome who was called Roma. Tiberius, who followed Cesar Augustus, discouraged emperor worship. The mad emperor Caligula, who insisted on emperor worship, followed him. Claudius then became emperor of Rome after the assassination of his nephew Caligula. Nero, who followed Claudius, didn’t take his own divinity seriously and did not insist on emperor worship. But then came Domitian after a quick succession of four nondescript suitors to the throne. He came to the throne in AD 81, and he brought a complete change. He was the worst of all things, a cold-blooded persecutor. With the exception of Caligula, he was the first emperor to take his divinity seriously and to demand Cesar worship. The difference was that Caligula was an insane devil, whereas Domitian was a sane, calculating devil. He took emperor worship to a whole new level and began a campaign of bitter persecution against all who would not worship him and the ancient gods. He called all those who opposed him, “the atheists.” He declared that anyone who addressed him in word or in writing was commanded to say, “My lord and my god Domitian.” Emperor worship was even more pronounced in the outer provinces. People were forced to come to his statue and take a little pinch of incense and drop it in a flame and say, “Cesar is lord.” In particular, he launched his hatred against the Jews and the Christians.

The Purpose of the Book

The purpose of Revelation is to reveal events that will take place immediately before, during, and after the Second Coming of Yeshua Messiah. As a result, it devotes most of its revelation to this subject in Chapters 4-18. The Second Coming itself is given the most graphic detail anywhere in the Bible in Chapter 19, followed by the Messianic Kingdom in Chapter 20. The Eternal State is revealed in Chapters 21-22. Therefore, the obvious purpose of the book is to complete the prophetic theme presented earlier in the prophecies of the TaNaKh and the prophecies of Yeshua, especially in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew Chapters 24 and 25). Along with a large amount of prophecy, the book also touches on a great deal of theology in a wide variety of subjects. There are also many applications to daily righteous living that can help us today. So specific knowledge and anticipation of ADONAI’s future program can motivate us to be committed to Jesus Christ and live holy lives.

The Rules of Interpretation

All too often teachers of the Bible have had one set of rules for the interpretation of non-prophetic passages, but have been unable, or unwilling to apply the same set of rules to prophetic passages. In this way, prophecy has often suffered at the hands of its enemies. But prophecy has also suffered at the hands of its friends. Even when the same set of rules is applied to prophecy as to other passages, there has often been an inconsistency in the application of rules, giving way to a tendency to spiritualize and/or sensationalize parts of a passage. Therefore, prophecy has also suffered at the hands of its friends, which, in turn, has given prophecy a bad name in its witness to the world.

There are four basic rules of interpretation that are keys to understanding the prophetic word. The first is called The Golden Rule of Interpretation. When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word as its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning, unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and self-evident truths, clearly indicate otherwise. In other words, this law states that all biblical passages are to be taken exactly as they read unless there is something in the text indicating that it should be taken some way other than literally. If the words of the Bible do not mean what they say, then no one can say what they mean. If the Golden Rule of Interpretation is applied consistently, much of the “newspaper prophecy” can be avoided, as well as other errors such as Amillennialism. So when the plain sense of Scripture makes sense, no other sense needs to be sought. As in any language, literal or normal interpretation does not rule out figures of speech, but even these have a literal background. We should not approach the Bible with the idea that it is filled with symbols that are hard to understand. It is not. We should approach the Bible with the assumption that it can be understood just like any other book that is taken literally. The Golden Rule of Interpretation is the first of four basic rules of interpretation and is by far the most important because it lays the foundation for the other three.

The second law is called The Law of Double Reference. This law observes the fact that often a passage of a block of Scripture is speaking of two different persons or two different events that are separated by a long period of time. In the passage itself they are blended into one picture, and the time gap between the two persons or two events is not presented by the text itself. The fact that a gap of time exists at all is known because of other Scriptures. But in that particular text itself the gap of time is not seen. A good example of this law is some of the prophecies of the TaNaKh regarding the First and Second Coming of Messiah. Often these two events are blended into one picture with no indication that there is a gap at all. Zechariah 9:9-10 is a good example of The Law of Double Reference. Verse 9 is speaking of the First Coming, but verse 10 is speaking of the Second Coming. These two comings are blended into one picture with no indication that there is a separation of time between them. Another example is Isaiah 11:1-5. Verses 1-2 speak of the First Coming, while verses 3-5 speak of the Second Coming. Again, the two are blended into one picture with no indication of a gap of time between the two. Because many of the prophetic passages follow this principle of The Law of Double Reference, this is an important law to know.

The third law is The Law of Recurrence. This law describes the fact that in some passage of Scripture there exists the recording of an event followed by a second recording of the same event giving more details to the first. Hence, it often involves two blocks of Scripture. The first block presents a description of an event as it transpires in chronological sequence. This is followed by a second block of Scripture dealing with the same event and the same period of time, but giving further details. An example of The Law of Recurrence in a prophetic passage is Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16. Ezekiel 38:1-23 gives a complete account of the invasion of Isra’el from the north and the subsequent destruction of the invading army. This is followed by a second block of Scripture, Ezekiel 39:1-16, which repeats some of the account given in the first block and gives some added details regarding the destruction of the invading army. A similar example is found in the first two chapters of Genesis. From Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, we are given an outline of the seven days of creation. Genesis 2:3 concludes with the seventh day. But following that in Genesis 2:4 through the end of Chapter 2, we have the story of the creation of Adam and Eve. It is obvious that this second block is going back and giving us the details of exactly how Adam and Eve were created.

The fourth law is The Law of Context, which states: A text apart from its context is a pretext. A verse can only mean what it means in its context and must not be taken out of its context. When it is taken out of its context, it is often presented as meaning something that it cannot mean within the context. A good example of this is Zechariah 13:6, which states: If someone asks him, “What are these wounds on your body?” he will answer, “The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.” This verse is often used as a prophecy of the Messiah. Pulled out of context, it does indeed sound like it refers to Yeshua. But the context of Zechariah 13:2-6 is speaking of false prophets. This is the danger of studying a verse by itself rather than in its context. The old saying that you can prove anything by using the Bible is only true when you pull verses out of their context. Therefore, these are the four basic rules of interpretation, which, if followed, will help in the study of the Bible in general, and of prophecy in particular.2

The Use of the Hebrew name ADONAI rather than YHVH

A basic problem in Judaism is that God’s personal name is never spoken. When Moses saw a bush that burned without being consumed in the wilderness of Midian, God revealed Himself to Moses and told him His own personal name. That Hebrew name consists of four letters. It is forbidden to speak the four-letter name of God, YHVH (Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay), also known as the Tetragrammation (four-letter writing). Today, ADONAI is a word used to refer to God by many people of the Jewish faith. Jews simply translate YHVH as meaning, the Name.

The name of God is a serious topic in Judaism, and there are many rules and traditions surrounding its use. Only the High Priest was allowed to speak the Name, and then only in the Temple – which of course no longer exists, making it prohibited for anyone to speak the name anywhere. Since it is necessary to speak the name of God during certain prayers, a way had to be conceived of to refer to Him without committing blasphemy. So it is that when reading prayers that refer to YHVH, many Jews will read the name ADONAI, instead. It is their way of showing respect for the use of God’s name.

The relation between a name (shem) and a thing (davar) hold a foundational level of importance in the Holy Scriptures. From the Jewish mindset, naming and being are the same thing. As a result, the names of people in the TaNaKh reflect their personal characteristics. In the same way, the Name of God reflects Him and His attributes.

Thus, God does not have many names, He has only one name – YHVH (Yud Hay Vav Hay). All the other names in the Bible describe His characteristics and attributes. Hear, Isra’el! ADONAI our God, ADONAI is One (Deuteronomy 6:4). The Jewish tradition, then, forbids the pronunciation of the Divine Name, but instead chooses to use ADONAI in its place. Therefore, I will frequently be using ADONAI in this devotional commentary instead of YHVH.

The Use of the Hebrew term TaNaKh rather than the phrase,
the Old Testament

The Hebrew word TaNaKh is an acronym, based on the letters T (for “Torah”), N (for “Neviim,” or the Prophets), and K (for “Ketuvim,” or the Sacred Writings). It is the collection of the teachings of God to human beings in document form. The term Old Testament implies that it is no longer valid, or at the very least outdated. Something old, to be either ignored or discarded. But Yeshua Himself said: Don’t think I have come to abolish the Torah and the Prophets, I have not come to abolish but to complete (Matthew 5:17 CJB). As a result, I will be using the Hebrew acronym TaNaKh instead of the phrase, the Old Covenant, throughout this devotional commentary.

The Chronological Framework of Revelation

As indicated above, a literal view of Revelation accepts 4:1 through 22:21 as truly prophetic, built around a chronology beginning during the time of the Gentiles, written in the AD 90s and extending into eternity. Prior to the establishment of the new heavens and the new earth, which starts the ages of eternity, there will be a final period of a thousand years on earth called the Messianic, or Millennial, Kingdom (20:1-7).

Prior to the Messianic Kingdom, the world is to be ruled by a satanically controlled man identified as the beast. This period of totalitarian world rule under the beast is predicted to be just forty-two months, Chapters 4-11, before he is defeated and God pours His wrath out on a non-believing world for another forty-two month period in Chapters 12-18. Thus there is a final seven-year period of history immediately prior to the Messianic Kingdom. Chapters 4 and 5 describe a great scene in heaven immediately preceding the seven-year period called the Great Tribulation on earth. There, in heaven, all the redeemed (5:8-13), sing praises to the Lamb of God, the Redeemer.

Since God’s faithful are not appointed to suffer wrath, the Lord promises: I will keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole earth to test those who live on the earth (Revelation 3:10). It, therefore, becomes clear that the seven years of the Great Tribulation described in Chapters 6 through 18, are prophesied to take place only after the coming of Messiah to raise and receive His redeemed ones (John 14:2-3; First Corinthians 15:51-57; First Thessalonians 4:16-17). This leaves only Chapters 2 and 3 to deal with the time period of about AD 96 to the rapture. These chapters consist of letters to seven real churches in Asia Minor, who would represent the different periods of Church history and the very real needs of all the believers during the Dispensation of Grace.3


2023-02-03T14:19:13+00:001 Comment

Ab – The Outline of the Book of Revelation From a Jewish Perspective

The Outline of the Book of Revelation
From a Jewish Perspective

The basis for this commentary and outline is taken from Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s book
The Footsteps of the Messiah and Ariel Ministries in San Antonio, Texas.

The Book of Revelation From a Jewish Perspective (Ac)

Apocalyptic Literature (Ad)

The Use of Symbols in the book of Revelation (Ae)

Revelation in Relation to Genesis (Af)

The Importance of the Number Seven in the book of Revelation (Ag)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Which God Gave Him – 1:1-3 (Ah)

Look, He is Coming With the Clouds – 1:4-8 (Ai)

I. Write, Therefore, What You Have Seen – 1:9-20 (Aj)

A. John was On the Island of Patmos because of the Testimony of Jesus – 1:9-11 (Ak)

B. I Turned Around and Saw Someone like a Son of Man – 1:12-16 (Al)

C. I Hold the Keys of Death and Hades – 1:17–20 (Am)

II. The Times of the Gentiles – Luke 21:24 (An)

A. The First Beast of Dani’el: A Lion with a Head of Gold – Dani’el 2:37-38 (Ao)

B. The Second Beast of Dani’el: A Bear with a Chest of Silver – Dani’el 2:33a (Ap)

C. The Third Beast of Dani’el: A Leopard with Thighs of Bronze – Dani’el 2:39b (Aq)

D. Finally, There will be a Fourth Beast That Smashes Everything – Dani’el 2:40-43 (Ar)

1. The Fourth Beast: The Roman Empire Stage – Dani’el 2:40 and 7:23a (As)

2. The Fourth Beast: The Balance of Power Stage – Dani’el 2:41 (At)

3. The Fourth Beast: The One World Government Stage – Dani’el 7:23b and c (Au)

4. The Fourth Beast: The Ten Kingdoms Stage – Dani’el 2:42-43 and 7:24a (Av)

5. The Fourth Beast: The Antichrist Stage – Dani’el 7:24b-26 (Aw)

E. A Rock Not Cut by Human Hands – Dani’el 2:34, 44-45a, 7:18 and 28 (Ax)

III. Write, Therefore, What Is Now – 2:1 to 3:22 (Ay)

A. The Church at Ephesus – 2:1-7 (Az)

B. The Church at Smyrna – 2:8-11 (Ba)

C. The Church at Pergamum – 2:12-17 (Bb)

D. The Church at Thyatira – 2:18-29 (Bc)

E. The Church at Sardis – 3:1-6 (Bd)

F. The Church at Philadelphia – 3:7-13 (Be)

G. The Church at Laodicea – 3:14-22 (Bf)

IV. The Sequence of Pretribulational Events (Bg)

A. The Northern Alliance and the Invasion of Isra’el – Ezeki’el 38:1 to 39:16 (Bh)

1. The Chief Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal – Ezeki’el 38:1-6 (Bi)

2. In Future Years You Will Invade the Land, Advancing Like a Storm – 38:7-9 (Bj)

3. I Will Invade a Land of Unwalled Villages – Ezeki’el 38:10-13 (Bk)

4. You Will Advance Against My People Isra’el – Ezeki’el 38:14-16 (Bl)

5. There Shall be a Great Earthquake in the Land of Isra’el – Ezeki’el 38:17-23 (Bm)

6. I Will Bring You Against the Mountains of Isra’el – Ezeki’el 39:1-6 (Bn)

7. I Will Make Known My Holy Name Among My People – Ezeki’el 39:7-8 (Bo)

8. For Seven Years They Will Use Them for Fuel – Ezeki’el 39:9-10 (Bp)

9. For Seven Months the house of Isra’el Will Bury Them – Ezeki’el 39:11-16 (Bq)

B. It Will Devour the Whole Earth, Trampling It Down – Dani’el 7:23 (Br)

C. The Ten Horns are Ten Kings Who Will Come From This Nation – Dan 7:24a (Bs)

D. The Man of Lawlessness – 2 Thess 2:1-3; Dani’el 7:4-8, and 24b; Rev 13:1-2 (Bt)

E. When People Say Peace and Safety, Destruction Will Come – 1 Thess 5:1-3 (Bu)

F. The Sun Will Be Turned to Darkness and the Moon to Blood – Joel 2:30-31 (Bv)

G. See, I Will Send You the Prophet Elijah Before the LORD Comes – Mal 4:4-5 (Bw)

H. The Tribulation Temple – 11:1-2 (Bx)

I. The Rapture of the Church – First Thessalonians 4:13-18 (By)

J. The Signing of the Seven-Year Covenant with the Antichrist (Bz)

V. Write, Therefore, What Will Take Place Later – 4:1 to 22:5 (Ca)

A. Events in Heaven Preceding the Great Tribulation – 4:1 to 5:14 (Cb)

1. We Must All Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ – 2 Corinthians 5:10 (Cc)

2. And There Before Me was a Throne in Heaven – 4:1-11 (Cd)

3. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David Has Triumphed – 5:1-5 (Ce)

4. You Are Worthy To Take The Scroll – 5:6-14 (Cf)

B. The Great Tribulation – 6:1 to 18:24 (Cg)

1. The Beginning of the Great Tribulation – Dani’el 9:24-27 and Isa 28:14-22 (Ch)

2. The Events in the First Half of the Great Tribulation – 6:1 to 9:21 (Ci)

3. The Number Seven (Cj)

a. The Seven Seals of the Lamb – 6:1-17 (Ck)

1) The First Seal: A White Horse – 6:1-2 (Cl)

2) The Second Seal: A Red Horse – 6:3-4 (Cm)

3) The Third Seal: A Black Horse – 6:5-6 (Cn)

4) The Fourth Seal: A Pale Horse – 6:7-8 (Co)

5) The Fifth Seal: I Saw Those Who Had Been Slain – 6:9-11 (Cp)

6) The Sixth Seal: The Sun Turned Black Like Sackcloth – 6:12-17 (Cq)

b. Then I Heard the Number of Those Who Were Sealed – 7:1-8 (Cr)

c. God Will Wipe Away Every Tear From Their Eyes – 7:9-17 (Cs)

7) The Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven – 8:1 (Ct)

d. The Seven Trumpets – 8:2 to 9:21 (Cu)

1) The Angel Took the Censer and Hurled It On the Earth – 8:2-5 (Cv)

2) The First Trumpet: Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood – 8:6-7 (Cw)

3) Second Trumpet: A Third of the Sea Turned Into Blood – 8:8-9 (Cx)

4) Third Trumpet: The Name of the Star is Wormwood – 8:10-11 (Cy)

5) Fourth Trumpet: The Lights Darkened – 8:12-13 (Cz)

6) The Fifth Trumpet: Locusts Like Scorpions – 9:1-12 (Da)

7) Sixth Trumpet: A Third of Mankind Killed – 9:13-21 (Db)

e. I Will Give Power to My Two Witnesses to Prophesy – 11:1-6 (Dc)

f. I Saw a Woman Holding a Golden Cup – 17:1-6a, 15 and 18 (Dd)

4. The Events in the Middle of the Great Tribulation – 10:1 to 14:20, 17:16 (De)

a. Another Mighty Angel and the Little Scroll – 10:1-11 (Df)

b. The King of the South Will Engage Him in Battle – Dani’el 11:40-45 (Dg)

c. The Antichrist Appears to be Killed – Dan ch 7 vrse 11 and ch 11 verse 45b (Dh)

d. There Was War in Heaven, and Satan was Hurled Down – ch 12 verses 7-12 (Di)

e. The Antichrist Seems to be Resurrected – ch 13 verse 3 (Dj)

f. Three Kings Killed and Seven Submit – Dani’el ch 7 verse 24 (Dk)

g. The Destruction of Religious Babylon – ch 17 verse 16 (Dl)

h. The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses – ch 11 verses 7-13 (Dm)

i. All the Inhabitants of the Earth Worship the Beast – ch 13 verses 3-10 (Dn)

j. The Beast Out of the Earth: False Prophet – ch 13 verses 11-15 (Do)

k. The Mark is the Name of the Beast – ch 13 verses 16-18 (Dp)

l. The Breaking of the Seven Year Covenant – Dani’el 9:27a (Dq)

m. The Abomination That Causes Desolation – Dan 9:27b, 12:11 and Mt 24:15 (Dr)

n. The Woman and the Dragon – Rev ch 12 vers 1-6, 13-17, and Mt 24:15-28 (Ds)

o. And They Sang a New Song Before the Throne – ch 14 verses 1-5 (Dt)

p. The Hour of His Judgment Has Come – ch 14 verses 6-11 (Du)

q. Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord – ch 14 verses 12-13 (Dv)

r. The Blood Flowed as High as the Horses Bridles – ch 14 verses 14-20 (Dw)

