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He Will Be Called the Prince of Peace
9: 4-7

The Child born of the virgin is the son of David, but He is also the Son of God. The majority of His ministry was in Galilee, but He was enthroned as King on a cross in Jerusalem. By taking on Himself the sin and oppression, the horror and tragedy of this world, He was able to give back righteousness and freedom, hope and fulfillment. In fact, it is hard to think of any other way in which the contradictions of Isaiah 9:1-7 could have been resolved but through the Son of God, Yeshua Messiah. The significance of this passage for us comes down to this: Have we allowed the child-King to take over the government of our lives? Only then can we know the benefits of God with us. Only when we give this child-king our love and allegiance can we have the light, the honor, the joy, and the abundance that He offers to us.32