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True Wisdom and the Spirit of God
2:6 to 3:4

True wisdom, and spiritual maturity, comes from ADONAI revealing Himself to you through Yeshua Messiah. This had been a mystery until He became flesh and tabernacled among us (John 1:14). The world did not understand this when He was born, and it still doesn’t understand this today. It is as unnecessary as it is impossible for us to discover ADONAI’s truth on our own. What we cannot find; God has given. We cannot come to YHVH on our own; but the Lord has come to us. The Ruach Ha’Kodesh has invaded our closed box and shown us the Divine – through revelation, inspiration and illumination.

But in the congregations of God, there are some today who are still immature, spiritual babies, causing division. Even though they are saved, they surrender to the pressures of the world and to the temptations of their own flesh. They live like the world lives; they act like the world acts. When corrected, they blame others instead of looking in the mirror. And not so surprisingly, their immaturity spreads like a cancer throughout the body. Jealousy and quarreling always result from this attitude. But they are being deceived; they need to become foolish from the world’s perspective, so that they may become truly wise and full of wisdom found in the crucified Messiah.