8). The Seventh Trumpet: God’s Temple in Heaven – ch 11 verses 14-19 (Dx)

5. The Events in the Second Half of the Great Tribulation – 15:1 to 16:21 (Dy)

a. The Seven Angels With Seven Last Plagues – 15:1-8 (Dz)

b. The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath – 16:1-21 (Ea)

1) Ugly and Painful Sores Broke Out – 16:1-2 (Eb)

2) The Sea Turned into Blood – 16:3 (Ec)

3) The Rivers and Springs of Water Became Blood – 16:4-7 (Ed)

4) The Sun, Scorching People with Fire – 16:8-9 (Ee)

5) The Throne of the Beast, Plunged into Darkness – 16:10-11 (Ef)

6) I Saw Three Evil Spirits That Looked Like Frogs – 16:12-16 (Eg)

7) God said, “It is Done!” – 16:17-21 (Eh)

6. The Woman Who Sits On the Beast – 17:6b to 18:24 (Ei)

a. They Will Make War Against the Lamb, But He Will Overcome – 17:6b-14 (Ej)

b. The Beast Will Hate the Prostitute and Bring Her to Ruin – 17:16-17 (Ek)

c. The Fall of Commercial and Political Babylon – 18:1-24 (El)

1) Fallen is Babylon! She Has Become a Home for Demons – 18:1-3 (Em)

2) Come Out Of Her, So That You Will Not Share in Her Sins – 18:4-5 (En)

3) In One Day Her Plagues Will Overtake Her – 18:6-8 (Eo)

4) Woe! In One Hour She Has Been Brought to Ruin – 18:9-19 (Ep)

5) God Has Judged Her for the Way She Treated You – 18:20 (Eq)

6) Babylon Will Never Be Found Again – 18:21-23a (Er)

7) By Your Magic Spell All Nations Were Led Astray – 18:23b-24 (Es)

C. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – 19:1-19 (Et)

1. Hallelujah! The Smoke From Her Goes Up Forever and Ever – 19:1-5 (Eu)

2. The Basis of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Zechariah 12:10 (Ev)

3. He is Dressed in a Robe Dipped in Blood – 19:11-18 and 21 (Ew)

4. The Eight Stage Campaign of Armageddon – 19:19 (Ex)

D. The Seventy-five Day Interval – Dani’el 12:11-12 (Ey)

1. The Removal of the Abomination That Causes Desolation – Dani’el 12:11 (Ez)

2. The Beast was Captured, and with Him the False Prophet – 19:20 (Fa)

3. He Seized the Dragon, or Satan, and Bound Him for a Thousand Years – 20:1-3 (Fb)

4. The Sheep and the Goats – 19:21 (Fc)

5. The Resurrection of the Righteous of the TaNaKh – Dani’el 12:2 (Fd)

6. I Saw Those Who Had Been Beheaded for the Testimony of Jesus – 20:4 (Fe)

7. Blessed and Holy are Those Who Have Part in the First Resurrection – 20:5-6 (Ff)

8. Blessed Are Those Invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb – 19:6-10 (Fg)

E. The Dispensation of the Messianic Kingdom – 20:1-10 (Fh)

1. The Government of the Messianic Kingdom – Isaiah 9:6-7 (Fi)

2. My Chosen People Will Inherit My Mountains – Isaiah 65:9 (Fj)

3. Gentiles in the Messianic Kingdom – Isaiah 11:10 (Fk)

F. When The Thousand Years Are Over – 20:7-15 (Fl)

1. Satan Will Be Released from His Prison and Deceive the Nations – 20:7-10 (Fm)

2. The Second Resurrection – 20:13 (Fn)

3. The Great White Throne Judgment – 20:11-12 (Fo)

4. The Lake of Fire is the Second Death – 20:14-15 (Fp)

G. The Eternal State – 21:1 to 22:5 (Fq)

1. Then I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth – 21:1-8 (Fr)

2. The Eternal New Jerusalem – 21:9 to 22:5 (Fs)

a. Come, I Will Show You the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb – 21:9-10 (Ft)

b. A Great High Wall with Twelve Gates – 21:11-21 (Fu)

c. Nothing Impure Will Enter New Jerusalem – 21:22-27 (Fv)

d. Then the Angel Showed Me the River of the Water of Life – 22:1-2 (Fw)

e. They Will See His Face, His Name Will Be On Their Foreheads – 22:3-5 (Fx)

H. Pay Attention! I am Coming Soon – 22:6-21 (Fy)

I. These Words Are Trustworthy and True – 22:6-9 (Fz)

J. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last – 22:10-15 (Ga)

K. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright Morning Star – 22:16 (Gb)

L. Whoever is Thirsty, Let Them Take the Free Gift of the Water of Life – 22:17 (Gc)

M. If Anyone Adds to the Words of This Book, God Will Add to Them – 22:18-19 (Gd)

N. He Who Testifies to These Things Says: Yes, I Am Coming Soon – 22:20 (Ge)

O. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Be With God’s People – 22:21 (Gf)

2022-09-05T02:28:25+00:000 Comments

Aa – Revelation, Where Life and the Bible Meet

Revelation, Where Life and the Bible Meet 

1. Look at the outline (Ab), and the Introduction (Ac) before starting on the commentary itself.

2. The DIG and REFLECT questions are in bold green and will help to give you a deeper understanding of the book and make it more personal to you. Go slowly and give yourself time to answer these questions. They really strike at the heart of the commentary. What are the DIG questions for? To dig into the Scripture “story.” To find out what’s going on, to figure out the main idea, the plot, the argument, the spiritual principle, and so on. What are the REFLECT questions for? To apply the “story” in the Scripture to your own life; to take personal inventory and to decide what you are going to do about it! Many of the DIG and REFLECT questions are taken from the Serendipity Bible.

3. I would strongly suggest that you look up the references that are given in each section. Many times this will greatly enhance the background, and hence, your understanding of the Scriptures that you are reading on a particular day. Take your time, read only as much as you can digest.

There are times when I refer you to either another file in Isaiah, or a file in another book of the Bible, to give you more detail on a particular person, topic, concept or theology. An example might be something like the Great Sanhedrin (see my commentary on The Life of Christ, to see link click LgThe Great Sanhedrin). If you feel you already know enough about the Great Sanhedrin, you can skip the reference and continue reading. But if it interests you, or if you don’t know what the Great Sanhedrin is, you can go to that file and read it first before continuing. It’s your choice. 

4. All Scripture is in bold print. The NIV is used unless indicated otherwise. However, sometimes the purpose of the bold print is merely for emphasizing a certain point. When bold maroon is used, it is for special emphasis. The words of Jesus are bolded in red.

5. When bold teal is used, it is quoted from one of the two Jewish commentaries listed in the bibliography. This will give you the moderate Orthodox Jewish interpretation. It is useful for word studies, but its Christology is obviously entirely wrong. Where rabbinical interpretation is cited, I will add, “The rabbis teach. . .” in front of the passage. Although it is not a Christian interpretation, I think it is interesting to see how the rabbis interpret these passages.

6. Read the Scriptures for a particular day first, then skim the DIG or REFLECT questions, read the commentary and reflect on it; answer the DIG or REFLECT questions, then read your Bible again. Hopefully, it will have greater meaning for you the second time you read it. Then live it out.

7. If you come to a Jewish word or phrase that you don’t understand, see the Glossary at the end of the book (see Gg – Glossary).

8. To download a pdf file, click on the red rectangle on the top of any page.

9. You can download anything you want from this devotional commentary © 2012 but all rights are reserved by Jay David Mack, M.Div

2024-05-17T18:37:20+00:002 Comments

Gz – Bibliography



Achtemeier, Elizabeth, Christianity Today, August 16, 1993.

Allen, Leslie. Jeremiah: A Commentary. London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.

Baker, David. Obadiah, Jonah and Micah, Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1988.

Barker, Kenneth. NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985.

Blackmur, R. P. The Lion and the Honeycomb. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1955.

Blackwood, Andrew. Commentary on Jeremiah. Waco: Word Books, 1977.

Blenkinsopp, J. Ezekiel. Interpretation, a biblical commentary for teaching and preaching. Westminster John Knox, 1990.

Boettner, Loraine. Roman Catholicism. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co, 1962.

The British Museum, Chronicle of Chaldean Kings (626-556 BC). London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1956.

Brueggemann, Walter. A Commentary on Jeremiah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.

Carroll, Robert. Jeremiah. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1986., Y’hudah Shurpin, 2015.

Chisholm, Jr, Robert. Does God Change His Mind, Dallas: Bibliotheca Sacra, Volume 152, October-December, 1995.

Von Clausewitz, Carl. On War. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1968.

Coleman, Lyle. The Serendipity Bible. Littleton, Serendipity House, 1988.

Craigie, Peter. The Problem of War in the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.

Craigie, Peter. Ezekiel. Philadelphia: DSB Westminster John Knox, 1983.

Craigie, Peter. Jeremiah 1-25. Dallas: Word Biblical Commentary, Dallas, 1991.

Currid, John. Exodus: Chapters 19-40. Auburn: Evangelical Press, 2001.

Davis, Dale. The LORD is King: The Message of Daniel, Bible Speaks Today. Downers-Grove,

Inter-Varsity Press, 1979.

Dearman, Andrew. The NIV Application Commentary on Jeremiah. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.

Dembitz, L. N. The Jewish Encyclopedia Number X. New York: Funk and Wagner, 1905.

Driver, S. R. The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah. New York: Scribner’s, 1906.

Duhm, Bernhard. Das Buch Jeremia. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1902.

Erickson, Millard. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1985.

Fee, Gordon and Stuart, Douglas. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982.

Feinberg, Charles. The Prophecy of Ezekiel. Chicago: Moody Press, 1969.

Finegan, Jack. Handbook of Biblical Chronology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1964.

Forsyth, Peter T. Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind. London: Independent Press Ltd, London, 1907.

Freedman, Rabbi H. Jeremiah. London: The Soncino Press, 1949.

Freeman, James. Manners and Customs of the Bible. Plainfield: Logos International, 1972.

Freehof, Solomon. Book of Jeremiah: The Jewish Commentary of Bible Readers.
New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1977.

Fretheim, Terence. The Suffering God: An Old Testament Perspective. Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1989.

Frick, Frank. “The Rechabites Reconsidered,” Journal of Biblical Literature 90, 1971.

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold. The Footsteps of the Messiah. Tustin: Ariel Ministries, 1982.

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold. Tape Series on Jeremiah. Tustin: Ariel Ministries, 1992.

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold. Ezekiel MP3bbs – eze. San Antonio: Ariel Ministries, 2016.

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold. Daniel MP3bbs – dan. San Antonio: Ariel Ministries, 2016.

Fretheim, Terence. Jeremiah. Macon: Smyth and Helwys Bible Company, 2002.

Gustafson, Tim. Our Daily Bread. Grand Rapids: RBC Ministries, different years.

Herschel, Abraham. God in Search of Man. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 1955.

Holliday, William. Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2012.

Holliday, William. Jeremiah 1. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1986.

Holliday, William. Jeremiah 2. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989.

Ironside, Harry. Notes on Jeremiah. Neptune: Loizeaux Brothers, 1906.

Josephus, Flavius. The Antiquities of the Jews. Amazon.

Kasdan, Barney. Kehilat Ariel Messianic Synagogue Newsletter, Volume 31, Number 1, September/October 2014.

Kempis, Thomas (translated by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley). The Imitation of Christ.

New York: Sheed and Ward, 1959.

Keil, C. F. The Books of Chronicles, Volume 3. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.

Laetsch, Theodore. Jeremiah. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1952.

Laney, J. Carl. Answers to Tough Questions. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1997.

Laney, J. Carl and Schmidt, John. Messiah’s Coming Temple, Grand Rapids: Kregel Pub, 1997.

Longman, Tremper. Daniel. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999.

Lucado, Max. Grace for the Moment, Volume One. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2000.

Lundbom, Jack. Jeremiah 1-20. New York: Doubleday, 1999.

Lundbom, Jack. Jeremiah 21-36. New York: Doubleday, 2004.

Lundbom, Jack. Jeremiah 37-52. New York: Doubleday, 2004.

Luthi, Walter. The Church to Come. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1939.

MacArthur, John. Matthew 1-7, Chicago: Moody Press, 1985.

MacArthur, John. Revelation 12-22. Chicago: Moody Press, 2000.

Maier, Paul translated Eusebius. Church History. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1999.

Miano, David. Shadow on the Steps: Time Measurement in Ancient Isra’el.

Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010.

Morris, Henry. The Bible Has the Answer. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1991.

Morris, Henry. The Revelation Record. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1983.

Muggeridge, Malcolm, A Twentieth Century Testimony. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1978.

Peterson, Eugene. Run with the Horses. Downers Grove: IVP Books, 1983.

Pink, Arthur, W. The Sovereignty of God, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984.

Price, James. Jeremiah’s 70 Year Chronology, James D. Price Publications

Shurpin, Y’hudah – April 14, 2015.

Stern, David. The Complete Jewish Bible. Clarksville: Jewish New Testament Pub, 1998.

Stephens, Don. War and Grace. Darlington: Evangelical Press, 2005.

Stone, Nathan. The Names of God. Chicago, Moody Press, 1944.

Tolkien, J. R. R. The Fellowship of the Ring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965.

Thompson, J. A. The Book of Jeremiah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980.

Trustees of the British Museum, Chronicle of Chaldean Kings (626-556 BC): London, 1956.

Vander Meulen, Elizabeth and Malda, Barbara. His Names Are Wonderful. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2005.

von Hugel, Baron Friedrich. Selected Letters 1896-1924, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1933.

Walvoord, John and Zuck, Roy. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1985.

Weems, Renita. Battered Love: Marriage, Sex and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994.

Welsh, John. Chiasmus in Antiquity. Provo: Research Press, 1981.

Wiersbe, Warren. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Jeremiah. Colorado Springs: David Cook Publisher, 2012.

Youngblood, Ronald. How It All Began. Ventura: Regal Books, 1980.

Youngblood, Ronald. Jeremiah’s Call. The BGC Standard Magazine, May 1992.

Youngblood, Ronald. The Character of Jeremiah. Criswell Theological Review 5.2, 1991.

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Gy – End Notes

End Notes

1. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, page 1123.

2. The Jewish New Testament Commentary, by David Stern, Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc, Clarksville, Maryland, 1992, page 4.

3. Jeremiah and Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page283.

4. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980 pages 81-85.

5. Jeremiah, a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, pages 2-3.

6. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980 pages 71-72.

7. On War, by Carl von Clausewitz, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1968, page 101. Initially published in 1932 under the title of Vom Kriege.

8. On War, by Carl von Clausewitz, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1968, page 102. Initially published in 1932 under the title of Vom Kriege.

9. The Problem of War in the Old Testament, by Peter Craigie, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976, pages 46-47.

10. Christian Theology, by Millard Erickson, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1985, pages 627-630.

11. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, IVP Books, Downers Grove, IL, 1983, p 36.

12. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 22-23.

Josiah Ruled For 31 Years from 640 to 609 BC

13. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, IVP Books, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 61-64.

14. Jeremiah a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 25-26.

15. The Fellowship of the Ring, by J. R. R. Tolkien, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Massachusetts, 1965, page 70.

16. Jeremiah’s Call, by Ronald Youngblood, The BGC Standard Mag, May 1992, pgs 26-27.

17. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, IVP Books, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 37-38.

18. Grace for the Moment (In the Grip of Grace) Volume One, by Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000, page 219.

19. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 49.

20. Jeremiah’s Call, by Ronald Youngblood, The BGC Standard Mag, May 1992, pgs 28-29.

21. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, GA, 2002, page 49 and 51.

22. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 151.

23. Jeremiah, a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 21.

24. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, GA, 2002, pages 55-56.

25. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, Texas, 1977, pages 44-45.

26. Jeremiah 1-25, by Peter Craigie, Word Biblical Commentary, Dallas, TX, 1991, page 45.

27. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 61.

28. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 45.

29. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 162-163.

30. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 34.

31. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 62.

32. Jeremiah 1-20, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible: Doubleday, New York, New York, 1999, page 263.

33. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1132.

34. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, pages 280-281.

35. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 49.

36. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 67.

37. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 50.

38. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 67.

39. Matthew 1-7, by John MacArthur, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Il, 1985, page 484.

40. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, pg 65.

41. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 115-116.

42. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 180.

43. The NIV Application Commentary: Jeremiah/Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page 64.

44. Jeremiah 1-20, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible, New York, NY, 1999, page 290.

45. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 182.

46. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, GA, 2002, pages 76-77.

47. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 116.

48. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 44.

49. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 196-197.

50. Ibid, pages 200-201.

51. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 46.

52. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Jeremiah, by Warren Wiersbe, David Cook Publishing, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2012, page 33.

53. Ibid, page 34.

54. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 89.

55. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, 50-51.

56. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 94.

57. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 52.

58. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 93.

59. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 64.

60. Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading, by William Holloway, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 58-60.

61. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 221-222.

62. Jeremiah 1-20, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible, New York, NY, 1999, page 349.

63. The Book of Jeremiah, J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, page 228.

64. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 58-59.

65. Difficult Passages in the New Testament, by Robert Stein, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1990, page 186.

66. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 71.

67. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 61.

68. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 107.

69. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Jeremiah, by Warren Wiersbe, David Cook Publishing, 2012, page 30.

70. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 108.

71. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 234.

72. Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading, by William Holloway, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 68.

73. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 110.

74. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 77.

75. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 66.

76. Jeremiah, A Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 71.

77. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, pages 297-298.

78. Our Daily Bread, edited by Tim Gustafson, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June/July/August 2014.

79. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thomson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 266-267.

80. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series, by Warren Wiersbe, David Cook Publishers, Colorado Springs, Co, 2012, page 37.

81. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 183.

82. The Character of Jeremiah, by Ronald Youngblood, Criswell Theological Review 5.2, 1991, pages 171-182.

83. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 349-350.

84. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 130.

85. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 97-98.

86. The Character of Jeremiah, by Ronald Youngblood, Criswell Theological Review 5.2, 1991, page 177.

87. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 131.

