Make Tunics, Sashes and Headbands for Aaron’s Sons
28:40-41 and 39:27-29

Make tunics, shashes and headbands for Aaron’s sons DIG: Why were Aaron’s son’s priestly clothing different from their father’s?

REFLECT: What must you have under your belt to serve God? A pure heart? A spiritual gift? A love of righteousness? A love for Him? A willing spirit?

The tunic comes next. Not much is said about this piece of clothing except one important statement: You are to weave the tunic out of fine line (29:39). The fabric, linen, would have been white. It was the piece of clothing worn closest to the body. From this information, we conclude that one of the possible pictures it paints for us is one of purity. Representing mankind before ADONAI, the high priest wearing the white tunic teaches us that no one may approach Ha’Shem with impurities  . . . sin.

The LORD commanded Moses: Make undergarments as a covering for the body reaching from the waist to the thigh (to see link click FxThe Linen Undergarments of Aaron and His Sons), tunics (or long robes) and sashes (or belts) of finely twisted white linen were to be made for Aaron’s sons (28:40). Their headbands, however, were different. The term turban from 28:37 is not used here, because the Hebrew word for headbands is a completely different word. It is derived from the root which is usually translated as a “hill.” In other words, the common priests’ headbands looked literally like a hill on their heads! Hence, we suggest that it was a common skull-cap. These headbands of the common priests were not as majestic as the one for the high priest. There was no engraved plate of pure gold on their foreheads. Even so, it and the tunics and sashes were greatly valued.

The five inch wide sash was beautiful and made of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, the work of an embroiderer. Their clothing added dignity and honor to the priesthood and increased the people’s appreciation for them and for God.635 After you put these clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons, anoint and ordain them. Consecrate them so they may serve Me as priest (28:41). After their clothes were put on them, they were dedicated to God for His service. Without these garments they could not serve as priests, they were an external sign of the priesthood. Then they were anointed with some of the oil of dedication and some of the blood from the bronze altar. A combination of oil and blood was sprinkled on their clothes (29:21). That set them apart for the ministry that they would undertake.