The Ruin of People Who Turn Away
8:4 to 9:22

This small section continues the book’s proclamation of judgment on Y’hudah and Tziyon. It is similar to the collection of oracles in Chapters 4 to 6. These oracles function as witnesses to the prophetic preaching that was ignored by the people. In a poignant dialogical style, Yirmeyahu expresses his sorrow and frustration for his people and his City.


to see link click BpI Will Take Away Their Harvest, There Will Be No Grapes on the Vine (8:4-17)

BqSince My People are Crushed, I am Crushed, and Horror Grips Me (8:18 to 9:9)

BrJerusalem’s Fall and Exile Prophesied (9:10-22)