88. The Book of Jeremiah, S. R. Driver, Scribner’s, New York, New York, 1906, page 71.

89. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1980, pages 395-396.

90. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 17-19.

Jehoahaz Ruled For 3 Months in 609 BC

91. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 93.

92. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 306.

93. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 94.

94. Jeremiah 1-20, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible, New York, NY, 1999, page 551.

95. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 98.

96. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 316.

97. Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading, by William Holloway, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 87.

98. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 108.

99. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 319-321.

100. Our Daily Bread, edited by Tim Gustafson, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan, March/April/May 2014.

101. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 102-103.

102. Jeremiah, A Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 105-106.

103. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 105-107.

104. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 335.

105. Ibid, pages 338-339.

106. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 184.

107. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 197.

108. The NIV Application Commentary on Jeremiah/Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan Grand Rapids, MI, 2002, page 207.

109. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 585.

110. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 287.

Jehoiakim Ruled For 11 Years from 609/608 to 598 BC

111. Jeremiah 1-20, by Jack Lundbom. The Anchor Bible, Doubleday, New York, New York, 1999, page 106.

112. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 77-78.

113. The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas Kempis (translated by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley), Sheed and Ward, New York, NY, 1959, pages 66-67.

114. Jeremiah a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 28-29.

115. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1139.

116. Our Daily Bread, edited by Tim Gustafson, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June-July-August, 2011.

117. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, IVP Books, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 66-68.

118. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 282-283.

119. Jeremiah a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 30-31.

120. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, IVP Books, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 68-69.

121. Difficult Passages in the New Testament, by Robert Stein, Baker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1990, page 361.

122. The NIV Application Commentary: Jeremiah and Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page 100.

123. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 285-286.

124. Roman Catholicism, by Loraine Boettner, The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 1962, pages 141-142.

125. Why God is Not Mother, Christianity Today, by Elizabeth Achtemeier, August 16, 1993, pages 16-23.

126. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 286-287.

127. Roman Catholicism, by Loraine Bottner, The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 1962, pages 196-205.

128. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 289.

129. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 102.

130. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 282.

131. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 84.

132. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 99.

133. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 523.

134. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 219.

135. The NIV Application Commentary: Jeremiah/Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page 244.

136. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Jeremiah, by Warren Wiersbe, David Cook Publishers, Colorado Sprigs, Colorado, 2012, pages 57-58.

137. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 43.

138. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1147.

139. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, Texas, 1977, page 130.

140. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 218.

150. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 135-137.

151. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, pg 136.

152. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 229.

153. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 98.

154. Ibid, pages 101-102.

155. Ibid, pages 102-103.

156. Ibid, page 104.

157. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 105-106.

158. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 107-108.

159. The Character of Jeremiah, by Ronald Youngblood, Criswell Theological Review 5.2, 1991, page 179.

160. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 282.

161. Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading, by William Holloway, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 90.

162. The NIV Application Commentary: Jeremiah/Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page 171.

162. Grace for the Moment, Volume One (When Christ Comes), by Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000, page 233.

163. Our Daily Bread, edited by Tim Gustafson, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June/July/August 2014.

164. Christian Theology, by Millard Erickson, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1985, pages 629-630.

165. Jeremiah: A Fresh Reading, by William Holloway, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 34.

166. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 98.

167. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 423-424.

168. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 285.

169. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 98-100.

170. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, pages 430-431.

171. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 265.

172. The Bible Has The Answer, by Henry Morris, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1971, pages 210-212.

173. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Jeremiah, by Warren Wiersbe, David Cook Publishers, Colorado Sprigs, Colorado, 2012, pages 63-64.

174. The Lion and the Honeycomb, by R. P. B. Blackmur, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1955, pages 179-180.

175. Obadiah, Jonah and Micah, by David Baker, TOTC, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1988, page 137.

176. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page, 78-79.

177. Does God Change His Mind, by Robert Chisholm, Jr. Bibliotheca Sacra, Volume 152, Dallas, Texas, October-December 1995, N608.

178. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page, 80-81.

179. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 171.

180. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 98.

181. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 173-174.

182. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Jeremiah, by Warren Wiersbe, David Cook Publishers, Colorado Sprigs, Colorado, 2012, pages 66-67.

183. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 91.

184. Ibid, pages 89-90.

185. The NIV Application Commentary: Jeremiah/Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page 190.

186. A Twentieth Century Testimony, by Malcolm Muggeridge, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 1978, page 72.

187. The NIV Application Commentary: Jeremiah/Lamentations, by Andrew Dearman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002, page 193.

188. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1980, page 454.

189. Jeremiah a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 92.

190. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 456.

191. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 93.

192. Ibid, page 98.

193. Answers to Tough Questions, by Carl Laney, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 1997, page 132.

194. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 182.

195. Our Daily Bread, edited by Tim Gustafson, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan, September-October-November, 2014.

196. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 183.

197. The Character of Jeremiah, by Ronald Youngblood, Criswell Theological Review 5.2, 1991, pages 181-182.

198. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 220.

199. Selected Letters 1896-1924, by Baron Friedrich von Hugel, edited by Bernard Holland, E. P. Dutton, New York, NY, 1933, pages 305 and 266.

200. The Shadow on the Steps, Time Measurement in Ancient Isra’el, by Miano, David, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010, pages 51-52.

201. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 111-114.

202. Ibid, pages 114-118.

203. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, pages 93-94.

204. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1162.

205. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 227-228.

206. Ibid, pages 227-228.

207. God in Search of Man, by Abraham Heschel, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, New York, 1955, page 244.

208. Jeremiah, A Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, page 64.

209. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 350.

210. Ibid, page 350.

211. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 129-130.

212. Jeremiah 37-52, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible, Doubleday, New York, New York, 2004, page 184.

213. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 424.

214. Chronicle of Chaldean Kings (626-556 BC) in the British Museum. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1956, pages 67-69.

215. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1192.

216. Jeremiah 37-52, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible, Doubleday, New York, New York, 2004, pages 209-210.

217. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 430.

218. Barney Kasdan, Kehilat Ariel Messianic Synagogue Newsletter, Volume 31, Number 1, September/October 2014.

219. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Lee Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, IL, 1969, page 144.

220. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1195.

221. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, p 302.

222. Josephus, Flavius. The Antiquities of the Jews. Amazon, page 282.

223. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 614.

224. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 723.

225. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 349.

226. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 93.

227. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 459-460.

228. Daniel NIVAC, by Tremper Longman, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999, pages 73-74.

229. The LORD is King: The Message of Daniel, by Dale Davis, Bible Speaks Today, Inter-Varsity, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1979, page 27.

230. The Church to Come, by Walter Luthi, Hodder and Stoughton, London, England, 1939, page 29.

231. Daniel, by Tremper Longman, NIVAC, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999, pages 91-92.

232. The LORD is King: The Message of Daniel, by Dale Davis, Bible Speaks Today, Inter-Varsity, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1979, pages 44-45.

233. The LORD is King: The Message of Daniel, by Dale Davis, Bible Speaks Today, Inter-Varsity, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1979, pages 48-49.

234. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 135-136.

235. ”The Rechabites Reconsidered,” Journal of Biblical Literature 90, 1971, pgs 279-287.

236. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 138.

237. Ibid, page 139.

238. Ibid, page 141.

239. Ibid, pages 142-243.

240. Ibid, pages 143-144.

Jehoiachin Ruled For 3 Months in 598 BC

241. Arnold Fruchtenbaum tape series on Jeremiah. Tustin: Ariel Ministries, 1992.

242. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1146.

243. Run With the Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, page 140.

244. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 129-130.

Zedekiah Ruled For 11 Years from 598/597 to 586 BC

245. Jeremiah, a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, page 107.

246. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 487.

247. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 190.

248. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 207.

249. Revelation 12-22, by John MacArthur, Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2000, page 305.

250. The Revelation Record, by Henry Morris, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1983, pages 485-486.

251. Revelation 12-22, by John MacArthur, Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2000, page 310.

252. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 17-II-C-4 (13:1-7).

253. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 17-II-C-4 (13:8-16).

254. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 17-II-C-4 (13:17-23).

255. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 499.

256. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1969, pg 77.

257. Our Daily Bread, edited by Tim Gustafson, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan, March-April-May, 2011.

258. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, pages 351-352.

259. Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind, by Peter T. Forsyth, Independent Press Ltd, London, England, 1907, pages 178-179.

260. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 147-150.

261. Jeremiah, A Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 109-110.

262. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 151-153.

263. Ibid, pages 154-156.

264. Jeremiah, A Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2012, pages 121-122.

265. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 264-265.

266. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, Texas, 1977, pages 224-225.

267. Grace for the Moment, Volume One, (God Came Near) by Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000, page 245.

268. Tape Series on Jeremiah, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, Tustin, CA, 1992.

269. Jeremiah, a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, page 107.

270. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 257.

271. Jeremiah, a Fresh Reading, by William Holladay, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, page 107.

272. Ibid, page 107.

273. Ezekiel, by Peter Craigie, the Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1946, pages 10-11.

274. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary on Ezekiel, by Joseph Blenkinsopp, John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1990, page 21.

275. How It All Began, by Ronald Youngblood, Regal Books, Ventura, CA, 1980, page 30.

276. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 03-I-A (1:1-3) and 03-I-B (1:4-28a).

277. Ezekiel, by Peter Craigie, the Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1946, pages 13-14.

278. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary on Ezekiel, by Joseph Blenkinsopp, John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1990, page 23.

279. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 04-I-C (1:28b to 3:3).

280. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 397.

281. Exodus, Volume 2, by John Currid, Evangelical Press, Auburn, Mass, 2001, pages 37-39.

282. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 10-II-B-1 (8:1-5).

283. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1969, pg 50.

284. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary on Ezekiel, by Joseph Blenkinsopp, John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1990, page 55.

285. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1244.

286. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 10-II-B-2 (8:6-18).

287. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 25-II-D-1 (20:1-4).

288. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1969, pg 109.

289. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 25-II-D-1 (20:10-12).

290. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 25-II-D-1 (20:13-17).

291. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 25-II-D-1 (20:18-26).

292. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 25-II-D-1 (20:27-32).

293. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 26-II-D-2 (20:33-38).

294. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 26-II-D-2 (20:39-44).

295. Ezekiel, by Peter Craigie, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1946, page 154.

296. Charles Feinberg, The Prophecy of Ezekiel, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1969, page 117.

297. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 27-II-D-3 (20:45-49).

298. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 462-463.

299. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 293.

300. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 625.

301. Jeremiah tape series by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Tustin, CA, Ariel Ministries, 1982.

302. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 734.

303. Jeremiah tape series by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, Tustin, CA, 1992.

304. The Jewish New Testament Commentary, by David Stern, Jewish New Testament Publications, Clarksville, Maryland, 1992, page 186.

305. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1201.

306. Christian Theology, by Millard Erickson, Baker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1985, 275.

307. The Sovereignty of God, by Arthur W. Pink, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1984, Chapter 1.

308. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 755.

309. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1202.

310. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 771.

311. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 486-487.

312. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1969, pg 137.

313. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 29-II-E (24:1-14).

314. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois , 1985, pages 1,274.

315. Ezekiel, by Peter Craig, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1946, pages 182-183.

316. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 30-III-A (25:1-7).

317. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 31-III-B (25:8-11).

318. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 32-III-C (25:12-14).

319. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 33-III-D (25:15-17).

320. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, IL, 1969, pgs 145-146.

321. Church History, Eusebius, translated by Paul Maier, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1999, III.5.

322. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 163-164.

323. The Book of Jeremiah, by J. A. Thompson, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980, pg 633.

324. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 161-162.

325. Bernhard Duhm, Das Buch Jeremia, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen, Germany, 1901, page 301. The text quoted follows the translation of J. P. Hyatt, Jeremiah, IB V, 1956, page 73.

326. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (29:1-7).

327. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (29:8-16).

328. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, page 1289.

329 The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, Illinois, 1969, page 176.

330. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (31:2-9).

331. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (31:10-18).

332. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, IL, 1969, pgs 180-181.

333. The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1173.

334. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth & Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 459.

335. Ibid, page 460.

336. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, pages 171-172.

337. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 264.

338. Grace for the Moment, Volume One (He Still Moves Stones), by Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000, page 187.

339. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 307.

340. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 177-178.

341. Manners and Customs of the Bible, by James Freeman, Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972, page 97.

342. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 317-318.

343. Names of God, by Nathan Stone, Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1944, 125-128.

344. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 324-325.

345. Ibid, page 330.

346. Ibid, page 360.

347. Run With The Horses, by Eugene Peterson, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1983, pages 165-166.

348. Jeremiah 1-20, by Jack Lundbom, The Anchor Bible, Doubleday, New York, New York, 1999, pages 225-226.

349. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 369.

350. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 309.

351. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 370.

352. Ibid, page 371.

353. Tape Series on Jeremiah, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Tustin: Ariel Ministries, 1992.

354. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, page 372.

355. Ibid, pages 372-373.

356., Y’hudah Shurpin, April 14, 2015.

Gedaliah Ruled For 3 Months in 586 BC

357. Daniel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, 04-III.mp3 (Daniel 3:1-3).

358. War and Grace, by Don Stephens, Evangelical Press, Darlington, UK, 2005, page 59.

359. The Message of Daniel, The Bible Speaks Today, by Dale Davis, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 2013, page 58.

360. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, p 266.

361. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 376-378.

362. Ibid, pages 383-384.

363. Ibid, page 384.

364. Ibid, pages 385-386.

365. Ibid, pages 391-392.

366. Ibid, pages 398-399.

367. Flavius Josephus, Iniquity of the Jews. Amazon

368. A Commentary on Jeremiah, by Walter Brueggemann, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Gra1d Rapids, Michigan, 1998, pages 402-403.

369. Ibid, pages 407-408.

370. Commentary on Jeremiah, by Andrew Blackwood, Word Books, Waco, TX, 1977, p 275.

371. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 42-IV-F (37:1-14).

372. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 43-IV-G (37:15-28).

373. Charles Feinberg, The Prophecy of Ezekiel, Moody, Chicago, IL, 1969, pgs 164-165.

374. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 34-III-E (26:1-6).

375. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, Illinois, 1969, page 149.

376. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 34-III-E (26:7-14).

377. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 34-III-E (26:15-18).

378. Ezekiel, by Peter Craigie, the Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1946, pgs 195-196.

379. Ibid, page 202.

380. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 34-III-E (28:1-10).

381. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 34-III-E (28:1-13).

382. The Footsteps of the Messiah by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, Tustin, CA, 1982, pages 543-563.

383. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, IL, 1969, pgs 165-166.

384. Ezekiel, by Peter Craigie, Westminster John Knox Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1983, p 215.

385. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, Illinois, 1969, page 170.

386. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (29:17-20).

387. The Prophecy of Ezekiel, by Charles Feinberg, Moody, Chicago, Illinois, 1969, page 171.

388. Ibid, page 171.

389. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (32:1-10).

390. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (32:11-16).

391. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 36-III-G (32:17-32).

392. Ezekiel Interpretation, by Joseph Blenkinsopp, John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1990, page 193.

393. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 46-V-A (Introduction).

394. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 48-V-C (44:1 to 46:24).

395. Ezekiel, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, MP3bbs 47-V-b (43:8-27).

396. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1985, page 1,304.

397. Messiah’s Coming Temple, by John Schmitt and J. Carl Laney, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1997, pages 21-22.

398. Jeremiah, by Theodore Laetsch, Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1952, page 370.

399. Tape Series on Jeremiah, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, Tustin, CA, 1992.

400. Jeremiah, by Terence Fretheim, Smyth and Helwys Bible Company, Macon, Georgia, 2002, page 656.



403. Handbook of Biblical Chronology, by Jack Finegan, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1964, pages 85-86.

404. Ibid, page 92.

405. Jeremiah’s 70 Year Chronology, James D. Price Publications


2024-05-14T17:36:23+00:000 Comments

Gx – Glossary


Abba: an affectionate way to say Father, hence dear Father, or even Daddy, Papa.

Adar: the twelfth month of the Jewish biblical calendar.

Adonai: literally, my Lord, a word the TaNaKh uses to refer to God.

ADONAI: the Tetragrammaton, meaning the four-letter name of YHVH. Both ADONAI and Ha’Shem are substitute names for YHVH. ADONAI, however, is more of an affectionate name like daddyTherefore, God does not have many names, He has only one name – YHVH (Yud Hay Vav Hay). All the other names in the Bible describe His characteristics and His attributes.

ADONAI Elohei-Tzva’ot: the LORD God of heaven’s angelic armies.

ADONAI Eloheinu: LORD our God.

ADONAI Nissi: the LORD my Banner.

ADONAI Shalom: the LORD of Peace.

ADONAI Tzidkenu: the LORD our Righteousness.

ADONAI-Tzva’ot: The LORD of heaven’s angelic armies.

Adversary, the: Satan, the devil, and the old dragon.

Amen: “It is true,” or “So be it,” or “May it become true.”

Ariel: lion of God, fireplace on God’s altar.

Aviv: the first month of the biblical year, corresponding to the modern Jewish month of Nisan.

Avraham: Abraham.

Azazel: a scapegoat or goat demon.

Ba’al: the chief male god of the Phoenicians and Canaanites. The word means lord or master.

Beit-Lechem: Bethlehem, birthplace of David and Yeshua, meaning house of bread.

B’rit Chadashah: The New Covenant, New Testament.

Diaspora, the Dispersion: the scattering of the Jewish people in exile. Today about 4.5 million Jews live in Isra’el, and between 9 and 13 million Jews live in the Diaspora.

El ‘Elyon: God Most High.

El Gibbor: Mighty God.

El Shaddai: God Almighty.

Far Eschatological Prophecy: end times prophecy.

Goyim: the Nations, non-Jews, Gentiles.

Ha’Shem: the Tetragrammaton, meaning the four-letter name of YHVH. Both ADONAI and Ha’Shem are substitute names for YHVH. While ADONAI is more of an affectionate name like daddy, while Ha’Shem is a more formal name like sirTherefore, God does not have many names, He has only one name – YHVH (Yud Hay Vav Hay). All the other names in the Bible describe His characteristics and His attributes.

Kefa: Peter, Cephas.

The LORD: the Tetragrammaton, meaning the four-letter name of YHVH. ADONAI, Ha’Shem and the LORD are substitute names for YHVHTherefore, God does not have many names, He has only one name – YHVH (Yud Hay Vav Hay). All the other names in the Bible describe His characteristics and His attributes.

Messiah: Christ, the Anointed One.

Midrash: allegorical interpretation or application of a text. The hearer is expected to understand that the maker of the midrash is not expounding the plain meaning of the text, but introducing his own ideas.

Mikveh: a bath o pool with a flow of fresh water; used in Orthodox Judaism to this day for ritual purification.

Mitzvah: literally command or commandment; more broadly, a general principle for living.

Moshe: Moses.

Near Historical Prophecy: a prophecy into the near historical future of the prophet. One of the tests of a prophet was to make a near historical prophecy . . . and if it came true then the people could trust his far eschatological prophecy as well. But if what a prophet proclaims in the name of ADONAI does not come true, that false prophet must be put to death (Deuteronomy 18:14-22). It may be that the prophet may still be alive when his prophecy is fulfilled, such as with Jeremiah, or it may be that the prophecy was fulfilled after his death, such as with Isaiah. But either way, the prophet was vindicated.

Negev: the south, the southern desert of Isar’el.

Nisan: the first month of the biblical year, the seventh month of the modern Jewish year in March-April.

Pesach: Passover. It is one of the three “pilgrim festivals” that all able bodied Jews were expected to celebrate before YHVH in Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Sha’ul: Apostle Paul

Righteous of the TaNaKh, the: Those who believed in, trusted in, had faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob before the resurrection of Yeshua Messiah.

Ruach ha-Kodesh: The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.

Sukkot: Or the festival of Booths or Tabernacles, celebrating the forty years when the people of Isra’el lived in booths, tens, shacks, in the desert between Egypt and the land of Isra’el. It is one of the three “pilgrim festivals” that all able bodied Jews were expected to celebrate before YHVH in Yerushalayim.

Shavu’ot: Since the festival of Weeks comes seven weeks after Pesach it is also called Pentecost, from the Greek word for fifty because one counts fifty days after Passover. It is one of the three “pilgrim festivals” that all able bodied Jews were expected to celebrate before YHVH in Yerushalayim.

Sinai: the mountain in the desert between Egypt and the land of Isra’el.

Shuwb: turn, turning. The big idea of Jeremiah.

TaNaKh: The Hebrew word TaNaKh is an acronym, based on the letters T (for “Torah”), N (for “Nevi’im,” or the Prophets), and K (for “Ketuv’im,” or the Sacred Writings). It is the collection of the teachings of God to human beings in document form. This term is used instead of the phrase, “the Old Testament.”

Torah: literally, means teaching. It can be used for the five books of Moshe, or the whole TaNaKh (John 10:34). Uncapitalized, torah can be understood generally as a law or principle (Romans 7:21-8:2).

Tziyon: Zion, Mount Zion, was originally the City of David, south of the modern Old City of Yerushalayim. Later the name Tziyon came to refer metaphorically to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, or the people of Isra’el. The hill now called Mount Tziyon was given its name in the fourth century AD.

Yeshua: Jesus, and is a masculine form, and a word play on yeshu’ah (salvation).

Yerushalayim: Jerusalem.

Y’hudah: Judah.

YHVH: the Tetragrammaton, meaning the Name, the four-letter name of God. Therefore, God does not have many names, He has only one name – YHVH (Yud Hay Vav Hay). All the other names in the Bible describe His characteristics and His attributes.

Yirmeyahu: Jeremiah

Yisra’el: Isra’el.

Yochanan: John.

Yom Kippur: the Day of Atonement.

Zion: the hill of Jerusalem on which the city of David was built. The word Zion is also used in a theological or spiritual sense in the Bible. In the TaNaKh Zion refers figuratively to Isra’el as the people of God (Isaiah 60:14). In the B’rit Chadashah, Zion refers to God’s spiritual Kingdom. We have not come to Mount Sinai, says the apostle, but to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22). Kefa (Peter), quoting Isaiah 28:16 refers to Messiah as the Cornerstone of Zion, saying: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame (First Peter 2:6).

2024-05-14T17:49:09+00:000 Comments

Gv – Spiritual Lessons from the Exile

Spiritual Lessons from the Exile

During the seventy years of Babylonian imperial rule (to see link click Gu Seventy Years of Imperial Babylonian Rule), the Israelites learned five valuable spiritual lessons.

1. Worship as a spiritual concept. Their Temple had been destroyed and they were in exile in Babylon. After a time they realized they were going to have to worship without the Temple. In the TaNaKh and throughout the monarchy, worship and the Temple went hand in hand. They were inseparable in the mind of the average Jew. If you wanted to worship ADONAI, you went to the Temple. Everyone agreed with that. During the period of the exile, however, the Israelites gradually began to understand the fact that worship was indeed a spiritual be done from the heart. But the exile did not last long enough for that concept to take root in their hearts and minds. Once Zerubbabel’s Temple was built they reverted back to the same belief (see my commentary on The Life of Christ CaJesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman).

2. Scripture was their unifying factor. Their city was gone; their Temple was gone. All their familiar surroundings were gone. What unified them? It had been Yerushalayim; it had been the Temple, the bronze altar and the sacrificial system. However, during the exile the Jews discovered that their single unifying factor was the TaNaKh. Consequently, they became “the people of the book” during the Babylonian captivity. They began to gather their sacred writings during the exile.

3. Idolatry was no longer an option. The main reason the southern kingdom of Judah was destroyed was because the people had fallen into idolatry. Certainly that is why the northern kingdom of Isra’el was destroyed (Second Kings 17:1-23). Those who lived in Judah were idolaters to the very end. When Jeremiah’s two baskets of figs (see Ei Two Baskets of Figs) got to Babylon after the second deportation of exiles, the people saw the reality of idolatry. And for most of them, it made them sick to their stomachs. So they turned away from idolatry both during and after the seventy years of exile. It was no longer a serious option. The people learned that the God the Jews serve is the God of other nations. They learned ADONAI could be worshiped outside of the Promise Land. He can be worshiped anywhere; they don’t have to worship the gods of the Goyim, but can worship Him instead.

4. Isra’el had a missionary zeal. This lesson was learned from the previous one. Since God was the God of all nations, He has a claim upon those nations. It was, therefore, their mandate to share Messiah with other nations. It was about time! Back in Aram’s day, God taught that all the peoples of the earth would be blessed through him and his descendants (Genesis 12:3b). It took a while for them to realize just how that was to be done. But during the Babylonian captivity, the first stirrings of missionary zeal are seen in the hearts of the Jewish people. During the exile, you had the beginning of the “God-fearers” movement where the Jews would invite Gentiles to come to the synagogue.

5. They realized their need for a Meshiach. The word Meshiach simply means anointed one. The monarchy was finished as far as anyone knew. So all the hopes and dreams that had been pinned on David and his descendants became more spiritualized, and they were looking for an Anointed One who would come and lead them in a glorious future. In fact, during the exile, the concept of the Messiah was pushed into an arena beyond human history, to the messianic Kingdom. In any case, the Messiah was looked for during the years of exile.

2021-01-14T15:40:14+00:000 Comments

Gu – Seventy Years of Imperial Babylonian Rule

Seventy Years of Imperial Babylonian Rule

There is a period of time that is often referred to as the “Babylonian Exile” or “Babylonian Captivity”.  This is said with Y’hudah being the frame of reference – in other words, the people of Judah are the people in exile or captivity.  A connection is then often made between this period of exile and the seventy years that is prophesied in the TaNaKh.  Having made this connection, people often have difficulty in reconciling the apparent prophecy where the exile would actually last for seventy years.401

But no matter which of the three deportations you use (606 BC, 598 BC, or 586 BC), it’s not chronologically possible to establish a seventy-year exile for the Judeans who were taken into captivity during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. You either get 67, 59 or 47 years. As a result, many people have questioned the accuracy of Jeremiah’s prophecy about a seventy-year period during which Babylon would dominate Judah and hold Jews as captives in Babylon. But these questions are based on a mistaken belief that the captivity itself was supposed to last seventy years. To more fully understand the prophecy, it is necessary to look at four scriptures and examine to whom the prophecy actually refers.

1. Jeremiah 25:8-11 . . . Therefore, here is what the LORD of heaven’s angelic armies says: Because you haven’t paid attention to what I’ve been saying, I will summon all the peoples of the north and my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,” declares ADONAI. “And I will bring them against this Land and its inhabitants and against all the surrounding nations. I will completely make them an object of horror and scorn, and an everlasting ruin. I will banish from them the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and groom, the sound of millstones and the light of the lamp. This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. It is customary to refer to this period as an exile or the Babylonian captivity because much of it includes the time in which the Jews were in exile as captives. However, the text says the Jews would “serve,” not “be captives” or “go into exile.” Jeremiah prophesied that Judah and the surrounding nations would serve Babylon for seventy years. But, he does not say that the forced deportation of Jews from Judah would last seventy years. The captivity is something that grew out of Babylon’s domination of Judah and the whole region. The domination was supposed to span seventy years, but Jeremiah never said that the captivity itself would span seventy years.

2. Jeremiah 29:10 . . . This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place.” (Jeremiah 29:10). It seems clear from the context in these two prophecies that the seventy years applies to Babylon itself, not to the period of time that the people of Judah are to spend in Babylon.  In Chapter 25 it says that the nations would serve Babylon for seventy years.   Once again in Chapter 29, Jeremiah makes the connection to Babylon by saying that seventy years are for Babylon.

3. Second Chronicles 36:20-23 . . . He [Nebuchadnezzar] carried into exile to Babylon the remnant, who escaped from the sword, and they became servants to him and his sons until the kingdom of Persia came to power. The land enjoyed its Sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed in fulfillment of the word of ADONAI spoken by Yirmeyahu. In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of ADONAI spoken by Jeremiah, ADONAI moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing: This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: ADONAI, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build a Temple for him at Yerushalayim in Judah. Anyone of His people among you – may ADONAI his God be with him, and let him go up. At first glance, this text seems to imply that the desolation of Tziyon would last 70 years.  Read it again, and you will see that this is in fact not the case.  It states that now that Jerusalem has been destroyed, the land would lay desolate until the seventy-year prophecy of Jeremiah was fulfilled.  Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C.  The seventy-year prophecy ended with Babylon’s fall in 539 BC, but Cyrus king of Persia did not issue his decree until 538 BC.  So Yerushalayim lay desolate from 586 to 538 BC . . . a total of 48 years.

4. Dani’el 9:1-3 . . . In the first year of Darius son of Ahasuerus (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the kingdom [of the Chaldeans’] – in the first year of his reign, I, Dani’el, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of ADONAI given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to Adonai, God, and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. At first glance this passage also seems to indicate that Dani’el believed Jerusalem would lay desolate for 70 years.  But if this is the case, why is he so earnest in his prayer to God on behalf of his people.  This account comes in the first year of the reign of the Medes and Persians in 539/538 B.C.  At this point, Yerushalayim had lain desolate for only 48 years, so surely there would be another 22 years to go?  No, Daniel seems to understand that the seventy years was in fact over and that the exiled people of Judah should return to Jerusalem as God had promised.  This can only be the case if Dani’el understood the seventy years as referring to the length of time that Babylon would rule, and not to the desolation of Tziyon.  So like the writer of Chronicles, Dani’el understood that after the City was destroyed it would lay desolate for the remainder of the seventy-year period.  So Dani’el declared that the desolation of Jerusalem would last [the] seventy years.  Because the seventy year time period was coming to a close, he was asking ADONAI “How much longer do we need to wait?”  As it turns out, he had less than a year to wait until Cyrus, king of Persia, gave the decree allowing the people of Judah to return to the holy City of David, which they did in 536 BC.402

Some skeptics, however, object to the year 536 B.C. as the date of the Jews’ return from the Babylonian captivity. They do so on the grounds that Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BC and that the Jews must have returned by at least 538 BC. But this overlooks the cultural practice among the Babylonians and Persians for dating regnal years of their kings. The word regnal comes from the Latin, regnum, meaning kingdom or rule. In the ancient Near East, the regnal year of a king was counted from the New Year’s day following the king’s ascension to the throne. This is different than the practice of western cultures, which skeptics erroneously ignore.

The system of reckoning that prevailed in Babylon, Assyria, and Persia, may be called the accession-year system. . . . In the accession-year system the portion of a year from the accession of the king to the end of the then current calendar year is only his ‘accession year’ (and for chronological purposes remains a part of the last numbered regnal year of his predecessor), and the new king’s regnal year begins only on the first day of the new calendar year after his accession.403

Among the Jews the practice was not consistent. Sometimes they followed the accession-year system and sometimes the non-accession system. Likewise, they sometimes followed the calendar year that began with the month of Nisan, and sometimes the calendar that began with the month Tishri.404 In part, the method used by Jewish historians depended on the system used by the nation that held political dominance over them at the time. It is very likely that Ezra, a prominent citizen of Persia, and under orders from the Persian king, used the accession-year system of the Persians.

Cyrus, king of Persia, conquered Babylon on October 16, 539 BC, and thus became king of the Medo-Persian Empire. However, the following regnal year was not until March 24, 538 BC. So his first regnal year extended from March 24, 538, to March 23, 537 BC. Sometime within that year, Cyrus issued the decree for the captive nations to return home (Second Chronicles 36:22). It is likely that the decree was issued late in the year, in January or February of 537 BC, because administrative duties would have occupied him the months immediately following the conquest of Babylon; less important details, like the affairs of foreign captives, would naturally be postponed. Taking into account the slow pace at which government business took place, the amount of time required to summons, assemble, and organize a large company of returnees, and the time for such a large group to travel the long distance from Babylon to Tziyon, it is reasonable to expect that the convoy did not arrive in Judah until some time in 536 BC. Approximately 49,000 returned.405

The decline of the Assyrian Kingdom began with the death of King Ashurbanipal who died in 627 BC. Various internal rebellions and civil wars then ensued; the result was a weakening of the country making Assyria vulnerable to outside attacks. This resulted in various captive territories refusing to pay tribute to the Assyrians.

In 612 BC, an alliance between the Meads and the Persians (Babylonians) resulted in a campaign that defeated the Assyrians. That same year the city of Nineveh fell and was destroyed. The Assyrians with their ally Egypt retreated to the northern Assyrian city of Harran, with the final defeat coming in 609 BC. Babylon was then able to consolidate the previous Assyrian empire under her control. The Babylonian empire extended from Persia on the east to the Mediterranean Sea on the west and from Assyria on the north to Egypt on the south. This included the land of Judah and her capital city of Jerusalem. Therefore, Babylonian imperial rule of Judah began in 609 BC (to see link click Bm Jehoahaz Ruled For 3 Months in 609 BC) with Nebuchadnezzar’s military dominance of the holy land and ended in 539 BC with the defeat of Babylon by Cyrus the Great, for a total of seventy years.

2021-01-14T15:34:19+00:000 Comments

Gt – In the Thirty-Seventh Year, Jehoiachin was Released from Prison 52: 28-34

In the Thirty-Seventh Year of the Exile,
Jehoiachin was Released from Prison
52: 28-34

In the thirty-seventh year of the exile, Jehoiachin was released from prison DIG: After building throughout the book to God’s judgment upon Isra’el and Judah, are you surprised by the way the book ends? Why or why not? Why do you think this happier note of Jehoiachin’s elevation follows Zedekiah’s rebellion and imprisonment? What does this say about YHVH’s mercy? As you review this book, which promises of ADONAI did Yirmeyahu live to see fulfilled? Which are still to come?

REFLECT: What happened as a result of Nebuchadnezzar’s pride? How long did his trial last? What was the end result? Does that surprise you? Why? Why not? What can you learn from Nebuchadnezzar’s experience? Did God discipline the Babylonian king for his good or his destruction? Has he done the same for you? Can you think of some examples? Which promises of the LORD have you seen fulfilled? Which are yet to come?

The Numbers of Deported to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar: Except for the first deportation, this data occurs nowhere else in the TaNaKh. Therefore, this is not a record of all the deportations of Jews, nor a total of all the Israelites deported by Nebuchadnezzar, but merely the number of deportations not recorded elsewhere.

The first deportation (605 BC): By the fall of 605 BC Nebuchadnezzar had conquered Jerusalem and took the first deportation of exiles (and some of the Temple articles) back to Babylon (Dani’el 1:1-7). The Babylonian king took “hostages” to assure continued loyalty. One of the most important “hostages” taken was a godly young man named Dani’el (to see link click Ca Jehoiakim Ruled For 11 Years from 609/608 to 598 BC).

The second deportation (598 BC): In Nebuchadnezzar’s seventh year, a total of 3,032 Jews were carried into exile (52:28). In this case the year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign was according to the Babylonian system of reckoning, which omitted the first partial year and began counting the regnal year from the New Year of 604 BC. This deportation took place three months after Jehoiakim’s mysterious death (see Du Jehoiachin Ruled For 3 Months in 598 BC). Apparently placated by the rebel king’s death, Nebuchadnezzar merely deported his successor and brother Jehoiachin. Of the total deported, the king of Babylon carried all the officers and fighting men, and all the skilled workers and artisans – a total of ten thousand. He took Jehoiachin, the king’s mother, his wives, his officials and the prominent people of the land captive to Babylon. In addition, Nebuchadnezzar deported to Babylon the entire force of seven thousand fighting men, strong and fit for war (Second Kings 24:14-16). Only the poorest people of the Land were left. The Babylonian king only wanted to teach Judah and other vassal nations a lesson.

The third deportation (586 BC): In Nebuchadnezzar’s eighteenth by Babylonian reckoning (the nineteenth year by Jewish reckoning in Second Kings 25:8) year 832 people from Jerusalem (52:29). This deportation probably consisted of the fugitives who had followed the LORD’s command by leaving Tziyon and going to the camp of the Babylonian army (38:2-4), and other captives whom Nebuchadnezzar sent off to Babylon when he withdrew temporarily from Yerushalayim to meet the challenge of Pharaoh Hophra and the Egyptian army (see Fm Jeremiah in Prison). He destroyed Jerusalem and burnt the Temple to the ground.

The fourth deportation (581 BC): In his twenty-third year, Nebuchadnezzar took 745 Jews into exile; there were 4,600 people in all (52:30). Five years after the destruction of the Holy City (see GaThe Fall of Jerusalem), and the same five years after Ishmael, his co-conspirators and hostages left for Egypt (see Gh The Flight to Egypt), it is believed that Nebuzaradan, as the commander of the imperial guard, was sent back by Nebuchadnezzar as an act of reprisal against those who had killed Gedaliah (see Gg Gedaliah Assassinated). It took a long time to get around to it, but it is generally believed that this was the reason for the fourth deportation.398

Nebuchadnezzar died in 562 BC. He had lived most of his life as an extremely prideful and arrogant man. But after his humbling experience living as an animal in the fields for seven years, the king of Babylon finally humbled himself and looked to YHVH. He ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. He acknowledged that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and renounced his sins (Dani’el 4:24-27 and 33).

Nebuchadnezzar raised his eyes toward heaven and his sanity was restored. Then the king praised the Most High, saying: I honor and glorify him who lives forever. For His reign is everlasting, His Kingdom endures through all generations. All who live on the earth are counted as nothing. He does what He wishes with the angelic army of heaven and with those living on the earth. No one can hold back His hand or ask Him, “What are You doing” (Dani’el 4:34-35)?

He changed his focus from himself to the one true God who deserved to be worshiped and praised. At that time his sanity was restored, his honor and splendor were returned to him for the glory of his kingdom. His advisors and nobles sought him out and he became even greater than he was before. Having been brought low, he said: Now, I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, for all His works are truth, and His ways just; and He can humble those who walk in pride (Dani’el 4:36-37). One could make the argument from these verses that Nebuchadnezzar came to personally know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We should notice that ADONAI brought Nebuchadnezzar low for his good, not for his destruction. It was far more important for the earthly king to know the one true heavenly God, and enter into God’s eternal Kingdom, than for him to live a carefree life on earth and die without knowing the one true God.

At times you will face difficult people or difficult situations in your life. When this happens, ask yourself this question, “Is God in control?” Of course He is. That doesn’t mean it will be easy and that is not to diminish anyone’s trials, but knowing ADONAI is in control and that He always wants what’s best for us, we can have true peace. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7 NLT).

The Release of Jehoiachin from Prison in 561 BC by Amil-Marduk: In the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah (561/560 BC), in the year Evil-Marduk (or the Babylonian form of the name being Amil-Marduk, or man of Marduk). The Hebrew spelling turned out to be an insulting pun: ewil means fool, so to the Jews his name really meant the fool who worships Marduk. Nevertheless, he succeeded his father Nebuchadnezzar in 562 BC and became king of Babylon, on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar, or March 21st, 561 BC, he released Jehoiachin king of Judah and freed him from prison. There is no reason given for Jehoiachin’s release. Perhaps it was part of a general amnesty proclaimed at the beginning of Amil-Marduk’s reign. This might have been because of Dani’el’s influence. The prophet had been living in Babylon for some time at this point.

He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. Babylonian kings enjoyed capturing kings of various nations and then giving them a place at the royal table. It was a constant visible witness that the king of Babylon was the greatest of all kings. So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table. Day by day the king of Babylon gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived, till the day of his death (Jer 52:31-34; 2 Kings 25:27-30). There is some archeological verification of these verses. Some jar handles have been found at the Ishtar Gate in Babylon that read, “Yaukim (Babylonian for Jehoiachin) king of Judah and his sons.” We know that Jehoiachin had five sons. Jehoiachin was never guilty of revolting against Babylon like his father Jehoiakim, so he was treated well. But, Zedekiah did revolt and had to witness the execution of all his sons before his eyes were gouged out. He died in a Babylonian prison.

It is interesting that YHVH cursed Jehoiachin in the past (22:24 and 28, 37:1), yet he was given mercy here. Just as Jeremiah’s prophecies of destruction had come true, so now his prophecies of future blessing were beginning. Jehoiachin’s favor gave hope to the exiles that God’s promised blessings and restoration would come.399

Amil-Marduk, the son and successor of Nebuchadnezzar, ruled for two years and was assassinated by the priestly party, who brought about the accession of Nergal-Sharezer, his brother-in-law who ruled from 559 to 555. It was very ironic that Neriglissar (as he was commonly known) participated in the assassination of his brother-in-law the king, because his name meant, Oh god Nergal, preserve and defend the king.

In 539 BC Babylon fell at the hands of Cyrus the Great and the Israelites were able to return to Judah from Babylon (see the commentary on Isaiah IaThe Deliverance by Cyrus the Great) so that they could reestablish their Temple worship (see GuSeventy Years of Imperial Babylonian Rule). This seems to reinforce the great promise of ADONAI to David in Second Samuel 7:1-16 CJB.

After the king had been living in his palace a while and ADONAI had given him rest from all his surrounding enemies, the king said to the Nathan the prophet, Here, I’m living in a cedar-wood palace; but the ark of God is kept in a tent!” Nathan said to the king, “Go, do everything that is in your heart, for the LORD is with you.”

But that same night the word of ADONAI came to Nathan and said, “Go and tell my servant David that this is what YHVH says: You are going to build Me a house to live in? Since the day I brought the people of Isra’el out of Egypt until today, I never lived in a house; rather, I traveled in a tabernacle. Everywhere I went with all the people of Isra’el, did I ever speak a word to any of the tribes of Isra’el, whom I ordered to shepherd my people Isra’el, asking: Why haven’t you built Me a cedar-wood home?”

Therefore say this to My servant David that this is what ADONAI-Tzva’ot says: I took you from the sheep-yards, from following the sheep, to make you chief over My people, over Isra’el. I have been with you wherever you went: I have destroyed all your enemies ahead of you; and I am making your reputation great, like the reputations of the greatest people on earth. I will assign a place to My people Isra’el; I will plant them there, so that they can live in their own place without being disturbed any more. The wicked will no longer oppress them, as they did at the beginning, and as they did from the time I ordered judges to be over My people Isra’el; instead, I will give you rest from all your enemies.

Moreover, ADONAI tells you that ADONAI will make you a house. When your days come to an end and you sleep with your ancestors, I will establish one of your descendants to succeed you, one of your own flesh and blood; and I will set up his kingdom. He will build a house for My name, and I will establish His royal throne forever. I will be a father for him, and he will be a son for me. If he does something wrong, I will punish him with a rod and blows, just as everyone gets punished; however, My grace will not leave him, as I took it away from Sha’ul, whom I removed from before you. Thus, your house and your kingdom will be made secure forever before you; your throne will be set up forever.

The destruction of Jerusalem and Judah was not an indication that history had somehow gotten beyond the LORD’s control. Isra’el’s God was the God of the nations. Moreover, that His wrath had been provoked by Isra’el’s own wickedness indicated that divine wrath is contingent and not an essential characteristic of YHVH. If there were no sin, there would be no wrath. So the Babylonian captivity would not be seen as Ha’Shem’s final word to the exiles. The future did not belong to the Babylonians . . . but to God.400

2024-05-14T13:32:51+00:000 Comments

Gs – God Shows a Vision of the Messianic Temple Ezeki’el Chapters 40-48

God Shows a Vision of the Messianic Temple
Ezeki’el Chapters 40-48

This far eschatological prophecy was given on April 28, 573 BC during the exile.
It would be fulfilled after the Great Tribulation, during the Messianic Kingdom.

In many ways these chapters may be considered the most important in the book of Ezeki’el. They assuredly form the climax and crowning experience in the life of the prophet. His book begins with a vision of the Sh’khinah glory (to see link click EsEzeki’el’s Call to Be a Prophet) and concludes with the same vision. This last section of Ezeki’el is separated from the earlier part of the book by an interval of twelve years (Ez 40:1-2).

Ezeki’el was once again transported in the spirit to Yerushalayim. Like Dante following Virgil’s footsteps, the prophet is led on a tour of the Messianic Temple that begins and ends at its eastern gate (to see a 3D video of the Messianic Temple click here). There he witnesses the return of the Sh’khinah glory that had left Solomon’s Temple shortly before its destruction in 586 BC. Ezeki’el is given detailed instructions for the Temple personnel, offerings, festivals, the prince and the allotment of land. Back at the eastern gate, he is shown a stream flowing from the Temple down to the Dead Sea, which waters and fertilizes the barren Judean wilderness (see the commentary on Isaiah Ge Your Eyes Will See the King in His Beauty). The vision ends with a description of tribal territories and Zion.392

In the past these chapters have created some serious problems for Judaism. These chapters contain discrepancies and contradictions of the Five Books of Moshe, and use terms that do not occur elsewhere in the Torah. In reference to these difficulties, the rabbis of the Talmud (Men. 45a) remarked that only the prophet Elijah, who was to herald the final redemption of Isra’el, would be able to explain them satisfactorily. The Talmud (Shabbos 13b) relates that if it were not for Chananiah ben Chizkiyahu, the book of Ezeki’el would have been hidden away, for its words seem to contradict the Torah. What did he do? 300 barrels of oil for his lamp were taken into his chamber, where he sat until he resolved the contradictions. We know neither the problems with which he dealt, nor the solutions.

Therefore, it is obvious that Orthodox Judaism has had problems with the book of Ezeki’el because in these chapters dealing with the millrnnial system of sacrifices and the priesthood, clearly contradict a number of things stated in the Torah. And the root of the problem for Orthodox Judaism is twofold. First, Orthodox Judaism assumes that the Torah is to be eternal. And yet it is clear that if Ezeki’el’s statements were taken as true, they were violating the Torah. But the Torah was never intended to be eternal. Secondly, they were spiritually blinded to the messiahship of Yeshua. They did not realize that the Dispensation of the Torah (see the commentary on Exodus Da The Dispensation of the Torah) had ended and the Dispensation of Grace had begun (see the commentary on Hebrews BpThe Dispensation of Grace). So even though Orthodox Judaism has had problems with Ezeki’el and decided to accept it into the TaNaKh on the assumption that when Elijah comes he will explain these difficulties.

But this section has also presented certain problems for Amillennialists within the Church. The German theologian Carl Friedrich Keil (1807-1888), in the famous Keil and Delitzsch series wrote, “The prophets of the Old Testament do not merely predict the return of the Israelites to their own land and their everlasting abode in that land under the rule of the Messiah, but this prediction culminates in the promise that YHVH will establish His Temple in the midst of His redeemed people and dwell there with them and above them forever. And that all nations will come to the Sanctuary of the LORD upon Zion, year by year, to worship before the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles. If then, if the Jews should ever again receive Palestine for its possession, even at or after its conversion to Christ, in accordance with the promise of God, the Temple, with its sacrificial worship, without necessity, will also be restored in Jerusalem. But if such a supposition is opposed to the teachings of Messiah and the Apostles and not to be understood literally, but spiritually or typically, it is an unjustifiable inconsistency to adhere to a literal interpretation of the prophecy concerning the return of Isra’el to the Land, when they believe in Jesus Christ.” Basically, he was saying that these chapters couldn’t be understood literally. To be fair, he wrote this book long before Isra’el became a state in 1948. He is criticizing those who do not believe in a literal return of Isra’el to the Land, but at the same time, does not believe in a literal interpretation of Ezeki’el 40-48. He says this is inconsistent and I agree. It was inconsistent for the premillennialists of that day to say that Isra’el would be literally restored to the Land but then spiritualize away Chapters 40-48. Just as the restoration passages are to be taken literally, so are these chapters concerning the sacrificial system in the Millennial Temple. Why would Ezeki’el give us such detailed measurements if his intent were not to take them in a literal way? Such detail was also given for the Tabernacle in the wilderness and Solomon’s Temple, both literal structures with spiritual truths. The spiritual truths, however, were based upon the literal construction. Unless we take these last nine chapters literally, they are rendered absolutely meaningless.

Only Dispensational Premillennialism has no problem with these verses. We accept Ezeki’el’s words literally; we take him seriously and anticipate these things being fulfilled. Just as we saw the First Coming prophecies fulfilled literally, we shall see the Second Coming prophecies fulfilled literally as well.393

Some of the most challenging verses in these chapters concern the millennial system of the priesthood and sacrifice. The priesthood will be restored (Ezeki’el 44:1-31). The prince, the resurrected King David (see the commentary on Revelation Fi The Government of the Messianic Kingdom), will be an intermediary between the people and the priests. He will officiate over specific festival offerings of Isra’el (Ezeki’el 45:13-22).

The descendants of Phinehas: The Levitical priests, who are descendents of Phinehas (see the commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah Bh Ezra Returns from Babylon: Ezra’s genealogy) down to Zadok, would be honored with a special ministry in the Messianic Temple (Ezekiel 40:46, 43:19, 44:15-39, and 48:11). They were the ones who guarded God’s Sanctuary when the Israelites went astray from Him. In First Samuel 2:31-36 we read how YHVH through Samuel prophesied that the house of Eli was to be deposed and replaced by a faithful priest. That was finally fulfilled in First Kings 2:26-27. Then in Second Samuel 8:17 we read that Zadok became the high priest under King David and remained loyal to David after Absalom revolted (2 Samuel 15:24-29). Furthermore, Zadok was also loyal to Solomon (First Kings 1:8, 32-39, 2:26-27, 35) and the descendents of Zadok remained faithful during the days of Isra’el’s apostasy. As a result of their past faithfulness they will be given a superior role in the ministry of the Temple during the Kingdom. The Zadokites are to come near to minister before Me; they are to stand before Me to offer sacrifices of fat and blood, declares Adonai ELOHIM (Ezeki’el 44:15-31).

Then in Ezeki’el 45:1-8 the Holy City is described. The prince, the resurrected King David, will have the land bordering each side of the area formed by the sacred district and the property of the City (see the commentary on Isaiah Ge Your Eyes Will See the King in His Beauty). It will extend westward from the west side and eastward from the east side, running lengthwise from the western to the eastern border parallel to one of the tribal portions (Ezeki’el 45:7).394

Without doubt, the most controversial issue concerning Ezeki’el 40-48 is the sacrificial system. King David will provide the sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to make atonement for the Israelites (Ezeki’el 45:17). Jewish believers ask, “Since the Messiah has already died for our sins, why would the sacrificial system be reinstituted during the Messianic Kingdom?” Four points should be noted.

First, during the dispensation of the Torah animal blood never took away sin (Hebrews 10:1-4) they merely covered sin. They pointed to a more complete sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb, Yeshua Meshiach, which would take away sin.

Secondly, Ezeki’el is not the only one who talks about a millennial system of sacrifice (Isaiah 56:5-7, 60: 7-13, 65:20-23; Jer 33:18-22; Zechariah 14:16-21). So these prophecies need to be taken literally because we have several prophets saying the same thing.

Thirdly, this is not a reinstitution of the sacrificial system in the dispensation of the Torah. While there are some similarities, there are simply too many differences, too many contradictions, with the Mosaic system. For example, in the Ezeki’el system there is no high priest and no ark of the Covenant (see the commentary on Isaiah DbThe Nine Missing Articles in Messiah’s Coming Temple). The dispensation of the Torah has come to an end because of the death of Messiah.

Fourthly, the Millennial sacrificial system is a memorial. During the dispensation of Grace (see above) believers are instructed to participate in a physical observance, or communion, in remembrance of the death of Messiah. But for Isra’el in the Kingdom there will be a different memorial: the sacrificial system in the Dispensation of the Messianic Kingdom will serve the same purpose as communion in the Dispensation of Grace. It will be the, do this in remembrance of Me, for Jewish believers.395

The Bible spends more time talking about this future Temple, than it does Solomon’s and Herod’s Temple combined. The only structure that comes close to space given the Millennial Temple is the Tabernacle. Why did Ezeki’el take so much space to describe the Messianic Temple, especially since it has never been built? Here are two reasons. First, the Temple was the visible symbol of God’s presence among His people. The prelude to ADONAI’s judgment was when the Sh’khinah glory left Solomon’s Temple in Yerushalayim (Ezeki’el 8-11). The climax to her restoration as a nation will come when the Sh’khinah glory reenters the millennial Temple in Jerusalem (Ezeki’el 43:1-5). Secondly, the Millennial Temple will become the visible reminder of Isra’el’s relationship to YHVH through His New Covenant (see EoThe Days are Coming, declares the LORD, When I Will Make a New Covenant with the People of Isra’el). Since ADONAI gave detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle to accompany His inauguration of the Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 25-40), it is not unusual that He would also supply detailed plans for His new center of worship to accompany the implementation of the New Covenant. The Messianic Temple will be the focal point for the visible manifestation of Isra’el’s new relationship with her God (to see a longer video concerning the Messianic Temple click here).396

Why is the Messianic Temple important for us today?
Here are eight suggestions.

1. The Messianic Temple is important because it will be the dwelling place of God on earth. The One True God dwelt among His people in the Tabernacle (Exodus 25:8) and in Solomon’s Temple (First Kings 6:13). And ADONAI promises once again to dwell among His people (Ezeki’el 43:7-9).

2. The Messianic Temple is important because of the truth it presents about the Person and the ministry of Yeshua Messiah. Just as with the Tabernacle in the wilderness (see the commentary on Exodus Eq – Christ in the Tabernacle), the articles within the millennial Temple and the Temple court present a picture of Christ as the light of the world (John 6:35), the bread of life (John 8:12), and a new way to God (Hebrews 10:20). In studying the Messianic Temple, we discover many redemptive analogies that help us understand and fully appreciate the truth of our salvation.

3. The Messianic Temple is important because of its place in Isra’el’s history . . . both past and future. The concept of the Temple is so important that archaeologists divide Isra’el’s history into two sections: The First Temple and Second Temple periods. Although the Second Temple was destroyed over two thousand years ago, religious Jews today still talk about rebuilding it, and the Jewish and Gentile believers of today look forward to the return of Yeshua Messiah and the institution of His one-thousand-year Kingdom on earth, which will include the Millennial Temple.

4. The Messianic Temple is important because of its place in the world’s future. Although most people do not realize it, Jerusalem is destined to become the future world capital: In the last days, the mountain of ADONAI’s house will be established as the highest mountain; it will be exalted above the hills. Many Gentiles will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of ADONAI, to the Temple of the God of Jacob (Zech 8:20-23). YHVH will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The Torah will go out from Tziyon, the word of ADONAI from Yerushalayim (Micah 4:1-2).

5. The Messianic Temple is important because one day it will replace the Dome of the Rock. There is only one place to build Isra’el’s future Temple, and that is on the site of its former Temple. Someday – probably at the beginning of the Messianic Kingdom – the news will reverberate around the world that the Dome of the Rock is being destroyed. That event will prepare the way for the rebuilding of the millennial Temple in fulfillment of prophecy.

6. The Messianic Temple is important because the counterfeit messiah, the antichrist, will build his own Tribulation Temple in an effort to steal God’s glory. During the Great Tribulation there will be a counterfeit Father (Satan), a counterfeit Son (the antichrist), a counterfeit resurrection (see the commentary on Revelation DjThe Antichrist Seems to be Resurrected), a counterfeit Holy Spirit (see the commentary on Revelation DoThe Beast Out of the Earth: The False Prophet), and a counterfeit temple, the tribulation Temple (see the commentary on Revelation Bx – The Tribulation Temple). In the middle of the seven years of tribulation he will put an end to the daily burnt offering sacrifice and offering. And on the wings of the Tribulation Temple he will set up an abomination (Dani’el 9:27) that causes it to be spiritually deserted as far a God is concerned.

7. The Messianic Temple is important because believers will worship there during Messiah’s thousand-year reign on the earth. The prophet describes how the Zadokite priests will lead in worship in the Temple (see above). Jewish believers will worship there continually, and Gentile believers will send a delegation from their country once a year up to Jerusalem to worship King Messiah during Sukkot.

8. The Messianic Temple is important because it has the potential to encourage your spiritual life and motivate you in the service of the LORD. On many occasions, discouraged and weary believers have found that a study of the Temple brings a new enthusiasm and excitement about our part in YHVH’s plan for the ages.397

2024-03-29T14:42:20+00:000 Comments

Gr – A Lament Over Pharaoh Ezeki’el 32: 1-32

A Lament Over Pharaoh
Ezeki’el 32: 1-32

A lament over Pharaoh DIG: What animals join the list of metaphors for Egypt and Pharaoh? What will ADONAI do to Pharaoh (Ezeki’el 32:3-8)? How will the birds and beasts react? The moon and the stars? What is the ultimate destination of Pharaoh and his mighty army (Ezeki’el 32:18)? Who will share this fate? What had these other nations been like in their prime? Circumcision was thought to be rite of purification. Why would it be particularly shameful to be buried with the uncircumcised? With those who had been killed by the sword? Why would Pharaoh be consoled when he saw that his fate was the same as the great nations of the past (Ezeki’el 32:31)?

REFLECT: Did the reality of an afterlife motivate you in any way to believe in Yeshua as Messiah? Why or why not? Do your fear anything about dying? If so, why? What hope do you have about facing death? What hope does ADONAI want you to have? All of the world powers have eventually fallen. What might help a mighty nation to survive God’s judgment?

The prophecy was fulfilled in 571 BC

This concludes the section dealing with the judgment of the Gentile nations, and is dated about a-year-and-a-half after the fall of Yerushalayim. Isra’el could not see how futile her trust had been in Egypt, and the prophetic warnings against an alliance with that country had been completely vindicated. This realization lends color and force to Ezeki’el’s prophecy of Egypt’s destruction. Babylon would be used as the divine instrument for the execution of judgment upon her. Egypt’s calamity would strike terror into the hearts of many people who lamented over her calamity. The prophet himself pronounced a dirge over her humiliating end in sh’ol where she found other nations that suffered a similar fate. Ishma’el’s flight to Egypt would provide no escape for the assassination of Gedaliah. The long arm of Nebuchadnezzar would find them there.

Back in Yerushalayim, after each of the first three deportations, the pro-Egypt party was hard at work. They always seemed to think that if they could just align Judah with Egypt that they would be protected. This never materialized, but they kept trying. It was the pro-Egypt party that kept Zedekiah off balance for much of his reign. And it was the pro-Egypt party that was eventually responsible for taking Jeremiah and Baruch hostage and forcibly took them down to Egypt against their will after the assassination of Gedaliah.

Jeremiah’s sixth prophecy: In the twelfth year of Jehoiachin’s captivity, in the twelfth month of Adar, February-March 585 BC, on the first day, the word of ADONAI came to me: Son of man, rise a funeral lament for Pharaoh king of Egypt, say to him: From a human perspective, you compared yourself to a lion among the nations. But from God’s perspective, you are more like a crocodile in the lakes. It will be the result of Ha’Shem’s perspective that Egypt will suffer her destruction. Thrashing about in your streams, you churn with your feet and muddy the waters (Ezeki’el 32:1-2). Egyptian ambition made her think of herself as a lion roaming proudly among the nations and intimidating them with terror, but in fact, she was like a crocodile whose domain is limited to the lakes. Egypt dreamt of far-flung conquests; but she should have restricted herself to her own back yard.

So here is what Adonai ELOHIM says:

The judgment of Pharaoh: With many nations assembled, I will spread My net over you, and they will haul you up in My dragnet. ADONAI has declared to put an end to the crocodile’s destructive ways by drawing him out of his natural habitat, and being very vulnerable, catching it in His dragnet. The many nations assembled are Babylon and her allies. Then I will throw you on the shore, hurl you into an open field, make all the birds in the air settle on you and let the animals of the whole earth eat their fill of you. Like a fish out of water dies, so Pharaoh, drawn out of his natural habitat in the Nile River, will also die. As the Egyptian warriors fall in battle with Pharaoh, YHVH will leave their flesh on the mountains and fill the valleys with their rotten carcass. The destruction of Pharaoh and the Egyptian belief system surrounding his deity will bring destruction upon the whole land of Egypt (see the commentary on Exodus, to see link click BcPharaoh as god and upholder of Ma’at). The blood of the slain will be poured out upon the land and defiled. I will drench the land in which you swim with your blood, as far as the mountains; the waterways will be full of you (Ezeki’el 32:3-6 CJB).

The mourning for Pharaoh: There will be two different groups that would be mourning. The first group is the heavens. When I extinguish you (as seen in verses 3-6), figuratively, I will cover the sky and make its stars black; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. The rabbis teach that Egypt is compared to a great fire, that when extinguished, sends up a cloud of smoke obscuring the sky. All the shining lights in the sky I will darken above you; I will spread darkness over your land, says Adonai ELOHIM. Secondly, the nations mourn. I will anger many peoples when I bring the news of your destroyed ones in among the nations, into countries you have not known. Just as many nations were affected when Assyria fell, so will many nations be affected when Egypt falls. I will make many people aghast at you; their kings will shudder in horror over you when I brandish My sword, Babylon, before them. On the day of your downfall they will tremble continuously, each will tremble continuously for their own life (Ezeki’el 32:7-10 CJB).389

Babylon’s role in Egypt’s fall: For Adonai ELOHIM says this:

The army of Babylon will destroy Pharaoh and his army. The sword of the king of Babylon will come against Pharaoh. With the swords of the warriors I will cause your hordes to fall. Babylon was the most barbarous of nations, and she would shatter the glory of Egypt – all its hordes will be destroyed (Ezeki’el 32:11-12 CJB).

A far eschatological prophecy against Egypt: I will destroy all her cattle beside her plentiful waters. No human foot will trouble them again, nor the hoof of any animal. During the Messianic Kingdom, Egypt will be completely desolate for the first forty years (see the commentary on Revelation FkGentiles in the Messianic Kingdom). Then, as a result of no human habitation for forty years, I will make their water clear and cause their streams to flow like oil, says Adonai ELOHIM. When the land of Egypt is humanly abandoned, a land stripped of all that filled it; when I strike all those who live there; they will know that I am ADONAI (Ezeki’el 32:13-15 CJB).

This is the lament that they will rise; as the lament is seen in verse 2, like bookends, so it is repeated here. The emphasis is the nature of the prophecy against Egypt. The daughters, the professional mourners of the nations, will use it to mourn; they will chant it for Egypt and all its troubles, says Adonai ELOHIM (Ezk 32:11-16).390

Jeremiah’s seventh prophecy – Pharaoh and his followers descend into sh’ol: Fourteen days later, in the twelfth year of 585 BC, in the twelfth month of Adar, on the fifteenth day, the word of ADONAI came to Ezeki’el again, adding more information to his prophecy (Ezeki’el 32:17 CJB):

Son of man, wail for the multitudes of Egypt; send them with the daughters of mighty nations down to the underworld, with those who had already descended to the pit. In the shadowy existence that continued after death in the subterranean regions, the Gentile nations are pictured as preserving and continuing their national identity. Are you more beautiful than the others? No, but you think you are, especially Assyria (see Fq Pharaoh as a Felled Cedar of Lebanon). And just as Assyria had descended into sh’ol, Egypt would go down to sh’ol, lie with the uncircumcised dead! Even if you think you are superior to other nations, you will not escape their fate! The Egyptians will fall among those killed by the sword; she is given to the sword; pull her down with her hordes. The prophet was addressing the nations (see verses 22-30 below) already in sh’ol, exhorting them to drag Egypt down into their midst. From the depths of sh’ol the mightiest warriors will speak of Egypt with her allies. They went down; they lie still, the uncircumcised, killed by the sword (Ezeki’el 32:17-21 CJB). The leaders of the nations already in sh’ol are represented as speaking about Pharaoh and his allies as they appeared in their midst, referring to them in the third person:

Assyria in sh’ol: Assyria is there with her hordes; their graves are all around them, all of them slain, killed by the sword. Their graves are in the deepest parts of the pit, her hordes are all around her grave, all of the slain, killed by the sword, those who terrorized the land of the living (Ezeki’el 32:22-23 CJB). The Egyptian dead are lying around the Assyrian dead. His dead warriors surround the king. This describes the complete disappearance from the land of the living that they had terrorized.

Elam in sh’ol: Once a mighty power, Elam became subordinated to Assyria (see EhA Message Concerning Elam). But the prophet refers to the time when she was great and powerful. Elam is there, with her hordes around her grave, all of them slain, killed by the sword, descended, even more degrading, uncircumcised to the underworld, those who terrorized the land of the living; they bear their shame together with those who descended to the pit. Elam, because of her ruthless tyranny, rests in shame with the other nations that played a similar role. They have given her a bed among the slain with her hordes; her graves are all around them, all of them uncircumcised, killed by the sword, because they terrorized the land of the living; they bear their shame with those who descended to the pit; they are put among those who were slain (Ezeki’el 32:24-25 CJB).

Meshek-Tubal and their followers in sh’ol: They will meet with a more humiliating end than the other nations. Meshek-Tubal with her horde is there, her graves are all around them, all of them uncircumcised, killed by the sword, because they terrorized the land of the living. They do not lie with the other fallen warriors of the uncircumcised who descended to sh’ol with their weapons of war, their swords laid under their heads in death, and their crimes upon their bones. The other fallen warriors descend into sh’ol with their weapons of war, but Meshek and Tubal lie among them stripped of their arms (see the commentary on Revelation Bi Set Your Face Against Gog, of the land of Magog, the Chief Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal). But you will lie broken, with no weapons of war, among the uncircumcised, with those who were killed by the sword (Ezeki’el 32:26-28 CJB).

Edom, the Princes of the North and the Sidonians in sh’ol: There is Edom, her kings and all her princes, who, despite all their power, are laid with those who were killed by the sword, with the uncircumcised, with those who descended to the pit. There are all the princes of the north/Lebanon in general, all of them, and focuses on one particular Lebanese city of Tzidon, who descended with the slain, ashamed of all the terror they caused when they were in power; but now they lie uncircumcised with those killed by the sword, bearing their shame with those who descended to the pit (Ezk 32:29-30 CJB).

Pharaoh’s Doom: After talking about all of these nations that had preceded Egypt down to sh’ol, the seventh and last prophecy against Egypt and Pharaoh comes to an end. Pharaoh will see all the other nations that had preceded him down into sh’ol, and he will be comforted about his hordes, Pharaoh and all his army, slain by the sword, says Adonai ELOHIM. In Ezeki’el 31:16, the fallen nations found comfort from Egypt’s demise; but here Egypt finds consolation in the sight of others having shared in her doom. Ultimately it is God’s might that prevails in the world. For I have put My terror in the land of the living. It was ADONAI who brought Egypt into power. But just as YHVH brought Egypt to power, God will also be the One to bring Egypt down to sh’ol. And just as the other nations suffered the degradation of lying among the uncircumcised, Pharaoh will also lie among the uncircumcised, with those killed by the sword, Pharaoh and all his hordes (Ezeki’el 32:31-32 CJB).391

In reading this chapter, one cannot fail to be impressed with the seriousness of the awful eternal end of all nations/persons who let pride rule their lives instead of bowing their knee to YHVH and to the Jewish Messiah whom He sent. YHVH has graciously given people a choice to accept the sacrifice YHVH planned for the sins of the world. Yeshua Meshiach offered the sacrifice, but the blood can only be applied to those who choose to repent, turning away from their prideful sins and turning in love to Yeshua as their Lord and Savior. As ADONAI says: Just as Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sins, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him (Hebrews 9:27-28).

2021-01-14T14:14:02+00:000 Comments

Gq – I Am Going to Give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon Ezeki’el 29: 17-21

I Am Going to Give Egypt
to Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon
Ezeki’el 29: 17-21

I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon DIG: Earlier in this commentary ADONAI depicted Tyre as a ship. How does He depict Egypt? Why is it appropriate? For what two things does God punish Pharaoh? How reliable was Egypt as a military ally (Second Kings 18:19-21)? How will ELOHIM punish Egypt? When will God re-gather her? How does this compare with the fate of Ammon (Ezeki’el 25:7)? Tyre (Ezeki’el 26:14)? Or Isra’el (20:36-38)? Why might the horn in Ezeki’el 29:21 symbolize power (First Samuel 2:1 and Psalm 92:10)?

REFLECT: Does God work in your life without you knowing it? On hindsight, when do you recall this happening? How does YHVH reveal His actions and plans to you? How can you better understand and fit in with His purposes? Is it good to rely on others or is it wiser to be as independent as possible? How would you define: (a) Dependence? (b) Independence? (c) Inter-dependence? Do you think Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt, and later Tyre, out of a conscious obedience to God? How do you see that playing out in the world today?

The prophecy was fulfilled in Nisan, 571 BC

The outcome of this conflict is silent, but the passage reveals that the conquest of Egypt was literally carried out by Nebuchadnezzar. Although reference is made to the Babylonian emperor, the prophecy is, in fact, addressed to Egypt and in substance it’s related intimately to the prophet’s earlier prophecy addressed to Tyre (Ezeki’el 26:1 to 28:19).384

Ezeki’el’s fifth near historical prophecy against Egypt came on the first day of the first month of the twenty-seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, the word of ADONAI came to me (Ezeki’el 29:17). This near historical prophecy was fulfilled in 571 BC sixteen years after it had been given in 587 BC. Many years earlier he described Egypt’s coming judgment, and now the prophet indicates exactly who would bring the judgment.

Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw (see the commentary on Isaiah, to see link click EqThe Timeline for Tyre). Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre (Ezeki’el 29:18). The thirteen-year siege against Tyre had not been materially successful. The army, wearing helmets and carrying materials for the siege, had no reward for their arduous labors. The Tyrians were able to send off their wealth, according to the statement of Jerome, out of the reach of the Babylonian army. Without the booty he could not pay his army, so he turned to Egypt to take its wealth. Nebuchadnezzar was thus unconsciously the instrument of God against Egypt.385

Therefore, this is what Adonai ELOHIM says: I am going to give Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon the spoils of Egypt and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army. Not only was the wealth of Egypt taken, but the Egyptians themselves were taken as slaves back to Babylon. These were the wages for his army. I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for Me by destroying Tyre, declares Adonai ELOHIM (Ezeki’el 29:19-20). God will use pagan kings and leaders, as well as the Adversary and his demons, to fulfill His goals and desires.

It is true that Nebuchadnezzar imposed a stunning and devastating defeat on Egypt at the battle of Carchemish. Although he did not occupy the entire nation of Egypt, his victory over Egypt at Carchemish made him the major power in the region, and Egypt was subject to him through tribute. Then, much later in 568 BC Nebuchadnezzar did in fact actually invade Egypt proper. A fragmentary historical document indicates that Nebuchadnezzar actually campaigned in Egypt himself, subjugating parts of the country during the rule of Amasis. Naturally, during this campaign, Nebuchadnezzar took massive amounts of treasure, as prophesied by Ezeki’el.386

When that day comes I will cause a horn to grow, for power to return to the house of Isra’el. Here Ezeki’el is using the well-known figure of the budding forth of a horn, in short, the ancient glory of a nation would come back to life. With the fall of Egypt, the affairs of Isra’el would rise again. And I will enable you [Ezeki’el] to open your mouth among them. The ceremonial muteness of Ezeki’el will end. This was promised in Ezeki’el 24:26-27 and will finally be fulfilled in Ezeki’el 33:22. Then they will know that I am ADONAI (Ezeki’el 29:21 CJB).387

Egypt’s failure to live up to the hopes of Isra’el is what we all feel when we try to “help God out” either physically or spiritually. Our efforts to please ADONAI are doomed to failure because, no matter how alluring, they will all turn out to be just a [broken] walking stick, a mockery instead of a support. Only one sure foundation exists through the ages; it is the rock of ages. All other ground is quicksand – Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the rock eternal (Isaiah 26:4).388

2021-01-14T13:36:26+00:000 Comments

Gp – A Prophecy Against Tzidon Ezeki’el 28: 20-26

A Prophecy Against Tzidon
Ezeki’el 28: 20-26

A prophecy against Tzidon DIG: What is God going to do to Tzidon? What were Isra’el’s neighbors doing to be considered briers and sharp thorns? What is the LORD going to do for Isra’el? Why? What does YHVH mean when He says both Tzidon and Isra’el will know that He is ADONAI? Will they know Him in the same way?

REFLECT: There seems to be two ways of knowing YHVH: by His mercy or His wrath. Why do you think some know the merciful ADONAI and others only know the wrathful Ha’Shem? Which have you experienced? When? How?

The prophecy was given in 585 BC during the exile in Babylon

In conclusion, Ezeki’el turns to Tzidon, which lay about twenty miles to the north of Tyre, and pronounces her doom. The city-state was probably the oldest Phoenician town, Tyre being a colony. Both were the remnants of Canaanite’s who didn’t have one country but separated into city-states, with each having its own king. At some point in time Tyre surpassed Tzidon in power and wealth; therefore, Tzidon seems to have been a vassal of Tyre at this time. By the execution of judgment upon the pagan nations for their sins, and the fulfillment of His promise to restore Isra’el to her rightful place, God’s holy name will be lifted up throughout the world.

The near historical destruction of Tzidon: The word of ADONAI came to me, “Human being, turn your face toward Tzidon, and prophesy against it. Say that Adonai ELOHIM says: I am against you, Tzidon; but I will be glorified in you. As a result of Ha’Shem’s judgment against Tzidon, He will indeed be glorified. They will know that I am ADONAI, once I execute judgments in her and show My holiness in her (Ezeki’el 28:20-22 CJB). By imposing punishment to the guilty, God’s universal sovereignty is vindicated as well as His attribute of justice.

For I will send plagues into her, and blood will flow in her streets; attacked from all sides by the sword, the wounded will fall within her (to see link click AeThe Problem of Holy War in the TaNaKh). Then they will know that I am ADONAI (Ezeki’el 28:23 CJB). The downfall of Tzidon will not be a random act but the decree of God.

The house of Isra’el will no longer have a briar pricking away at them, no longer will any of its contemptuous neighbors be a thorn to pain them like Jezebel who was a Phoenician woman from Tzidon (First Kings 16:31-32). By marrying Ahab, she brought her Tzidonian worship of the god Ba’al into the land of Isra’el causing great corruption of faith. So great was the corruption that God said to Elijah that out of hundreds of thousands of Jews a mere seven thousand did not bend their knee to Ba’al (First Kings 19:18). Then they will know that I am Adonai ELOHIM (Ezeki’el 28:20-24 CJB). Tzidon, that was then in power would fall, and Isra’el, that was in exile would rise again. Isra’el will continue to exist, but Tzidon will not.

The far eschatological restoration of Isra’el: Adonai ELOHIM says: Once I have gathered the house of Isra’el from the Gentile nations among whom they are scattered, once I have shown My holiness in them as the Gentiles [Goyim] watch. Not only will the final possession of the Land occur at the time of Isra’el’s final regathering, but also occur at the time of her national regeneration (see the commentary on Revelation EvThe Basis for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ). Only at that time will YHVH be set apart by His dealings with Isra’el among the Gentile nations. Then they will live in their own Land, which I gave to My servant Jacob (Ezeki’el 28:25). At no time in Jewish history have the Israelites possessed all of the Promised Land. That will not happen until there is a national regathering and regeneration. All will recognize God’s holiness when He fulfills His promise to restore Isra’el.

They will have security when they live in the Land, building houses and planting vineyards; yes, they will live in safety, once I have executed judgments against all their contemptuous neighbors. Security will come only after the final judgment of the Gentile nations, especially those bordering Isra’el. That is why these verses are inserted between the sixth and seventh Gentile nations, the seventh being Egypt. The final judgment will come during the Great Tribulation. Jewish security will come as a result of the Messianic Kingdom. Then they will know that I am ADONAI their God (Ezeki’el 28:26 CJB). This often repeated phrase is not a formula. The prophet’s idea is that YHVH does all, brings all calamities, causes all catastrophes and guides the fortunes of Isra’el in the sight of the Gentile nations, with one great design in view – to make Himself, the true and only God, known to all mankind.

2021-01-14T13:14:33+00:000 Comments

Go – A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre Ezeki’el 28: 1-19

A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre
Ezeki’el 28: 1-19

A prophecy against the king of Tyre DIG: Did the king really think he was wiser than Dani’el, or was this Ezeki’el mocking the claim of the ruler? Do you think other countries admired the king’s great skill in trading? Did such skill help or hurt him? In what exaggerated terms does Ezeki’el describe the king’s character, adornment, location and role (Ezeki’el 28:13-15)? Who does the king remind you of? How does the lament describe his sin? Do you think the king mattered to ADONAI?

REFLECT: Why do you think YHVH hates pride so much? Why is he so zealous of His role as the only God in the universe? Do you ever “play god” in your words, actions or attitudes? Who in your life would be the ones to know? Have you asked them about your “pride status?” Who sits on the throne of your heart? Has the issue been decided or is there sometimes a struggle for power? Are there some areas in which your surrender is less than complete?

The prophecy was given in 585 BC during the exile in Babylon

This is the conclusion of the three chapters directed against Tyre. Here the guilt and punishment of Tyre are laid at the door of the king of Tyre who is regarded as the embodiment of the people. The root cause of Tyre’s collapse was her pride and reliance on her abundant wealth. Her vast wealth, which she attributed exclusively to her own genius, was her only purpose in life. God had no place in their lives; self-glorification and self-sufficiency reigned supreme. Such arrogance always leads to destruction. In a striking prophecy, Ezeki’el describes the fall of the king of Tyre and his expulsion from the Garden of Eden, repeating his message that the multitude of his sins would eventually consume him.

Up to this point Ezeki’el has dealt with Tyre as a unit, as a city that became extremely wealthy and powerful because of its economic control of the sea-lane traffic. But now, in verses 1-10, the prophet now focuses his attention upon that one individual in Tyre that was largely responsible for making Tyre that great city that it was. That was the human ruler of Tyre that Ezeki’el addresses as the prince of Tyre.

The judgment of the prince of Tyre: The word of ADONAI came to Ezeki’el, saying: Son of man, tell the prince of Tyre. Now although the rest of the world considered this man the king of Tyre, yet Ezeki’el is inspired by the Ruach Ha’Kodesh to give this man a lesser title: not that of king, but that of prince (Hebrew: nagid). This human prince, Ithoba’al II, is to be distinguished from the real king of Tyre that Ezeki’el will be dealing with in verses 11-19. Because, as we shall see, the real power behind that throne does not really lie in the visible person sitting on that throne, but to an invisible being that is the true power behind the throne. Therefore, the discussion of the prince of Tyre in verses 1-10 is merely a prelude to the discussion of the real king of Tyre in verses 11-19. So for now we need to remember this one main point: from a human perspective, Ithoba’al II is referred to as the king of Tyre; but in reality, he is no king, only a prince (Ezeki’el 28:1-2a).

Tell the prince of Tyre that Adonai ELOHIM says: Because you are so proud. Riches and power so fed his pride that he claimed to be God, which was his greatest sin. This is a very important point as to why the prince of Tyre is a prelude to the king of Tyre, because the problem of the prince of Tyre is exactly the same as that of the king of Tyre. And what did this pride lead to? Ithoba’al made a claim about himself, saying: I am a god. He claimed to be deity and have divine authority: I sit on the throne of God, in the midst of the sea. The throne of God referred to was coastal Tyre itself, which he considered to be a divine throne, and the control of the sea-lane traffic of the Mediterranean. Yet, the truth is just the opposite. ADONAI said: You are just a man, not God, even though you think you are wise as a god (Ezeki’el 28:2b). And his humanity will be proven by the ensuing verses.

The rabbis teach that this king was Hiram, the same Hiram that was a friend of King David. The same Hiram who sold the cedars of Lebanon to Solomon, so Solomon could build the Temple. According to rabbinical legend, Hiram lived for centuries and was still living after the fall of Isra’el in the days of Jeremiah, Ezeki’el and Dani’el. And where he was righteous in the days of David and Solomon, because he lived for so long he thought he was immortal. Hence, his claims of deity brought about his death. Consequently, in Jewish legend he was Hiram, but in actual history he was Ithoba’al II.

Then Ezeki’el describes the wisdom of the prince. First, the prophet compared the prince of Tyre with Dani’el. You are indeed wiser than Dani’el. At the time Ezeki’el was writing this passage Dani’el was living. Ezeki’el lived outside the city of Babylon and Dani’el lived inside the city of Babylon, and it was clear that Daniel’s wisdom had become well known at that time (Dani’el 1:19-20, 2:48, 5:11 and 14). Yet, in spite of Dani’el’s tremendous wisdom, the great wisdom that had become renowned throughout the ancient world, the wisdom of the prince of Tyre was superior. No secret is hidden from you (Ezeki’el 28:3 ESV). This refers to the ability to reveal secrets and solve mysteries. We know Daniel had that ability (Dani’el 2:47, 4:9, 5:12 and 16), but the prince of Tyre’s ability to reveal secrets and solve mysteries was even greater than Dani’el’s.

By your wisdom and discernment you have acquired wealth, you have gathered gold and silver into your treasuries. By your great skill in trafficking back and forth with your merchant fleet, you have increased your wealth. The Hebrew word used here for wealth, can also mean power, and of course power usually comes with wealth. But whereas Dani’el used his wisdom to glorify YHVH, the prince of Tyre used his wisdom to glorify himself. And it is because of your wealth that you have become so proud (Ezeki’el 28:4-5 CJB), which led him to believe in his own deity and full divine authority.

Therefore, because of your self-deification, Adonai ELOHIM says: Because you think that you are a god, I will bring foreigners against you, the most barbarous of the nations (Ezeki’el 30:11, 31:12, 32:12; Habakkuk 1:6-8), or Babylon, to draw their swords against your fine wisdom and defile your splendor (Ezeki’el 28:6-7 CJB). His wisdom did serve him for a while. It did help him to withstand a thirteen-year siege by king Nebuchadnezzar, yet eventually his wisdom failed him. The Babylonians would come and destroy the material wealth that he worshiped, and had acquired by his wisdom. The prince of Tyre’s wisdom was also used to beautify coastal Tyre. But when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed coastal Tyre, its splendor would end and so would its prince.

God is eternal, but the king of Tyre would meet a violent death. They will lower you into Sh’ol to die a violent death surrounded by the sea (Ezeki’el 28:8 CJB). In the Hebrew text, the word death here is in the intensive plural, signifying a very violent death (Isaiah 53:9; Jeremiah 16:4), possibly a lengthy period of torture. He will die in the place of his supposed power, where he proclaimed himself to be a god, surrounded by the sea. Though his kingdom had a very strong maritime presence, and was in a very strong strategical position, it would be no protection for him. His humanity will be clearly seen. Will you still say, “I am a god,” to them who are about to kill you? You are a man, not a god, in the hands of those who defile you (Ezeki’el 28:9 CJB). In his pride and his power, he declared himself to be a god because there was no one to challenge him. But now as the Babylonians had broken through the walls of coastal Tyre, would he continue to say he is a god? No! His own death would defile his own supposed deity. You will die the deaths of the uncircumcised Babylonians, at the hands of foreigners. Ha’Shem guaranteed it. For I have spoken, says Adonai ELOHIM (Ezeki’el 28:9-10 CJB).380

A lamentation for the king of Tyre: The word of ADONAI came to me saying: Son of man, sing this funeral song for the king of Tyre, and tell him that Adonai ELOHIM says (Ezeki’el 28:11-12a NLT). So the real king of Tyre was not the visible Ithoba’al II sitting on the throne, but the invisible being that once fell for the same reason, a pride that led to a self-declaration of deity (see the commentary on Isaiah, to see link click Dp How You Have Fallen From Heaven, O Morning Star). This invisible being is the one we now call Beelzebub, the great dragon, the enemy of souls or Satan. The tempter, who controlled the prince of Tyre, was the real king of Tyre. Even though Lucifer had fallen, the LORD took no joy in it; hence, He called for a lamentation. So the following verses are the words of the dirge.

Before your fall from heaven, you had the seal of perfection. YHVH did not create Satan as some prime minister of evil. As with all God’s creation, Lucifer was a perfectly created being – one of the crowning achievements in the LORD’s angelic realm. You were full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, in fact, the wisest and most beautiful creature of all created beings (Ezeki’el 28:12b-13).381

Arnold Fruchtenbaum describes the six abodes of Satan in his classic book The Footsteps of the Messiah. The first two abodes are in the historical past, the third abode is Satan’s present state and the last three abodes are in the future.

The first abode, the throne of God. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. In the celestial sphere, there are three orders or ranks of beings. The lowest in rank is the angels, over whom is Michael the Archangel. Above the angels are the seraphim, noted for having six wings (Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4). The highest rank of created beings are the cherubim (see Er Ezeki’el’s First Vision), and at some point in eternity past God made Lucifer the Arch-Cherub and evaluated him over the other cherubs. At that point, Lucifer was the highest of all created beings, not only in wisdom and beauty, but also in power and authority. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. You were on the holy mount of God (the holy throne of God); you walked among the fiery stones (Ezeki’el 28:14-15). When YHVH created Lucifer, he was perfect in all his ways, meaning his actions were as perfect as his being. So Satan’s fall cannot be blamed on God.

The second abode, the garden of God: Satan was given an exalted place: You were in Eden, the garden of God. Eden was the epitome of God’s beautiful Creation on earth. Lucifer’s beauty matched Eden. Every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl, your pendants and jewels were made of gold, prepared the day you were created (Ezeki’el 28:13).

The problem of the prince of Tyre centuries later was the same problem of the king of Tyre centuries earlier. Looking at his wisdom, beauty, power and authority, and meditating on these things, ultimately, while Satan was in his second abode that wickedness found him, one day, there it was, and his fall took place. Through your many sins and widespread trafficking, you were filled with violence. The word trafficking is the same word used of the human prince of Tyre in 28:5. For the prince of Tyre it meant going from port to port gathering wealth. But for the king of Tyre, Satan, it meant going from angel to angel slandering YHVH in order to win their allegiance. Eventually, the devil convinced one-third of all the angles that God was wrong (Revelation 12:4). In that way the deceiver became the father of lies (John 8:44). So I drove you in disgrace from the throne of God. He lost the high position of his first abode, and the perfect cherub then became the disgraced cherub. He was no longer the guardian of God’s Throne. And I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones, the mineral garden. This refers to the loss of his position in the second abode. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor (Ezeki’el 28:16-17a).

You have desecrated your sanctuaries. The word for sanctuary means holy place. Your sanctuaries were the holy places of heaven and refer to corruption in heaven. The fact that it says your sanctuaries means Satan’s sanctuaries, and shows that Lucifer did have a priestly function in heaven. As the high priest, he led the worship in heaven in the heavenly sanctuaries before his fall. So when he sinned he desecrated the sanctuaries in heaven. This is the reason Hebrews 9:23-26 states that the heavens themselves needed cleansing by the blood of the Messiah. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. At one time, this fire was a mark of Satan’s glory. But the fire that once glorified Lucifer will now be used to punish him. At one time the fiery stones beautified him, but now fire will be used to punish him. The principle is that sin always carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction, and it will destroy the one performing this sin unless there is repentance and confession. All who know you among the nations will be horrified. You are an object of terror, and you will cease to exist as the destroyer of souls on earth (Ezeki’el 28:18-19).

The third abode, the heavenly realms: Today, Satan is dwelling in his third abode, the heavenly realms. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:1-2 and Ephesians 6:12).

The fourth abode, the earth: So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings (Ezeki’el 28:17b). In the middle of the Great Tribulation, Satan will be cast out of his third abode into his fourth abode (see the commentary on Revelation DiThere Was War in Heaven, and Satan Was Hurled Down to the Earth), and so will be confined to the earth for the remainder of the Seventieth Week of Dani’el (Dani’el 9:27). He will remain in his fourth abode for a total of three-and-a-half-years. His program during that time will be an attempt to destroy the Jews once and for all (Rev 6, 13-17). The deceiver will attempt to do this by means of the antichrist and the false prophet (Rev 13).

The fifth abode, the abyss: Satan will be confined to the abyss during the thousand years of the Messianic Kingdom (see the commentary on Revelation FbHe Seized the Dragon, or Satan, and Bound Him for a Thousand Years). As a result of this confinement, sin and death in the Kingdom will be greatly reduced, but not eliminated. Satan’s imprisonment and the reign of Messiah will fulfill Jesus’ calling to exercise authority over the earth (Hebrews 2:5-9).

The sixth abode, the lake of fire: Suffice it to say that the lake of fire will serve as Satan’s sixth and final abode, where he will remain for all eternity along with the other fallen angels and unredeemed humanity (see the commentary on Revelation FmSatan Will Be Released from His Prison and Will Go Out to Deceive the Nations). As a result of Satan’s being thrown into the sixth abode, two major effects of Satan’s fall will be removed: death (First Corinthians 15:24-26) and the seas (Revelation 21:1).382

Pride is seen here as the destroying sin. It was devastating to the glories given to Satan when he was yet the anointed cherub. Is there not a warning here for us also? There must be a recognition that all privilege and opportunity carry with them great obligation. For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that He might have mercy on them all (Romans 11:32). If you have received that mercy, then ADONAI expects that through the mercy shown to you, the Gospel may be carried in love and gratitude to the lost.383

2021-01-14T12:43:34+00:000 Comments

Gn – A Lament Over the Ruin of Tyre Ezeki’el 27: 1-36

A Lament Over the Ruin of Tyre
Ezeki’el 27: 1-36

A lement over the ruin of Tyre DIG: To what is Tyre likened in this poem (Ezeki’el 27:4-9)? Do you find the image fitting? What parts of it are mentioned? From where did the supplies come from? What words reveal the elegance of its construction? Where did this ship travel? Can you find the limits of its trade in each direction on a map? What were some of the goods it exchanged? Do you think Tyre had good reasons to be proud? What will happen to this great luxury ship (Ezeki’el 27:25-36)? What will cause the accident? What will happen to the ship and crew? What different groups will hear of the mishap (Ezeki’el 27:30-36)? Who is most upset at her demise? Why?

REFLECT: Is it wrong to feel pride in your accomplishments or attributes? What’s wrong with a realistic appraisal? Do you find a lot of “humility” rings falsely? Who would be upset if you were “broke?” Friends? Family? Church members? Members of your messianic synagogue? Creditors? Would anyone even know? What is the mood of this lament: (a) Joy over a fallen foe? (b) Regret over something lovely that has been destroyed? (c) Sorrow over a people crushed? What does this lament tell you about God’s feelings? About God’s regard for beauty? If you were writing a lament for your city, what items might appear in the verses? Would people in other nations lament the destruction of your country? Who might not?

The prophecy was given in 585 BC during the exile in Babylon

In this chapter Ezeki’el pictures Tyre as a magnificent ship constructed from the best material, furnished with the choicest equipment and manned by the most skillful sailors. He then describes in graphic imagery, and in a remarkably detailed style, the various types of merchandise that made up the ship’s cargo. Sailing proudly on the high seas, it was overtaken by a storm and was shipwrecked. Everything on board was lost. The disaster caused intense anxiety among the neighboring cities, seamen, merchants and kings as they lamented over the catastrophe.

The Glory of Tyre: The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, take up a lament concerning Tyre. Say to Tyre, ‘you are situated at the gateway to the sea; because the city-state of Tyre was located in a very strategic spot that made it easily defensible. You are the merchant of peoples on many coasts, or the entrance of commerce and economy, trading with many countries around the Mediterranean Sea,‘ this is what Adonai ELOHIM says’ (Ezeki’el 27:1-3a).” She was the Wall Street of the ancient world.

You say, Tyre, “I am perfect in beauty” Ezeki’el 28:12b God says the same thing about Satan. The same description is made of Jerusalem in Lamentations 2:15, and shows that it was Tyre’s desire to take the preeminence away from Tziyon now that the City of David was destroyed. Your domain, commerce, was on the high seas. Your builders brought your beauty to perfection (Ezeki’el 27:3b-4). She was the center of commerce and economy. Built on a rocky island, Tyre was the Venice of antiquity. Hence, the simile of a ship was most appropriately applied to her. Unlike a small boat that has to cling to the shore, the ship, to which Tyre is likened, sails over the high seas.

First, Ezeki’el points out how well the symbolic ship of state was built. Your builders made all your boards from pine trees on Mount Hermon. This timber was also used for building the Temple (First Kings 5:24). They took cedar trees from Lebanon to make a mast for you. Lebanon was famous for its cedars. Of oaks from Bashan they made your oars; of cypress wood from the coasts of Cyprus they made your deck, adorned with ivory. Fine embroidered linen from Egypt was your sail and served as your banner; your awnings were of blue and purple from the coasts of Elishah (Ezeki’el 27:5-7).

Men of Tzidon and Arvad were your oarsmen; your skilled men, Tyre, were aboard as your sailors. Veteran craftsmen of Byblos were on board as shipmates to caulk your seams. All the ships of the sea and their sailors came alongside to trade for your wares (Ezeki’el 27:8-9).

Men of Persia, Lydia and Put served as mercenary soldiers in your army. They hung their shields and helmets on your walls, bringing you splendor. It was the practice in ancient time to hang weapons on towers and fortresses. And the native guard, the men of Arvad and Helek guarded your walls on every side; men of Gammad were in your towers. They hung their shields around your walls; making your beauty perfect (Ezeki’el 27:10-11).

The Commerce of Tyre: Tarshish of Spain did business with you because of the quantity and variety of your resources; they exchanged silver, iron, tin and lead for your goods. Greece, Tubal and Meshek did business with you; they traded slaves and articles of copper for your wares. Men of Beth Togarmah exchanged chariot horses and mules for your merchandise. The men of Rhodes traded with you, and many coastlands were your customers; they paid you with ivory tusks and ebony. Syria did business with you because of your many products; they exchanged turquoise, purple fabric, embroidered work, fine linen, coral and rubies for your merchandise. Judah and Isra’el traded with you; they exchanged wheat from Minnith, millet, honey, olive oil and resin for healing. Damascus did business with you because of your many products and great wealth of goods. They offered wine from Helbon, wool from Zahar and casks of wine from Izal in exchange for your wares; wrought iron, cassia and calamus. Dedan traded in saddle blankets with you. Arabia and all the princes of Kedar were your customers; they did business with you in lambs, rams and goats. The merchants of Sheba and Raamah traded with you; for your merchandise they exchanged the finest of all kinds of spices and precious stones, and gold. Harran, Kanneh and Eden and merchants of Sheba, Ashur and Kilmad traded with you. In your marketplace they traded with you beautiful garments, blue fabric, embroidered work and multicolored rugs with cords twisted and tightly knotted. The ships of Tarshish, a technical term, a brand name for the ships of Tyre, serve as carriers for your wares. Her merchant navy made her the envy of the ancient world. You are filled with heavy cargo as you sail the sea (Ezeki’el 27:12-25). Tyre was made rich at the expense of Judah’s fall, just exactly as she had hoped (Ezeki’el 26:2). Tyre was the center of commerce before the fall of Jerusalem; however, afterwards her influence became even greater. But what initially looked like a victory over Zion will ultimately cause her collapse.

The Doom of Tyre: The figure of the mighty and overladen ship, proudly venturing out into the waters that were to be her ruin, is the most striking example in the Bible of the thought familiar to Jews and Gentiles alike – the pride that prepares the way for its own downfall. Your oarsmen take you out into stormy waters, to the high seas. But the east wind will break you to pieces far out at sea. The fact that the east wind probably means that Ezeki’el points to the destruction of coastal Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar because the king of Babylon came from the east. Alexander the Great would eventually come from the west. Your wealth, merchandise and wares, your mariners, sailors and shipwright, your merchants and all your soldiers, and everyone else on board will sink into the heart of the sea on the day of your shipwreck (Ezeki’el 27:26-27). Earlier in this chapter, these were the people who helped build this great ship-of-state, but now they inadvertently brought her into stormy waters that brought about her destruction. Both crew and cargo will be completely lost in the shipwreck.

The shorelands, the cities around coastal Tyre that depended upon her for their economic welfare, will quake with terror when your sailors cry out. All who handle the oars will abandon their ships; the mariners and all the sailors will stand on the shore. They will raise their voice and cry bitterly over you; they will sprinkle dust on their heads and roll in ashes. They would be in deep, deep mourning over Tyre’s ruin. They will shave their heads because of you and will put on sackcloth. They will weep over you with anguish of soul and with bitter mourning. As they wail and mourn over you, they will take up a lament concerning you: “Who was ever silenced like Tyre, surrounded by the sea” (Ezeki’el 27:28-32).

Then Ezeki’el states the results of Tyre’s fall. When your merchandise went out on the seas, you satisfied many nations; with your great wealth and your wares you enriched the kings of the earth. Not only did Tyre become wealthy, but she made other nations wealthy as well. But now you are shattered by the sea in the depths of the waters; your wares and all your company have gone down with you. Therefore, Tyre sank because of the great weight of her wealth, and the east wind of Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon wanted what she had. Her success ultimately caused her doom (Ezeki’el 27:33-34).

What were the reactions to her fall? All who live in the coastlands, the coastal city-states along the Mediterranean with which Tyre did business, are appalled at you; their kings shudder with horror and their faces are distorted with fear. They dreaded that a similar fate would overtake them. The merchants among the nations hiss at you, expressing amazement and dismay; you have come to a horrible end and you will cease to exist as the center of world commerce (Ezeki’el 27:35-36). Once again, with powerful poetry, the prophet announces the end of the island empire’s era.

And as we perceive the shipwrecks of life, they should never be a source of ridicule or delight. Nor should they evoke self-confidence or arrogance. For in all of life’s experiences, there are storms that are greater than our capacity to survive. Recognizing and lamenting over tragedy should keep us in touch with our own vulnerability, and as a result, we can learn that faith in ADONAI alone, and in the Jewish Messiah whom he sent can still the violent raging of the sea in our own lives (see the commentary on The Life of Christ, to see link click FfJesus Calms the Storm).379

2021-01-14T13:03:04+00:000 Comments

Gm – A Prophecy Against Tyre Ezeki’el 26: 1-21

A Prophecy Against Tyre
Ezeki’el 26: 1-21

A prophecy against Tyre DIG: Tyre was about one hundred miles north of Jerusalem. How would Tyre prosper from Israel’s destruction? How was Tyre’s response like those of the nations back in Chapter 25? What will Tyre’s punishment be? Who will inflict it? How long will it take? Will it be complete? If God knows disaster is coming, what’s the point of warning Tyre? Why not just let it happen? The coastlands were the countries and islands of the Mediterranean Sea that Tyre engaged in trade. Why will they be so “shaken up?”

REFLECT: Is ADONAI “going overboard” in punishing those who rejoice in Israel’s demise so harshly? What does this say about God’s commitment to Isra’el? What does this chapter do to the ancient belief that gods only have power within territorial borders? Was YHVH “washed up” when Isra’el was destroyed? Do you rejoice or lament over the current political situation in this country? In Isra’el? Is the LORD working out a plan or wringing His hands?

The prophecy was given February 3, 585 BC during the exile in Babylon

The sin and destruction of Tyre: On the first day in the eleventh month of the twelfth year of Jehoiakim’s exile. The Masoretic Text (the traditional Hebrew text) does not have month of the twelfth. Therefore, it reads eleventh year, which dates from April 23, 587 BC to April 13, 586 BC. If this is the correct text, the prophecy must date from the end of that year, in the eleventh (February 13, 586 BC) or the twelfth month (March 15, 586 BC). But there is a problem with these dates: This prophecy describes Tyre’s gloating over the destruction of Jerusalem (verse 2), yet Yerushalayim did not fall until July/August on the ninth of Av (to see link click GbThe Destruction of Solomon’s Temple on Tisha B’Av in 586 BC) several months after the date given here for Tyre’s celebration of the fact that Tziyon is ruined. To solve the problem, I and many other interpreters believe that the reading of the original Hebrew text was: On the first day of the eleventh month of the twelfth year and that the words month of the twelfth must have been inadvertently omitted by a copyist somewhere along the line of history (Ezeki’el 26:1 CJB).

The word of ADONAI came to me, saying: Son of man, since Tyre has said against Yerushalayim, “Ha! She is shattered, the gateway of the people’s. Now that she is ruined her riches will be mine” (Ezeki’el 26:2 CJB). Jerusalem, which had attracted merchants from many countries, was no more. So Tyre thought that Judah’s trade would then be diverted to them. Their selfish satisfaction over Tziyon’s tragedy, and their desire to benefit from it financially, ultimately brought about their own ruin.

Therefore, Adonai ELOHIM says:

Look, Tyre! I am against you. Her destruction will come by means of invasion. Just as the sea churns up its waves, I will churn up many nations against you (Ezeki’el 26:3 CJB). Tyre was both a coastal city as well as an island city. All through these chapters Ezeki’el seems to hear the waves beating upon the doomed city. And indeed, after this prophecy many nations did invade Tyre: Babylon, Persia, Greece, the Ptolemies of Egypt, the Seleucids of Syria and Rome.

They will destroy the walls of Tyre and they will demolish her towers. For thirteen years Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to the coastal part of the city and destroyed it in 572 BC. The island Tyre was built after the destruction of coastal Tyre and it fell in 332 BC. I will scrape its soil from her and reduce her to bare rock (Ezeki’el 26:4 CJB). Alexander the Great uniquely fulfilled this part of the prophecy when he used the rubble of the coastal city destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar to build a causeway out to island Tyre and obliterate it (see the commentary on Isaiah Eq The Timeline for Tyre). After the destruction of Tyre by her invaders, all traces of her former glory were swept away as by a tidal wave. What was once a magnificent city had the appearance of a bare rock.

Tyre became a place for fishing, not for living. It was built upon an island or rock, hence her name Tsor, meaning rock. With the sea all around her, she will be a place for drying fishnets. And she would become a plunder for the nations. Instead of taking plunder, she would be plundered. The fishermen will find the dry, rocky island a suitable place for drying their nets. I have spoken, says Adonai ELOHIM. Her daughters on the mainland will be put to death with the sword. Her daughters were the towns and villages on the mainland of which Tyre was the capital. Not her alone, but the population of all the Phoenician cities would perish. Then they will know that I am ADONAI (Ezeki’el 26:5-6 CJB).374

The means of Tyre’s punishment: For here is what Adonai ELOHIM says: I will bring upon Tyre, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon. His name was spelled Nebuchadrezzar instead of the usual form because Ezeki’el evidently wanted to approximate the Babylonian spelling that has been found on bricks unearthed by archaeologists. The Babylonian Nabu-kudurri-usur means Nabu protect my boundary.375 In verses 14, 29-21 the beginning of the end for the influential metropolis was set forth. At the time the citizens of Tyre were in open revolt against Babylon. Nebuchadrezzar was designated king of kings who had dominion over many vassal kings (Dani’el 2:37; Ezra 7:12). The invader is seen coming from the north, which was the direction of invasions from Babylon into Syria-Palestine, at that time Nebuchadrezzar was at Riblah on the Orontes (Second Kings 25:21; Jeremiah 52:9). He came with horses, chariots, cavalry, and a great and powerful army (Ezeki’el 26:7 CJB).

The Babylonian military operations against coastal Tyre are described in chronological order and give the usual method followed in the siege of a city. The first to suffer were her daughters on the mainland, meaning the towns and villages on the mainland of which Tyre was capital, will be put to death with the sword. He will build siege-towers against you, he will build a ramp against you and raise a screen of shields against you. Then came the attack on the island city. He will pound your walls with his battering rams and break down your towers with his axes (Ezeki’el 26:8-9 CJB). This siege of coastal Tyre took thirteen years for the Babylonians to achieve.

Then Ezeki’el goes on to describe the actual destruction of coastal Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar. His horses are so many that their dust will cover you. The thunder of cavalry, wagons and chariots will shake your walls, as he enters your gates, like men storming a city through a breach. With the hoofs of his horses he will trample your streets. He will put your people to the sword and pull down your two strong pillars, which Herodotus tells us were built in honor or their national deity Melkarth (Ezeki’el 26:10-11 CJB). The national deity that the people of Tyre would have trusted for their security would be destroyed and toppled to the ground like so much rubble.

But Ha’Shem would also use other nations, over a long period of time, to bring an end to Tyre. They will seize your wealth, loot your wares, break down your walls, destroy your fine houses; then they will throw the rubble of the demolished buildings, your stones and timber and even your dust into the sea. Nebuchadnezzar razed coastal Tyre in 572 BC, and two hundred and forty years later Alexander the Great finally destroyed island Tyre by using much of that rubble to build a causeway to reach her shores. Then Ezeki’el describes two key results. First, I will put an end to your singing; the sound of your lyres will be heard no more. Secondly, I will reduce you to bare rock, you will be a place for drying fish nets, you will never be built again (see timeline above), for I, ADONAI, have spoken, says Adonai ELOHIM (Ezeki’el 26:12-14 CJB).376

The effect of Tyre’s doom upon the Gentile nations: To Tyre Adonai ELOHIM says: How the coastlands, the coastal city-states along the Mediterranean with which Tyre did business, will shake at the sound of your fall, when the wounded groan, when the slaughter takes place in you (Ezeki’el 26:15 CJB)! The prophet pictures the crash of the city’s downfall and the agonized moaning of the injured as being audible to the neighboring city-states. Tyre was the lifeline to their wealth. They traded with Tyre and were the wholesalers in the economic system that Tyre had created. When Tyre’s wealth was shattered, their wealth was also shattered.

Then all the princes of the sea, or the chief merchants in the city-states above (Isaiah 23:8), will step down from their thrones, or go into mourning (Jonah 3:6), they will put aside their robes and strip off their embroidered garments. They will clothe themselves with trembling; they will sit on the ground, trembling all the time, appalled at your condition (Ezeki’el 26:16 CJB).

Then they will raise this lament for you: “How you have been destroyed, you who were peopled from the seas, city so renowned, once so strong at sea (Tyre was the most powerful of the coastal city-states), you and your inhabitants who used to spread terror over all [the mainland’s] inhabitants! It was beyond their comprehension how Tyre, the mighty city, had fallen. It seemed impossible to them. Now the coastlands tremble on the day of your downfall, and the islands in the sea are in shock at your end” (Ezeki’el 26:16-18 CJB).377

Tyre’s descent to sh’ol: For here is what Adonai ELOHIM says:

When I make you a ruined city from Alexander the Great’s conquest in 332 BC, like other uninhabited cities. Ezeki’el then ends his inspired poem with some symbolic language. When I bring the deep sea over you, and its mighty waters cover you. Then Ezeki’el changes the imagery slightly. Instead of descending into the ocean depths, Tyre would be brought down with those who descend to sh’ol, the pit, to the people of long ago, and make you live in underworld places like those who were ruined long ago, with those who descend to the pit, never able to return to the land of the living. The scene is like that of a naval funeral, where the body of the deceased is dropped into the ocean after the funeral words have been spoken. But here the entire island is dropped into the oceans depths, never again to see the light of this world. People would long for her, but she would never again be found (Ezeki’el 26:19-21). Consequently, with powerful poetry, the prophet announces the end of the island empire’s era.

In a penetrating manner, the prophet brings home to us the temporal nature of mankind’s most enduring symbols. Tyre, it seemed, had always been there. Its location made it impregnable. For generations of sailors along the Mediterranean coastline, Tyre had been a familiar and welcome sight. It was a port of call, a place of refuge, a market of goods, and a permanent place. But nothing in this world is permanent, and no city lives forever. The leaders of the city-states that traded with Tyre might well have trembled at her funeral, for in it, they saw the writing on the wall for themselves. For everyone, either wealthy ancients or the poor of today, there is something more permanent in life than the alluring cities of this world. Is was Adonai ELOHIM that declared Tyre’s fate, and the same sovereign God is the only One who offers a permanent and enduring City (see the commentary on Revelation FsThe Eternal New Jerusalem).378

2021-01-14T12:51:59+00:000 Comments

Gl – The Sin and Judgment of Tyre and Tzidon Ezeki’el 26:1 to 28:26

The Sin and Judgment of Tyre and Tzidon
Ezeki’el 26:1 to 28:26

585 BC during the exile in Babylon

The prophecies concerning Tyre and Tzidon cover Chapters 26-28. Ezeki’el treated Tyre more extensively than did any other prophet, which emphasizes how important it was from God’s point of view. Tyre was an ancient city of the Phoenicians, appearing for the first time in the Bible in Joshua 19:29. It was a great commercial city in the time of the prophets and was prosperous in the time of the Romans as well, even up to Jerome’s day, to the latter part of the fourth century and beginning the fifth. The city was actually composed of two parts, one on the mainland and the other on a rocky island about a half-mile from the coast. The Saracens destroyed Tyre and Tzidon during the Middle Ages, today both are located in Lebanon only twelve miles north of the Israeli-Lebanon border.

During the reigns of David and Solomon Tyre exercised a great influence on the commercial and political, and even religious life of Isra’el. Hiram, king of Tyre, was a devoted friend of David (Second Samuel 5:11), who helped him and Solomon in their building operations (First Kings 5:1-12; First Chronicles 14:1; Second Chronicles 2:3 and 11). Though Tyre and Isra’el were friendly in the reigns of David and Solomon, they drifted apart later. Tyrians sold Jews as slaves to the Greeks and Edomites (Joel 3:4-8; Amos 1:9-10). Tzidon was twenty miles north of Tyre and was probably the parent city. Because from Tzidon had come wicked influences and unspeakable misery from Baal worship, she was likened to a prickling brier and a hurting thorn in the side of Isra’el. The predictions set forth in these chapters have been fulfilled with unmistakable literalness373 (see the commentary on Isaiah, to see link click Er Wail, You Ships of Tarshish; Your Fortress is Destroyed).

Tyre had, in fact, forfeited her right of existence by her excessive commercialism. Her lust for material gain knew no bounds, and her wealth produced in the population a sense of pride and arrogance that resulted in a complete disregard for human suffering. The demoralization of Tyre was clearly seen by her malicious joy over the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC. Nebuchadnezzar besieged Tyre for thirteen years, but it would be Alexander the Great, 254 years after Zion had fallen, who would finally destroy Tyre forever (see the commentary on Isaiah Eq The Timeline for Tyre).

2021-01-14T12:15:58+00:000 Comments
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